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Spelling combinations zhi shi zhe she. Handbook of the Russian language. Dictations in ZHI, SHI

Zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-chu... Are there exceptions to these rules? and got the best answer

Answer from Orat Contradictory[guru]

It just so happens that in proper names of Baltic origin the letter h is followed by yu, not y, ya, not a. There are very few such words, but they exist (for example, Čapkėliai is a nature reserve in Lithuania).

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - schu... Are there exceptions to these rules?

Reply from Boris Sherstov[newbie]
Shoot with butter.

Reply from Aurora -.- Novak[newbie]
Yes, I'm looking

Reply from Yovetlana[newbie]

Reply from Christina Kira[newbie]
2% of the words of the surname Imsna proper do not relate to this rule, for example Charynensky - the person’s surname is Slichyansky

Reply from Alexandra Volk[newbie]
It has not yet been possible to come up with a rule from which there would not or could not be an exception.
In the first grade, we diligently wrote out in our copybooks: “Zhi-shi write with the letter i, cha-sha write with the letter a, chu-schu write with the letter y.” We read the same thing in the primer.
No rule seemed so immutable.
I have not yet been able to find Zhi-shi with the letter y. But this does not mean that exceptions cannot appear at all. Maybe some foreign words will sound more accurate if exceptions are made for them?
With cha-sha, chu-chu, it seems something similar happened.
Have you met the surname Čiurlionis? Do you notice anything strange in the writing?
It just so happens that in proper names of Baltic origin the letter h is followed by yu, not y, ya, not a. There are very few such words, but they exist (for example, Čapkėliai is a nature reserve in Lithuania).

Reply from Polina[guru]

Reply from Maximlyan Erdmanis[newbie]

Reply from MAXIC PRO[expert]
Parachute, jury, brochure... They taught this in 2nd grade.

Russian language lesson. UMK PNSh.

Topic: “Spelling words with combinations zhi-shi, zhe-she, qi, tsy, tse.”

Goals of the teacher's activities: create conditions for the formation of knowledge about the features of the sounds [zh], [sh], as always solid; contribute to the development of the skill of spelling words with combinations zhi-shi, zhe-she under stress.

Planned educational outcomes:

subject: will learn to identify the sounds [zh], [sh] as always hard, to write correctly dictionary words, words with combinations zhi-shi, zhe-she, qi, tse, tsy;

meta-subject(criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities (UAL)):

Regulatory - understand the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the educational material;

Cognitive – carry out semantic perception of the text; -communicative – formulate their own opinion and position, accept a partner’s position, including one different from their own;

-personal UUD: demonstrate primary skills in assessing work and classmates’ responses based on specified criteria for the success of educational activities.

Lesson script

I.Organizational and motivational stage.

1. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

2. Greeting. Slide 1.

Music sounds: E. Grieg “Morning”

Invented by someone

Simple and wise.

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces!

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting,

Good morning lasts until evening.

Good morning, girls!

Good morning boys!

Guys, guests came to our lesson today. We will show our guests how we work in class and what we already know how to do.

We wish the guests good morning.

Children: Good morning!

Teacher: We are glad to welcome you to our lesson.

II. Goal setting

- Open your textbooks, find a new topic. What icon?

Look in the table of contents for the name of this topic. (slide 2)

–Set a goal for today’s lesson. .(slide 3)

Today’s lesson for me….. (repetition)

I’m reading the topic of the lesson and I think that .... (we will repeat solid consonants that do not have a pair - zh, sh, ts; let’s remember the features of their spelling)

During the lesson, I would like not only .... (to repeat the educational material, but also to learn something new, dance during physical exercises, work in pairs, etc.)

– Sit upright, lower your legs, straight back. Today you are the most beautiful, smart, attentive and quick-witted. I wish you success in achieving this goal.

III. Calligraphy:

Reading the offer on slide 4: There were kids living in the circus.

