Insulation materials Insulation Blocks

Technological and costing map of stuffed pike. Technological map Stuffed pike perch or pike (whole). Technological map “Pike in sour cream”

Technological map

Fried fish

Recipe No. 240

Spotted catfish (variegated)



Captain fish



Sea bass






Pike, except sea pike



Wheat flour



Vegetable oil



Fried fish


Garnish (recipes No. 331,333,334, 335,338)


Sauce (recipes No. 364,383) or butter (or table margarine)



Yield: with fat




*commercially cut fish (gutted and headless)

Cooking technology.

Portioned pieces of fish, cut into pieces with skin and rib bones, are sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, placed on a baking sheet or frying pan heated with fat, fried on both sides until golden brown and cooked in the oven.

Side dishes: boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes or boiled vegetables with fat.

Sauces: red main, tomato, tomato with vegetables.

Technological map

Mashed potatoes

Collection of recipes and culinary products: textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.

Recipe No. 333

Name of raw materials and products

Gross, g

Net, g







Table margarine or butter



* mass of boiled milk. In the absence of milk, you can increase the amount of fat by 10 g

Cooking technology

Peeled potatoes are boiled in water with salt until tender, the water is drained, and the potatoes are dried. Boiled hot potatoes are rubbed through a mashing machine or through a sieve. The temperature of the mashed potatoes should not be lower than 80 degrees, otherwise the mashed potatoes will be viscous, which sharply worsens its taste and appearance. Add melted butter and boiled milk to the hot mashed potatoes, stirring continuously. The mixture is whipped until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained.

The puree is portioned, a pattern is applied to the surface, sprinkled with herbs or hard-boiled chopped eggs. Oil can be served separately.

Technological map

Red sauce (basic)

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.

Recipe No. 364

Cooking technology

Chopped onions and carrots are sautéed with fat, tomato puree is added and sautéing continues for another 10-15 minutes.

The sifted wheat flour is sauteed at a temperature of 150-160, stirring occasionally in a stovetop dish or baking tray in the oven (in a layer of no more than 4 cm) until it turns light brown.

The flour sauté, cooled to 70-80, is diluted with warm broth in a ratio of 1:4, stirred thoroughly and added to the boiling brown broth, then vegetables sautéed with tomato puree are added and boiled at low boil for 45-60 minutes. At the end of baking, add salt, sugar, black peppercorns, and bay leaf. Strain the sauce, rub the boiled vegetables into it, and bring to a boil.

Basic red sauce is used to prepare derivative sauces. When using the sauce as an independent dish, it is seasoned with table margarine (30g).

Technological map

Broth brown

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.

Recipe No. 362

Parsley (root)

Or celery (root)







* bones of beef, lamb, veal, pork, poultry and game (grouse, grouse, partridge, wood grouse).

Cooking technology

Raw bones, washed and chopped into pieces 5-7 cm long, are fried on a baking sheet and in an oven at a temperature of 160-170 with the addition of carrots, parsley, onions, cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.

Lamb, veal, pork, poultry and game bones are fried for 30-40 minutes, beef bones for 1-1.5 hours, turning them over. When the bones turn a light brown color, stop frying and drain off the fat released from the bones.

Fried bones with baked roots and onions are placed in a cauldron, poured hot water and cook for 5-6 hours at a low boil, periodically removing fat and foam.

To improve its quality, you can add meat juice obtained after frying meat products to the brown broth. To do this, pour a little meat broth or water onto the baking sheet on which the meat products were fried and boil for 2-3 minutes. The finished broth is filtered.

Purpose of the work: familiarization with the range of fish and non-fish seafood dishes.

Assortment of dishes: 1. Boiled fish, Polish sauce
(№ 623, № 1053).

2. Telnoe (No. 676).

3. Fried fish with onions in Leningrad style
(№ 643).

4. Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms Moscow style (No. 660).

Tools, equipment and utensils:pans with a capacity of 1 and 0.5 l; frying pans, chef's knives, veselka, gauze, colander, portioned frying pan, deep fryer, meat grinder, baking sheet, metal oval dishes, gravy boats, small plates, cutlery.

Cooking technology:

1. Boiled fish (No. 623). Polish sauce (No. 1053 ) GrossNet

captain fish or 296160

sea ​​bass*214156

pike (except sea)306156





parsley (root)43

weight of boiled fish – 125

side dish (No. 946)–150

sauce (No. 1053)–75


* Fish can be cooked without adding carrots

Work sequence “Boiled fish” (Fig. 5.6):

1. Defrost the fish, remove scales and entrails. rinse, layer and cut into portioned semi-finished products of a certain mass with skin and rib bones.

