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Educational and methodological complexes - as a teaching tool. Umk, or educational and methodological complexes for elementary school List of umk for elementary school

Educational and methodological complex and its components

Educational and methodological complex (UMK) is a set of systematized materials necessary for the implementation of the educational process, ensuring the success of students in cognitive, creative, communicative and other types of activities.

The educational and methodological complex should be considered as a system, the parts of which are interconnected.

Thus, teaching materials are a system, all components of which form a single whole and interact to achieve the goal of the educational program.

The entire set of components of the educational system can be divided into four components:

1. Educational program as a key document on the basis of which the teaching and learning system is developed.

2. Educational and methodological aids for teachers and students. The implementation of an additional educational program is impossible without the use of handouts, didactic, information and reference materials, thematic teaching aids, lesson notes, scientific, special and methodological literature, problems and tasks solved according to the model, tasks and tasks of a creative nature, etc.

All of the following materials can be recorded:

    on modern storage media (magnetic and laser disks, videotapes, etc.;

    on traditional (printed materials).

3. System of teaching aids. This component consists of manuals aimed at supporting the development of the content of an additional educational program. Tools designed to support the study of theoretical material can be roughly divided into traditional and modern.

Traditional materials include printed aids - tables, posters, paintings, photographs, as well as handouts - flashcards, filmstrips, films, sound recordings.

Modern ones include videos, multimedia materials, and computer software.

4. A system of means for the scientific organization of work for teachers and students, can be presented in the form of materials in the following areas:

    materials on individual support for the development of students (methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality, reminders for children and parents);

    materials on working with children's groups (methods of pedagogical diagnostics of the team, game techniques, scenarios of collective events and affairs).

Designing a teaching aid is a labor-intensive and creative task that takes quite a lot of time.

At the first stage development of teaching materials, the teacher analyzes the specific tasks of training, education and development of students, the nature and volume of information to be assimilated, the initial level of training of students. It is also important to analyze the content of the educational material, divide it into logical portions (information components) and justify the development logic for each component of the corresponding methodology.

At the second stage The teacher begins to develop and create methodological recommendations, a selection of materials on individual support for the development of students, the development of questionnaires, questionnaires, memos for students and parents, the development of scenarios for public events and activities, and game techniques.

At the third stage To improve and develop teaching materials, the teacher creates educational and methodological aids, a package of materials that provide individual support to the student in mastering the educational program, his social and professional determination.

Each teacher has the right to approach the compilation of teaching materials creatively, to develop its content at his own discretion, in accordance with the level of training of students and their educational needs.

The educational complex can be developed by an individual teacher or a team of teachers, depending on the specifics of the structural unit (studio, club) and the type of additional educational program. The educational complex is designed to solve a full range of problems that arise within the educational process.

First of all, when choosing a school, parents of a future first-grader need to understand modern educational programs for primary grades. Unlike Soviet times, when everyone studied from the same textbooks, now teachers and parents have a choice in exactly how the child will receive all the necessary knowledge. And this will depend on the educational system that the student will use in primary school. Having a choice is always nice, but it is this variety of educational systems that often leaves us perplexed. What to choose when there are sure to be several schools near your home that teach children according to different systems? Even within the same school, primary school teachers themselves choose which program to work on, and children from parallel classes can study using different educational and methodological complexes. Currently, there are simultaneously several educational systems that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards). Each of them has its own characteristics, but in general the systems are divided into traditional and developmental. Most schools choose traditional education programs, such as “Russian School”, “Primary School of the XXI Century”, “School 2010”, “Harmony”, “Prospective Primary School”, “Classical Primary School”, “Planet of Knowledge”, “Perspective” . But be prepared for the fact that your child may be offered to study under the developmental programs of L.V. Zankov or D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov. Of course, one should not think that traditional programs do not deal with the development of students; this name is rather conditional. In general terms, we can say that these types of systems differ in approach: traditional programs offer an explanatory and illustrative approach to teaching a child, while developmental programs offer an active approach. All of the programs mentioned above are focused on a single educational standard, but each system has its own way of presenting information and priorities. In addition to the general concept, they differ in the curriculum itself, the degree of workload of the child, the involvement of the parent in the learning process, and also the overall complexity. Each system offers its own educational and methodological complex, in other words, sets of textbooks, workbooks and teaching materials in all subjects. The most popular among schools are such educational and methodological complexes as “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “School 2100”, “Planet of Knowledge” and “Harmony”. "School of Russia" is considered a classic program. In fact, this is the same system that, with minor changes, was taught in Soviet times. It is designed for an intermediate level, so every child can easily master such a program. Mathematics develops computational skills, logic and thinking in equal proportions, the Russian language is taught in a standard way: the development of oral and written speech and literate writing skills is balanced. In this case, we can especially highlight the study of “The World Around us” using the textbooks of A. A. Pleshakov. The advantage of the course is that mastering the surrounding world is positioned as a project that the child implements together with his parents. Another educational and methodological complex that is especially popular is “Perspective”. This program is most suitable for children with a mathematical mind. This teaching aid is quite complex and will require parents to actively participate in the child’s education. The main advantage of "Perspective" can be called mathematics lessons, which are based on educational materials by L. G. Peterson. Mathematics is given with elements of geometry and algebra, which allows the child to smoothly transition to secondary school. The educational complex "School 2100" is built on the minimax principle, that is, within the framework of one curriculum, children will be able to study at different levels of difficulty. All educational materials contain the maximum amount of additional information that a child can learn if necessary. This program allows a teacher to adjust the level of difficulty of presenting material and apply an individual approach to teaching without switching to another teaching aid. The Planet of Knowledge program is considered quite complex, since it was originally developed and used in pre-gymnasium classes, but it is also very popular among teachers and parents. The main advantage of this teaching aid is its focus on the child’s self-development. His ability to reason is actively stimulated, be it an emphasis on logic when studying mathematics or literary reading, which involves the emergence of a dialogue between a child and an adult. As in “School 2100,” the “Planet of Knowledge” study guides contain multi-level tasks: from basic to creative and exploratory. The main principle of the educational complex "Harmony" is comfortable learning at the intersection of traditional and developmental teaching methods. Children initially develop skills of analysis, classification, comparison and generalization. During the lessons, many problematic developmental tasks are given that develop in schoolchildren the ability to think and the ability to independently draw conclusions. One of the main advantages of the program is targeted preparation for a smooth transition from primary to secondary school. You can understand the clear difference between one educational system and another by studying the teaching materials offered by the program in the “School Guru” section. Here you can make a selection of products by educational program, by subject, type of educational material (textbooks, workbooks, visual aids) or by grade; collect the necessary set of literature when the issue of choosing an educational system has already been resolved. You need to keep in mind that all teaching and learning programs are regularly revised taking into account current trends, so even if you are not sending your first child to school, keep in mind that in a couple of years the author of the textbooks or the overall teaching concept may have changed. The educational materials themselves can change significantly, therefore, as a rule, there is a need to buy all the materials of the educational complex for the class from scratch. A teacher who is currently working on the program will be able to tell you with confidence exactly what the educational curriculum looks like at the moment and what textbooks and workbooks you need to purchase for your child.