What can you say about the sounds [F] - [SH], what are they? (Paired by voicedness - deafness, do not have a pair by softness). About the sound [Ts]? (does not have a pair of softness)

What spellings do you see in this sentence? What rule?

Let's remember how these letters are written: Shsh Zh Ts

Writing letters . (slide 5)

Review of writing rules.

IV. Updating basic knowledge.

– Remember the rules you learned in previous lessons. (Textbook, pp. 57, 58, 60.)

Dunno believes that you can easily live without rules. (slide 6)

Dunno. Why should I teach the rule?

I can live without rules!

And so can I write

Any dictation with a “five” mark!

- “Why do we need rules?” - this is the topic of our lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Vocabulary dictation.

Today is an attentive son for mom

I placed wonderful roses in... (jug).

Won't go without gas

Neither the bus nor... (car).

Leads the bear to the booth

On a string... (Gypsy).

Mom knits a long scarf,

Because son... (giraffe).

The teacher opens the board on which the same words are written by Dunno:Jug, machine, cegan . giraffe

- Look what Dunno wrote. Correct the mistakes quickly before Anishit Yokopovna notices.

– Which word can’t identify the letter? Why? (In the word “giraffe”, since the vowel is unstressed.)

– Now can you explain why the rules are needed? (Answers from students.)

2. Reading textbook (pp. 62–63).

- Dunno decided to improve. He learned the rule. What about you? (slide 7)

VI. Physical education minute"Circus"

VII. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Exercise 29, p. 63.

Let's read the task.

Read the text of the exercise

The first three to do it correctly will be consultants and together with me they will check the rest.

Independent work.

– Masha did not write out the words: sh..mpanzee, f..rafa, Do you agree with Masha? Why? (The vowels in these words are unstressed.)

Physical education lesson (for the eyes “Clouds”)

2.Work in pairs on the text.

– There are missing points in all the sentences, what can I do? Slide 11 .

Children go into the grove, woodpeckers knock under the bush, a hedgehog rustles

Write down the sentences using punctuation marks.

Highlight familiar spellings.

Write down words in which the number of letters and sounds does not match.

Peer review Slide 12 .

The children go to the grove. Woodpeckers are knocking. A hedgehog rustles under a bush.

Hedgehog – 4 points, 5 stars.

VIII. Lesson summary.

– Please remind us what goals we have set for ourselves? ….( we will repeat hard consonants that do not have a pair - zh, sh, ts; remember the peculiarities of their spelling)

(learn something new)

– we learned what rules are for. When do they appear? (A rule appears where there is something unusual.)

– What’s unusual about the combinations? zhi, shi, qi, same, she, tse? (In these combinations we write the vowels “i” and “e” after hard consonants.)

Reflection at the end of the lesson.

The guys choose any statement and continue it. (slide 13)

Today I learned... (what rules are for, that rules appear where there is something unusual)

I succeeded... (write a dictation without errors... etc.)

It was difficult...

I was surprised...(birds singing in class...)

It was interesting...

Now I can... (write combinations shi, zhi, qi, zhe, she, tse under stress without errors)

– How do you feel at the end of our lesson?

You have a “Hedgehog” coloring book on your table. (slide 14)

If you liked the lesson, you understood everything, did it correctly, are happy with your work and are in a good mood, then draw a beautiful smile on the hedgehog with a red pencil.

And if you are not very happy with your work and this has spoiled your mood, then draw disappointment on his face with a simple pencil.

Let's see!

- Well done! Worked very well today...


Spelling words with combinations zhi-shi, zhe-she, qi, tsy, tse.

Goals of the teacher:create conditions for the formationknowledge about the characteristics of sounds[g], [w] as always solid; promote the development of spelling skills of words with combinations zhi-shi, zhe-she under emphasis.

