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Nong nooch in Thailand. Relax in the tropical botanical garden of Nong Nooch. Nong Nooch - a tropical garden with a lot of history

There are a lot of reports about visiting the Nong Nooch Thai Tropical Garden in Pattaya, and everyone admires the beauty of this park in Thailand. But almost nowhere is it said that here you can feed giant fish, that there is the best elephant show and much more.

How to get from Pattaya to Nong Nooch

The easiest way to get from Pattaya to Nong Nooch is through buses, which are organized by the park itself twice a day. Buses depart from Pattaya hotels twice a day (8.30 and 14.30). You can order Pick-Up Service in Nong Nooch through a travel agency or hotel, having pre-paid travel and a ticket for visiting the Garden (ticket - 500 baht, travel - 100). Some tourists negotiate on the fly with the driver. In such cases, sometimes you have to travel while standing, because the Garden administration organizes transport according to the number of seats ordered and paid in advance (on average, up to 20 people).

You can also order Picj-up Service online using this link: . The cost will be even cheaper than a taxi.

You can try to get there in a white tuk-tuk that runs along the main Sukhumvit highway for only 30 baht per person, but from the highway you will still have to walk 5 kilometers in the heat. Very often there are taxi drivers on duty at this turn who will take you there for 50 - 100 baht. But believe me, this torment is not worth it. I really don't recommend this method.

A taxi from Pattaya to Nong Nooch Garden will cost 500 baht one way, but can be negotiated for between 250 and 300 baht. Honestly, I couldn’t do it; when I took my parents to the park, I paid 800 baht for a round trip, and not every taxi driver wanted to take me. You can and should bargain with taxi drivers, because the administration of Nong Nooch Park issues a reward for each tourist brought.
I will also note that the guide in the park is a completely useless person, because there is no story there and nothing to tell. He just makes you run everywhere because he has several groups a day. On such trips you need to go without a time limit and walk on your own, a lot and for a long time!

Butterfly Hill at Nong Nooch Botanical Garden. Although butterflies are not visible there, he is central part park, because All roads leave from here.

Opening hours Nong Nooch Thailand: Nong Nooch is open every day.
Opening – 8.00, closing – 18.00.

Entrance fees to Nong Nooch Park Pattaya

The cost of a ticket to Nong Nooch for adults is 500 baht, the cost of visiting Nong Nooch for children is 400 baht. Children under two years old can visit the park for free.

You can save on tickets by taking advantage of student or pension discounts. To do this, it is advisable to have originals or color photocopies of the relevant documents with you. English.

Regular admission includes access to the gardens and viewing of the show. There are 2 shows in a row: the first is historical, and the second with elephants.

Food at Nong Nooch Tropical Garden

Restaurants in Nong Nooch are open seven days a week and on public holidays, until 10 p.m. It serves Thai, international, Western, Indian and Chinese cuisines.

On the map, local restaurants and coffee shops are indicated by numbers: 23. Vivat; 38.Cattleya; 43. Plub Plueng; 51. Coffee corner.

Sutahipyu (Nong Nooch Seafood, number 6) is a specialized establishment whose chefs prepare seafood, open until 23.00.

Butterfly Hill has a food court (full food from 50 baht).

Photo from a regular food court (system like in Big C, or others shopping centers Pattaya: you put any amount of baht on the card and buy any dishes in cafes. After lunch, go to the cashier - he returns the rest of the money. Dish from 30 baht). In the restaurants in the park, of course, everything is much more decent.

History of Nong Nooch Tropical Garden

Nong Nooch Garden has been open to visitors since 1980.

The owners of the land, Mr. Pisit and Mrs. Nong Nooch Thansacha, when they bought it in 1954, planned to cultivate vegetables and fruits. However, 26 years later their intentions changed, and it was decided to create a park with infrastructure for tourists.

In 2001, Madam Nong Nooch handed over management of the garden to her son. By the way, Suan Nong Nooch received the name in honor of Mrs. Nong Nooch (the word Suan means garden in Thai).

A little more about Nong Nooch Park in Thailand

In 2010, Nong Nooch Park was recognized as the best in the Tropical Plants category at the British Florist Show in Chelsea.

Nong Nooch is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest botanical garden in Southeast Asia and the world's largest private collection of plants.

There are more than a thousand palm trees here. About a hundred of these trees belong to rare, unique species.
The appearance of the mega arboretum is constantly changing: plants in pots are constantly being rearranged.
In the reservoirs in Nong Nooch Park you can feed the world's largest freshwater fish, Arapaima.

Stupas in the French garden, more details about them will be discussed below.

Hotel in Nong Nooch Park

Tourists are encouraged to stay in this beautiful area to relax and explore the gardens. For this purpose, the management proposes to use temporary housing. These are villas, houses and apartments at affordable prices. The most modest room will cost 1,500 baht.

It is better to book accommodation in hotels and guest houses in the park in advance.

