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Rules for planning the site of a country house. Land plot planning: all the subtleties of the procedure. Where can you build a garage on a plot?

There are many photographs on the Internet depicting impeccably decorated summer cottages. They show beautiful cottages with terraces and swimming pools, surrounded by well-arranged flower beds. Everything looks perfect in the pictures, but how can you achieve such perfection in your summer cottage? It all starts with the layout. First, the land plot and everything that relates to it are examined, and after that a plan for the future estate is drawn up.

Territory analysis

Pre-project analysis of the site helps to plan it with the greatest practicality. This is a kind of diagnostic that will show where it is best to build a house, where to plant a garden, how to prepare the soil for planting.

What does territory analysis include:

It is important to pay attention to the very shape of the site. Its configuration determines the method of distributing zones for various purposes and the trajectory of garden paths.

Where to build a residential building

The main building on the dacha plot is a house. Subsequently, it cannot be moved in one direction or another, therefore, when choosing a place for its construction, the proverb “measure twice, cut once” is true. First of all, you need to know where exactly you can’t build it. In the practice of constructing residential buildings, there are restrictions of a purely practical nature, as well as building codes and regulations (SNiP).

Basic rules in simple language:

  • From the base of the house to the fence there should be minimum 1 m;
  • For fire safety purposes, all houses on the street are located on one side, that is, either closer to the left border of the land plot, or to the right. If the neighboring plots are already built up, you need to do as the neighbors do or, as an option, build a dacha in the middle;
  • The house must be separated from other buildings at least 6 m;
  • It is mandatory to maintain distances to the red lines: roadway, power lines, central water supply, sewerage and gas pipelines. These regulations can be obtained from your local land office.

After taking into account all the restrictions determined by various types of technical regulations, there remains a part of the land available for the legal construction of a house. Now we need to consider the location of the site from the point of view of ease of use.

It is not recommended to locate the house deep in the plot, since its usable area will not be used rationally: the length of the path leading to the gate and the access roads to the utility yard and the house will increase. Yes, and overcome each time a long way to front door not very convenient, especially in winter.

Zoning of the site

Separation summer cottage into zones is carried out for the same reason why partitions are installed in an apartment between separate rooms. Only instead of brick walls something different is used here. Division into zones in most cases does not imply the creation of clear boundaries from blank fences. Thanks to this, in order to get, for example, from a place of rest to the garden, you do not need to go around a long fence.

Basic principles of dividing a site into zones

You should approach the zoning of your dacha by considering the topography of the land plot, its location in relation to neighboring houses and, of course, taking into account your desires. In most summer cottages there are 4 zones separated from each other.

As a rule, there are 4 main zones:

  1. Economic. Located behind the house, which is why it is often called the “back yard”, it includes a shed for equipment, a workshop;
  2. Garden and vegetable garden. They can also be separated by a conventional boundary;
  3. Recreation area. Equipped with a gazebo, canopy, and decorative elements;
  4. Yard The area in front of the front door.

Each of these zones can be divided into sub-zones. A large yard often includes a patio or space for a garage.

Patio area in the yard

If the yard is small, space for a garage and parking is allocated in the utility part, but a separate entrance for a car is planned.

In addition, you can make additional areas adapted to the needs of family members: sports, creative, relaxation. If there are children in the family, a children's playground is created in the recreation area or in the yard, which can be combined with a sports ground.

To learn how to properly zone a site, watch our video:

How to divide zones

Decorative fences are used to separate one zone from another. They are made in the form of a lattice or low fence and do not block the view of the landscape.

Spectacular trellis in landscape design

What exactly to choose for beautifying a summer cottage depends on its area. So, even a not very long stream will take up a lot of space and for this reason is not suitable for arranging a small area (the exception is a layout without a garden).

The pond is placed in a visible, open place, away from trees whose foliage can clog the water. Integrated into a recreation area, a pond or stream will perfectly complement the landscape and make leisure time more enjoyable.

Advice. If for technical reasons it is not possible to create a reservoir, you can do it. Unlike a water stream, it has its own advantages: it does not attract insects, and is safe for children.

Auxiliary architectural structures

Small architectural structures will help to dilute the landscape and make it more rich. Sometimes they have a purely aesthetic purpose, but they can also have a practical purpose. This various types gazebos, pergolas, bridges, well log houses, etc. Such elements are surrounded by flower beds and ornamental vegetation. They need to be installed in appropriate places: in the recreation area, in the garden, in the yard.

It is not customary to decorate a vegetable garden with artistic elements, but you can do something in it too. For example, it is permissible to build a small bench and a pergola in the form of an arch, in the shade of which it is pleasant to rest.

If vegetable beds are interspersed with flower beds, they are designed as part of the landscape landscape and complemented with various decorative elements: wattle fence, mill, garden figures, flowerpots with herbs.

Layout of non-standard shaped areas

As a rule, there are no particular difficulties with planning areas of irregular configuration. On the contrary, they can be used to create unusual, exclusive landscapes. The main thing is not to be afraid to stand out from standard solutions.

