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English: tutor or courses – which is better and which is better. Blog Tutor or English courses: which is better? Tutor or English courses, which is better?

Effective teaching of mathematics in preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination.

Math courses or tutor?

What to do?

Order the services of a math tutor or take a course?

Surely many of you have asked yourself such questions, but not many could find the correct answer.

“Mathematics courses will cost less than a tutor!” Do you think so too? Are you sure that you are not mistaken?

After reading this article, you will be able to give the correct answer to this question yourself!

    Here I will give myths that are confirmed by my many years of practice:
  1. 15 years of work in the admissions committee of a reputable technical university;
  2. 10 years of training center management;
  3. 10 years of experience in hiring teaching staff and not only mathematics teachers;
  4. 10 years of experience in preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics (from the first year of the introduction of the Unified State Exam in mathematics as an experiment);
  5. 15 years of experience in preparing for graduation, entrance exams and olympiads in mathematics conducted by universities;
  6. - dozens (definitely more than 100, but I didn’t count) of students who successfully passed various exams in mathematics, including the Unified State Exam, State State Examination and other forms of entrance and final exams.

Three main myths about mathematics courses.

Myth one. (The most important) Teaching mathematics in a group is cheaper.

Let's not replace the full cost of mastering the necessary material with the cost of one lesson. The cost of a group lesson, as a rule, is only 2-3 times lower than the cost of an individual lesson, and the effectiveness of mathematics classes in a group for most students is 3-5 times lower. As a result, with the same costs, in the best case, you will achieve the same result, but with 3 times the time costs, and in the worst case, you will also spend 2-2.5 times more money with the same 3 times the time costs costs. Are you satisfied with this?

Conclusion one: if your goal is to keep your child busy with something useful instead of playing computer games, watching TV shows or hanging out in dubious companies, then this option may be suitable, but it would be more logical to organize an effective form of education, and allocate the freed-up time to other subjects or active recreation , for example, playing sports or outdoor recreation, etc.

Why is this happening?

Myth two. In mathematics courses, effective methods of teaching the subject have been developed.

Let me ask, what is its effectiveness? Is it that the material has been taught in the same sequence for years, regardless of the level of the students in the group? At best, the material is presented in the format: “One person understands, let’s move on!” or “Until almost everyone understands, we won’t consider the next topic!” Where is the accounting for your child’s perception of the material? After all, you are not interested in the perception of the material by one person in the group (if it is not your child), just as it is not interesting to wait for everyone to understand this material if your child has already understood everything a long time ago.

And with individual lessons, every minute can be used profitably, since an experienced tutor is able to almost accurately determine the quality of mastery of the material, and a pace is set that is selected specifically for your child, and this pace can be changed at any minute (if necessary).

Conclusion two: Do ​​you already understand where and how much money you are losing on this?

Myth three. Courses usually include homework and ongoing tests, which allows you to monitor the quality of each student’s learning of the material.

Firstly, this is not always customary to do in courses.

Secondly, these checks are highly formalized and rarely take into account the individual characteristics of the student.

Thirdly, during individual lessons, similar control, only with much greater efficiency, is carried out every minute (if not every second), since an experienced mathematics tutor constantly monitors the actions (and sometimes the direction of thoughts, with extensive experience) of the student being tutored.

Conclusion three: The difference in the quality of control is obvious.

Bottom line: math tutor or math courses?

The choice is yours! After all, you are the one who is interested in the quality of your child’s preparation.

Learning a foreign language is a process that requires the help of specialists. It is very difficult to independently understand all the grammatical, phonetic, lexical subtleties and nuances. Theory must be supported by practice and speaking skills. The teacher lays the foundations, improves your knowledge, corrects mistakes in a timely manner, and helps you learn a foreign language from scratch to a confident spoken level.

Experts identify the two most effective formats: language courses and tutoring. Each option has its own characteristics and advantages. Some people prefer classroom lessons, while others, on the contrary, prefer one-on-one communication with a teacher. We will look at both options for learning a language, highlighting their advantages and nuances.

Learning a foreign language with a tutor

When choosing classes with a tutor, you should be prepared for very significant expenses. This option is much more expensive than courses at a linguistic school. But behind the high price there are many benefits. Individual study of a foreign language with a teacher is suitable for people with busy schedules who find it difficult to fit into the schedule of classroom lessons.