Currently, there are two systems for preparing children in primary school: traditional and developmental. Each has its own programs.

The traditional programs include: “Primary School of the 21st Century”, “School 2100”, “School of Russia”, “Harmony”, “Prospective Primary School”, “Classical Primary School”, “Planet of Knowledge”, “Perspective”. Developmental systems include two programs: L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova.

Different programs may be used within the same school. Regardless of the program, the student has the opportunity to obtain the same knowledge required by the state standard. Tasks of increased difficulty, which are associated only with developmental systems, are included in all programs, but are not mandatory for study.

School of Russia

The traditional program “School of Russia” (edited by A. Pleshakov) has existed for decades. This set has been operating as a single unit since 2001. This is one of the most famous and popular educational and methodological kits for teaching in primary school. The educational complex is constantly updated and is a reliable tool for implementing the second generation standard.

All textbooks are included in the Federal List of Textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and meet the requirements of the current State Standard; ensure continuity with preschool and basic general education. The educational complex was created based on new theoretical concepts; provides general methodological approaches to teaching all subjects at the primary level; will allow the child to adapt to the school community, accumulate the necessary knowledge and skills for further successful education; The individual characteristics of children are fully taken into account.

Main idea programs: “School of Russia” is created in Russia and for Russia. Program School of Russia should become a school of spiritual and moral development. This is the kind of school that Russia will deserve.

Learning Objectives: 1) creating conditions for the development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, the realization of his abilities, support for individuality;

2) primary schoolchildren’s mastery of a system of knowledge, general educational and subject skills;

3) developing a child’s interest in learning and the ability to learn;

4) formation of health-saving skills, training in the basics of safe life.

Principles: priority of upbringing in the educational process;
- personality-oriented and activity-based nature of training;
- a combination of innovative approaches with the traditions of domestic education.

The educational and methodological course “Teaching literacy and speech development” by the authors V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya meets all modern training requirements. During the period of literacy training, work is carried out to develop children's phonetic hearing, teach basic reading and writing, enrich the vocabulary and develop speech. The set includes two types of copybooks: copybooks by V. G. Goretsky, N. A. Fedosova and “Miracle Copybook” by V. A. Ilyukhina. Their distinctive feature is that they not only develop the skills of competent, calligraphic writing, but also provide the opportunity to correct handwriting at different stages of learning and in different age groups. To develop the cognitive abilities of each child in the Mathematics course, the topics of the tasks have been updated, a variety of geometric material has been introduced, and entertaining tasks have been given that develop children’s logical thinking and imagination. Great importance is attached to comparison, comparison, contrast of related concepts, tasks, clarification of similarities and differences in the facts under consideration.

Primary school XXI century

Primary school XXI century edited by N.F. Vinogradova. This kit takes a very serious look at the problem of forming the educational activity of a primary school student, and this is the only kit that has a parallel program “Learning Activities”. The material in this program is designed for strong, erudite children. What knowledge a student will have when moving on to secondary school depends on the primary school teacher. Therefore, the main goal is to teach the child to learn. It is important that Vinogradova’s set realizes the child’s right to their individuality: children are placed in conditions where they can independently acquire knowledge, apply it, think, fantasize, play (special notebooks are provided “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to understand the world around us”). The material in textbooks, workbooks and teaching aids is aimed at solving the problems facing primary general education at the present stage of social development. Since its inception in 1997, the main didactic idea of ​​the “Primary School of the 21st Century” program has been a systemic activity approach. Children trained using these textbooks invariably show good results.

The educational complex “Primary School of the XXI Century” is built on principles common to all academic subjects.

1. Student-centered learning involves: supporting the child’s individuality; providing opportunities for each child to work at their own pace; creating conditions for mandatory successful activities; training in the zone of “proximal development”, creating conditions for the realization of the student’s creative potential.

2. Natural conformity of training is considered as compliance of the content, forms of organization and means of teaching with the psychological capabilities and characteristics of children of primary school age, providing assistance to students who experience learning difficulties; creating conditions for the growth of creative potential and the successful development of gifted children.

3. The principle of paedocentrism involves the selection of educational content that is most adequate to the needs of children of this age stage of development, knowledge, skills, and universal actions that are most relevant for younger schoolchildren. This takes into account the need for socialization of the child, his awareness of his place not only in the world, in the school community.

4. The principle of cultural conformity makes it possible to provide the student with the best cultural objects from different spheres of life (science, art, architecture, folk art, etc.) for knowledge, which allows for the integration of connections between the student’s educational and extracurricular activities.

5. Organization of the learning process in the form of educational dialogue (dialogic nature of the educational process) includes the teacher’s orientation towards a democratic style of relationship between teachers and students; giving the child the right to make mistakes, his own opinion, choice of educational task and activity partner.

6. Continuity and prospects of training. Establishment of successive connections between the methodological teaching system and preschool, as well as the main link of education.

School 2100

School 2100 edited by A.A. Leontyev (scientific supervisor - L.G. Peterson). The main advantage of this program is its deep continuity and continuity of education. Under this program, children can study from the age of three until they enter university. All textbooks in the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. In the process of teaching the educational curriculum in accordance with the activity approach, the task of forming a functionally literate personality is realized. Using different subject content, the student learns to acquire new knowledge and look for answers to questions that arise. All textbooks in the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. A characteristic feature of this educational program is the minimax principle. He assumes that the authors of textbooks and the teacher give the student the opportunity (if he wants) to take the material to the maximum. The textbooks contain abundant information for this purpose, allowing the student to make personal choices. At the same time, the most important facts, the Program teaches children to act independently and is aimed at developing logical thinking, speech, imagination, and memory.

The main goal of the OS "School 2100"- teach a child to study independently, organize his activities, obtain the necessary knowledge, analyze it, systematize and apply it in practice, set goals and achieve them, adequately evaluate his activities.

Features of OS "School 2100":Systematicity. All textbooks and teaching aids are based on common approaches to content, maintain methodological unity, and use the same basic educational technologies.

Continuity. Children from the age of 3 until graduation learn to effectively use their knowledge and skills. The presence of a consistent chain of educational tasks throughout education, objective and subjective progress of students at each of the successive time periods.

Continuity. Continuity is understood as continuity at the boundaries of various stages or forms of education, a unified organization of these stages or forms within the framework of an integral education system.

Perspective program

Program “Perspective” (edited by L.F.
Klimanova, Goretsky V.G., Dorofeev G.V., Pleshakova A.A.) was created on a basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education. The program ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. The educational and methodological complex “Perspective” was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical Russian school education.