Planned educational outcomes: subject: will learn identify sounds[zh], [sh] are solid as always, write vocabulary words and words with combinations correctly zhi-shi, zhe-she, qi, tse, tsy; meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities (ULA)): regulatory - understand the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the educational material; cognitive - carry out semantic perception of the text; communicative - formulate their own opinion and position, accept the partner’s position, including one different from their own; personal UUD: demonstrate primary skills in assessing work and classmates’ responses based on specified criteria for the success of educational activities I.

Lesson script

I. Organizational and motivational stage.

1. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

2. Greeting. Slide 1.

Music sounds: E. Grieg “Morning”


Invented by someone

Simple and wise.

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces!

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting,

Good morning lasts until evening.

Good morning, girls!

Good morning boys!

Guys, guests came to our lesson today. We will show our guests how we work in class and what we already know how to do.

We wish the guests good morning.

Children: Good morning!

Teacher: We are glad to welcome you to our lesson.

II. Goal setting

- Open your textbooks, find a new topic. What icon?

Look in the table of contents for the name of this topic.(slide 2)

Set a goal for today's lesson..(slide 3)

Today’s lesson for me….. (repetition)

I’m reading the topic of the lesson and I think that….(we will repeat solid consonants that do not have a pair - zh, sh, ts; let’s remember the features of their spelling)

During the lesson, I would like not only .... (to repeat the educational material, but also to learn something new, dance during physical exercises, work in pairs, etc.)

Sit up straight, legs down, back straight. Today you are the most beautiful, smart, attentive and quick-witted. I wish you success in achieving this goal.

III. Handwriting:

Reading the offer on slide 4: There were kids living in the circus.

What can you say about the sounds [F] - [SH], what are they? (Paired by voicedness - deafness, do not have a pair by softness). About the sound [Ts]? (does not have a pair of softness)

What spellings do you see in this sentence? What rule?

Let's remember how these letters are written: Shsh Zh Ts

We write letters. (slide 5)

Review of writing rules.

IV. Updating basic knowledge.

Remember the rules you learned in previous lessons. (Textbook, pp. 57, 58, 60.)

Dunno believes that you can easily live without rules. (slide 6)

Dunno. Why should I teach the rule?

I can live without rules!

And so can I write

Any dictation with a “five” mark!

- “Why do we need rules?” - this is the topic of our lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Vocabulary dictation.

Today is an attentive son for mom

I placed wonderful roses in...(jug).

Won't go without gas

Neither a bus, nor ... (car).

Leads the bear to the booth

On a string... (gypsy).

Mom knits a long scarf,

Because son...(giraffe) .

The teacher opens the board on which the same words are written by Dunno:Jug, machine, cegan. giraffe

Look what Dunno wrote. Correct the mistakes quickly before Anishit Yokopovna notices.

Which word can't you identify the letter? Why?(In the word “giraffe”, since the vowel is unstressed.)

Now can you explain what the rules are for?(Answers from students.)

2. Reading the textbook (p. 62-63).

Dunno decided to improve. He learned the rule. What about you? (slide 7)

VI. Physical education “Circus”

VII. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Exercise 29, p. 63.

Let's read the task.

Read the text of the exercise

The first three to do it correctly will be consultants and together with me they will check the rest.

Independent work.

Masha did not write down the words:sh..mpanzee, f..rafa, . Do you agree with Masha? Why?(The vowels in these words are unstressed.)

Physical education lesson (for the eyes “Clouds”)

2.Work in pairs on the text.

There are missing periods in all the sentences, what can I do? Slide 11.

Children go into the grove, woodpeckers knock under the bush, a hedgehog rustles

Write down the sentences using punctuation marks.

Highlight familiar spellings.

Write down words in which the number of letters and sounds does not match.

Peer review Slide 12.

The children go to the grove. Woodpeckers are knocking. A hedgehog rustles under a bush.

Hedgehog - 4 points, 5 stars.

VIII. Lesson summary.

Please remind us what goals we have set for ourselves? ….(we will repeat hard consonants that do not have a pair - zh, sh, ts; remember the peculiarities of their spelling)

(learn something new)

We learned what rules are for. When do they appear?(A rule appears where there is something unusual.)