Also, one-on-one communication with a teacher increases the intensity of learning the material, which is important for those who strive to meet specific deadlines. Let's take a closer look at all the advantages of the training format with a tutor.

Advantages of individual lessons:

  • At the first lesson, the teacher assesses the initial level of knowledge of his student and draws up an individual program, which is built taking into account the achievement of specific goals. If you want to learn business English, the material will include relevant literature and thematic practice. If you are planning to move abroad, the emphasis will be on spoken language.
  • You have the opportunity to choose your lesson time. Very important for working people whose schedule can change dramatically. You can call the teacher and reschedule the lesson for another day. At the same time, you do not lose money and do not miss material. It is better to agree in advance with the tutor on a rough schedule that will be convenient for both parties and, depending on the circumstances, adjust the days and times of meetings.
  • When choosing a tutor, one of the decisive moments is the location of the classes. As a rule, one of two options is considered: lessons at your home or meetings at the teacher’s premises. The second option involves either a home format or classes in the teacher’s office. In any case, you have the opportunity to choose the most convenient option for you.
  • In the format of individual lessons, the teacher immediately sees the mistakes you make and corrects them. One of the disadvantages of classroom lessons is that there are many students, but only one teacher. It is physically impossible to focus on every student. Working on your weaknesses should be part of the program that your tutor develops for you.
  • Classes can be held without reference to a location. If you have found a highly qualified specialist living in another city or country, use the training format via Skype. This option is very convenient and can significantly save time. You don't need to travel anywhere. Lessons take place wherever you want: at home on a computer, in a cafe or in the office on a laptop.
  • The main thing is to discuss the schedule of online meetings in advance and ensure a quiet, calm environment around. Nothing should stop you from concentrating.

  • The option of individual lessons is suitable for those who are embarrassed to show their level of knowledge and have complexes about this. During lessons, only your tutor will see and hear you.
  • You don’t have to be afraid to make mistakes; the teacher’s job is to correct them and help you improve your knowledge.
  • Gradual financial investments. If you pay a large amount at once to pay for language courses (for a semester or an entire year), then you can pay the tutor at the end of each lesson.

How to choose a tutor

A lot depends on the teacher’s competence. You can trust the tutor, but as a result you will not get the expected effect.

On the Internet you can find many sentences that eloquently describe the professional level of the teacher. Often words are not translated into practice.

If you don’t want to waste your money and time, follow our tips in choosing a specialist:

All these components effectively complement each other and become one during the learning process. Hearing, listening, understanding and speaking a foreign language - in the end, you must master all these skills at a decent level.

Language learning courses

The linguistic school offers students the opportunity to gradually learn a foreign language, immerse themselves deeply in the material, practice speaking practice in communication with other students, and share opinions and views on a specific topic of the program.

This format is very popular with students across a wide range of ages: schoolchildren; students; representatives of various professions improving their language skills for career growth; businessmen who need communication skills with foreign partners; people moving to live abroad.

Advantages of taking courses

Let's highlight 5 main advantages of studying at a language school:

  • Classes are disciplined and set a certain pace. Students must strictly follow the schedule. Skipping a lesson means studying the topic on your own and practicing it at home. Each classroom meeting motivates us to move forward.

  • You have the opportunity to evaluate your knowledge and abilities in a group and compare yourself with others. This stimulates the desire to become better, improve skills, and reach a higher level.
  • Effective language learning is impossible without live communication. Lessons at the linguistic school provide every opportunity to practice with other students.
  • Courses at a language school are much cheaper than lessons with a tutor. This is a significant benefit that saves you money.
  • You can choose different intensity and direction. Specialists at linguistic centers develop programs for various ages, purposes and levels of intensity.

What to choose: courses or a tutor?

If you are in doubt and cannot decide on one of the formats, we will help speed up the decision. The answers to these questions will help you make the right choice:

  • Do you want to learn a language quickly or do you have no specific deadlines? For intensive learning of the material, it is better to give preference to classes with a tutor. The duration of courses at a language school can be from six months to a year, depending on the degree of initial preparation.
  • Are you sociable or do you limit contact with strangers? Classroom classes are held en masse, the number of students in a group is from 5 to 20 people.
  • How much time are you willing to spend getting to your place of study? They are very busy and every minute counts - the best option would be individual lessons with a tutor via Skype.
  • You will not need to move from place to place; with the Internet, communication is possible anywhere in the world, no matter where you are.
  • Are you disciplined or do you occasionally have problems with self-organization? Classes at the language school are scheduled according to a clear schedule. If you missed a lesson, you didn’t learn the new topic. One of the significant advantages of individual training with a teacher is the ability to reschedule the meeting without gaps in the program.
  • After the first lesson, did you learn the new information well? The most reliable indicator of effectiveness is the result after classes. There is emptiness in your head, which means you need to choose a different training format.