2. Prepare vegetables. Wash the onions, carrots and parsley roots, peel and cut into slices.

3. Let the fish cook. Place portioned pieces of fish into a pan, add water, add raw chopped vegetables and cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes.

4. Boil the eggs.

5. Wash and peel the potatoes (Fig. 5.7).

6. Boil potatoes until tender . Drain the water and dry the potatoes by placing the pan on a hot stove for a few minutes. Allow to cool to a temperature of 80–85 o C.

7. Melt the butter and heat the milk for mashed potatoes.

8. Wipe the potatoes Through a sieve, add butter and warm milk. Beat the mass.

9. Peel the eggschop into thin slices.

10. Wash the parsley, finely chop.

11. Melt the butter for the sauce.

12. Make the sauce (Fig. 5.8). Add chopped eggs, herbs, salt, citric acid to the melted butter.

13. Decorate the dish. Place pieces of fish on a warm shallow dinner plate and place mashed potatoes on the side. Apply a pattern to the surface of the puree using a tablespoon dipped in hot water. Pour Polish sauce over the fish. Garnish with a slice of peeled lemon.

Rice. 5.6. Technological diagram production of the “Boiled Fish” dish

2. Mashed potatoes (No. 946) GrossNet



table margarine6060

or butter6060


Rice. 5.7. Technological diagram of dish production
"Mashed potatoes"

Polish sauce (No. 1053) GrossNet


eggs8 pcs.320

parsley (greens) 2720

citric acid22


Rice. 5.8. Technological diagram of dish production
"Polish sauce"

2. Telnoe (No. 676) GrossNet

pike perch or 16780

ice fish17880

pike (except sea)20080


sea ​​bass12180

wheat bread2424

milk or water3232

fish cutlet mass–134

ground meat:


cooking fat55

fresh porcini mushrooms2620/15*

or fresh champignons 2821/15*

eggs 1/4 pcs. 10


minced meat mass – 42



semi-finished product weight – 194

cooking oil1414

weight of the finished body – 160

garnish No. 946, 948, 949, 976, 980–100

table margarine–7

sauce No. 1038, 1039–100


* Mass of sautéed onions and boiled mushrooms

Sequence of work “Telnoe” (Fig. 5.9):

1. Defrost the fish, clean it from scales and entrails, rinse, remove skin and remove bones.

2. Cut clean fillet into pieces weighing 40–50 g.

3. Soak wheat bread without crusts in milk.

4. Pieces of fish and soaked bread mince with salt and pepper. Knock out the mass.

Figure 5.9. Technological diagram for the production of the Telnoe dish

5. Prepare minced vegetables (Fig. 5.10). Peel the onions and mushrooms, rinse, boil the mushrooms, then fry. Sauté the onion.

6. Boil the eggs.Peel, chop.

7. Combine sauteed onions, fried mushrooms, chopped eggs; Season to taste with salt and pepper and stir.

8. Form the body. Place an amount of minced fish on a damp cloth (gauze), spread in a layer up to 1 cm. Place minced vegetables in the middle of the flatbread and use the cloth to form the body into a crescent shape.

9. Dip the semi-finished product in beaten eggs and breaded in breadcrumbs.

10. Place the finished semi-finished product in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Rice. 5.10. Technological scheme for the production of “minced vegetables”
for the formation of a body

11. Prepare the sauce (Fig. 5.12). Saute the flour ( t = 160 o C). Peel the vegetables, wash them, chop them into strips and sauté with the addition of tomatoes.

12. Dilute the flour sauté with fish broth. For the broth: boil the skin, bones and some of the fish flesh left over from cutting into semi-finished products.

Fried potatoes (No. 948) GrossNet

potatoes in cubes, slices, wedges,


cooking fat, vegetable oil100100


Figure 5.11. Technological diagram of dish production
"Fried potatoes"

13. Combine sauteed vegetables and flour sauté, diluted with broth. Let cook for 25–30 minutes.

14. Peel and rinse the potatoes (Fig. 5.11). Cut into cubes, rinse in running water and dry with a towel.

15. Fry potatoes the main way until a golden brown crust forms.

16. Deep fry the body until golden brown and cook in the oven.

17. Strain the sauce and rub the vegetables through a sieve. Bring the sauce to a boil. Season with creamy margarine.

18. Prepare the body for submission. Place the vegetable on an oval dish (1–2 pieces per serving), place the side dish in a mound on the side. Serve the sauce separately. Garnish with parsley.