If the area is elongated

A long plot of land only at first glance seems difficult to plan. In fact, such a site has an important advantage: it is easier to divide it into zones. They are divided one after another according to the degree of importance or aesthetic indicators: residential area, children's and sports grounds, barbecue area, garden, vegetable garden, bathhouse, and at the very end the economic part.

The house is not being built immediately behind the entrance gate. It is recommended to leave enough space between the façade and the fence to create a front garden, covered shed or paved patio. Since there is not much space left for a garage, it is better to include it in the house design, placing it in the basement, and arrange parking on the area in front of the gate.

All zones are connected by one path, laid along the edge or in the center of the estate. It is desirable that the path have a winding trajectory - this will help to visually expand the boundaries of the site and make it visually more spacious.

Important. It is better to make the fence between neighbors low and not continuous. Firstly, it provides less shade, and secondly, a lightweight enclosing structure will hide the cramped area.

If the area is sloping

The big disadvantage of areas with a slope is the labor intensity of their arrangement, the additional costs of strengthening the slopes and creating level areas. But if you are not afraid of all this, elevation changes open up the possibility of creating an exclusive landscape with terraces. The already existing mountainous terrain makes it possible to create a waterfall with a cascade and an alpine slide in conditions that are closest to natural.

The house is being built at the highest point. This location will protect the structure from spring floods and landslides. In addition, the entire site and the surrounding areas closest to the estate are clearly visible from the height. The exception is the slope that slopes down to the north: it is recommended to build a house on it approximately in the middle so that the building does not completely shade the land plot.

Practical tips for arranging a site on a slope:

  • For ease of movement, stair steps made of concrete, natural stone or brick are installed on the steepest slopes;
  • Willows, lilacs, and rose hips planted on the land will strengthen it with intertwined roots and prevent soil from being washed away;
  • A drainage system is used to remove melt and rain water. It includes open and closed drainage channels;
  • Drainage holes are installed in the lower part of the retaining walls through which excess moisture is removed;
  • To prevent landslides, the steepest slopes are covered with agrofibre or mesh. A layer of soil is poured on top, after which creeping plants are planted or the lawn is sown.

If the plot is square

Oddly enough, a plot shaped like a regular square is quite difficult to plan. You can ruin everything by building a house in the center. With this arrangement, there remains a distance between the fence and the building that is not sufficient for its rational use. Of course, this does not apply to large areas.

It is best to visually divide the territory into 2 equal parts, and divide the one closer to the street in half again. A house is being built on one of them, and the second is allocated for a yard, parking and garage. The remaining half of the plot is distributed between the garden and vegetable garden. In this case, the garden beds are laid out on the south or east side so that fruit trees did not block sunlight.

Features of the layout of plots of different sizes

The requirements for the location of houses are the same on small and large plots. Having found a place for a house in accordance with the law of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the rest of the land can be distributed at your own discretion. What will be planned on it - an agricultural farm, a personal garden, a tennis court - is up to the owner of the dacha himself.

6 acres

Six acres is the standard size of a Soviet-era land plot. Since the land in the neighborhood is occupied by the same summer cottage plots, in most cases there is no opportunity to expand, and the lack of space forces them to save space. This can be done by building a house with an attic: the building takes up less land, and the living area of ​​the premises almost doubles. You can also free up some space by making a garage on the ground floor of the house or in the basement.

It is not recommended to save on the recreation area by using space for a vegetable garden or fruit bushes. If it is planned to build a bathhouse on 6 acres, a recreation area is arranged between it and a residential building. In this case, the distance from the house to the bathhouse will be the required 6 m or more.

10 acres

If the plot has an area larger than 6 acres, this does not mean that you need to take more space for a vegetable garden. The family's need for vegetables remains the same, and growing surplus, which will then have to be distributed to neighbors and acquaintances, takes a lot of time and labor. In a dacha of 10 acres (without compromising other important areas) a swimming pool will fit. It is mounted in a sunny place where the water will warm up well.

Important. It should be noted that a pond in a country house is fashionable, but it cannot replace a swimming pool. When it comes to choosing between them, priority should be given to the pool.

All decorative objects require attention and care. Garden figurines, bridges, ponds, benches, etc. need to be painted, varnished and repaired. Therefore, you should not overload the area with unnecessary details, otherwise there may be very little time left for rest.

12 acres

When developing a project for a country plot on 12 acres, you don’t have to settle on any one style. It is more convenient to lay out a vegetable garden and garden in strict geometric outlines, and the landscape of the recreation area can have an arbitrary design.

The space near the house is designed as the front part of the site. In the gap between the facade and the fence, a Japanese garden is created.

If growing crops is not a priority in future plans, the house is located at a sufficient distance from the road. Recreation areas are distributed throughout the entire territory of the dacha and interspersed with artificially created elements of the natural landscape, flower beds, and lawns. All this is connected together by winding garden paths.

In the case when you need to get vegetables, fruits and berries from the plot for harvesting for the winter, there will be enough space on 12 acres to create recreation areas and for a vegetable garden. When thinking about the layout of a plot of land, you should use a creative approach and find something that will make your dacha landscape unique.