Found answers to these 5 questions? Choose the option that suits you specifically and don’t give up what you started. By learning a foreign language, you will broaden your horizons and open up new opportunities for professional development.

When planning to study English, we ask ourselves: what type of learning is more effective, faster, what method will help us open up and join the language atmosphere?

It is definitely quite difficult to answer because it all depends on the individuality and goals of the student.

What is the main difference between learning with a tutor and taking courses?

One of the significant differences is the student-teacher interaction. Say what you will, but during courses it is difficult or almost impossible for a teacher to give 100% of his attention to a student. All students come to courses with one goal and want to get results as quickly as possible. Of course, the student's needs will be taken into account. A professional teacher will consider an individual approach to students in a group, but, nevertheless, you will have to learn in the general flow. Even if you are in a mini-group of two students, each of them will receive only 50% of the teacher’s attention. This has its advantages: you can take a break while the teacher communicates with another student, “disconnect” from the learning process, or even quit.

Working with a tutor, you get direct contact with the teacher. 100% of his time and attention is yours, there is constant communication, dialogue, the teacher is focused on you and guides you to solve your problems. This is a very serious plus for the student and his needs.

To some extent, working with a tutor may seem tedious due to its intensity. An English tutor is suitable for highly motivated, result-oriented students.

Both methods may have a negative attitude among those students who have already had bad experiences in one or another activity.

Personal relationships in both methods they play an important role. When studying with a tutor, you may not get along with him for one reason or another. Then we'll have to break up. However, as a rule, this becomes clear at the very beginning of communication. That is, again, time is saved and you can move on to selecting another tutor. On courses, conflicts are less likely, but again, personal “docking” may also not take place.

Training program

While taking courses, you often work according to a set program. It can be coordinated according to the interests of all group members. By studying with a tutor, you have the opportunity to create a program that suits you. The teacher will immediately determine your level, needs and give his recommendations. Imagine that you are already studying the course “English for Logistics Managers” and in the middle of it you were transferred to another department as a sales manager or your position was reduced. What to do? When you work with a tutor, this situation can be adjusted and the program can be changed during training.

When studying with a tutor, you can pay special attention to specific documentation that you use in your work or focus on special ones, etc. This is less likely when studying on courses, since your annual report or presentation of equipment may not be of interest to other students.

Speed ​​of achieving results

Everyone knows that classes with a tutor allow you to achieve tangible results faster than taking courses. But if the learning goal is not specific and you have time, you can consider courses. One thing is certain: the speed of achieving success in learning a language depends primarily on the student’s perseverance and frequency of study.

English speech

Working in a group, you can not only compare your success with the success of other students, but also listen to a variety of speech options. With a tutor, the student also listens to various audio and video materials, but mainly he works with the teacher’s speech. Interesting and lively ones can be built both with a tutor and in a group. It all depends on the conditions of a particular situation.

Schedule flexibility

Tutoring definitely wins here, since you can reschedule the lesson to another time or day, as well as change the location of the lesson.

Cost of lessons

It is generally accepted that classes with a tutor are much more expensive than courses. But today this is not the case. Learning English one-on-one is no longer considered an unaffordable luxury. With a tutor, the course of study is completed faster and more dynamically. That is, you will begin to apply the acquired knowledge much earlier and will be able to get a promotion or simplify your communication with foreign partners. Simply put, the money invested in a professional tutor usually returns much faster in the form of career growth and, of course, confidence in your English.

To summarize: when you choose a form of language learning - classes in a group or with a tutor - consider your goals, the time you have, the flexibility of your schedule and your personal wishes. The main thing is that you have already set out to learn the language, and this is the first step to success.

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Sooner or later, all parents begin to ask this question. It becomes especially acute on the eve of preparation for exams, but some particularly advanced mothers and fathers consider it their duty to develop their child from early school age. So what classes to choose: with a tutor or courses in private schools? Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Read, think, the final choice is yours.

