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Plans for self-education in kindergarten. Self-education of teachers in kindergarten. Self-Education Topics

Today, one of the important characteristics of the professional competence of a kindergarten teacher is his need for self-education and the desire for professional growth. Awareness of one's own imperfections professional activity- a good incentive to deepen knowledge in pedagogy and master new methods of the educational process. Let's see what components the self-education activities of a teacher consist of, and in what ways one can improve one's professional level.

How to improve your knowledge?

Self-Education Topics

The kindergarten methodologist can give you a topic, or you can choose it yourself. In the latter case, you need to decide in which direction you plan to develop as a teacher.

"Advice. You can propose and approve your topic on self-education if you justify how relevant, practically significant and useful it is for improving the educational process of a preschool institution.”

You can choose a topic for self-education by choosing one of the options:

  • Every academic year there is a new topic.
  • An extensive topic for several years.

The topic must be necessary and promising in the field of children. It is advisable to recommend topics for self-education of teachers, taking into account their experience and teaching experience.

For young professionals:

  • Values ​​of a student-centered approach in education
  • Development of teaching skills
  • Formation of pedagogical skills and abilities.

Teachers with more than 5 years of experience:

  • Design of the educational process in a preschool institution
  • Development of scientific analysis skills methodological literature, application of theoretical knowledge in practice, application of a creative approach.

Organization of the educational process

“Did you know that a teacher can develop professionally only if the educational institution has created all the conditions for this?”

The teacher can gain new knowledge in different ways. It’s good if a preschool institution sends you to college courses. Our own system of advanced training for educators is effective, functioning in the form of regular training for educators on the basis of a preschool institution (“academy”, “school for educators”). But without a personal desire to achieve, no activity will be as effective as possible. To become a good teacher, you need to want to become one.

  1. When researching a question, research several sources, not just one. This method teaches you to develop your own opinion.
  2. Learn to work with library catalogs, as well as correctly form a search query when working on the Internet. This will save you time and help you accurately find the right literary source.
  3. Learn to work with information: collect, accumulate, save facts, arguments, results. This will be useful when preparing to participate in a seminar or teacher’s meeting.
  4. Be open to innovation in education. Create computer presentations and videos presenting your work.
  5. Share your experience with colleagues, and then earn a reputation as a leader in preschool education.

Self-education of a teacher is not only about keeping notebooks, drawing up reports, folders and stands. Organize self-education correctly, and this will become an incentive both for personal development and for increasing professional pedagogical competence.

The teacher’s self-education plan is a mandatory part of the teacher’s additional development. The educators themselves have a negative attitude towards such plans, calling them “paperwork, an endless and waste of time, when you just want to work with children.” Despite this, the plan helps to systematize the work of the teacher, reflects the effectiveness of his activities, and allows him to develop the prospect of further communication with children. The plan contains a program methodological activities for the coming academic year.

Stages of working on a self-education plan

The teacher’s self-education plan can be divided into several parts:

1. You should justify your choice, why this particular topic was chosen for work.

2. How does the chosen topic correlate with the main tasks and goals of the preschool institution?

3. What preliminary work was done before starting self-education?

4. What programs and techniques were studied while working on the topic? What methodological recommendations were taken into account and taken into account?

5. Practical application of the theory. What forms of interaction with children were chosen by the teacher: in class, outside class, at joint meetings with parents, etc.

6. Own methodological developments made during work on the topic.

7. The result of work on the topic according to the diagnosis.

8. What are the conclusions? What are the positive dynamics of development in children?

9. Prospects for further work on the topic. How can you improve your work? Plan for future developments.

10. Summing up self-education.


When preparing a self-education plan, a teacher has many questions. The first problem a teacher faces is choosing a topic. “I have a problem with choosing a topic for self-education! I don't know what I want! Help!". Such cries for help can often be found on forums for teachers. preschool education.

The topic is usually given by a methodologist or senior teacher. You can also choose it yourself. Here it is important to decide how you plan to develop and educate yourself in the coming years. Remember, you can always propose your own topic, justifying its relevance and practical significance for improving the educational process in the garden.

Young professionals who have little experience in kindergarten, can check their readiness for self-education using the G.M. card. Kodzhaspirova (see Appendix 1).

Please note that topics can be divided into two categories. Depending on which option you choose, all your further educational activities will be structured:

  • Every year the teacher chooses a new topic.
  • The teacher plans to work on the topic for several years. That is, every subsequent year the teacher refines the old topic, introducing new ideas and developments into it. The period of work on the same topic varies in different gardens - from 3 to 5 years.

If you adhere to the second option, then the work can be built using the project method, more narrowly, according to the age of the children. In this case, the topic in subsequent years will sound like this, for example: “Use of Dienesh blocks in educational process with children preschool age"(replenishment of knowledge based on existing experience).

The topic should address current issues in preschool education and be promising.

Sample topics:

  • Environmental education: “Ecological education through cognitive development”, “Formation of the principles of environmental culture in preschool children.”
  • Health-saving technologies: “Methods of developing correct posture and preventing its violation in preschool children”, “Propaganda healthy image life among parents of pupils”, “Use of health-saving technologies in the classroom”.
  • Patriotic direction: " Patriotic education preschoolers through the means of fine art,” “Mini-museum “Native Land” is a source of introducing children to the history of their people.”
  • The role of the family: “Holidays and entertainment with the involvement of parents, as a means of aesthetic education”, “Formation of humanistic positions in parents towards raising children”, “The role of the family in nurturing the cognitive interests and curiosity of the child.”
  • Creative development: “Children’s orchestra - a form of developing the musical abilities of preschoolers”, “Types of ornaments in decorative wood carvings” and others.

Several educators can be united in working on a topic that is directly related to the annual task of the preschool educational institution. If an internship site operates on the basis of a kindergarten, then the topic may cover its experimental or research activities.