What's unusual about the combinations?zhi, shi, qi, same, she, tse?(In these combinations we write the vowels “i” and “e” after hard consonants.)

Reflection at the end of the lesson.

The guys choose any statement and continue it. (slide 13)

Today I learned... (what rules are for, that rules appear where there is something unusual)

I succeeded... (write a dictation without errors... etc.)

It was difficult...

I was surprised...(birds singing in class...)

It was interesting...

Now I can... (write combinations shi, zhi, qi, zhe, she, tse under stress without errors)

How do you feel at the end of our lesson?

You have a “Hedgehog” coloring book on your table. (slide 14)

If you liked the lesson, you understood everything, did it correctly, are happy with your work and are in a good mood, then draw a beautiful smile on the hedgehog with a red pencil.

And if you are not very happy with your work and this has spoiled your mood, then draw disappointment on his face with a simple pencil.

Let's see!

Well done! Worked very well today...

The lesson is over.


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Russian language lesson in 2nd grade
Lesson on consolidation and generalization of knowledge
Topic: Spelling combinations zhi, shi, zhe, she, cha, scha, chu, schu
Goal: to update students’ knowledge of the spelling of the combinations zhi, shi,
zhe, she, cha, sha, chu, schu.
1.repeat and generalize students’ knowledge about the spelling of the combinations zhi, shi,
zhe, she, cha, sha, chu, schu.
2.improve spelling and self-control skills.
1. development of spelling vigilance;
2. development of oral and written speech of students;
3. development of cognitive interests among students.
1. cultivate a positive attitude towards learning;
2. cultivate interest in learning the Russian language.
Equipment: presentation, cards for individual work, diagram
sentences, fairy-tale hero Dunno.
1. Organizational moment.
Lesson progress
The bell rang and fell silent,
He gathered us all for the lesson.
Everyone at the desk stood up straight,
Smiled and straightened up
They sat down quietly at their table,
We are starting the lesson.
2.Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Guys, today in class we will repeat and generalize knowledge about
spelling combinations zhi, shi, zhe, she, cha, sha, chu, schu. Slide 1

3.Work on the topic of the lesson
a) Checking homework.
Let's start the lesson by checking your homework. At home you performed
exercise 127. Did everyone complete the task? Do you have any questions for me?
Then I have questions for you.
By what criteria did you evaluate your work? (Correctness and
Stand up those children who completed the task at a high level.
Well done. And the rest should do their homework more carefully
Name words with combinations cha, chu from the home text. (I puff, I don’t want to,
Game "Say the word"
Guys, what other words with these combinations do you know? I suggest you
play the game. I'll throw the ball and you tell me the word with these
b) Calligraphy.
A guest came to visit us during the lesson, and who, you will find out when you guess
He is, of course, the most important
The mischievous rascal is funny.
He's wearing a huge blue hat
A bum and a bungler. (Dunno.) Slide 2
Dunno did not come to visit us empty-handed. What did he bring you?
Now you will learn from the riddle:
Yellow leaves are flying,
falling, spinning,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's simple... (Leaf fall) Slide 2
He brought us a bouquet of autumn leaves. These are not ordinary leaves, but fabulous ones.
Each of them has a task for you. (A piece of paper opens on the board)
Here's the first task: listen to the poem and tell me which sound is more common
of all appears in the poem.
The seagull boiled the kettle,
A seagull invited:

