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From what year must apartment owners pay for major repairs? Law on capital repairs of apartment buildings Where do contributions for capital repairs go?

In 2015, a bill was passed, according to which the fee for major repairs was abolished for the elderly population. Benefits for pensioners are provided for special conditions. The change took place gradually and eventually spread to all regions Russian Federation. So who is entitled to these privileges and how not to pay for major repairs?

Privileges for pensioners to pay for major repairs

Not long ago, our country began collecting fees from residents of apartment buildings for major repairs. The implementation period for this program is 30 years, which is quite a lot. Many pensioners may no longer be able to wait for such a grandiose transformation of their home, so State Duma deputies decided to abolish fees for major repairs for them. Benefits for pensioners over 80 years of age are provided without exception.

Later, this bill came into force and gradually, in the regions, this line in the receipt began to be abolished. It is worth noting that the benefit applies exclusively to non-working pensioners or single people.

The privilege is valid if old man is the owner of the property. In this case, the fee for major repairs is waived. The benefit for pensioners over 80 years of age is also provided only if they have at their disposal no more than 33 sq.m. or 42 sq.m. for two. However, the footage is set individually in each region.

If a pensioner occupies a large territory, then a fee for major repairs will be charged on the extra square footage; it does not fall under the benefit.

Where does the law apply and what privileges does it provide?

In general, the law applies throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, that is, fees for major repairs should be abolished throughout the country. Benefits for pensioners are of a declarative nature. If you have any questions, please contact Social Security.

As a result, an elderly person who has received the right to such a subsidy can count on:

  • reduction of fees for major repairs, benefits for pensioners 70 years old provide for a reduction of the contribution by 50%;
  • complete exemption from contributions - provided only for citizens whose age has exceeded 80 years;
  • compensation - the pensioner still has to pay for major repairs of an apartment building, but then these funds will be returned to him on a card or account in any bank.

Which category of pensioners can count on a discount?

All pensioners who can count on privileges regarding major repairs from the state are divided into two categories.

1. Married couples or single pensioners whose age has exceeded 70 years. They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • housing must be owned;
  • the pensioner should not be officially employed;
  • a citizen should not have debts to pay for utilities.

If all the requirements are met, then this category of citizens is provided with a discount on contributions for major repairs in the amount of 50%.

2. Married couples or single pensioners over 80 years of age. For such people there are also requirements:

  • lack of official place of work;
  • housing should not be rented;
  • the pensioner should not have debt under the CG.

If all requirements are met, the citizen will have the fee for major repairs waived. The benefit for pensioners over 80 years of age is provided in the form of a refund of the amount paid. That is, a person pays for major repairs on the same basis as everyone else, but after that the money is returned to his account.

How to get a benefit?

If a person falls under the selected categories, then to receive the privilege he must apply. There are three methods you can use to get a discount on your major repair fee. Benefits for pensioners can be applied for through:

  • social protection;
  • multifunctional center;
  • portal "Government Services".

It is worth noting that before this, the pensioner must pay off his debts for the CG and indicate the account where the funds will be returned monthly.

What does the required package of documents consist of to receive a discount? This:

  1. Statement.
  2. A certificate confirming the absence of debts for utilities.
  3. Pensioner's passport.
  4. Documents confirming the right to receive the corresponding benefit.
  5. A copy of the certificate of ownership of the living space.

Drawing up an application

First, you must correctly write an application for a discount on the overhaul fee. Benefits are not provided to pensioners aged 80 and 70 without this document. A citizen can write it himself or seek help from a social service.

It is imperative to write in it:

  • your data (full name);
  • personal account number where you can transfer money;
  • what benefit category does the pensioner belong to?
  • date;
  • signature.

It is worth noting that regional authorities can independently change the amount of the contribution for major repairs, but its amount is per 1 sq.m. various areas not much different. The state has established a minimum of 6 rubles per 1 sq.m.

Don’t put off writing an application and collecting papers. In some areas, the conditions of the program are slightly different, but it works throughout the Russian Federation.

What are the consequences of unauthorized refusal to pay?

Many senior citizens hoped that the authorities would completely abolish fees for major repairs, and benefits would be provided to pensioners without additional documents. However, over several years the situation remained at the same level.