NOTE. Demonstration material for kindergarten at low prices from a specialized store for teachers “Kindergarten”— Also in the store you can buy games and toys, counting material, children's costumes by profession and much more.

What does a teacher’s self-education plan look like?

The self-education work plan, or professional growth plan, is as follows:

Form Individual work plan for self-education.

Topic: "____________________"


(Full name of teacher)






(teaching experience)



(refresher courses)


(start date of work on the topic)


(estimated completion date)

Subject: "_______________________________________________________________________________".

Target: "__________________________________________________________________________________".

  • Promote own level knowledge through... (studying the necessary literature, visiting the RMO, self-education...);
  • Develop a long-term plan for working with children;
  • Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year;
  • Organize the work of the circle, create a working curriculum;
  • Set up an activity center (or mini-center) “________________________________” in the group;
  • Prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic: “___________________________”; speech at the pedagogical council No.... on the topic: “_____________________________________________”;
  • Prepare (take part) in the seminar “___________________________________________”;
  • Prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “__________________________________________________________________________________”;

Practical outputs:

1. Open viewing directly educational activities. Topic: “_______________________________________________________________________________________”;

2. Preparation (participation, holding) of the seminar. Topic: “_______________________________________________________________________________________”;

3. Conducting master classes for teachers. Topic: “_______________________________________________________________________________________”;

4. Design of a mobile folder. Topic: “_______________________________________________________________________________________”;

5. Exhibition of works. Subject: "_________________________________________________________________";

6. Preparation of a collection of consultations for parents. Topic: “_______________________________________________________________________________________”;

7. Project. Topic: “__________________________________________________________________________”;

8. Report on the work done for the academic year.

Long-term teacher self-education plan:


Forms for presenting the results of self-education:

  • Report at the teachers' council, message at the teachers' council.
  • Consultation, consultation-workshop, seminar-workshop.
  • Open lesson, open viewing.
  • Creative report.
  • Organizing events and entertainment.
  • Visual and illustrative material.
  • Consultation for parents, message at the parent meeting.

It is important to remember that a teacher’s self-education plan is not boring filling out reports and papers, but one of the necessary stages for opening a new, priority direction in working with children.

Appendix 1

Rekason No. 220-286-815
Appendix 1

Map of pedagogical assessment and self-assessment of readiness for self-educational activities (developed by G.M. Kodzhaspirova)

Instructions. Rate yourself on a 9-point scale for each indicator and determine the level of development of your self-education skills and abilities. Invite your work colleagues to rate you. Compare the results. Draw conclusions.

Ι. Motivational component

1. Awareness of the personal and social significance of continuing education in teaching activities.
2. The presence of persistent cognitive interests in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
3. Sense of duty and responsibility.
4. Curiosity.
5. The desire to receive high praise for one’s self-educational activities.
6. Need for PPSO.
7. The need for self-knowledge.
8. PPSO’s ranking among the 9 most significant activities for you.
9. Self-confidence.

ΙΙ. Cognitive component

1. Level of general educational knowledge.
2. Level of general educational skills.
3. Level of pedagogical knowledge and skills.
4. Level of psychological knowledge and skills.
5. Level of methodological knowledge and skills.
6. Level of special knowledge.

ΙΙΙ. Moral-volitional component

1. Positive attitude towards the learning process.
2. Criticality.
3. Independence.
4. Determination.
5. Will.
6. Ability to work.
7. The ability to bring the job started to completion.
8. Courage.
9. Self-criticism.

ΙV. Gnostic component

1. The ability to pose and solve cognitive problems.
2. Flexibility and efficiency of thinking.
3. Observation.
4. Ability for pedagogical analysis.
5. Ability to synthesize and generalize.
6. Creativity and its manifestation in teaching activities.
7. Memory and its efficiency.
8. Satisfaction from knowledge.
9. Listening skills.
10. Mastery different types reading.
11. The ability to isolate and assimilate certain content.
12. Ability to prove and substantiate judgments.
13. Systematize, classify.
14. The ability to see contradictions and problems.
15. The ability to transfer knowledge and skills to new situations.
17. Independence of judgment.

V. Organizational component

1. Ability to plan time.
2. The ability to plan your work.
3. The ability to rebuild the system of activities.
4. Ability to work in libraries.
5. Ability to navigate the classification of sources.
6. Ability to use office equipment and a bank of computer information.
7. The ability to master various techniques for recording what you read.

VΙ. Ability for self-government in teaching activities

1. Self-assessment of the independence of one’s own activities.
2. The ability for introspection and reflection.
3. The ability to self-organize and mobilize.
4. Self-control.
5. Hard work and diligence.

VΙΙ. Communication skills (5-45 points)

1. The ability to accumulate and use the experience of self-educational activities of colleagues.
2. The ability to cooperate and mutual assistance in professional pedagogical self-education.
3. The ability to defend your point of view and convince others during the discussion.
4. The ability to avoid conflicts in the process of joint activities.


  • Kodzhaspirova G.M. Theory and practice of professional pedagogical self-education. M., Enlightenment. 1993

A modern teacher of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution), living in a world of rapidly spreading innovative technologies, simply has to be aware of current development trends. Self-education, working on yourself, learning new things pedagogical technologies and knowledge, honing one’s skills is a necessity for every worker in the teaching field.

The concept of self-education: goals and forms

The very specifics of a teacher’s work, aimed at the upbringing and development of children, obliges him to constantly engage in a creative search for non-standard solutions, self-education, and improvement of professional skills, as well as personal qualities. A good specialist cannot be passive: competence and initiative are required of him every day.