The main goal system of textbooks "Perspective" is the creation of an information and educational environment that ensures the inclusion of each child in independent educational activities, during which conditions are created for the reliable achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard for mastering the basic educational program of primary general education through the formation of universal educational activities as the foundations of leading educational competence - the ability to learn. Fundamental Principles kit are: humanistic, the principle of historicism, communicative and the principle of creative activity.

A special place in the educational complex “Perspective” is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The educational complex uses a unified navigation system for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan student activities in the lesson, organize homework, and develop independent work skills.

Promising Primary School

The main idea of ​​the “Prospective Primary School” program (headed by N.A. Churakova) is the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student performs the role of the learner, sometimes in the role of a teacher, sometimes in the role of an organizer of a learning situation. The concept of educational learning is based on the humanistic belief that all children are capable of learning successfully if the necessary conditions are created for them. Taking into account the age of students makes the learning process successful. All textbooks in the set provide teachers with opportunities to implement the regional component. A system of tasks of different levels of difficulty, a combination of a child’s individual educational activity with his work in small groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, i.e. in the zone of proximal development of each student based on taking into account the level of his actual development and personal interests. What a student cannot do individually, he can do with the help of a deskmate or in a small group. And what is difficult for a specific small group becomes understandable in the process of collective activity. A high degree of differentiation of questions and tasks and their number allow the primary school student to work in the conditions of his current development and create opportunities for his individual advancement.

Basic principles of the concept "Promising Primary School":

The principle of continuous overall development of each child.

The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.

The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren.

Principles of strength and visibility.

The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

As a result of mastering the subject content, each student has the opportunity to acquire general educational skills. Master those methods of activity that meet the requirements of the state educational standard. These are, first of all, the initial skills of searching for the necessary information in dictionaries, reference books, and the library catalogue. A unified system of symbols in all textbooks is designed to organize individual, pair, group and collective work.

Primary innovative school

The textbook system “Primary Innovative School” is an educational and methodological set (UMK) for a four-year primary school, created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Target Educational and educational complex "Primary innovative school"- to provide in the educational process a meaningful, organizational and informational field for the development of the personality of a junior schoolchild in accordance with his individual characteristics.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the educational complex: - determining the individual characteristics and capabilities of the child, the patterns of his development to optimize the educational process in primary school; - formation and development of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal educational actions in students; - development and education of the personality of a junior schoolchild by mastering spiritual, moral, civil, patriotic, labor, environmental and aesthetic values; - development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, psychophysically, spiritually and socially healthy, possessing theoretical and practical skills in preserving and strengthening his own health and the health of others; - formation of a child’s picture of the world through broadening his horizons, increasing his erudition, and gaining new knowledge about nature and society.

The convenient structure of the textbook “Literary Reading”, fairy-tale characters and a playful form of presenting material contribute to the assimilation of the most important literary concepts.

The main features of the mathematics course (B.P. Geidman) are:  a harmonious combination of arithmetic, geometric and logical components of the course;  content of knowledge necessary for orientation in the modern world, in information and computer technologies, for preparation for future professional activities, for continuing education;  acquisition by students of logical and algorithmic thinking skills, as well as the development of their spatial imagination and intuition;
 present, analyze and interpret data;  inclusion of computer science assignments from grade 3.

The course on “The World around us” is based on:  a concentric structure of the author’s program, ensuring a consistent expansion and deepening of knowledge in accordance with the main content lines;  integration of scientific and artistic-imaginative ways of understanding the world around us.

The educational educational complex “Primary Innovative School” combines the advantages of a developmental education system and a traditional school.

This system provides for work with special children, both gifted and inclusive classes. UMK is implementing a program to promote a healthy and safe lifestyle for junior schoolchildren. Particular attention is paid to the program for the spiritual and moral development of students. This textbook system harmoniously combines extracurricular activities.

Program “RHYTHM” (“Development. Individuality. Creativity. Thinking”)

Educational and methodological complex “Development. Individuality. Creativity Thinking" (authors Ramzaeva T.G., Timchenko L.I., Muravin G.K., Saplina E.V.) (RITHM) was created on the basis of the educational complex "Classical Primary School", the main feature of which is the combination of modern approaches to solving methodological problems and practice-tested principles of didactics, which allows schoolchildren to achieve consistently high educational results.

Study lines in basic subjects are provided with didactic
materials, tests and sets of visual aids. All components of the UMK
integrated into a single methodological system. They are distinguished by a combination of modern approaches to solving methodological problems and practice-tested principles of didactics, which allows schoolchildren to achieve consistently high educational results. Educational and training complexes of all subject lines that form the complex provide sustainable motivation for junior schoolchildren to learn, the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal results outlined in the Federal State Educational Standards of LEO, the formation of universal learning activities (UAL) as the basis of the ability to learn and readiness for self-development.

Features of the program"RHYTHM":- integration of all subjects of the primary school curriculum; - variability at all levels; - extensive information and educational environment; - use of modern educational resources.

Basic principles for realizing learning goals. Each child:

Must be successful;

Included in active educational and cognitive activities;

Gets the opportunity to reveal your individuality;

Learns to think creatively and independently, communicate meaningfully with peers and adults.

Set of textbooks "RHYTHM" represents a unified information and educational environment for primary schools. The textbooks, developed on a single conceptual basis, organically combine the traditions of the national primary school, dating back to K. D. Ushinsky, and the latest achievements of modern psychology and primary teaching methods. The information and educational environment of the “RITHM” program is supplemented by workbooks, multimedia applications, dictionaries, didactic materials, simulators, reading books, teaching aids, and sets of demonstration tables. The ability to choose an educational path and the unified information and educational environment of the RITM complex ensures the effectiveness of the implementation of the main educational program of an educational institution.

Palaneta of knowledge

An organic part of the concept of the “Planet of Knowledge” program (authors Andrianova T.M., Bashmakov M.I., Ivchenkova G.G.) are the author’s subject concepts, which take into account modern scientific achievements in the subject area of ​​knowledge and the result of many years of teaching practice. The main feature of this program lies in its integrity - in the unity of the structure of textbooks, in the unity of the forms of the educational process, in the unity of the educational schemes used, in the unity of through lines of standard tasks, in the unity of approaches to the organization of educational and extracurricular activities. An important role in the formation of universal educational activities is played by the general structure of all textbooks in the set. Route sheets preceding each topic clearly represent the educational tasks facing primary schoolchildren. Highlighting invariant and variable content of the material on the pages of textbooks and a multi-level system of tasks provide the opportunity to organize the educational process taking into account the student population and create individual educational trajectories. All the structural components of the “Planet of Knowledge” kit allow, first of all, to develop in students such general educational skills as: the ability to solve creative problems at the level of combinations and improvisations; work with educational, artistic and popular science texts; master the initial skills of searching for the necessary information; independently establish a sequence of actions to solve a learning task. At the same time, the importance of children’s assimilation of knowledge and mastery of skills as means of development remains, but they are not considered as an end in themselves of primary education.