Posted from: 6-19-2016

The day has come when you finally made an important decision - you purchased a building plot or a summer cottage and you were faced with the question of its layout. This issue is very important, since even small miscalculations can negatively affect the entire construction and improvement process, and the further operation of the home.

In the examples below, I will introduce you to layout options with a house, a bathhouse and a garage. Ideas for placing a garden, vegetable garden and outbuildings will also be given. In short, the entire set of buildings that should be on a plot of 25 by 40 meters.

In this material I will try to present the boring tedious text from SNiPs in human language. Of course, the original rules also need to be studied, or at least printed out, take the information from SP 42.13330.2011 “Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.”

Where do we start?

I propose to consider the layout of a plot of 10 acres as an example of the rational distribution of land for all necessary needs: building a house, outbuildings, farming or landscape beauty and other needs of the homeowner.

Dividing a site into various functional zones is a question that requires some knowledge and at least a little theoretical training. The solutions I offer should not be taken as a one-size-fits-all recipe, but they will serve as a guide for you in finding a customized solution to your needs.

So, I bring to your attention one of the options for planning a plot of 10 acres - measuring 25 by 40 meters. It is desirable that the site area has some slope towards the road.

First, a little theory on site zoning

It is necessary to plan the territory taking into account three functional zones:

Residential area

The residential area will include:

  • first of all - home
  • approach or approach to it
  • flower beds and lawns
  • recreation area (patio) with a canopy, gazebo, barbecue, etc.
  • children's or sports ground
  • decorative pond or pool
  • pet area (dog kennel, etc.)

Agricultural zone

  • garden trees, shrubs
  • area for growing vegetables, herbs, berries,
  • greenhouse or greenhouse

Economic zone

  • car parking or garage
  • temporary shed, barn, workshop
  • bathroom and shower (if they are not in the house)
  • bath, sauna, etc.
  • garbage bin, compost heap or pit
  • livestock zone (chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc.)

We analyze in detail the layout of the site

With proper planning, you need to know in which part of the site to place this or that zone relative to the cardinal directions, so that, for example, a compost heap and toilet do not end up in the most advantageous area, and a patio and flower garden do not end up in the most unfavorable area.

An example of the layout of plots of 6 and 10 acres

In these two projects we see examples of classic country house plans that have been developed over the years. Maybe it’s a little simple, but it’s also quite inexpensive in terms of labor investment. Everything is clearly laid out; for starters, maybe this layout option would be appropriate.

Another option for planning a summer cottage in color and perspective

A more visual plan is a diagram made in color and perspective. Also a classic layout of the site, but I know that many people don’t need any frills. Therefore, classics are always in demand, and besides, you can improvise a little, for example, make the paths somewhat winding. There will always be a field for creativity, the main thing is to have a plot!

Schematic division of the site into zones

Here is another good example of organizing a layout, this one has a more modern design approach. The path is winding, a lot of space is allocated for a lawn, a children's play area is allocated, there is a bathhouse, a barbecue area and an area for household needs. An interesting option, in my opinion. Pay attention!

Interesting layout of the plot with a house in the back of the garden

A very stylish and behind-the-scenes option for planning a plot with a house in the depths of the garden, oriented along the cardinal points, and not along the axis of the plot. An interesting solution for those who love solitude and privacy. From the roadway to the house there is a gravel car path and a separate pedestrian path paved with natural stone.

The best arrangement is if your plot is rectangular in shape and has the short side facing the road. In this case, you can make a fence only for this small area (on the side of the road), and along the other three borders, make a simpler and cheaper fence, or simply plant shrubs in the form of a hedge.

A residential building is usually placed a little deeper into the site - it is recommended to step back from the road at least five meters (for noise and dust insulation). It is advisable to retreat at least three meters from the border of the neighboring plot.

The best distance between houses is 15 meters or more, but if it is not possible to meet these requirements, then it is recommended to build a house no closer than ten meters from neighboring housing. When placing a house on a narrow plot, preference should be given to the side where the shadow falls.

When planning a house, it is advisable to take into account the possibility of two entrances - one, the main one, from the side of the road, and the other, the secondary one, directed towards the garden and the large area of ​​​​the site. It will be convenient if you can directly get into the utility area from the internal entrance.

The garage can be placed directly facing the road, but more often it is placed next to the house or even as part of the house. If you want to have a permanent garage, then it is most convenient to place it in the basement or first floor of the house.


In the agricultural part of the site (in the garden and vegetable garden), it is important to conveniently arrange the paths. It would be logical to lay a watering system along them (stationary pipes or the summer option - flexible hoses).

It is important to correctly divide the garden part into beds; I have already written how to make comfortable ones that will increase productivity and will look very aesthetically pleasing on the site (and are practical to use).

It is important to place the beds parallel from north to south, this will promote uniform lighting and heating by the sun. When landscaping the site and arranging paths, it is necessary to take into account that in the spring, when the snow melts or after rainstorms, puddles do not stagnate on them.

One of the options for arranging paths is to construct them using. I have little experience in this, it is ambiguous, I have already written about it. I advise you to read it.

In general, paths in the garden are a great field for applying creative energy, and I will separately consider the most interesting options for their design.