In addition, the level of proficiency in topics and plans in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) educational standards) directly affects the competence, qualifications and even monetary remuneration of a specialist. Do not forget that parents, when choosing an educational institution that can provide optimal conditions development of their child, are interested primarily in the level of creative activity and professionalism of the teachers working here.

The need for self-education is a characteristic quality of a developed personality, a necessary element of its spiritual life. Considered the highest form of satisfying the cognitive needs of an individual, self-education is associated with the manifestation of significant volitional efforts, a high degree of consciousness and organization of a person, and the assumption of internal responsibility for one’s self-improvement.

G. M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov

"Pedagogical Dictionary"

Goals and directions of work

A necessary condition for improving the work of a preschool institution is the organization advisory assistance educators who have encountered any problem in their work with children or are seeking to master more effective teaching methods. A senior teacher or methodologist will give wise advice and suggest practical methods for solving the issue that has arisen, but the success of the work done will depend decisively on the initiative and interest of the teacher himself, his personal efforts and desire to develop.

The work of a teacher requires constant expansion of knowledge and skillset

Self-education is a conscious, active cognitive and creative activity of a teacher aimed at enriching his professional knowledge and improving methodological techniques for working with children that correspond to the modern level of development of pedagogy and psychology. Outdated working methods can hinder the harmonious development of the modern generation of children. The teacher purposefully plans for him to master during the school year a thematic area that causes him professional difficulties or represents an issue of deep interest.

The main areas of work to improve professional competence:

    awareness of innovations in the base of regulatory documentation related to the preschool educational level;

    familiarization with educational literature and methodological recommendations;

    awareness of the latest scientific achievements in the field of pedagogical thought, developmental psychology and child physiology;

    studying modern comprehensive and partial programs, the latest pedagogical technologies, proprietary methods, as well as the best practices of other preschool institutions;

    qualitative expansion of personal educational horizons, improvement of general cultural level.

Forms of self-education

Forms of self-education include the following types of activities:

    working with the library collection, reading special periodicals, monographs, creating your own thematic card index;

    fruitful work with other teachers within the framework of methodological seminars, scientific conferences, psychological trainings;

    seeking professional advice from training centers retraining and advanced training in specialized departments of higher educational institutions;

    cooperation with the regional information center for psychological, diagnostic and developmental techniques.

The head of a preschool organization is faced with the task of creating a creative atmosphere that would encourage each teacher to self-education, awaken the desire to create, search, experiment, learn and help others. In the methodological corner, the senior teacher compiles a fund of specialized literature to help educators:

    periodicals are systematized by year of publication and thematic collections;

    Each book from the library catalog is accompanied by an additional annotation with a list of issues that are considered by the author.

A senior educator, due to his experience and competence, can provide his less experienced colleague with the following methodological and advisory assistance:

    determine the topic, specify goals and objectives;

    plan your self-education work;

    competently present current information on the progress of planned events (games, classes, excursions, holidays, etc.) and actions (studying literature, consulting work with parents, preparing presentations and participating in practical seminars);

    summarize, analyze the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the work done.

Planned professional development of teachers takes place every five years in special courses, and in the period between courses, the independent work of each teacher, carried out under the patronage of a senior teacher or preschool methodologist, becomes relevant. educational organization. Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution must necessarily include the exchange of experience with other colleagues on issues of education and training, and the organization of the pedagogical process.

Key aspects of self-education

Teacher self-education activities can be divided into certain periods to simplify planning and subsequent analysis.

Table: structural content of self-education for kindergarten teachers

Periods of activity

Teacher's actionsArea of ​​competence of the senior educator/methodologist
Awareness of internal motivation for self-education, the need to expand professional horizons and areas of competence, defining goals and objectives.Diagnostic research and multifaceted analysis of the teacher’s activities. Conducting an individual conversation and questionnaire in order to identify the range of professional interests, creative abilities and inclinations.
PlanningSelecting a topic, identifying important aspects, indicating the main stages, forms and methods of work, drawing up a long-term work plan.Consulting and methodological support on issues that arise, depending on the experience and qualifications of the teacher.
Educational activitiesAcquaintance with theoretical aspects and study of methodological literature on the selected problem.Selection of educational and methodological literature, video recordings of master classes and classes, design of a thematic stand and exhibition with visual material.
Practical activitiesPreparing and conducting classes, games, projects with children, producing additional teaching aids.Attending classes, diagnosing and assessing the practical experience of the teacher.
Summing upFilling out a workbook about the theoretical preparation done and practical implementation experience, a report folder with data on the dynamics of children's results, organizing an exhibition of children's works, conducting a creative report or presentation. Final report at the pedagogical council, methodological seminar, conference for the exchange of experience.Advisory assistance in documenting the results of the work done, replenishing the information bank methodological manuals.

Tips for organizing self-education:

    it is advisable to have a special workbook and write down in it the most important innovative proposals of various educational methods, including proprietary ones;

    it is advisable to choose topics that will have practical implementation and will help in solving a real educational or educational problem;

    self-education involves forming your own judgments on a particular topic, so it is important to learn how to comprehensively analyze the issue being studied;

    In order to timely identify gaps in your own knowledge and adjust your actions, you need to seek advice and help from your colleagues.

Photo gallery: design of a self-education workbook (example)

Cover The topic must be indicated Justification of the relevance of the topic, goal setting Work plan for September Work plan for October Work plan for November Work plan for December Work plan for January Work plan for February Work plan for March Work plan for April Work plan for May References

Features of planning work on self-education

In self-education, a specialist may encounter typical problems that arise during independent individual work. There are certain recommendations for solving them.