Implementation principle of choice(tasks, type of activity, partner, etc.) allows each student to study at the highest level possible for him, to realize his interests and inclinations, relieves excessive emotional and intellectual stress, and contributes to the formation of positive internal motives for learning.

Differentiated approach to training according to the educational complex “Planet of Knowledge” can be implemented at several levels: at the level of material - basic and increased complexity (variable), differentiated tasks, elective tasks; by type of activity - search, creative, intellectual, research, design; in project activities - by forms of work (individual, collective), by role performed (professional and social).

Implementation in a set of intersubject and intrasubject connections helps younger schoolchildren maintain and recreate the integrity of their picture of the world, see various connections between objects and phenomena, ensures their holistic development, taking into account age and psychological characteristics.

Developmental system L.V. Zankova

The Zankov system (authors N.V. Nechaeva, Sviridova V.Yu., Dmitrieva N.Ya., Arginskaya I.I., Benenson E.P.) relies on the student’s independence, his creative comprehension of the material. The teacher does not give schoolchildren the truth, but forces them to “get to the bottom” themselves. The scheme here is the reverse of the traditional one. First, examples are given, and students themselves must draw theoretical conclusions. The learned material is also reinforced with practical assignments. For example, schoolchildren are already introduced to the concept of “Parts of Speech” in the first year of study, and they must come to an understanding of these concepts on their own. The task of teaching is to give a general picture of the world based on science, literature, and art. The program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child; it teaches children to obtain information themselves, rather than receive it ready-made.

Didactic principles of the Zankov program:

Training at a high level of difficulty in compliance with the measure of difficulty;

The leading role of theoretical knowledge;

Awareness of the learning process;

Fast pace of learning material;

Work on the development of every child, including the weak.

Going through educational material “in a spiral”.

Wide integration of training courses in which connections of different levels are realized (meta-subject, inter-subject and intra-subject) makes it possible to achieve the main objective of training in the L.V. system. Zankov - to present students with a broad, holistic picture of the world through the means of science, literature, art and direct knowledge.

With an integrated approach to structuring the content of a new educational topic, all topics already studied related to it are updated, which makes it possible to formulate multifaceted tasks. In such tasks, combinations, different levels of generalization, theoretical and practical material from different sections of the academic subject, knowledge are also presented at different levels: reproductive, logical, problematic, creative. With such a wide field of opportunities, every child will find a niche for development, including gifted ones and those in need of pedagogical support.

A common feature of the entire system of textbooks is that the same educational content can be presented in the form of visual or verbal images, in the form of a theory, in the form of a selection of empirical facts, etc. The variety of presentation of educational content allows you to activate different types of thinking - visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-figurative, verbal-logical (theoretical); different types of perception and processing of information - auditory, visual and kinesthetic, and in general creates the prerequisites for the individualization of learning and the strength of knowledge acquisition. The same object (phenomenon) is viewed from as many sides as possible. Knowledge becomes valuable, acquires personal significance and practical meaning. This gives each student the opportunity to show their strengths and develop insufficiently developed ones.

System of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov

In this program, a special place is given to theoretical knowledge and the logical side of learning. The level of subjects taught is extremely difficult. The Elkonin-Davydov training system (authors Repkin V.V., Lomakovich S.V., Matveeva E.I., Aleksandrova E.I., Davydov V.V.) involves the formation of a large set of skills among elementary school graduates. The child must learn to look for missing information when faced with a new task and test his own hypotheses. Moreover, the system assumes that the younger student will independently organize interaction with the teacher and other students, analyze and critically evaluate his own actions and the points of view of his partners. This system is suitable for those who want to develop in a child not so much the ability to analyze, but the ability to think unusually and deeply. In this system, however, the lack of marks can be intimidating. But experts assure that everything is under control: teachers communicate all the necessary recommendations and wishes to parents and collect a kind of portfolio of students’ creative works. It serves as an indicator of progress instead of the usual diary. In the Elkonin-Davydov system, the emphasis is not on the result - acquired knowledge, but on the methods of comprehending it. In other words, the student may not remember something, but he must know where and how, if necessary, to fill this gap. Another feature: children learn not only that two and two make four, but also why four and not seven, eight, nine or twelve. In class, the principles of language construction, the origin and structure of numbers, etc. are studied. Knowledge of the rules, based on an understanding of their reasons, certainly stays stronger in the head.

In the Elkonin-Davydov system, training is structured in accordance with three principles: 1. The subject of assimilation is general methods of action - methods of solving a class of problems. This is where learning the subject begins. In the future, the general method of action is specified in relation to particular cases. The program is designed in such a way that in each subsequent section the already mastered method of action is concretized and developed.

2. Mastering a general method in no case can be its message - information about it. It should be structured as an educational activity, starting with a subject-based practical action. The real objective action is further collapsed into a model-concept. In the model, the general method of action is fixed in its “pure form.”

3. Student work is structured as a search and testing of means to solve a problem. Therefore, a student’s judgment that differs from the generally accepted one is considered not as a mistake, but as a test of thought.

ABOUT main learning goal– formation of a system of scientific concepts, as well as educational independence and initiative. Its achievement is possible because knowledge (models) act not as information about objects, but as a means of finding, deducing or constructing them. The student learns to determine the possibilities and limitations of his actions and look for resources for their implementation. Learning outcome according to the Elkonin-Davydov program - upon leaving school, have a developed, free personality.

Training systems L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov still raises many questions and discussions. There are most often two reasons for this. The first is that in most modern schools it is impossible to create conditions in which these educational systems will work as the authors intended. The second is that there are few enthusiastic teachers who are ready to follow the teaching technology, and without this it is impossible to achieve good results. The structure of these programs does not imply a clear division into topics, there is no usual selection of rules that need to be learned, and there are no tasks of the same type arranged in a row. These training programs imply a completely new approach to the learning process - more creative, requiring children to be active and inquisitive. The teacher acts not as a mentor, but as a friend and assistant who guides the children's thinking. The purpose of these programs is to teach the child to think outside the box. A common drawback of the Zankov and Elkonin-Davydov systems: they do not receive a worthy continuation at higher levels of school education.

Program "Harmony"

Educational and methodological set “Harmony” (edited by N.B. Istomin (mathematics), M.S. Soloveichik and N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian language), O.V. Kubasov (literary reading), O.T. Poglazova (the world around us), N.M. Konysheva (labor education)) is successfully practiced in many schools.