What consonant sound is most common? (Sound h)
Come everyone for tea!
How many seagulls? Answer!
Characteristics of sound.
Let's tell Dunno what sound this is? (Consonant, sibilant, unpaired
deaf, always soft).
What letter in writing represents the sound h? (Letter H).
Finger gymnastics “Castle”.
There's a lock on the door,
Who could open it?
They pulled, twisted,
They knocked and opened it.
Write in your notebooks the capital and lowercase letters Ch, ch. (Children write
letters, alternating capital and lowercase, one line).
Trace with a pencil the letter that turned out best for you.
What other hissing sounds do you know? (f, w, sch)
What spelling combinations with these letters need to be learned in class?
Russian language? (Children call combinations in pairs and write them in
notebooks).Supporting diagrams appear on the board.
Guys, formulate the goals of our lesson. (Repeat and reinforce
knowledge of the spelling of the combinations zhi, shi, zhe, she, cha, sha, chu, schu,
improve your writing skills.)
c) Vocabulary work. Slide 3
On the second piece of paper Dunno brought us a new vocabulary word, and which one?
find out from the riddle.
a) Guess the riddle: Slide 4
I don’t need oats for me to take you...
Feed me gasoline, give me rubber for my hooves.
b) Game “Live Letters” (Children come out with letters on their desks,
and form the word “machine”, then the student comes out with emphasis.)
Slide 4
Let's write this word down.
c) Word analysis:
How many syllables are in a word? (3 syllables because 3 vowel sounds)
Which syllable is stressed? (emphasis falls on the second syllable)

Which syllable is unstressed? (in the first syllable there is an unstressed vowel a)
What letter should I write? (A)
Find the hissing sound in a word? (w)
What sound is this? (consonant, always hard, hissing, paired voiceless.)
d) Formation of words from the word machine.
What is a toy car called? (typewriter) Slide 4
Let's write this word in our notebook
Where are the new cars? (engine yard) Slide 4
Slide 5
e) Working with a saying.

There is a saying: “A machine loves affection, cleanliness and lubrication.”
Why do they say this?
(if you don’t take care of your car, it will break down...)
How do you boys feel about your toy cars?
And the girls to their toys?
f) Interdisciplinary communication.
What types of cars do you know? Slide 6
(official, for transportation of goods, for personal use)
d) Physical exercise.
e) Game “Correct the mistakes”
Each child has misspelled words written on the board and on cards.
Guys, Dunno asks you to help him. He wrote the words, but he's not sure
Is that correct? Let's read these words and test them.
Iron, miracle, grove, teapot, live, pike.
(Children go to the board one by one and correct mistakes, and also on the spot
Read the words again and think about which word is superfluous and why
sign. (Live is a word sign; iron - it has three syllables).
"Winged words"
Guys, there are such expressions: “living word” and “living water.”
Let's write them down. (On the board there is a note: Liquid water, liquid word.)
What letters will we insert in place of the gaps? (Letter i)

Where have you heard the expression “living water”? (Water, which has
certain magical or supernatural properties.
For example, in fairy tales, living water can revive a dead body.)
Who knows which word is alive? (Speech containing fresh, interesting
thoughts that excite and touch the listener.)
e) Gymnastics for the eyes.
So that your eyes are sharp,
So that you don't wear glasses,
These easy movements
I suggest repeating it.
Let's look into the distance and look at our feet,
Right, left quickly.
Let's be surprised - what is it
And we will close them quickly.
And now in a circle quickly,
Like the hand of a clock
Let's look together.
Well, then - be healthy.
g) Work in pairs. Game "Field of Miracles" Slide 7
The next task from Dunno is a crossword puzzle. Write to cells
crossword puzzle words, corresponding to the numbers of the picture. For this task you have three

1 H
2 H
4 C E C H A
5 C H A S H K A
Let's check the slide. Slide 7
(Children take turns naming the words in the crossword puzzle and the spelling in them.)
h) Work according to the textbook. Ex.
i) Differentiated independent work at different levels
1st level
The guys often ran into the grove... In spring, lily of the valley blooms there...
The children saw a lousy fox. She has a fluffy tail.
2nd level
The guys ran ___ a hundred in the ro____. In the spring, the landscapes___ bloom there.
The children saw a ____fox. She has an empty tail.
3rd level. – “Gather” sentences using words for
The guys ___________run in _____________. In spring they bloom there___________.
The children saw ___________ fox. She has a _____________ tail.
Words for reference: grove.., lily of the valley.., h..hundred, fluffy..sty, zh..wuyu.
How many sentences are there in the text?