Table: possible problems in self-education and their solutions

Questions that may arise

Recommendations for solution
It is difficult to define and formulate a topicIdentify the key problem that is significant to you in the near future. Observations of students, analysis of the work done, and research into the level of development of practical skills in children will help diagnose the most important issues. At the stage of formulating the topic, take into account regulatory documents ( state standards, training programs).
Difficulties in choosing the necessary methodological literatureViewing the table of contents and annotations will help you quickly navigate the contents of the book, and therefore will help you evaluate the degree of usefulness of this source for you personally. Clearly define for yourself the range of questions to which you are looking for an answer. Start your search with more traditional methods, gradually move on to reviewing and discussing modern technologies, in the selection of which take into account the positive experience of your colleagues.
Difficulties in comprehending the teaching material readUse note-taking practice in the form of writing down key points. As you work, try to systematize the information: highlight the main facts, concepts and thoughts that may be useful in practical activities, record your questions and comments. Use explanatory dictionaries and reference sources to understand the meaning of unknown terms.

The problem of choosing a topic according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

For beginning teachers (experience up to 5 years):

    mastering practical skills for carrying out constructive work;

    formation of a basic level of professional skill;

    awareness of the importance and significance of the implementation of the developmental concept and individual model of education and upbringing.

For teachers with more than 5 years of experience:

    mastering methods of designing the educational process in order to improve quality indicators within the framework of variable education;

    disclosure of creative abilities, practical application educational and methodological knowledge.

For experienced teachers, creatively active and seeking:

    development of professional flexibility, the ability to adapt one’s activities to the requirements of modern society;

    practice of mentoring and assistance to young professionals;

    research work based on many years of teaching experience;

    full disclosure of creative powers and capabilities.

For teachers without specialized education:

    learning the basics of methodological work with children;

    adaptation to the educational and educational process in a preschool institution.

The topic for work on self-education is developed and formalized in collaboration between the teacher and the senior educator. The teacher can choose a topic independently if he prepares a clear, reasoned justification for its practical value and prospects. Topics can be divided into two types:

    short-term - the project is implemented within a year;

    long-term - the topic is being finalized and undergoes changes over a period of three to five years.

Examples of designating topics for self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Social-communicative area:

    Advisory support for family educational activities in a preschool educational organization.

    Formation of conscious and responsible behavior skills in younger preschoolers based on knowledge about life safety.

    Socialization of children of middle preschool age in the process of labor activity.

    The formation of moral personality traits in children of senior preschool age in the process of patriotic education.

Artistic and aesthetic sphere:

    The formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world by preschool children.

    Unlocking the creative potential of middle preschool children through mastering modeling and design techniques.

    Development of skills of independence and creative freedom of self-expression in children of senior preschool age in the process of visual arts.

Area of ​​speech development:

    Activation of speech activity of younger preschool children in the process of acquiring basic knowledge about the natural world.

    Development of dialogue speech skills in children of middle preschool age in the process of theatrical performances.

    Speech development of older preschoolers through visual modeling.

Cognitive area:

    Formation in younger preschoolers of initial ideas about the surrounding natural world in the process play activity.

    Activation of cognitive activity in children of middle preschool age in the process of research activities.

    Familiarization of older preschoolers with the traditions of ethnic culture in the process of cognitive and speech activity.

Area of ​​physical development:

    Experience in improving children's health through breathing exercises A. N. Strelnikova.

    Practical application of the “origami” technique for the development of finger flexibility in children of primary preschool age.

    Forms and methods of health-saving activities with children of middle preschool age.

    Formation and consolidation of healthy lifestyle skills through modern gaming technologies in older preschoolers.

For senior educators and methodologists:

    Formation preschool teachers professional training in the field of patriotic education of children.

    Methodological support for the artistic and aesthetic development of children in a preschool educational organization.

    Methodological justification for the introduction of effective educational technologies in a preschool institution in the context of existing educational standards.

    Modeling the developmental environment of a preschool educational organization in the context of modernizing the content of preschool education and upbringing.

Table: “Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children” (example of an annual program plan)

ChapterDeadlinesContents of the workPractical solutions
Studying methodological literatureSeptember - May1. Zatsepina M.B. “Days of military glory. Patriotic education of preschool children."
2. Kozlova S.A. “Theory and methodology for introducing preschoolers to social reality.”
3. Sukhomlinsky V. A. “How to raise a real person.”
At the discretion of the teacher.
Working with childrenSeptemberDecorating a corner in the group of the kindergarten “My Motherland - Russia”.
Excursions around your hometown.
Selection didactic games on patriotic education.
Stand “My Motherland - Russia”.
Card index of games.
OctoberConversation on the topic “The street where I live”Exhibition of drawings “Streets of our city”.
NovemberFamiliarization with the symbols of Russia, hometown, region.
Excursion to the city's local history museum.
Exhibition of works of children's creativity.
JanuaryFamiliarization with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.Collective design of the book “Russian Folk Art”.
FebruaryDirect educational activity “Main holidays of Russia”.
Preparation and holding of the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.
Sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.
MarchConversations “My mother is the best in the world”, “What can my grandmother do?”Exhibition of children's works "Mom's Portrait".
AprilShort-term project "Cosmos"Quiz "What do you know about space."
Exhibition of works of children's creativity "Space through the eyes of children."
MayExcursion to the memorial of military glory, dedicated to Victory Day.Matinee dedicated to Victory Day.
September - MayReading fiction children about the nature of Russia, their native land, about the war, and other historical events.At the discretion of the teacher.
Working with familySeptemberConsultation “Where to go on weekends with a child?”Photo exhibition “My favorite place in the city.”
OctoberConsultation “Raising a Little Citizen.”At the discretion of the teacher.
NovemberAlbum design “History of our city”.Album "History of our city."
FebruaryAt the discretion of the teacher.Collage “My dad (grandfather) served in the army.”
MarchAt the discretion of the teacher.Exhibition of works made by grandmothers and mothers of pupils.
AprilWork on landscaping the territory of the kindergarten.Campaign “Plant a tree”.
MayConsultation “Cultivating patriotic feelings in preschoolers.”At the discretion of the teacher.
Self-realizationJanuaryOpen event screening.Entertainment "Games of our grandmothers."
MayReport on the topic of self-education.Speech at the teachers' meeting.