This program identifies common goals and objectives for all academic subjects, identifies priority teaching methods and forms of organizing educational activities. The advantages of this program: there is advanced learning, the included textbooks contain a methodological part, with the help of which parents can study and explain to the child the missed topic. The program uses new teaching technologies that allow you to develop your child’s logical thinking abilities. It is also noteworthy that the set offers tasks designed for children of different levels of preparedness. But there are also disadvantages: in mathematics, problem solving begins only in the second grade, and the test papers are offered the same for all grades.

Textbooks of the “Harmony” program are a methodological tool that makes it possible to implement modern requirements for the content and organization of education for junior schoolchildren and thereby ensure the achievement of the results of primary education provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard - personal development children, their spiritual and moral education, the formation of specific subject skills and complex universal learning activities(regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

One of main tasks authors "Harmony" program was the development of ways to organize the educational activities of primary schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities that correspond to the curriculum and the requirements of the primary educational standard.

The following are implemented in the Harmony educational complex: ways of organizing students’ educational activities related to setting a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-esteem; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; methods of forming concepts that ensure awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.

All textbooks of UMK "Harmony" are excluded from the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 26, 2016. N 38.

All current programs are approved and recommended by the Ministry of Education and tested in practice. Moreover, the learning outcomes for any of the programs are focused on a single educational standard. This means that the list of knowledge and skills that a primary school graduate should have is common to everyone.

At the present stage of education, in the context of the use of information and communication technologies, various methods of delivering educational material are used. Of no small importance are learning support tools such as educational and methodological complexes (EMC), which began to be developed immediately after the appearance of the first educational materials in the form of methodological recommendations and developments to support various courses in the education system.

Each educational complex is designed to assist in the study and systematization of theoretical knowledge, the formation of practical skills, both in the subject area and in the educational system using information technology.

Educational and methodological complexes allow you to individualize and differentiate the learning process, exercise control with the diagnosis of errors, carry out self-monitoring and self-correction of educational activities, develop the ability to make the optimal decision in various situations, develop a certain type of thinking (visual-figurative, theoretical), strengthen learning motivation, form culture of cognitive activity.

Educational and methodological complex is a comprehensive system of educational and methodological materials that fully ensures the conduct of classes on modern information technologies.

Educational and methodological complex(UMK) – a set of educational and methodological materials that facilitate students’ effective mastery of educational material included in the discipline’s curriculum.

The educational complex contains not only theoretical material, but also practical tasks, tests that enable self-control, etc. The creation of a teaching and learning complex is of particular importance, as it allows for an integrated approach to solving basic didactic problems.

The composition of the educational and methodological complex is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline, which is understood as a program for mastering educational material that meets the requirements of the State Standard and takes into account the specifics of training students in the chosen direction or specialty.

The composition of the educational complex is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline.

There is no standard composition of the educational and methodological complex; it depends on the content and scope of the discipline. However, most often its composition is presented in the form of the following components:

Extract from the state educational standard;

Curriculum or thematic plan. Discipline curriculum – a program for mastering educational material that meets the requirements of the State Standard and takes into account the specifics of training students in their chosen direction or specialty;

Lectures or notes of all lessons;

Electronic textbook;

Electronic reference book;

Electronic laboratory workshop;

Computer testing system;

Didactic materials;

Training aids, etc.

The educational and methodological complex allows:

The educational institution can quickly introduce new and update existing training courses; guarantee a high level of training; standardize the educational process; easy to adapt the course according to the required conditions;

The teacher can significantly reduce the time spent preparing for classes; use various forms of work, including new pedagogical technologies (business games, group projects, etc.); take into account the capabilities of the group as a whole and the individual characteristics of each student;

The student will receive a complete, well-structured and illustrated summary of the educational material; use the textbook as a workbook that contains everything you need for fruitful study (course notes with the opportunity to make your comments and comments, assignments and exercises that are performed and discussed in class); independently repeat and consolidate the material covered.

The development of the educational complex includes the following stages:

Development of a curriculum for a discipline included in the student training curriculum;

Development of lecture notes, methods of conducting practical classes;

Preparation of documentation for teaching materials;

Approbation of teaching materials in the educational process;

Correction of teaching materials.

Thus, the use of an educational and methodological complex in the field of education can significantly reduce the time required to study this course, without reducing, but on the contrary, improving the efficiency and quality of education.

Project methodology - as one of the directions for introducing information technologies into education

With the development of information and communication technologies, there has been an increased interest in organizing forms of education that make it possible to teach the ability to acquire knowledge through activity. One such method is project method, focused on the independent activity of students. Since the telecommunications project is a component of the education system and is designed to solve educational problems determined by content standards, program and curriculum, it should not be lost sight of that the work on the project must be included in a specific educational context.

Under educational project is understood as a joint, reasonable, planned and conscious activity of partner students, which is organized on the basis of telecommunication technologies, has a common problem, goal, agreed upon methods and which is aimed at developing in them a certain system of intellectual and practical skills. Educational project– an organizational form of work that is focused on the study of a completed educational topic or educational section and forms part of a standard educational course or several courses.

One of the main goals of the project method is the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, as well as the development of critical thinking. As a result of their creative practical activities, students create the final product in the form of new knowledge and skills. The project methodology is aimed at teaching students:

Identify and formulate problems;

Conduct their analysis;

Find ways to solve them;

Find the required source;

Apply the information received to solve assigned problems.

Educational projects are based on research teaching methods. All student activities focus on the following stages:

Definition of the problem and the resulting research objectives;

Proposing a hypothesis for their solution;

Discussion of research methods;

Conducting data collection;

Analysis of the obtained data;

Registration of final results;

Summing up, adjustments, conclusions.

The project method always involves solving some problem. The solution to the problem involves the use of a variety of teaching methods and means; the need to integrate knowledge and skills; apply knowledge from various fields of science, engineering, technology and creative fields. The problem itself can be formulated as a fundamental question affecting various areas of knowledge. Questions should guide the learning process and can be divided into categories:

Fundamental Question– this is the highest level question in the chain of questions; the most general, abstract, “philosophical”, without a definite answer. It serves as a “conceptual frame” for several educational topics or for the entire subject as a whole, going deep into the academic discipline. The fundamental question can be found in the most historically important and controversial problems and topics in various fields of science. It does not have a clear answer, is full of meaning and significance, encourages students to find their own answers and independently formulate conclusions based on the information collected; evaluate, put into a single picture and analyze the information received.

The problematic question also does not have a definite answer, but is aimed at studying a separate side of the issue. It helps in researching and finding answers to the fundamental question. Questions of the educational topic (problematic) form a specific series of knowledge; they are intended to identify and develop fundamental issues within specific topics and subjects. Such questions open up and suggest important multiple avenues for research and discussion; they reveal the paradoxes present in the topics discussed rather than hide them. Questions like these serve to start a discussion, pose a problem, rather than require direct answers. They should be general enough to engage students with a variety of interests and abilities and should allow for a wide range of varied responses.