Porch and terracing

The construction of an entrance to the garage requires preliminary preparation; one of the options is gravel backfilling, possibly with pouring concrete. Another option is ready-made floor slabs laid with a slope of 4-5 degrees.

If the area is sloping, then it should be terraced. This will not only create additional convenience during landscaping, but will also give it a more aesthetically attractive appearance. If the slope is 10-15 degrees or more, garden stairs should be installed.

Sometimes 3-4 steps make climbing such a section much easier. If you approach the design of terraces and stairs correctly, they can become independent elements of the garden landscape design.

Finished with stone, illuminated in the dark, garden stairs will play the role of small architectural forms in your garden along with a gazebo, fountain, pergola and similar beautiful elements.

Gazebos and pergolas

By the way, about pergolas. These are lightweight wooden structures that consist of wooden posts with a section of 5 x 10 cm or 10 x 10 cm, covered with beams on top. In dry climates, pergolas are not covered with anything, but in our climate of the Middle Zone, you can make a weightless polycarbonate covering to protect from rain. The pergola will provide light shade, and you can grow climbing plants along it - grapes, clematis.

A gazebo is one of the necessary elements of a garden. Gazebos may differ, but most often they are made in the form of a rectangle with dimensions of at least 2 x 2 m. Hexagonal gazebos look very attractive. The ceiling heights are usually no higher than 220 cm from the floor level. The gazebo can be made with removable glazing and removable doors - then you will be comfortable in it in cool rainy weather.

All street buildings are made of wood in mandatory it must be treated with an antiseptic, and only then covered with wood varnish or painted with enamel.

One of the most attractive decorations of a site is a garden pond: it can be an artificial stream, a waterfall, a pond, or a swimming pool.

You can carefully examine the plot plan of 25 by 40 meters (10 acres)

The entrance to the house and the main facade are located 7 meters from the road. In front of the house there is a large front garden with landscape design elements.

These can be flower beds successfully integrated into the lawn, large boulders, an artificial pond, a fountain, small architectural forms - garden sculptures, etc. The entire front garden can be decorated with lighting, which will give it additional charm in the evening. In front of the fence is a hedge of low bushes.

On both sides of the porch of the house there are small flower beds with benches sunk into them. In this case, the facade of the house is symmetrical, which determines the symmetry of the landscape design in front of it and the symmetrical placement of benches.

Along the left border of the site is the entrance to the garage, which is attached to the house. The driveway is made of laid reinforced concrete slabs. The width of the entrance to the garage is at least 2.3 m; for the entrance in this case, reinforced concrete floor slabs 6 x 1.2 m are used, laid in two rows across the width on a sand bed.

A blind area 80 cm wide is made along the contour of the house to drain atmospheric moisture.

A veranda is attached to the house from the garden side. In front of it is a recreation area, including a small patio with a pergola, and on the left there is a children's and sports grounds for active recreation.

In the depths of the garden, near the left border, there is a utility area. Households are located there. block with toilet and shower, bathhouse, greenhouse. A beautiful path made of artificial stone leads to them, not laid tightly, but with the possibility of sowing the seams between the stones with lawn grass.

On the right side of the plot there is a garden and a vegetable garden. Very little space is allocated for vegetable crops. But if you need a larger garden, you can allocate a wider area for it by moving outbuildings and a sports ground (you may not need it). The orchard consists of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees.

Removing moisture from the site (drainage system)

One of the serious tasks in wet and swampy areas is the removal of excess ground moisture. The drainage system can be open (drainage ditches) or closed (underground drainage).

At high level groundwater Closed drainage should be done - then the channels are installed underground using asbestos-cement pipes and drain the water towards the road. To do this, you should arrange one central channel with a slope of 1 cm per 2 meters of pipe and make branches from the pipes to the sides, the diameter of the pipes is at least 10 cm.

Holes are drilled in the walls of the branch pipes to collect moisture - 2 cm in diameter, to prevent clogging of the drainage system with soil; before laying in the ground, the pipes are wrapped in durable, water-permeable material with a fine mesh.

Instead of pipes, you can make wooden or brick boxes. The drainage system must be filled with crushed stone, covered with brushwood and only topped with soil on which you can build a vegetable garden or landscape design.

Video on site planning

Every person who has his own dacha plot sooner or later has to face some questions regarding the arrangement of the garden area. How should the planning of a summer cottage be carried out? Where and what plants are best to plant? Is there enough space for a bathhouse or garage? At

With proper planning, all the necessary elements can fit even in the smallest area.

As a rule, site planning always begins with zoning, which is a conditional division of the territory into several functional parts. All elements of the dacha area are conventionally divided into 4 zones:

  • recreation area;
  • garden area;
  • area of ​​outbuildings;
  • residential area.

From this video you will learn about the basics of site zoning

An example of zoning a summer cottage

Basic requirements when drawing up a plan

The layout of a garden plot in most cases depends on the wishes and requirements of the future owner, however, some generally accepted rules should still be followed so that no troubles arise in the future.