Progress report and topic release

At the end of the school year, each teacher fills out reporting documents on the theoretical part and practical testing of the topic and makes a presentation at the teachers' council. The teacher must indicate the chosen topic and purpose of the work.

The report should also cover the following issues:

    improvement of professional skills;

    studying pedagogical literature and teaching aids on the topic;

    practice of introducing innovative methods of pedagogical work;

    preparation of notes and theses;

    conducting a master class or thematic seminar;

    analysis of the work done, generalization and systematization of conclusions.

Master classes, open classes, methodological developments- all this can also serve as a basis for reporting.

Video: “Droplet Sorceress” (open screening: lesson on experimental activities in the middle group)

Shown here integrated approach to the organization of children's educational events in the junior group of kindergarten.

Video: educational games by V.V. Voskobovich, master class by educational psychologist

The teacher's stock of gaming methods and techniques must be constantly replenished with new developments. Proven tools also work better if they are revisited from time to time and combined with new elements.

Master class on making a sliding folder

  1. We prepare the following materials: box cardboard, wallpaper (size 25cm*32cm), 4 pcs., fabric for gluing the edges, PVA glue, files 4 pcs., double-sided tape for attaching files.

    Cover the table with film or newspapers before starting work.

  2. From cardboard we cut out 4 pieces measuring 28cm*36cm, from wallpaper we cut out 4 pieces (8 if the folder is double-sided) measuring 25cm*32cm. We cut the fabric into strips of 7 pieces. 36cm*5cm and 2 pcs. 115cm*5cm.

    All parts must be made carefully

  3. First, we will connect our sheets of cardboard; to do this, we glue the joints with fabric, leaving a gap of about 1 cm between the sheets of cardboard.

    You can make sliding folders of other sizes in the same way.

Video: development of constructive and creative abilities using artistic design methods using the Origami technique (creative report on self-education)

The development of creative and cognitive activity in children through various exercises and manipulations with paper is widely used by modern teachers.

Self-diagnosis test: personal interest in self-development

Check the statements that are true for you:

  1. I try to explore my interests and needs.
  2. I strive to work on myself, despite my busy schedule.
  3. I read a lot.
  4. I pay attention to the opinions of others about me; feedback is important to me.
  5. I reflect on my life experiences and feelings.
  6. I reflect on my activities, devoting special time to this.
  7. Obstacles that arise stimulate me to look for a way out of the situation.
  8. I openly discuss topics that interest me and listen to authoritative opinions.
  9. I try to maintain faith in my strengths and capabilities.
  10. I analyze the influence of the people around me on my personality.
  11. I try to achieve positive results in my activities.
  12. I like to study and learn new things.
  13. Increasing responsibility does not depress me.
  14. I have a positive attitude towards career growth.

Result: most of the positive answers give reason to conclude that you are ready for conscious work on self-improvement.

Professional self-improvement is not limited to formally filling out reports, preparing reports, designing exhibitions and demonstration stands. The point of multifaceted work on self-education is to reveal creativity teacher, to give an incentive to increase his level of skill and develop personal qualities. An expert in his field, with a strong personality, will always arouse interest among students and serve as an authority for parents.

A teacher and educator belong to the category of those professions that require constant self-education and self-improvement. For example, no one will argue that today's children are completely different than in past decades. Understanding this, we structure our work with them differently than the teachers who taught us did. And in everything else we also try to keep up with the times. Learning new things by sharing useful experience, we create, we dare, we create. We teach others and we learn ourselves.

The pages of this section contain ready plans, reports and self-education programs. They contain the current and promising experience of your colleagues on this issue. We are sure that it will be useful to you too.

We build our self-education using the positive experience of our colleagues.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 2188.
All sections | Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education

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Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education - Report on self-education “Didactic game as a form of development of young children”

In the 2018-2019 academic year, I took the topic of self-education: “Didactic games as a form of development for young children.” Didactic games occupy a large place in the work of preschool institutions. They are used both in joint and independent activities...

Long-term plan for teacher self-education “Didactic game as a form of development of young children” Topic: “Didactic game as a form of development of young children.” 2018-2019 academic year. Goal: to increase professional competence in the implementation of didactic games in modern technologies. Tasks: - draw up a work plan on this topic; - teach children to distinguish...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - Kindergarten of care and health “Tullukchaan-ot”

Pedagogical project.

Senior teacher of MBDOU "Tullukchaan-ot"

With. Orget of the Verkhnevilyuisky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Martynova Nadezhda Titovna


Teaching worker - individual, which is in labor and service relations with an organization carrying out educational activities, and performs responsibilities for training, educating students and (or) organizing educational activities ( Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation", Art. 2, paragraph 21.). The qualification level of management and teaching staff of the preschool educational institution implementing the Program for each position held must correspond to the qualification characteristics for the corresponding position, and for teaching staff of a state or municipal educational institution - also to the qualification category. The Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees (section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers”) defines the positions of a manager (director, head), deputy head of an educational institution, as well as a list of positions of teaching staff and qualification requirements for them.

The concept of “self-education” consists of completing a personal library and mental work at home, alone (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

One of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence is his ability to self-educate, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfections of the current state of the educational process and the desire for growth and self-improvement. The educator of the 21st century is:

    A harmoniously developed, internally rich personality, striving for spiritual, professional, general cultural and physical perfection;

    Able to select the most effective methods, means and technologies of training and education for the implementation of assigned tasks;

    Able to organize reflective activities;

    Possessing a high degree of professional competence, a teacher must constantly improve his knowledge and skills, engage in self-education, and have a variety of interests.