Good problem-solving questions are open-ended, encourage exploration of a variety of ideas, are within the scope of the curriculum, should arouse students' interest, require a creative approach to the material being studied, and help them build their own answers and their own understanding based on independently collected information, compare, synthesize and analyze information.

The problematic questions of the educational topic are tied to a specific educational topic or object of study, support and provide an answer to the fundamental question.

Academic questions directly correspond to educational standards and the minimum knowledge of the student. You can give specific “correct” answers to them. Particular questions relate to facts, and to a lesser extent to the interpretation of these facts. They have clear unambiguous answers.

Thus, the basis of educational projects is made up of research teaching methods with highlighted problematic and educational issues, for which students must prepare appropriate materials using information technologies (presentation, publication, website, etc.).

Laboratory work No. 1

Coordination of the educational and methodological complex

with state educational standards (GOS). Development of a work program

Purpose of the work: formation of skills and abilities in planning and developing a work program for the discipline.

Task 1. Select from the list provided the name of the discipline for which you need to develop an educational and methodological complex.

Name of disciplines

Task 2. Select standards that correspond to the discipline being studied.

In order to lay a solid foundation for a good educational and methodological complex, it is necessary to analyze the state educational standards in your subject, as well as in related subjects, and determine the competencies, knowledge and skills that need to be taught to your students, and then assessed during implementation academic discipline.

The State Duma adopted a bill on the state educational standard. Its task is to determine the principles on the basis of which federal state educational standards will then be created for all levels of Russian education - secondary, primary (NPO) and secondary vocational education (SVE) and higher.

Educational standard is a set of regulations that define a system of rules and requirements that are mandatory for all educational institutions in the country - schools, vocational schools, technical schools and universities. It is he who determines what, how and how much to teach, as well as what an educational institution of a particular level should teach its students.

The current state educational standard is three-tiered and consists of federal, regional and school components.

The first ensures the unity of educational programs of educational institutions of the same level, and the other two allow regions and individual educational institutions, say, schools, to supplement the compulsory program with local specifics - national or religious.

1. Find state educational standards: – federal educational portal;

Http:// – Russian educational portal;

Http:// – Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation;

2. Save the standards as a document in your folder:

State educational standard of general (complete) education;

State educational standard of general (complete) education_Profile level;

State educational standard of general (complete) education_Basic level.

3. Find all the standards in various subjects that are relevant to your project. Save them in your folder.

Task 3. Develop a work program for the discipline.

Work program of the training course– a document intended to implement the requirements for the minimum content and level of training of a student in a specific subject of the educational plan of an educational institution.

Traditionally, the education system uses standard curricula approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, containing a generalized list of knowledge, skills and abilities. These programs also provide methodological recommendations of the most general nature, which indicate the necessary forms and means of training. Using standard curriculums as a basis, teachers can develop original and work-based programs. Work programs- these are programs developed on the basis of exemplary educational programs, but making changes and additions to the content of the academic discipline, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of training, and others.

Work program– a “living document” constantly evolving during the implementation of the program.

Work program structure

The training course program includes the following structural elements:

1) title page;

2) explanatory note;

3) curriculum;

1. On the educational portals specified in the previous task, find and save in your personal folder sample work programs for the selected discipline.

2. Based on the sample training programs, develop your own work program, making changes and additions to the content of the academic discipline, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of training, etc.

3. Fill out the educational and thematic planning table.

Educational and thematic planning

Task 4. Find educational Internet resources within the discipline being studied.

1. Organize a search on the federal educational portal and other educational portals (by level of education, subject areas of vocational education, subjects of general education, type of resource ).

2. Create a catalog of educational online resources within the chosen discipline.

Laboratory work No. 2

Development of an electronic textbook for the discipline

Purpose of the work: formation of skills and abilities in developing an electronic textbook using the Microsoft Publisher program.

Task 1. Develop a structural diagram of an electronic textbook and display it in the form of a diagram using Microsoft Word.

Electronic textbook (EU)– a software and methodological training complex that corresponds to the standard curriculum and provides the opportunity for the student to master the course or its section independently or with the help of a teacher.

An electronic textbook is created with a built-in structure, dictionaries, search capabilities, etc. and has a number of features:

Possibility of using multimedia;

– providing virtual reality;

– high degree of interactivity;

– the possibility of an individual approach to the student.

Basic Requirements The methodology for compiling an electronic textbook is as follows:

1) educational material should be divided into blocks;

2) each block must be provided with detailed illustrations;

3) illustrations should be selected in such a way as to explain difficult-to-understand material in more detail and simply;

4) the main material of the block must be combined into one whole using hyperlinks that allow linking individual blocks of the electronic textbook;

5) it is advisable to supplement the material in the electronic textbook with pop-up tips.

The approximate structure of the electronic textbook is as follows (Fig. 2):

Fig.2. Block diagram of the electronic textbook

The development of an electronic textbook includes the following main stages:

Stage I. Selection as sources of printed and electronic publications that most fully comply with the standard program, concise and convenient for creating hypertexts, containing a large number of examples and tasks, having a convenient format (collectibility principle).

Stage II. Selection of sources with optimal price-quality ratio.

Stage III. Development of a table of contents, i.e. dividing the material into sections consisting of modules that are minimal in volume but closed in content, as well as compiling a list of concepts that are necessary and sufficient for mastering the subject.

Stage IV. Processing of source texts in accordance with the table of contents; development of a contextual help system (Help); defining connections between modules and other hypertext connections. Preparation of a hypertext project for computer implementation.

V stage. Implementation of hypertext in electronic form. As a result, a primitive electronic publication is created, which can already be used for educational purposes.

Stage VI. Development of computer support, e.g. it is determined which mathematical operations are assigned to the computer in each specific case and in what form the computer’s response should be presented; the intellectual core of the power plant is designed and implemented; Instructions for users on the use of EC are being developed.

VII stage. Changing the way individual concepts and statements are explained and selecting texts to replace with multimedia material.

VIII stage. Development of audio texts for individual modules in order to relieve the screen from textual information and use the student’s auditory memory to facilitate understanding and memorization of the material being studied.

Stage IX. Recording of developed audio texts on a voice recorder and implementation on a computer.

X stage. Development of a visualization script for modules to achieve the greatest clarity, maximum screen relief from text information and the use of the student’s emotional memory to facilitate understanding and memorization of the material being studied.

XI stage. Visualization of texts, i.e. computer implementation of developed scenarios using drawings, graphs and, possibly, animation.

When designing and creating electronic textbooks, it is necessary to comply with the psychological principles of human-computer interaction. The violation most often manifests itself in the following: excessive help, insufficient help, inadequacy of value judgments, redundancy of informative dialogue, computer failures, insufficient motivation of help, excessive categoricalness. This can lead to an increase, instead of the expected reduction, in time for learning, a decrease in motivation to learn, etc.