First, let's look at the option with a tutor. It has both obvious advantages and no less obvious disadvantages.

Pros of a tutor:
1. Individual approach to your child. The good thing about a tutor is that he presents the material in the form in which the student will best understand it (for example, based on a visual or, conversely, an auditory context). So, if you are pressed for time and solid knowledge is important to you, this is most likely your option.
2. You have more opportunities to choose a convenient time for classes and their intensity. Sometimes you can arrange for a tutor to come to your home.
3. Only a professional tutor is able to fill gaps in knowledge in a short time. Classes with him are always based on the real capabilities and characteristics of the student, and do not follow a plan once developed and approved by the authorities.
4. You can be sure that the entire lesson time is spent communicating with your child. The tutor's attention will not be distracted by other students who have their own problems and wishes.
5. Those who can clearly formulate their problems and goals should pay attention to classes with a tutor. For example, excellent students preparing for a subject Olympiad. Or often sick children who are forced to miss classes and fall behind because of this.
6. You only pay for the lessons that were given. If the lesson is canceled for any reason (the child is sick, has to go on an excursion, etc.), you simply reschedule the lesson to a more suitable time.
7. If we are talking about preparing for the Unified State Exam and entering a specific university, you can always hire a teacher from that university. He will familiarize you with local requirements and give you the necessary level of knowledge.

Disadvantages of a tutor:
1. Price. Personal tutoring services are expensive.
2. It is difficult to understand at first glance how professional your tutor is in his field. There is a risk that the tutor, instead of teaching how to solve a problem, will begin to solve it for his student.
3. The load on the child increases. As a rule, homework assignments given by a tutor are larger and more complex than those given in courses.
4. Sociable children may find it boring to study alone. They lose interest because there is no competition, no one except the teacher sees their victories.
5. With a tutor, you risk studying endlessly. He will say that your child has made progress, but you need to practice more and more, because there are no limits to perfection. Courses are designed for a certain number of lessons, and there is always some pause when you decide whether to move to the next level or not.
6. Personal relationships play too important a role. If suddenly your child does not get along with the teacher, the effectiveness of the lessons will decrease. In groups, conflicts with the teacher are less likely.

Now let's talk about courses. What are the positive and negative aspects of group classes?

Advantages of the courses:
1. You buy a ready-made course compiled by professional methodologists, psychologists and teachers. You can rest assured: here your child will be taught strictly “according to science.” Teachers are selected through rigorous competition and interviews. It is unlikely to run into a non-professional here.
2. The teaching methods in the courses are more diverse, since the work is done in a group. If these are language courses, then here the child will hear not only the teacher’s speech, but also the speech of other students, and learn from their mistakes.
3. Courses are not just lessons, but also socialization in the company of like-minded people. For schoolchildren, this is a good opportunity to expand their circle of friends, prove themselves in a new team, automatically reach out to the strong ones or learn to help weaker comrades. In addition to the lessons themselves, course management sometimes includes entertainment events in the program: celebrating the New Year, Physicist Day, excursions, and so on.
4. This is a relatively inexpensive option; in any case, the courses are cheaper than the services of a tutor.
5. During the courses, deadlines are clearly discussed for you. If your child attended more than eighty percent of the lessons and completed homework regularly, he will definitely master the program in the specified number of hours.
6. The effectiveness of courses is easy to evaluate. For example, your child has been studying for six months, but in the subject at school they again got a “C”. Who is to blame: your son or daughter - or the teacher? Here you always have the opportunity to compare the successes of other students in the group and draw a conclusion.
7. At the end of the course, a document is issued: a certificate or diploma. You can hang it in a frame on the wall and thereby increase your child's self-esteem. Each stage or level of courses ends with a control lesson, based on the results of which you can also judge how successful your child is in studying the subject. Assessment in courses, as a rule, is more objective than that of a tutor.