So, lawyers warn that if a pensioner still wants to get his discount on payment for major repairs, he mandatory must pay for this line on the receipt.

If a senior citizen voluntarily decides to refuse to pay for major repairs and does not apply for the benefit entitled to him, then his right to receive such a privilege is lost. Moreover, the contribution for capital improvement of housing is the same payment as for electricity or heating; penalties will begin to accrue on the debt over time.

If this does not help bring some sense to the pensioner, then the regional operator has the right to sue the citizen, and the court, in turn, will make a decision to collect the debt from the pensioner. In addition, if the court sides with the regional operator, the pensioner will also have to pay all the costs incurred by the plaintiff due to the proceedings.

From what month and year do I have to pay for major repairs? Overhaul fee officially introduced on January 1, 2014. And until August 1, 2015, residents of apartment buildings had to decide how to raise funds for future repairs. Or allow local authorities to manage funds through a regional capital repair operator, transferring money to a special fund. Or, based on the decision of the general meeting of residents of the house, open a special bank account where all the money is personally transferred.

True, in both cases, the decision on when and in what time frame to repair the house will be made by the local administration. However, there is still a plus in a special account: you know for sure that your funds will not be repaired to another house or misused for other utility needs. In the case of a “common pot”, it will be difficult to track the expenditure of your money.

But don’t be upset if you didn’t manage to open such a special account for fees for major repairs when fees for major repairs were introduced. You can do this at any time. To do this you need to follow a certain order.

It is necessary to hold a general meeting of apartment building owners, make several decisions and determine:

  • the amount of the monthly contribution for major repairs. Its amount must be greater than or equal to that established by local authorities as the minimum.
  • what kind of repair work will be carried out in your home. This list should contain no fewer items than the list of the regional capital repair fund.
  • timing of repairs. It must also pass no later than what the local authorities have established in their program.
  • the owner of this special account.
  • the bank where the account will be serviced.

After all these procedures, within five days after adoption, this decision must be brought to the attention of the regional operator of the overhaul fund, where all your funds are being transferred for now. Then you will have to wait six months for the decision to come into force. And after this period, the local operator will transfer the funds collected by your home to a special account.

How long does it take to pay for major repairs in a new home?

Most of all, the introduction of fees for major repairs caused anger among residents of new buildings. And they can be understood. After all, a reasonable question arises: why repair something that has just been built?

On this score, the government, after long discussions, finally decided to introduce a tax holiday for those houses that were or will be commissioned after the federal program was put into effect.

From what date do they pay for major repairs in new buildings? If your home was sold after the start of the federal program, then you have the right to a payment holiday of three to five years.

A more precise period will be determined by the region in which you live, but it cannot be less than three years. Nothing will be credited during this period.

Tariffs in different regions

Of course, even those who are not paying soon are worried about the question: how much will they actually have to deduct?

Each region sets the minimum contribution amount independently until October 1 of the year preceding the next three-year period. On average, homeowners pay 6-7 rubles per square meter. In the Leningrad region, they generally collect only 2 rubles per square meter, but in Moscow this amount is 15 rubles.

What area is the fee for major repairs charged? The fee is calculated based on the total area of ​​the apartment. For example, if you have a house of 50 square meters, and you live in the capital, you will see an amount of 750 rubles on the receipt if you are not entitled to benefits.

When they started paying for major repairs, who should do it? The fee is charged only to owners of privatized apartments. If the home is state-owned, then the person living there under a social tenancy agreement does not pay anything.

Lifetime fee

Federal overhaul program will be valid for thirty years. All deadlines in the Moscow program repair work Each house is divided into three years. After this period, the program may be adjusted.

How long does it take to pay for major repairs? The timing and duration of repairs for each house are determined individually by the program, based on the technical condition of the engineering systems and the duration of operation.

Even if recently your old house major renovation, you will still continue to pay contributions for the next renovation, even if it is expected in ten to twenty years.

Now you know from what month they pay for major repairs. This is not to say that such fees are an innovation. recent years. In Soviet times, such payments also existed, they were simply included in the total cost utilities. At that time there was no private property, so all care for the condition of the house lay on the shoulders of the state. Now that apartments have become privatized, their owners must bear responsibility to a greater extent for the comfort of the house in which they live.