The problem of self-education of teachers has become especially urgent in the conditions of the information society, where access to information and the ability to work with it are key. Information society characterized as a knowledge society, where the process of transforming information into knowledge plays a special role. That's why modern system education requires constant improvement of knowledge from the teacher. Knowledge can be obtained in different ways. Today, teachers are offered a huge range of advanced training services: in educational institutions - full-time training, part-time training, correspondence training, advanced training courses, seminars, etc.
But it’s no secret that most new knowledge and technologies lose their relevance on average after five years. Having analyzed the situation of advanced training, we came to the conclusion that the most effective way improving the pedagogical skills of teachers is self-education. Constant self-education is the defining asset in the life of a modern person, which will help not to “lag behind the train of modernity.”
According to N.S. Golitsina, self-education is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences
Self-education of a preschool teacher is multifaceted and multifaceted.
The main directions in the education system of preschool teachers are:

    Introduction to new regulatory documents on issues of preschool education;

    Studying educational and scientific-methodical literature;

    Familiarization with new achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;

    Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies;

    Familiarization with best practices of preschool institutions;

    Raising the general cultural level.

An analysis of the literature on the problem shows that the requirements for self-education of teachers have changed. When developing a work plan on this topic, we studied regulatory documents and applied in practice the sources available in the preschool institution:

    methodological support for preschool educational institutions on this topic;

    diagnostics of teacher skill and creativity;

    planning independent self-education of teachers on this topic.

Despite the fact that recently new, promising forms of self-education for teachers have emerged, more often work with teachers is carried out in only one of the directions, in connection with this the following contradictions have been identified:

    Between the participation of teachers in the educational process and their lack of interest in the field of this problem, as well as the low level of pedagogical competence of teachers;

    Between teachers’ understanding of the significance of this problem and the lack of methodological literature;

    Between the need to increase the interest of teachers and those in need of enrichment on this topic, the creation of a unified information, organizational, methodological, communicative teaching and educational environment in preschool educational institutions.

One of the conditions for improving the quality of work of a preschool institution is the differentiated provision of assistance to teachers based on diagnostics of their professional level.

Task senior teacher– provide assistance to a specific teacher in solving those problems that cause him difficulty or are the subject of his interests.

Based on all of the above, it was concluded that it is necessary to improve the self-education of teachers in preschool institutions, so the topic was chosen:

“Teacher self-education as a condition for increasing the professional competence of preschool teachers”

Object: the process of increasing the professional competence of preschool teachers.

Item: teacher self-education, ensuring the development of professional competence of preschool teachers.

Target: organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions to improve skills independent work self-education teachers.

- To maintain the interest of teachers in independently solving specific problems of the development of preschool children, in research activities through the study of methodological literature.
- Develop the ability to analyze the results of observations, experiments, and model ways of developing work with children.
- Contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential of teachers.

Estimated results of the project:
This project is aimed at developing the following skills in teachers:
- ability to set goals, objectives, plan work;
- ability to work with educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature, with Internet resources (selection of necessary literature, analysis of what has been read, writing notes, theses, etc.);
- the ability to highlight the main, key concepts in any information material, draw up supporting diagrams, plans, etc.;
- the ability to systematize, group studied facts and situations into semantic blocks, draw up graphs, diagrams, tables;
- the ability to express a reasoned judgment on a problem, to substantiate or refute judgments.

The main regulatory documents regulating the professional competence of a teacher are:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

    Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Charter of a preschool institution.

    Preschool education concept.

Project implementation period: 3 academic years.

Ways to solve the tasks:

    • Analyze the literature on the research problem.

      Create conditions for self-education of teachers:

To acquaint teachers with the theoretical foundations of self-education,
- acquisition of methodological literature,
- provide time in teachers’ work schedules for independent work with literature in the teaching room.
3. Select diagnostic and research materials for analyzing and assessing the development needs of teachers.
4. Develop methodological recommendations for teachers on this topic.
5. Include in the annual work plan activities that require teachers to collect information, analyze activities, study and solve problems, etc.
6. Consider the participation of teachers in open ulus events and creative associations.
Stage 1 - research




Expected result

Determine and analyze the level of self-education among preschool teachers.

Questioning of teachers “Assessment of the implementation of teachers’ development needs”

2015 – 2016 academic year year

Determine the stages of development of teachers:
- actively realize their needs for self-development,
- there is no established development system,
- stage of stopped development.

Questioning of teachers “Identification of factors stimulating and hindering the development of teachers”

2015 – 2016 academic year year

Identify teachers’ abilities for self-education.

Questioning of teachers “Degree of proficiency in independent work skills”

2015 – 2016 academic year year

Assess the level of proficiency in the necessary independent work skills.

Stage 2 – preparatory




Expected result

Formulation of tasks, determination of ways to solve them, expected results, identification of implementation mechanisms

Development of a project action plan

1 half 201 5 – 2016 academic year year

Organization of consistent systematic work to improve the independent work skills of preschool teachers in self-education.

Stage 3 – practical




Expected result

To form teachers’ ideas about the system of self-education. To acquaint teachers with the theoretical foundations of self-education and the structure of the design of self-education work.
Develop the ability to plan self-education work; accumulate and systematize practical material on the topic of self-education.

Consultation “Self-education of preschool teachers”:
- studying sections of the self-education plan,
- stages of work on self-education,
- structure of work experience design.

2015 – 2016 academic year year

Knowledge theoretical foundations self-education.

Study of regulatory documents

According to the preschool educational plan

Increasing the level of theoretical training of teachers.

Preparation by teachers of documentation based on the results of a diagnostic examination of students (collection, processing, analysis of the results of a diagnostic examination) .