Disadvantages of the courses:
1. You pay for the entire period of study. If lessons are disrupted due to your fault (the child got sick or left on the day of class), no one will return the money you spent. But even if the payment is taken into account in the next billing period, the child will have to make up for it on his own.
2. The courses always have a clear schedule. Classes cannot be rescheduled to a time convenient for you. They cannot be repeated if the child did not understand or missed something.
3. Since the courses are group classes, the teacher’s attention is distributed to all students. Yes, there are much fewer of them than in a school class, but this does not eliminate the problems of strong and weak students. Those who are talented will have to move at an average speed. But this “average speed” may well be too high for your child.
4. Courses cannot come to your home. If you choose courses based on prestige, topic or price, it may turn out that the classes are too far from home.
5. When working with a tutor, the latter will take into account all your requirements. But while attending courses, you cannot make changes to the program. So, if your needs are too specific, you will have a hard time finding the right option. It is also problematic to eliminate individual gaps in a child’s knowledge during courses. You cannot demand that he be taught only what you need.
6. Classes may be too reminiscent of school lessons. If your child has already grown to hate standard learning, he will not enjoy it and will not try hard out of habit. Therefore, this type of training is not suitable for everyone. Courses help structure the knowledge acquired earlier, but are not able to motivate those who are tired of school.

Knowledge of a foreign language opens up a boundless ocean of opportunities in the 21st century. This includes the availability of a wide selection of vacancies, prestige, and sometimes a mandatory item in the applicant’s application form. You can get a good job, even abroad, not to mention in your home country. And during overseas business trips or travel, it’s really possible to show off the melody of speech that everyone understands, to simply communicate without experiencing the difficulties of a language barrier.

About the duration of training

The desire to have a job in an advanced company or the danger of not getting laid off forces forces you to reduce the time required to master a foreign language. Many people ask the question: “how to quickly learn English (or another)?” But is it possible to learn to speak and read English in, say, three months? The answer from experts will be ambiguous. During such a period of study it is impossible to master all the required knowledge and feel almost like a foreigner. Any linguist will confirm this. But it is quite possible to learn certain phrases and understand the basics of language learning.

The duration of training can either increase or decrease (from three months to several years). This will be influenced by the degree of training of the student, his abilities, and level of discipline. And of course, it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a teacher. The success of the training will depend on his competence and talent.

What to choose: language courses or a private teacher (tutor)?

Whatever option for learning a foreign language a person chooses, he must understand that to a large extent everything will depend on his willpower and efforts. The main thing is discipline, timely completion of homework and language practice.

Recently, both language learning with the help of a private tutor and on the basis of linguistic centers have become approximately equally popular. Experienced teachers will help you quickly learn a foreign language without problems. In order to understand which method of learning is better (courses or an English tutor), you should highlight all the pros and cons.

The benefits of learning a language with a tutor

  • A private teacher devotes maximum time to one student.
  • The opportunity to receive maximum answers to emerging questions.
  • Free schedule.
  • The teaching method is adjusted to suit one student.
  • Free choice of the best tutor.

Advantages of learning a language at a linguistic center (courses)

  • Getting used to discipline.
  • An excellent opportunity to communicate in a foreign language (language practice).
  • The possibility of role-playing games, which is included in the teaching methodology.
  • Minimum cost of the course.

Since the initial result will depend on the teacher’s competence, his efforts and talent, the question “how to choose an English language tutor” must be approached especially responsibly. You should not immediately give preference to the tutor who has the lowest prices. As you know, any work should be paid accordingly. The more effort the teacher puts in, the higher the price will be (otherwise he will quickly burn out). A PhD from a language university is not always the best option.

The main thing for a tutor is to have the abilities of a teacher, to be able to explain the material intelligently, clearly and intelligibly. An excellent senior student can easily cope with such work. The only drawback will be her lack of experience.

It is best to choose a teacher by asking your acquaintances and friends if they have a good option in mind. A tutor with whom people are satisfied can recommend him - exactly the person you need. He will answer a lot of necessary questions, including “how to quickly learn English? “But a teacher found through an advertisement who eloquently talks about his abilities and vast experience (trips abroad) may turn out to be an ordinary dropout, completely incompetent in the science of teaching languages.

Quite often, students of language courses who have not completed their studies, with incorrect speech and poor knowledge of the language, take it upon themselves to teach others. Their prices range from temptingly low to high. Having once been abroad, a dropout student considers himself entitled to charge for lessons the price that qualified university teachers demand.