Task 2. Using the graphic editor Corel Draw, develop a logo that displays the main content of the designed electronic textbook using the following algorithm. An approximate view of the logo is shown in Figure 3.

Fig.3. Logo

1. Open the program Corel Draw and create a new document.

2. In the window Scale select from the drop-down list Width.

3. Select a tool Painting on the toolbar.

4. Make sure the button Blank on the attributes panel is pressed.

5. In the window Thickness of Painting Tool, in the attributes panel enter 3.262 mm.

6. From the dropdown list List of Blanks in the attributes panel, select the line pattern .

7. Using the tool Painting, draw a line. Fill the workpiece with in black on the color palette.

8. Select Edit - Duplicate To create another line, repeat this operation two more times to make four stripes.

9. Select one line with the tool Pointer.

10. In the window Rotation angle in the attributes panel, enter 270, and click Enter.

11. Drag the rotated line into position so that it intersects the top of the first line.

12. Select another line using the tool Pointer.

13. In the window Rotation angle in the attributes panel, enter 90, and click Enter.

14. Drag the rotated line into position so that it intersects the base of the original line.

15. Select the last line using the tool Pointer.Click the button Mirror image in the attributes panel.

16. Drag the line into position so that it completes the square.

17. Select a tool Painting. Make sure that the previous settings are preserved.

18. Tool Painting draw a horizontal line with a loop. And fill it with black.

19. Drag the line to a position on top of the square.

20. Select a tool Bezier curve.

21. Click on the left corner of the lid, top, below the hinge, right corner, right and middle. To complete the form, click on the first node.

22. Open the additional toolbar Uniform Fill. Go to bookmark Models.

23. From the list Models select RGB.

24. In the block R enter 102.

25. In the block G enter 102.

26. In the block B enter 35.

27. Click the button OK.

28. Execute to move the shape behind the vertex lines.

29. Select a tool Bezier curve.

30. Click the top left corner of the square, the center of the top line, the center of the square, the center of the left line, the first node to complete the shape.

31. Fill out the form olive color.

32. Execute Align – Arrange – One Level Back

33. Repeat the previous steps on the bottom right side of the square to create a second olive square.

34. Tool Bezier curve click in the top right corner of the square to start the form.

35. Click the center of the top line, the center of the square, the center of the right line, the first node to complete the shape.

36. Fill dark yellow color.

37. Execute Align – Arrange – One Level Back to place the shape behind the square line.

38. Repeat the previous steps on the bottom left side of the square to create a second dark yellow square.

39. Using a tool Rectangle, create a square in the empty area of ​​the drawing.

40. Run the command EditCopy.

41. Run the command Edit - Paste to place the duplicate square on top of the original one.

42. Select a tool Pointer and reduce the size of the duplicate square.

43. Select a larger square and color it in ruby color and give it an outline thickness of 2.8.

44. Select the smaller square and, having created for it the color R, G, B - 229, 255, 229 respectively, fill it.

45. Give this square a contour of 2.8 as well.

46. ​​Group both squares.

47. Rotate them to a 45 angle using the margin Rotation angle in the attributes panel.

48. Drag the squares onto the drawing and change their sizes if necessary.

49. Tool Ellipse draw an ellipse and fill it with dark yellow.

50. Choose a tool Text on the toolbar and, by clicking on the ellipse path, enter the text “Electronic textbook”.

51. Format the text typeface, its size, color and style.

52. Using a tool Bezier curve create a curved line .

53. Paint it green and set the outline thickness to 2 mm.

54. Execute Edit - Duplicate to create a second line of the same type.

55. Select the resulting line with the tool Pointer.

56. In the window Rotation angle in the attributes panel, enter 180, and click Enter.

57. Combine two lines to make a shape .

58. From the toolbar, select a tool Without outline.

59. Select a tool Bezier curve.

60. Outline the inside of the resulting shape and color it green.

61. Using a tool Bezier curve create two parallel lines.

62. Using the Group command of the Align menu, group them.

63. Execute Edit - Duplicate to create the same lines.

64. Arrange them as shown in the picture.

65. Having previously grouped all the objects in the drawing, drag them onto the logo and, if necessary, change their sizes.

66. Tool Text create an inscription "INFORMATICS".

67. Select a tool Interactive shell .A red dotted line (wrapper) containing several nodes will appear around the text.

68. Experiment by dragging nodes to create the shell shape you want.

69. Save the logo as a wmf document. To do this in the menu File run the command Save as, and in the dialog box, specify the document name and change the save type to wmf – Windows Metafile.

Task 3. Create an electronic textbook using Microsoft Publisher.

To create an electronic textbook, it is necessary to select good textbooks and other sources on the topic being studied, select the necessary information, provide it with navigation (create hypertexts) and rich illustrative material (including multimedia) and display it on a computer screen. Thus, an electronic textbook can be a website that includes the following elements:

1. Header/Logo(Header), which can be made in both text and graphic form and is usually located at the top of the document. The logo represents the entire site and is the most visible object on the page.

2. Content(Text field) is the main part of the document, where the semantic content of the page is located: meaningful informational text and illustrations.

3. Navigation Elements – this is a mandatory component of the web page hyperlinks linking this document with other sections of the site. Navigation elements can be made in the form of text strings, graphic objects (buttons), or Java applets. Navigation elements should be positioned in such a way that they are always “in sight”, for example, at the left border of the page and/or at the top.

4. Information about the site developers.

An example of a website layout containing a set of the components described above is shown in Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7.

An approximate example of the presentation and design of an electronic textbook is presented in Figure 8.

Rice. 8. View of the main page of the electronic textbook

1. Download the program Publisher, which allows you to create websites from one or more pages.

2. On the left side of the screen in the task area Options: Website, and on the right side - your favorite structure of the future electronic textbook.

3. Set the title of the first page of the textbook. To do this, select the text field at the top of the web page Home page title and enter the name of the topic of the discipline being studied.

4. Design the page with your logo, relevant information and pictures, and apply appropriate styles, font schemes and color schemes.

5. Optimize your web page so that it can be viewed on both high and low resolution monitors. To do this:

Run the command FilePage Options;

On the list Publication type select Web page;

On the list Page size select:

o SVGA – for a wider web page (recommended for viewing on high-resolution monitors);

o Other size – to set the page width and height manually;

After selecting the desired format, click OK.

6. Add new pages on which you will place information on other topics of the discipline being studied. To do this:

- run the command InsertPage or click Add page at the bottom of the task pane Options: Website;

– in the drop-down list Available page types select the desired page type or blank page, and click OK.