Each student year

Improve the ability to systematize, group the material obtained during research, draw up graphs, diagrams, tables.

Preparation of instructions for working with methodological literature, preparation of reports and speeches.

2015 – 2016 academic year year

Improve the ability to work with educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature (selection of necessary literature, analysis of what has been read, writing notes, theses, etc.)

2015 – 2016 academic year year

The ability to highlight the main, key concepts in information material, formulating topics, goals and objectives.

Creative kaleidoscope (thematic weeks)

According to the preschool educational institution plan during the year

To help unleash the creative potential of teachers.

Participation of teachers in the work of a consultation center for parents. Release of thematic written consultations, albums, newspapers.


Replenish the knowledge base of teachers with effective, priority methods of working with parents.

Participation of teachers in events of ulus creative associations.

Constantly, according to the plan of the ulus Moscow Region

Development of the need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge.

Review of new teaching literature (with the participation of teachers)


Independent systematic familiarization of teachers and other preschool specialists with the latest achievements pedagogy.

Self-analysis of teachers based on the results of work for the year.

At the end of each lesson. year

Develop the ability to analyze the results of your work and make a forecast for the future.

Registration of self-education work by each teacher

As a result

Formalized work on self-education.

Stage 4 – final




Expected result

Summing up the work.

Business game “Auction of Ideas”

2016 – 2017 academic year year

Expanding teachers’ ideas about possible forms and methods of working with preschool children.

Presentation by teachers of self-education topics.

At the end of the project 2017 – 2018 academic year. year

Development of teachers' needs for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge.

An important point in the work on the project is not so much summing up the work done, but rather determining its significance and necessity both for each teacher individually and for the educational institution as a whole. Therefore, the project work ends with two significant events: the business game “Auction of Ideas” and the presentation of self-education topics by teachers.

List of used literature:

    Belaya K.Yu. 300 answers to questions from the head of the kindergarten. M., AST, 2003.

    Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions: analysis, planning, forms and methods. M.: Creative Center, 2005.

    Golitsyna N.S. A collection of pedagogical ideas. Work with personnel. M.: Publishing House Scriptorium, 2006.

    Maksimenkova I.V., Uvarova G.M., Khvorova I.V. Self-education of teachers: analytical review of professional periodicals. Journal Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution N 1 / 2010

    Malkova O.A. Formation of professional self-realization skills for teachers. Journal Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution N 5 / 2010

Appendix No. 1
Personnel characteristics of pre-school teachers.
The preschool educational institution has a stable teaching staff with an average professional level (data for the 2015–2016 academic year)


Teaching experience

Availability of qualification category

2 people - 33%

From 0 to 5 years
0 people

Not finished. higher
2 people - 33%

From 5 to 10 years
1 person – 16.6%

Secondary - special
2 people – 33%

From 10 to 15 years
2 people – 33%

From 15 to 20 years
0 people

Compliance with the position held
2 people – 33%

From 20 to 25 years
2 people - 3 3%

More than 25 years
1 person - 16.6%

Appendix No. 2

Memo to research work teacher

I. How to formulate a topic correctly:

    The formulation starts from indicating the process under study and the conditions under which it is being studied according to

Process being studied

Subject of research



Cognitive abilities

In music classes


Cognitive activity

On excursions into nature


Ability to do something

In the process of learning something


Personal qualities

In the process of getting to know something -






In gaming activities







Influence, etc.

For example: “Development of observation skills in children of senior preschool age during
walks in nature"

    Formulation of the topic according to the diagrams:

    SOMETHING as a condition for the development of SOMETHING

    SOMETHING as a means of forming SOMETHING

    Using SOMETHING as a means (condition) of development (formation, education, formation, etc.) of SOMETHING
    For example:

"Plot - role play as a means of developing children's communication abilities
preschool age"
“Observation as a means of developing voluntary attention in preschool children”
“The use of educational games as a means of developing cognitive abilities in
children of senior preschool age"
II. Determining the relevance and novelty of the research
Answer the question: why this problem we need to study today how important it is and
significant for the practice of teaching and educating preschoolers?
The relevance lies in explaining the theoretical orientation that will be achieved
as a result of performing work.
Novelty may lie in a new solution to issues and affect regional characteristics.
III. Formulating the purpose of the study
A goal is what needs to be obtained or shown as a result of work, this is an idea of
the overall result of the work.
For example: the topic “Educational games as a means of developing cognitive abilities
preschool children"
Goal: Show the role and importance of educational games in the formation of cognitive abilities
preschool children.
IV. Formulation of research objectives
Answer the question, what needs to be done to confirm the assumption?

Problem formulation scheme

Contents of research activities

Partial subject of activity

Study, research, analyze,

Conditions, factors, approaches, role, significance,

consider, justify, explain, develop,

place, means, opportunities,

experimentally verify, prove,

feasibility, techniques, technologies,

test and etc.

Appendix No. 3
Individual professional development plan for a teacher
(recommendations for its development)
Self-education– this is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences.
During the academic year or other period of time, the teacher must study in depth a problem, the solution of which causes certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest.

Sections of the plan

    Studying psychological and pedagogical literature

It is indicated on what issues the literature will be studied, the works of which authors will be read by the teacher.
Report form: report, analytical article, summary of a book read, etc.

    Development of software and methodological support for the educational process

It is indicated what will be developed by the teacher to ensure the educational process of innovative activity: original programs, technological maps, thematic planning, lesson notes, collections of exercises, didactic material, etc.
Report form: developed materials themselves or recommendations for colleagues on their use.

    Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

The topic on which the teacher intends to generalize his experience is indicated. The plan for summarizing experience includes actions to systematize accumulated material, analyze experience, carry out additional developments, prepare final generalized materials - write recommendations, articles, prepare messages.
Report form: articles, recommendations, reports, methodological developments, etc., preparation of materials for certification.