When solving issues with the most rational arrangement of elements on a summer cottage, you should pay attention to some details:
1. The house is the most important object of development of the summer cottage site. Therefore, planning work begins with determining its location, since all further division of the territory will depend on this. If you are going to use the main territory mainly for planting fruits and vegetables, then it makes more sense to arrange housing next to the fence.

An example of the layout of a garden plot, the main territory of which is occupied by growing fruits and vegetables

If the site is intended for recreation, then the house should be located in such a way that complete harmony and comfort reigns on the territory. Whatever option is chosen, you should take into account the shadow from the building that will fall on the site and, accordingly, select its location so that the plants do not lack sunlight.
2. Outbuildings, ideally, should be located in the depths of the site so that they attract a minimum of attention. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to decorate them with various plants and plantings. Remember that one of the functions of buildings on a site is to protect it from the winds (but in no case to shade it!), so when planning buildings it is recommended to use the northern or north-western sides of the site.

In this layout, the outbuilding is located in the very corner of the plot near the fence

3. Recreation areas can be located in a variety of ways, and their elements can be collected all together or located separately throughout the entire site. In this case, the ideal option would be to build a cozy gazebo, which will help hide from the scorching rays of the midday sun. In addition, you can decorate the recreation area with the help of all kinds of flower beds, which are framed by neat paths, as well as a pond surrounded by ornamental shrubs.

An example of the layout of a dacha plot of land with a pond

4. It is advisable to allocate the most open and sunny side for planting fruits and vegetables. Remember that this part of the territory should not be shaded, so you can get a good harvest.

Options for planning a summer cottage

Standard rectangular layout

This is one of the most successful examples, allowing you to easily place all the necessary elements of country life. This site planning scheme is ideal for rectangular, standard areas.

Variant of rectangular layout of a summer cottage

Long narrow layout

As a rule, planning an elongated area is accompanied by some difficulties, but through the use of certain techniques, all difficulties can be minimized.

To prevent the territory from looking like a single whole, a narrow area should be divided into several zones. To achieve the desired effect, all kinds of elements are used (hedges, groups of bushes and trees, arches of climbing plants, etc.), which act as some kind of “space dividers.”

In addition, to visually give the territory a more regular, rectangular shape, it is recommended to use different color schemes. Large plants of bright colors should be planted near the shortest side of the site, and small plants of cool colors should be planted near the long side.

Option for a long narrow site layout

L-shaped land layout

The design of such a site is, in fact, not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. One of the main advantages of such a site is that the entire territory cannot be covered at one glance. Accordingly, the protruding part, which is somewhat separate from the rest of the area, can be used as a place to rest, where no one will disturb you. The area, which is limited on three sides, provides an ideal opportunity for a good and relaxing holiday alone or with friends.

L-shaped plot plan option

How to make a layout of a summer cottage with your own hands

1. First of all, you need to collect all existing information about your site: groundwater level, soil data, wind impact on the site. Then you should determine which part of the territory is more sunny and which is more shaded. This information will be needed when choosing a place for an artificial pond or plants for planting.

2. Next, the site must be divided into functional zones. In most cases, the traditional site plan consists of a recreation area, space for utility buildings, a flower garden, a garden with fruit trees and a vegetable garden. You should also think about where the artificial pond or swimming pool will be located.

To save money, the cesspool can be shared with neighbors.

On the remaining territory, a vegetable garden and shrubs are set up (the latter can be placed on the opposite side of the house). Shrubs are good because they do not provide too much shade, while at the same time they act as a kind of fence that separates your area from the neighboring one.

The garden should be planted on the sunny side, and sunlight should be in this area for at least 6 hours. Thanks to this, the plants will develop as necessary and, accordingly, produce a good harvest.

An example of the layout of a summer cottage plot of 5 acres

Potatoes can be planted next to a bush, as they do not need too much sunlight. You can also plant cabbage here. In addition, this will be a very good place for planting cucumbers, but for peppers and tomatoes, in turn, you need to choose a fairly sunny place.

Read also

Plans and drawings of residential buildings with dimensions

An ideal option would be to create a small green area where you can sow a lawn and plant beautiful flowers.

- this is a joyful event. Surely its owner has many plans and wants to immediately begin to implement them. But where to start? You need to start with the layout of the site. After all, you need to know exactly where the house, outbuildings and other objects planned for construction will be located. Most likely, the site will have a garden, flower beds and possibly a pond or swimming pool. In order to place all this correctly, effectively using the entire available territory, you need to know how to plan the site of a country house.

A well-drafted plan is necessary for any site, regardless of its size and shape. If this is not done, then during the construction and layout of the garden and flower beds it may become clear that the objects are located irrationally: hard-to-reach “pockets” appear that will have to be empty in the future. If something can be remade without significant costs, then when moving capital buildings you will have to incur significant financial and labor costs.

A plan is necessary when arranging each site, regardless of its size: only in this case will each of its objects be in its place

Proper site planning allows you to save on costs associated with energy and water supply, drainage, heating and irrigation of the site. Residential buildings will be oriented so that they have natural light, but are not hot from the scorching summer heat. The playground will definitely be visible from the kitchen window so that children can be supervised, even if mom is preparing dinner.