Note: If you need to add multiple pages at once, click the button Next, and in the dialog box that appears (Fig. 9), enter the required number of pages (if necessary, set the switch to the position Before current or After current pages).

Rice. 9. Add Page Dialog Box

In the section Settings when choosing Copy all objects on a page and entering the number of the page whose objects are needed, the formatting of the specified page will be applied to the new page. If you need to add a page without a specified structure and design, then set the switch to position Add blank pages.

7. Save the document using the command FileSave.

8. Design the background of the pages of the electronic textbook and add sound.

To set the desired background of the e-textbook page and add sound effects, select in the task area Background or run the command Format - Background;

Click one of the option buttons Apply background and select the background option you like.

Note: The standard collection can be supplemented, to do this, click Additional colors and in the window that opens Colors choose any other color. Click OK. After choosing a background color, click Additional background types. A window will open Filling methods. Setting various options on tabs Gradient, Texture, Pattern, Drawing, Hue, you can choose the option you like: gradient fill, texture, pattern, inserting a picture as a background or shade.

9. Add sound effects to your electronic textbook. To do this:

Select a team Service – Web Page Options(Fig. 10);

In the dialog box that appears, select Background sound;

Rice. 10. Web Page Options

Click the button Review and find the required file.

Note: To keep the sound effect constant, click Infinite loop. To repeat the sound a specific number of times, click Repeat and enter the number of times the audio file will be repeated.

11. Create a survey form. To do this:

Add a new page by running the command InsertPage. In the section Form select Answer form(Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Add web page window

12. On the page containing the response form, enter a title and briefly describe the proposed questions and answers.

13. To save the results, configure the button properties Send at the bottom of the form page and set the form parameters. To do this:

Double click the button Send;

In the dialog box that opens Button properties(Fig.12) click the button Form properties;

Rice. 12. Button properties window

In the window that opens Form properties(Fig.13) set the switch to position Send me details by email;

Rice. 13. Form properties window

- in line Send details to this email address enter the address you want to use to collect responses;

- in line Email Subject change the subject of the email if necessary;

– Close the window and save your changes. Form properties and window Button properties.

14. Save the document.

15. Link the pages of the electronic textbook with hyperlinks.

All public schools in our country teach children according to educational and methodological programs that must comply with Federal State Educational Standards - Federal State Educational Standards. However, their very content, as well as teaching methods, may differ significantly. “Littlevan” tried to figure out how certain curricula for primary grades are formed, which of them are officially approved for use, and how they differ from each other.

Curricula: general provisions

Many parents of future first-graders are concerned about the question of what program their children will study in, and whether they can somehow influence its choice. According to current legislation and educational standards, each school has the right to create its own. However, it can only be based on educational literature approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 (with subsequent amendments, the latest dated April 21, 2016) “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of existing state accreditation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education.” The so-called “federal list” is not a disparate set of textbooks, but several completed subject lines, which, in turn, are an integral part of certain programs - educational and methodological complexes (UMK). Each of them has its own principles and characteristics. The educational complex is created by one team of authors with a specific scientific supervisor.

Thus, a parent can choose a specific curriculum only indirectly - by finding out in advance which school teaches using the textbooks of the educational institution they like, and, if possible, by enrolling their child there (we wrote about the rules for admission to 1st grade here and here). Some schools, in which parallel classes teach different teaching materials, test children to determine the program that is more suitable for them.

What teaching methods are allowed today?

Today, the federal list includes textbooks that are included in the following educational and methodological complexes:

  • "Russian School"
  • "RHYTHM",
  • "Perspective"
  • "Primary school of the XXI century",
  • "Promising Primary School"
  • "Planet of Knowledge"
  • System of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov,
  • "Elementary innovative school."

The list must be updated once every three years or more often. Thus, since 2014, including on the basis of negative expert opinions, the textbooks previously distributed in many educational educational institutions were removed from it: “School 2000”, “School 2100”, “Dialogue”, “Harmony”. And in the developmental education system of L.V. Zankov, only manuals on fine arts are now recommended!

However, it is worth keeping in mind that all books and notebooks that are no longer included in the federal list can be used for training for another 5 years after the relevant acts enter into force. In addition, over time, some completed subject lines of textbooks within the framework of one educational textbook may be excluded and replaced in the list of recommended ones with new ones (a corresponding order is issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

One more nuance. Elementary school teachers themselves have the legal right to choose which textbooks to base the educational process on (and follow this choice for all 4 years of study). However, they do not necessarily relate to one specific educational system. The main thing, we repeat, is that all textbooks are listed on the federal list.


This project of the Prosveshchenie publishing house is currently perhaps the most widespread textbook system in Russian schools. The teaching and learning center has existed since 2001 and has been updated and supplemented more than once since then. Its peculiarity is its focus on the formation of universal educational actions in the child. As advantages of the “School of Russia”, parents on note the simplicity, consistency and “clarity” of the presentation of the material (the presence of rules, algorithms for solving problems), as well as the fact that it is most similar to how they were taught in “Soviet childhood” . At the same time, the simplicity of the program, when compared with other educational systems, is also considered one of its disadvantages. Some also note with a minus sign that during training little imagination and their own logical thinking are involved. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , , , , , , .

“RHYTHM” stands for “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking”, which very clearly defines the peculiarity of this educational complex. The program integrates all primary school subjects and is based on the principles of revealing the individuality of each student, instilling in him the ability to think creatively and independently. Its basis is a revised, supplemented and brought into conformity with the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Instructions “Classical Primary School” (previously very common, now its textbooks are excluded from the list of recommended ones). This teaching aid is quite rare in elementary schools now; there are few reviews on it. The textbooks are published by the Drofa publishing house. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , .

Another set of textbooks published by Prosveshchenie. Since 2010, the scientific director of this teaching and learning center has been Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education. In contrast to “Schools 2000”, which was excluded from the federal list, this educational complex, with some similar principles, evokes greater sympathy from parents. It is based on the idea that the teacher only pushes towards knowledge; the child must “discover” it himself. At the same time, some say that the program is difficult for average children and is largely designed for intuitive understanding and independent extracurricular work. Other parents, on the contrary, consider its complexity and focus on cognitive activity to be among the advantages of educational training, and recommend it for children with a mathematical mind. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , , , .

According to the methodology of this educational complex, each child acts as a researcher and is an equal subject of the learning process (and not “listened-remembered-repeat”). The program includes many tasks for imagination and ingenuity. The textbook system is published by the VENTANA-GRAF publishing center. It is part of the educational system “Algorithm of Success”. Parents of children enrolled in the program note its confusion and inconsistent presentation of material as disadvantages. Others consider the long period of adaptation of the child to school, the difference from the “Soviet school”, the strong philological component as advantages and call the educational complex “quite adequate and interesting.” Most people agree that it will be easier for those children who entered the 1st grade to learn how to read, but who do not know how to write. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. ,