    Participation in the system of methodological work of preschool educational institutions

It is indicated in which activities of the preschool educational institution the teacher expects to participate, and his role in conducting these activities.

    Training in the advanced training system outside preschool educational institutions

The topics of the courses that the teacher expects to complete and participation in the work of methodological associations are indicated.
6 . Broadcasting experience(ulus, republic, Russia).

Appendix N 4

Work experience design structure:

Table of contents: should look like an expanded plan with a list of all intermediate headings and an indication of the pages on which they are located
Introduction: - contains a rationale for the relevance of the problem to which the description of pedagogical experience is devoted. It must necessarily include a description of the reasons that prompted the author to solve this problem, and an analysis of the pedagogical situation in his own educational institution from the point of view of the stated problem. In this part, the author must state the goals that he intended to achieve in solving the identified problem and (if possible) the criteria that would allow him to evaluate the result obtained.
Main part of the work: includes theoretical and practical sections
Theoretical section: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem under consideration. It should be brief and mainly contain a description of approaches aimed at solving the stated problem, and be a kind of terminological basis for further description of the teacher’s work experience.
Practical section: a complete description of the work system on the topic under consideration. It includes:
- detailed description means used by the author to achieve the stated goals;
- correlation of one’s work experience with the work experience of other teachers, identifying the specifics of the stated problem;
-examples of elements of a teacher’s activity that the author relies on in his work (they are integral part descriptions).
Conclusion: must contain:
- description of the results obtained, their correlation with the goals set in the introductory part that the author wanted to achieve in solving the identified problems;
-description of plans for further work on the selected topic
References: must include at least 3 names of literary sources to which the author directly or indirectly refers when writing the work. In this case, you should adhere to the standards for the design of bibliographic references.
Applications: should be selected in such a way that they can be used to illustrate most of the techniques and forms of work described in the practical section of the main part of the work.

Appendix N 5

Conditions for professional growth

    Self-educational work on an essay on the topic

    Reading methodological, pedagogical and subject literature.

    Browse the Internet for information on the topic

    Attending seminars, conferences, lessons of colleagues.

    Discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues.

    Systematic completion of advanced training courses.

    Carrying out open classes for analysis by colleagues.

    Study of information and computer technologies.

    Communication with colleagues in preschool educational institutions, ulus and on the Internet.

    Participation in competitions on the Internet.

    Posting your developments on Internet sites

Appendix N 6

Questionnaire “Assessing the implementation of teachers’ development needs”

When answering the survey questions, please put a point next to each number:
5 – if this statement fully corresponds to your opinion;
4 – more likely to correspond than not;
3 – both yes and no;
2 – rather does not correspond;
1 – does not correspond.

    I strive to study myself.

    I leave time for development, no matter how busy I am.

    Obstacles that arise stimulate my activity.

    I seek feedback because it helps me learn and evaluate myself.

    I reflect on my activities, setting aside special time for this.

    I analyze my feelings and experiences.

    I read a lot.

    I discuss widely on issues that interest me.

    I believe in my capabilities.

    I strive to be a more open person.

    I am aware of the influence that the people around me have on me.

    I manage my professional development and get positive results.

    I enjoy learning new things.

    Increasing responsibility does not frighten me.

    I would be positive about promotion.

Appendix No. 7

Questionnaire “Identification of factors that stimulate and hinder the development of teachers.”


    Own inertia.

    Frustration due to previous failures.

    Lack of support and assistance in this matter from managers.

    Hostility of others (envy, jealousy, etc.).

    State of health.

    Lack of time.

    Limited resources, cramped life circumstances.

Stimulating factors:

    Methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

    Training courses.

    Example and influence of colleagues.

    Example and influence of leaders.

    Organization of labor in preschool educational institutions.

    Attention to this problem of managers.


    Novelty of activity, working conditions and the possibility of experimentation.

    Self-education classes.

    Interest in work.

    Increasing responsibility.

    Opportunity to gain recognition within a team.

Processing of questionnaires

Calculate the total points for the first questionnaire.
If you have enough 55 or more points, you are actively realizing your needs for self-development.
Typing from 36 to 54 points, you will have to admit that you do not have an established development system.
Typing from 15 to 35 points, you must understand that you are in a stage of arrested development.
The data is entered into a table.
The total points for the second questionnaire are also entered into the table.
Development coefficient (K) is calculated by the formula:
K = K (actual) : K (maximum)
Where: K (actual) – the total number of points given in the questionnaires,
K (maximum) – the maximum possible number of points in the questionnaires.
Enter the data into the table:

Teacher training, development and self-development

N p/p

Teachers’ ability to self-educate

Full name

Stimulating factors


System of measures

Active development

Unsuccessful development

Stalled development

Appendix N 8

Questionnaire “Degree of proficiency in independent work skills”

Evaluation criteria


Work with educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature: selection, analysis of what is read, writing notes, theses.

Ability to draw conclusions from a literature review, highlight the most current problems children's development.

Saving information material in memory, reproducing the necessary information from memory.

Identification of the main, key concepts in any information material, drawing up supporting diagrams of the studied topic.

Independent mastery of pedagogical and psychological concepts with the help of reference materials.

Systematization, grouping of studied facts, drawing up diagrams, graphs, tables.

The ability to express a reasoned judgment on a problem, to convincingly prove or disprove a judgment.

Independent identification of the problem, theoretical and practical tasks of its study.

Self-control and self-analysis of one’s own actions when performing various tasks.

The ability to set goals, plan your work, and allocate time for self-education.

Legend degree of proficiency in certain skills:
+ - I speak fluently,
? - my command is mediocre, it causes difficulties,
! - I don’t own it.