Tomato sauce (No. 1038) GrossNet

fish broth–500

table margarine2525

wheat flour 2525



parsley (root) 4030

tomato puree500500

table margarine2525



Rice. 5.12. Technological diagram for the production of “Tomato sauce”

3. Fried fish with onions in Leningrad style (No. 643) GrossNet

cod* or 194149

sea ​​bass204149


pike perch, or hake264145

horse mackerel296145

wheat flour77

vegetable oil88

weight of fried fish – 125

deep-fried onion (No. 970)

garnish No. 947, 948


* Storing standards are given for gutted and headless fish

Figure 5.13. Technological diagram of dish production
“Fried fish in Leningrad style”

Fried potatoes from boiled (No. 947) GrossNet


cooking fat or butter100100


* Mass of boiled, peeled, chopped potatoes

The sequence of work “Fried fish in Leningrad style” (Fig. 5.13):

1. Defrost the fish, clean it and cut into fillets with skin and rib bones. Cut into portions of the mass specified in the recipe.

2. Wash and peel the potatoes (Fig. 5.14) and cook for 10–15 minutes (until half cooked).

3. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings.

4. Salt the fish (portioned pieces), pepper, breaded in flour and fried in the main method until golden brown, and bring to readiness in the oven.

5. Cut potatoes into slices and fry in the main method until golden brown.

6. Breaded onions in flour and deep fry.

7. Decorate the dish for serving. Place fried fish in the middle of a shallow dinner plate. Place slices of fried potatoes around it and top the fish with a mound of deep-fried onions. Decorate with sprigs of greenery.

Figure 5.14. Production flow diagram
"Fried from boiled potatoes"

4. Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms, Moscow style (No. 660)


Pike perch or 284145


ice fish302145


stellate sturgeon281149


wheat flour77

fresh porcini mushrooms3426/17*

or fresh champignons5743/17*


cooking oil1515

weight of fried fish – 125

eggs 1/2 pcs. 20

garnish No. 947–150

sauce No. 1044–150


table margarine or butter 1010

semi-finished product weight – 480


* Mass of mushrooms after frying

**Weight of sautéed onions

Sequence of work “Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms, Moscow style” (Fig. 5.15):

1. Defrost the fish, clean it, rinse and cut into fillets with skin and rib bones. Cut into portions with the masa provided in the recipe.

2. Wash and boil the mushrooms cut into slices and fry.

3. Boil the eggs.Cut into slices.

4. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and save.

5. Prepare the sauce (Fig. 5.16). Saute the flour for butter. Bring the sour cream to a boil and stir in the flour mixture. Season the semi-finished product with salt and pepper and simmer for 3–5 minutes. Strain the finished sauce and bring to a boil again.

6. Wash the potatoes peel and cook (Fig. 5.14).

7. Grate the cheese.

8. Salt fish portions pepper, breaded in flour and fry in the main method until golden brown.

9. Cut boiled potatoes into slices and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.

10. Prepare the dish for baking. Pour a little sauce into a portioned frying pan and place a portion of fried fish in the center; Cover the fish with slices of fried boiled potatoes. Place boiled egg slices (slices), sautéed onions, and fried mushrooms on top of the fish. Pour the remaining sauce over the top of the dish and sprinkle with grated cheese.

11. Bake the dish in the oven at a temperature of 250–280 o C until a golden brown crust forms on the surface.

12. Prepare for submission. Place a paper napkin on a shallow dinner plate and place a portioned frying pan with the dish on it. Decorate with a sprig of greenery.

Sour cream sauce (No. 1044) GrossNet


Taste and smell

Boiled fish, Polish sauce

Fish in the form of a whole piece. Garnish on the side, figuratively decorated. The sauce completely covers the fish

In cross section – pink with a yellowish tint, or white, or light gray (depending on the type of fish)

Fish with the aroma of spices and sauce

A crescent-shaped product with an evenly fried crust on both sides, without cracks on the surface, poured with oil, garnished. Sauce served separately

Light brown

Characteristic of products made from fish cutlet mass with the taste and aroma of fried onions, eggs, mushrooms and tomato sauce

Fried fish Leningrad style

A piece of fish with an evenly fried crust without burnt areas, garnished with circles of fried potatoes, sprinkled with oil, fried onions placed on top

Fish – light brown, onion – straw yellow

Characteristic of fried fish, fried onions and potatoes

Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms, Moscow style

Most of the surface is covered with a golden brown crust

Golden brown

Characteristic of fried fish with a taste of sour cream, sautéed onions and mushrooms

Recipe source: “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. Publishing house "Khlebprodinform" Moscow 1996"

Technological map No. 1

Name of the dish (product) “Pumpkin porridge No. 313”

The peeled pumpkin is finely cut into cubes, simmered with the addition of milk, then semolina is poured in in a thin stream, sugar and salt are added and cooked until tender. When leaving, add a piece of butter. Conditions and terms of implementation:

No more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation. Serving temperature 60-70C.