When drawing up a plan, special attention should be paid to the playground. It should always be in the field of view of adults, be sufficiently shaded and lit

However, some rules for the location of objects on the site are strictly regulated and do not depend on the wishes of the owner himself. You just need to know them so that there are no misunderstandings in the future, and follow them strictly. Certain nuances of this issue will be covered in the video, which is located at the very end of this article.

Basic principles when planning a site

When drawing up a plan for a suburban area, it is necessary to take into account many different factors. For example, the shape of the plot, the buildings that are located near it, as well as the characteristics of the area can have a significant impact. In particular, the location of your land is very important.

Not all plots have a traditional rectangular shape. There are, for example, triangular ones. But the right layout can turn this disadvantage into an advantage.

You should definitely take into account whether the land is located on a hill or in a lowland, and whether there is any body of water nearby. It would be good to know what was in this place before, perhaps, there was once a forest here or it was just a piece of the steppe plain. If we take these important circumstances into account, then even on a small plot of land all the planned objects can be placed.

The following factors deserve special attention:

  • Terrain. The location of utilities, the location of the main house and the necessary outbuildings may depend on how flat the plot of land is and what the surrounding landscape is like.
  • Soil type. Soils in Russia can be different. There are light and fertile ones on which you can grow different plants. There may be sandy or heavy clayey soils, as well as loam. If the soil is “poor”, it will require careful care, and in some cases it will be necessary to bring special fertile soil to the site.
  • Shape of the site. Not all plots are rectangular, although this shape is considered traditional. The plots can even be triangular or L-shaped.
  • Reservoirs. It is important to take into account not only the proximity of ground water bodies, but also the presence of groundwater and its level. If there is groundwater and is close to the surface of the earth, you will have to install a drainage system.
  • Position of the site on the sides of the horizon.

Feature #1 – terrain of the area

Feature #2 – location taking into account cardinal directions

It is very important to take into account how the site is located relative to the cardinal directions. After all, the correct placement of buildings depends on this, allowing you to use the lighting features of the allotment during daylight hours. For example, if large trees and buildings are located on the north side of the site, then the shadow cast from them will not have a negative impact on other green spaces.

Most of the house's windows should face south or southeast, allowing maximum use of natural daylight in all rooms

The house should be oriented with its façade facing south. Then his rooms will be light from dawn to dusk.

Feature #3 – taking into account reasonable traditions

Do not neglect reasonable traditions: leave a small plot of land between the facade of your house and the street for a front garden. This piece of land, filled with flowers and green plants, will serve not only a decorative function. It will protect the house from dust and street noise.

Having a front garden is not only beautiful, but also reasonable, since green spaces are a natural barrier to noise and dust that penetrate from outside

Dividing a suburban area into zones

Let's think globally so that at this stage we don't get stuck on details. To do this, we will divide the entire site into zones in accordance with their functional purpose.

The division of the entire territory of the site into zones - zoning - is of a fundamental nature, the details of the plan will be worked out at the next stage

So, we have to highlight:

  • Residential area. The most important building – the house – will be located here, as well as all additional buildings that are attached to it. This could be a garage, terrace, summer kitchen, etc.
  • . It is better to relax away from outbuildings. We need to choose a place not far from the house, but at the end of the site that is hidden from the views of strangers.
  • Garden and vegetable garden area. For this purpose, you need to choose a well-lit place convenient for watering. Here you can compactly place shrubs, fruit trees and beds.
  • Economic zone. This is a work area. It should be located at the opposite end of the site from the recreation area. Buildings for utility purposes, premises for keeping animals and poultry (chicken coop, etc.) are concentrated here.

The largest of all can be considered the garden and vegetable garden area. It occupies about half or even most of the entire plot. As a rule, approximately 1/10 of the entire territory is allocated for housing. A little more space is occupied by buildings for utility purposes. If the remaining space seems insufficient for arranging a recreation area, this area can be increased by adding a garden, vegetable garden or utility area.

When the basic zoning has been done, you can draw out the details of the plan.

Examples of plot layouts for 6-20 acres will also be useful:

Work plan details

Let's say your dreams are ahead of your financial capabilities. This is a common situation, but there is no need to be discouraged. Put on the plan everything that should eventually appear on your site, regardless of whether you are ready for these expenses today or not.

The time will come when you will be able to bear the new expenses, then you will be able to realize what you have planned to the fullest. It is important to include everything in the plan, and then follow it strictly. If you constantly change decisions, over time you can become convinced that chaos has formed on the site.

The process of developing and detailing the plan will be greatly facilitated by the free online garden plot designer:

At the detailing stage, not only specific objects appear on the site plan, but their parameters, drawn to scale, also begin to be drawn

Having calculated the parameters of future buildings, you need to use a scale to plot their outlines on graph paper. The more detailed the plan, the more accurate its implementation will be, and the fewer mistakes will be made in the process of its implementation.

In addition to buildings, it is necessary to draw all the elements of other zones. For example, mark out and lay out future beds and flower beds. At the same time, try to make the paths comfortable. It is not at all necessary that they be straight. Smooth curves will give them more natural look. At the same time, your site will get rid of banality. In addition, all proposed sites must be marked on the plan, and at the same time, the paths must receive not only a direction, but also a width.