– What or who is the text about?
– How can you title the text? (students' assumptions)
What spelling is found in these words?
3.Summing up the lesson
Guys, what spelling did we work on in class today?
4. Homework.
Differentiated task on cards.
Level 1
The frost is crackling. It's quiet in the forest... Only woodpeckers knock on the trunks.
They are looking..t pi..under the bark. Woodpeckers love to chisel. There they are
and..t delicious seeds.
Level 2

and__t tasty seeds.
Level 3
It's frosty. There's a girl in the forest. Only woodpeckers knock on the trunks.
They are under the bark. Woodpeckers love to chisel. There they are
and__t tasty seeds.
Words for reference: search..t, crack..t, squeak.., sh..shki, hush..on,
5. Reflection “Magic Tree”
Dunno really liked how you handled his tasks. Let's go and
you will give him a gift - decorate the tree with leaves. On your desks
There are pieces of paper lying around, write a few words with the combinations same, she, zhi, shi, cha,
chu, chu, chu. You are given 1 minute to do this.
(After one minute has passed). Who believes that he has not yet fully grasped
rules for writing combinations, attach a leaf to the lower branches.

Who thinks that he knows how to write combinations, attach a piece of paper
on medium branches
Who is sure that he not only knows how to write combinations, but also
can help a friend, attach a leaf to the top branches.

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4 of Novopolotsk"

Development of a Russian language lesson

2nd grade

Spelling combinations:

zhi-shi, zhe-she, cha-sha, chu-shu. Generalization.

Developed by:

primary school teacher,

1 category

Kozlova Inna Viktorovna


Russian language lesson plan

2nd grade

Lesson topic: Spelling combinations: zhi - shi, zhe-she, cha - sha, chu-schu. Generalization.

Target : create conditions for consolidating the spelling rules of letter combinations and use them in words with letter combinations zhi-shi, zhe-she, cha-sha, chu-shu.

Tasks :

Educational : repeat the spelling of words with the combinations zhi, shi, zhe, she, cha, shcha, chu, schu, to promote the development of the ability to recognize words with the specified combinations and write them correctly.

Developmental : develop speech, thinking, attention, memory, observation skills of students.

Educational : instill a love for the native language through play, using entertaining tasks; develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Form of conduct : travel game.

Pupils sit in groups, so-called carriages. 3 groups. Group names

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment.


Good morning!

Today we have an unusual lesson. Guests came to us. Let's welcome the guests. Smile at them, now at each other. Please turn to me and give me your smile, because a smile adorns a person and gives everyone a mood of joy. We will only need this mood for work today.

Sit down!

    Creating an emotional mood.

Well- okay, check everything my friend,

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place?

Is everything alright?

Pen, book and notebook?

Is everyone sitting correctly?

Is everyone watching carefully?

    Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- The topic of our lesson today. –Spelling combinations. Consolidation.

Today, guys, we are reinforcing and repeating the spelling of combinations. What combinations did you and I go through and learn? (zhi-shi, zhe-she, cha-sha, chu-shu).

You and I will learn to recognize words with these combinations, write them down, work with you on your speech so that you pronounce words with combinations correctly, and instill a love of language through play.

    Updating knowledge.

Today, guys, we have a travel game lesson. We will travel on this train (picture). You and I will go toCthe land of Knowledge, and along the way we, like any train, have stations, so do we.

Tell me, what is included in the train? (Diesel locomotive and carriages), and who runs the train and in the carriages?(On the train there is a driver, and in the cars there are conductors).

I will be the driver, but the conductors will be Arina Kalbeka, Marat Kazachenko, Artem Ryabysh. Each group is a trailer, remember the rules of working in groups!)

So, to travel through the stations, we need tickets. And tickets are the first task. Group assignment. Take the pink card.