During the first meeting with the tutor, you need to ask him to present a document on education and recommendations. But this still cannot guarantee the correct choice of teacher. A good teacher has his own methodology. The lesson must necessarily include “four important pillars” - listening, speaking, reading, writing. If you have to learn a language from scratch, you need to start with the pronunciation of letters (there is no point in cramming the order of letters in the alphabet), with the basic rules. An experienced teacher knows reliable methods. He will help you quickly learn a foreign language, with high quality. Gradually he switches to English speech - introduces the student to the language environment.

How to choose English courses?

Having decided on foreign language courses, it is important to remember that (unlike private lessons) you cannot skip lessons. Filling gaps in knowledge can only be achieved through additional lessons in person with a teacher. And this will not be cheap, more expensive than lessons with a tutor. After all, the teacher occupies the premises and must cover rental costs.

More details about foreign language lessons

The aspirations of a good teacher are aimed at ensuring that the student receives the required knowledge and begins to speak a foreign language, read and write as quickly as possible. First of all, with the right approach, the student’s fear of foreign speech disappears. There is a desire to talk, ask, express your thoughts. This way you can really quickly learn a foreign language. The teacher recommends speaking a foreign language with friends and family (at breakfast, lunch, before bed), and playing role-playing games. If a month has already passed, and the student has a “pun” in his head, the tutor’s technique is no good. In this case, you should change the teacher to another, more responsible one.

Ideally, a tutor should select a teaching method for the student, perhaps it will be a combination of several well-known methods.

The main thing is that after the teacher leaves, the student does not have a lot of questions. You need to start the lesson by reviewing the material covered. This includes role-playing games, writing, and work on texts. Then the teacher moves on to a new topic. If the student is ready for the teacher to completely switch to a foreign language, this will be the best option.

The teaching method is selected depending on the student’s goals. It will differ significantly depending on whether you need to master speech for work or for travel. This is also influenced by the urgency of the study and the student’s initial knowledge. Nowadays, most teachers actively use online exercises, videos and various online training programs in their work. Online learning services can be used both in class and as homework. can be used as a source of additional knowledge and practice of the English language. On the site you can find both exercises for training basic grammatical rules and texts of varying levels of complexity, voiced by professional American speakers, for practicing listening skills. In addition, by listening to files from different sources, the student has the opportunity to learn to perceive not only the speech of the teacher (whose pronunciation may differ significantly from native speakers), but also the speech of different people. For example, such a text will not only help you understand the difference between the English tenses Present Continuous and Present Simple, but will also provide an excellent example of professional American pronunciation.

Hello Tom!
Hello Tom! Where are you going?
I am hurrying to school.
When do your lessons start on Mondays? They usually start at nine o"clock.
Why are you running then? It is only eight o'clock.
I am running because I want to play soccer with my friends before the lessons.
Are you friends playing now? No, they are not.
They are not playing now.
We usually play soccer at eight fifteen in the morning.

Listen to "Hello, Tom!"

Hello Tom!
Hello Tom! Where are you going?
I'm in a hurry to go to school.
When do your classes start on Mondays? They usually start at 9 o'clock.
Why are you running then? It's only 8 o'clock now.
I run because I want to play football with my friends before classes.
Are your friends playing now? No, ...
They are not playing now.
We usually play football at 8.15 in the morning.

Both in a language school and when teaching at home, they adhere to the principle of correct lesson structure. It is unacceptable to spend an entire lesson only reading or analyzing words (there may be rare exceptions). Homework may include studying songs while listening to CDs and poems. If a student cannot complete his homework, it is the teacher's fault that he did not explain the material well during the lesson.

Role-playing games (both in a language school and with a private teacher) are exciting, interesting not only for children, but also for adults, and help to quickly master speech. Therefore they are necessary. This is a game of “shop”, “restaurant”, “hotel”, “travel”, with cards depicting the corresponding items. In the process of such games, conditions are created for the student to speak in a foreign language. This makes it easier to remember words and phrases. The teacher monitors the correct pronunciation and makes corrections.

The text prepared for reading must correspond to the topic discussed in the lesson and the rules. The teacher helps the student answer questions about the text. It is advisable that it be recorded on disk. In this case, the student can listen to it even in the absence of a tutor. The same approach is necessary for mass language learning. The advantage in this case is the opportunity to conduct role-playing games in a particularly vivid and interesting way. Course students can communicate with each other in the target language.

By choosing the right tutor or courses, the student will quickly achieve his goal. And will he soon understand how to quickly learn English (or any other)? The knowledge gained can be useful for getting the right job, running a business, and just for communication.