Head production:


Technological map “Pike in sour cream”

GOST R 53105-2008 Dining room “Minutka”

Recipe source: “›fiestas/masleniza-recepty.html”

Technological map No. 2

Name of the dish (product) “Pike in sour cream”

Name of raw materials, food products

Gross weight, g, kg

Net weight or semi-finished product, g, kg

Weight of the finished product, g, kg

Weight for 30 servings


Mass of fried pike

Technological process of manufacturing, decorating and serving a dish (product):

Clean the fish, cut into pieces, salt and keep in a cool place for 15 minutes. After this, dry with a napkin, dip each piece in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Heat the frying pan very hot, melt the butter in it and fry the fish on both sides. Then pour sour cream over it and boil once. Place the finished fish on a dish and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Conditions and terms of implementation:

Store on a steam table at a temperature of 60-70 C for no more than 30 minutes.

Head production.

For stuffing, pike, pike perch (Fig. 2.24), and carp are used. The fish is stuffed whole, in the form of a loaf and with cobblestone pieces.

Rice. 2.24. Pike perch stuffing: 1 - trimming the carcass; 2 - stuffed carcass

The technological scheme for preparing whole stuffed pike is shown in Fig. 2.25.

Rice. 2.25. Technological scheme for processing pike stuffed whole

A pike intended for whole stuffing is carefully cleaned of scales so as not to damage the skin, the fins are cut off, washed, dried, the skin around the head is trimmed, folded back and carefully removed from the carcass with a stocking. The fin bones are trimmed inside the carcass, the end of the spinal bone is broken at the tail so that the skin remains with the tail. The skin is washed and dried.

The fish is cut into clean fillets. The pulp is used to prepare the filling, which is tightly filled with the skin, giving it the shape of a fish. Several punctures are made at the tail to remove air. The head is attached to the carcass or sewn on.

The fish is wrapped in gauze or parchment, tied with twine, placed on the grill of a fish kettle and cooked.

Preparing the filling. The fish flesh is cut into pieces, crustless wheat bread soaked in milk or water is added, and passed through a meat grinder. Sauteed onions, garlic, salt, ground pepper, margarine are added to the mass and all this is passed through a meat grinder again, raw eggs are added, mixed thoroughly and beaten. You don't have to add garlic.

In the form of a loaf, pike is stuffed when the fish arrives at the enterprise gutted. The fish carcass is washed, dried, flattened and skinned. The filling is prepared from the pulp.

The skin from one fillet is placed on moistened gauze, the filling is placed on it along the entire length, which is covered with the skin from the other fillet. Using gauze, form the fish into a roll and tie it with twine. Used for assumption.

Processing pike perch for stuffing whole begins with cutting out the dorsal fin, the remaining fins are cut off with scissors, then the scales are carefully cleaned so as not to damage the skin. The gills and eyes are removed from the head.

The fish is washed, dried and the spine is removed. To do this, cut deep into the flesh along the spinal bone on both sides, break it at the head and tail and separate it from the pulp and costal bones. Through the hole, take out the insides. The fish is washed and the flesh with the rib bones is cut off on the sides, leaving it in a thin layer (no more than 0.5 cm). The fin bones are cut out with scissors.

The bones are removed from the pulp and the filling is prepared (as for stuffing pike). The prepared pike perch is filled with stuffing from the dorsal hole so that the fish does not lose its shape. The hole is sewn up. The fish is wrapped in gauze, tied with twine and dried.

Carp for stuffing whole is processed in the same way as pike perch, but first the scales are removed. The prepared fish is filled with filling and the hole is sewn up. Stuffed fish is breaded in flour and fried.

Preparing the filling. Processed dried mushrooms cook until tender, then finely chop and fry along with chopped onion.

Crumbled rice or buckwheat porridge. To the finished porridge add mushrooms fried with onions, raw eggs (for the viscosity of the filling), ground pepper, and salt. Mix everything thoroughly. You can add chopped garlic.

For stuffing with portioned pieces of carp and carp, they are processed and cut into portioned cobblestone pieces. The pulp and bones are carefully separated from each piece so as not to damage the skin. A thin layer of pulp of 0.5 cm is left near the skin. A filling is prepared from the pulp (as for stuffing pike), which is used to fill each portioned piece. The thickness of the cobblestones should be no more than 5 cm. Used for admission. Stuffings of fish fillets and minced fish are shown in Fig. 2.26; 2.27.

Rice. 2.26. Fish fillet stuffing: 1 - laying out minced meat; 2 - stuffed fish is formed; 3 - stuffed fish, prepared for admission

Rice. 2.27. Minced fish stuffing: 1 - display of the product; 2 - the product is formed and prepared for approval.