Back in 2014, management companies of apartment buildings included a new service in utility bills. The appearance of the line “for major repairs” in receipts alarmed and upset many homeowners. However, in the same year, the first recommendations appeared, which described in detail ways to help apartment owners avoid paying for this service on completely legal grounds.

However, in the second part of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation it is written in black and white that cash, which in case of emergency will be used for major repairs of an apartment building, must be kept either in an open account created for this purpose or in the current account of the management company.

Then how can you not pay for major repairs according to the law? For what reasons do many residents and apartment owners refuse to adhere to the rules of the law? Let's take a closer look.

How legal is the management company’s demand to pay funds for major repairs?

This requirement is completely legal and is described in detail in the Housing Code. At the same time, it can be considered quite objective and useful, since many people have long been aware that the housing stock is, to put it mildly, in a terrible state. And all this can lead to accidents in the next few years. That is, by accepting the obligation to pay a certain amount for major repairs, the homeowner cares first of all about himself, and first of all about his own safety. Is this how it turns out in reality?

According to the law, absolutely all owners of residential premises located in apartment buildings are required to pay for the service. The only exceptions are low-income citizens who receive benefits and financial assistance from the state. In addition to them, war and labor veterans are completely exempt from paying for major repairs. And only certain categories of citizens receive a discount on the service.

For what reasons do apartment owners refuse to pay for major repairs of the house in which they live?

Let's look at the most popular reasons why home owners do not want to pay for major home renovations:

  • The program aimed at improving the housing stock was adopted not so long ago, and besides, there are no specific deadlines for repairs, which means the money will go nowhere. That is why the owners perceive it as another way to force people to pay for something unknown.
  • Residents must pay for major repairs of the house, but their money may one day repair the attics, entrances and basements of the house, which will never become their property. In addition, people are alarmed by the fact that teams from private companies that carry out commercial activities are hired to carry out repair work.
  • Many owners do not use the property that the management company offers to bring into proper condition. An example would be the lack of need to repair the elevator for residents of the first floor, since they simply do not use it.

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What is a major overhaul? What are owners required to pay for?

Even if you regularly pay for the overhaul service, which is included in your receipt, and are not at all worried about whether or not you need to contribute funds to a special fund, then you may probably be interested in the list of work performed for your money. This list includes the following:

  1. Restoration of the building and its facade in accordance with modern trends.
  2. Basement renovation.
  3. Restoring the roof and maintaining the roof in good condition.
  4. Reconstruction of the foundation of the house if necessary.
  5. Restoring the operation of old elevators or installing new modern cabins.
  6. Updating sewerage, water supply, heating and other types of communications systems.

Based on the above list, it is quite logical that the responsibility for paying for major repairs lies with the homeowners. But the question immediately arises: do exactly the same requirements apply to new buildings that were put into operation no more than two years ago? It turns out that, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residents of such houses also need to regularly pay for major repairs with a future perspective. In most cases, it is these arguments that become the main reason why people living in new buildings refuse to pay fees for services that, in their opinion, are incomprehensible.

How can it be legal not to pay for major repairs of an apartment building?

Having considered all the important issues related to paying for major repairs of an apartment building, we will dwell in more detail on how to legally avoid paying for this service. There are several similar methods, but you won’t be able to do it completely without spending money. So:

In addition, you can, of course, not pay for the service at all by simply ignoring the receipt you receive. But such actions may result in sanctions from the management company.

What threatens those who do not pay for major repairs of apartment buildings?

By law, residential property owners have the right to pay not every line on the receipt. However, in reality this is not at all easy to do. If you stop paying for the overhaul service, then the management company may apply penalties, namely:

  • Send out additional receipts and notifications about the need to pay the debt.
  • Charge interest on the amount of the debt.
  • Resolve the issue through the court, where the apartment owner will have to explain in detail the reason for refusing to pay for the overhaul service, providing strong evidence in his favor. If you fail to properly justify the refusal, the amount of your debt will likely increase by the amount of legal costs.

As a result, I would like to note that every owner of a home located in an apartment building has two options for legally refusing to pay for major repairs. The first is to ignore receipts for payment for major repairs, which will not be known when. And the second is to use legal ways to evade a significant portion of payments for the service. Naturally, the second option is preferable, since it does not entail the imposition of sanctions from the management company and will not lead to court.