Don’t try to make the paths on your property perfectly straight; it will be inconvenient for you to use them, and you will end up rounding corners and ruining your lawn.

Now you can allocate space for trees and shrubs. Let them look like circles of the appropriate size on the plan. To decide on the types of plantings, take a reference book and select those plants that suit the area where you live. This will help to approximately estimate the upcoming primary costs of landscaping the site.

The review will also be useful the best varieties ornamental shrubs for garden arrangement:

The largest trees should be located in the part of the site away from the house. The recreation area can be surrounded by decorative deciduous shrubs that bloom beautifully. Along the paths you can plant dwarf conifers or berry bushes, for example, hawthorn. Plants with large leaves and a dense crown are planted from the direction of the expected winds.

Despite the fact that the gardening area is allocated the largest area, you should not overuse tree planting: they need space to grow and develop

For flower beds we are looking for the most sunny places. Pay attention to the entrance area, seating area and space in close proximity to the house. If this plot already had owners, then it is better to leave the beds for vegetables and berries in the places where they already were. The reason is simple: the land in this place is already sufficiently cultivated and it will only be enough to fertilize it in a timely manner. If you got virgin land, make it between the recreation area and outbuildings.

Garden gazebo with barbecue. Review of 2 examples of DIY construction:

Like flower beds, beds also do not have to have a regular rectangular shape. As you can see, a round bed for greenery, divided into sectors, is convenient and original

Next, we need to determine the locations for. Trellis, pergolas and arches should appear on the plan. Determine a place for them in such a way that they can not only become a decoration of the territory, but also hide from view the necessary, but not always quite beautiful, buildings for economic purposes.

At the final stage of drawing up a plan, you need to take care of places for, lighting and portable containers in which you will place beautiful ornamental plants.

Vertical gardening objects should also be displayed on the site plan of a country house: they give the area additional charm and are necessary for growing climbing plants

Now that everything you have in mind is placed on your virtual territory, make sure that the objects do not interfere with each other. There should be no empty or “blind” nooks. Every meter of territory should bring you benefits in order to please you in the future. Don't be discouraged if it undergoes some adjustments as you put this plan into action. This is acceptable. But try to follow what is planned.

Some secrets of site planning can be learned from the video:

Maintaining the style of the site

One of the factors that influences the planning of a site is the style chosen by its owner. Of course, a single style to which the objects of the site will be subordinated will inevitably be reflected during its planning. For example, if the design includes a well in the Russian style, there must be a place for them on the plan.

Of course, the features of the style in which your site will be built affect the list, number and location of objects on the territory

Unity in the design of a country house site can be achieved in another ingenious way: using a single geometric shape when creating different objects. For example, give a pond, playground, flower bed and lawn the shape of a square, diamond or circle. Then the same geometric figure repeat in the design of the gazebo, fence and window grilles. It is simply impossible to realize such an original idea without a plan.

Additional information about site planning can be obtained from the video:

For a city dweller, a house in the dacha sector is associated with relaxation away from noise and smog, with the opportunity to grow your own organic vegetables and fruits, with the aesthetics of flowering flower beds and with a spacious living space in contrast to an apartment.

To turn a plot of land into a paradise island of another reality, allowing you to forget the bustle of the city and taking into account the needs of all family members, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Planning a summer cottage, regardless of its area, is an important and crucial stage of construction and planting work. Having acquired a small plot of land, you need to carefully consider the location of the main areas: a living area, a playground and a recreation area with a gazebo and barbecue, a vegetable garden with vegetable beds and a garden with fruit trees and berry bushes, outbuildings, including a bathhouse and a garage. .

It is not at all necessary that all of the listed zones be present. For some, only the aesthetic component is important, while others like to tinker in the garden. In any case, in order to maintain harmony on your 6 acres, you will need to draw up a site plan taking into account all the regulations.

The first stage of planning is conditional zoning of the site

When zoning a summer cottage, the largest area (up to 75%) should be allocated to a garden and vegetable garden. In this case, buildings, including a residential building, should occupy about 10% of the total area. The remaining 15% is recommended to be used for a recreation area and flower beds. It is this ratio of zones that will make the plot harmonious and functional, even if the dacha plot is small. However, for those who do not want to plant fruit trees and create vegetable beds, the ratio will shift in favor of the recreation area, and the main landscaping will be lawn grass and ornamental plants.

The next important point is the placement of zones on the site. From a practical point of view, it is advisable to place the house closer to the entrance to the site with the facade to the main street and shift it to one side, but it is necessary to take into account regulatory requirements and orientation to the cardinal points. From an aesthetic point of view, it is better to move outbuildings to the background deep into the site. If you place them along the fence on the north or north-west side, they will not create excessive shade for plants, but at the same time they will become a barrier to cold winds.

Fruit and berry and ornamental plants are placed randomly around the site, based on biological features kind. For vegetable beds and greenhouses, it is better to select a lighted place in the center. The recreation area is conveniently placed in the shade of buildings, which will be a salvation on hot summer days.

When zoning, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • microrelief (flat areas with a slight slope have always been valued higher than those with drops or on a slope);
  • shape of the area (it is better to work with rectangular areas with an aspect ratio of 1:2 or close to 1:1, as opposed to very elongated or trapezoidal options);
  • soil type (loamy or sandy loam fertile soils are good for both plants and construction work; sandy and rocky soils will cause more trouble);
  • groundwater level (laying the foundation should be carried out when the groundwater is sufficiently deep; this factor is also taken into account when planting fruit trees);
  • orientation of the site to the cardinal points.

Having a small plot of land, it is easier to avoid heterogeneity in soil type and topography, which can be considered a slight advantage.

When the approximate boundaries of the zones and significant characteristics of the site are marked on the project plan, you can proceed to the next stage of planning.

Determining the location and size of individual objects

All buildings must be erected in accordance with SNiP regulations and fire safety standards. The location of rooms in a residential building must be planned taking into account insolation. It is quite difficult and impossible to locate a house on a small plot while maintaining the largest usable area without a rational approach. It is better to reduce the area of ​​the first floor, losing one room, than to violate established standards, which is not only fraught with fines and squabbles with neighbors, but also unsafe.

To save space, it is recommended to build the garage together with the house, on a single foundation. This option is very convenient: there is no need to create gaps and lose valuable pieces of land; on inclement days you can quickly move from the car to the comfort of your home; the asphalted exit part has a minimum length.

Small garden plots do not allow you to accommodate all the desired objects, so you need to immediately clearly define your priorities. For some, it is more important to have their own greenhouse for growing seedlings and early vegetables, for others - a cozy gazebo for drinking tea, for others - a playground with swings and fairy-tale figures.

When designing your site, we must not forget about planting cultural and ornamental plants, because personal plot should not be completely built up with various types of buildings.

A small plot of land of 6 or 4 acres has some features that must be taken into account when planning landscape design. A small space is clearly visible from any point, so you will need to create barriers that visually divide the area into zones and distort the sense of space. Hedges, pergolas and arches create the illusion of a large area.

Particular attention should be paid to fencing the site. A high blank fence made of corrugated sheets will squeeze a “piece of paradise” into a rigid frame and emphasize the lack of land. A fence made of mesh or wooden picket fence, on the contrary, visually removes the boundaries of the site. An equally successful option would be to create a fence covered with vines or climbing clematis.

A network of winding narrow paths makes a small area more interesting, visually increasing the distance between objects.

When there is not enough space for cultivated plants, the problem becomes planting flowers and ornamental shrubs, which are necessary to decorate the garden plot. This problem can be solved by using flower beds at the main entrance, growing flowers in flowerpots and hanging flowerpots on the open terrace, planting border varieties along paths and creating alpine slides and multi-level flower beds.

A well-thought-out design of small areas will not only accommodate the most necessary objects, but will also create harmony, which is very difficult to achieve in a limited space.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the design of the vegetable garden and garden. From the whole variety of fruit and berry crops, you should choose only those for which the soil conditions are suitable. It is better to purchase apple and pear seedlings on a dwarf rootstock, which guarantees restrained growth and a compact crown.

Existing imperfections in the form of a hole, ditch or steep slope can be turned into an original landscape composition. An artificial pond, a babbling brook with a wooden bridge or a multi-level terrace will create a special atmosphere and become the center of the recreation area.

When thinking about the landscape design of a small area, we must not forget about an open, free lawn for children’s games and the placement of garden furniture (chaise lounge, chairs, table). Non-standard ideas for decorating the area near the house will give the area a special mood.

Examples of designs for plots of different shapes

Independent planning of a summer cottage requires theoretical knowledge in various areas and a little patience. When planning your 6 acres, you should not clutter the land allotment with various elements. It is better to leave more space for landscaping than to create crowded spaces and chaos.

A small plot of 4 acres will not be able to accommodate a large bathhouse and a potato field, but it is quite possible to turn it into a cozy and beautiful corner for outdoor recreation with beds of herbs and vegetables for salad.

If garden plot has a rectangular shape and its length is slightly greater than its width, then its project will not take much time. Interesting planning options are shown below.

It is more difficult to draw up projects for small areas of non-standard shapes. On trapezoidal plots, a residential building with a garage or shed is located immediately in front of the main entrance from the roadway. Along the fence, at some distance from the house, outbuildings are located, and in the farthest corner you can allocate space for an outdoor toilet or compost pit.

Plantings of tall trees are placed along the northern side of the site, and berry bushes can be planted on the opposite side. In the very center of the site there is enough free space for a vegetable garden or a recreation area, the design of which can be done in any style you like.

It will be easier to rationally plan a narrow plot of land if you place the house not with the facade to the main street, but with the end part. But this will cause difficulties with placing the garage. There are projects in which it is proposed to move the house deeper into the site, but this will require decorating all the outbuildings that are open to the first glance. In addition, such a project will need to be coordinated with various authorities, since the structural picture of the street will be disrupted and difficulties will arise for the access of a fire truck in case of an emergency.

Designing and landscaping your own site is a responsible task, the successful solution of which will become an object of pride and joy for the whole family.