There is a list of residential properties that are worth finding on the map: guesthouse Rimfai (guest house with inexpensive rooms); Rim Nam House; Rim Suan Cottage 1 – 3; Villa Lake Side; Thai houses 1 – 5.

The biggest advantage of the hotel at Nong Nooch Park is that you can walk around the park after closing, when it is no longer hot and there are no tourists at all. Those. There will be about 10 people walking throughout the vast territory of the park, and maybe just the two of you. Hotel restaurants are open until late, but it will be difficult for you to get out of there, so many people book a hotel for just 1 night to walk around the park.

Elephant show in Pattaya and Nong Nooch Park

Tourists are shown entertainment programs with dancing, national boxing and animals.
Thai national standard choreography and boxing are performed before the elephant show four times a day. Show times at Nong Nooch Park: 9:45 -10:45; 10:45-11:45; 15:00-16:00; 16:00-17:00. In addition to these performances, there is one more, at 13.45.

  1. Nong Nooch has the best elephant show in Pattaya! Therefore, it is definitely worth a visit!
  2. The national show lasts about 40 minutes, unfortunately it is not very interesting and is accompanied by very loud music. We recommend not watching it to the end, but immediately go to the area for the elephant show (The exits are located on the sides of the hall, this is considered normal and many people go there in advance, because immediately after the end of the national show, a wave of Chinese will rush there and take over all the space and you will have to watch the best elephant show in Pattaya standing in the corner)
  3. In contrast, here you should definitely take first place, you will have a very good view, and elephants will constantly walk past you, kiss you on the cheek, and you can also feed them bananas, which are constantly sold by running children. Even if you don’t want it now, no one is held back during the show.
  4. The national show ends with a small fight on elephants, it is at this moment that you should go to the elephant area, or better yet a little earlier, when the girls start jumping over wooden planks
  5. The show with elephants is shown immediately after the national one and on a separate stage.
  6. The gray giants of Nong Nooch play football, basketball, bowling, throw darts, ride bicycles, paint and even give massages. After the program, the elephants are allowed to feed them bananas and take pictures with them. You definitely need to stand under the trunk; according to Thai tradition, this brings good luck.

Walk through the Nong Nooch Tropical Garden

Nong Nooch Garden in Thailand amazes from the very beginning. You just don't expect it when you go into it. Throughout the Park you will encounter giant animals of all types and sizes.

It's a pity that they are all made of plastic, but it really adds color to the park. Every square meter is truly equipped there

The glass eyes of animals are especially striking; they look like

Many compositions are made especially for magnificent photographs from Thailand

This park has simply gorgeous views. If you want to get a pleasant impression of Pattya, be sure to come to the Nong Nooch Tropical Garden. By the way, you can go into this temple and relax peacefully on the benches, there is always a light pleasant breeze blowing there

It’s especially nice that the entire park is multi-level, i.e. you can move along the ground, or along the bridges over the park, and observe all the colors of the flowers from above

The official tour of Nong Nooch Park begins with the Orchid Garden. Especially for visitors, they are placed at the level of the face of a person of average height below average. These beautiful plants have a pleasant aroma.

There are a lot of orchids here, but only those that are blooming are shown.

This garden has beautiful compositions made from clay flower pots fired in ovens. When you enter you will see these hearts, trains, cars and other figures.

In the Orchid Garden you can buy flowers in glass bottles(for export) and take pictures with tigers, gibbons and parrots.

Opposite the orchids is a pond.

Feeding a record big freshwater fish Arapaima are the main show here. Imagine how this scaly monster about five meters long and weighing almost two hundred kilograms grabs food!

Then tourists find themselves in the Italian and European gardens.

The European Garden is also called the Garden of Waterfalls, due to the abundance of fountains. Against the backdrop of beautiful columns, sculptures of people and animals, this place is popular for photo shoots for wedding albums.

The European Garden features flowers, French and Greek sculptures.

In these two gardens there are cozy gazebos for tourists.

You can admire the park from the observation tower.
Next is the Mammoth Garden (sculptures, plants) and Butterfly Hill.

There are paths on each site, you can walk under all the mammoths, and naughty children sometimes take pictures on the tusks

Boiled corn hung from the pillars on Butterfly Hill attracts many birds. This is probably why, having had enough of corn, the birds do not eat tropical butterflies, of which there are a lot here.

Nong Nooch workers feed these fluttering insects with sweet fruits. (to be honest, there are a lot of butterflies - it depends on your luck, the authors of this article did not meet a single one in 3 visits)
It is noteworthy that the shapes and patterns of the landscape design of this hill are also similar to the wings of butterflies.

  • Butterfly Hill has souvenir shops and a fast food area.
  • In the elephant enclosure, next to the food court, for 400 baht, two people can ride these animals
  • There is a zoo on the territory of Nong Nooch, and a children's playground nearby.
  • All animals are allowed to pet and feed (for a fee). For example, feeding a fawn costs 20 baht


Goats and peacocks roam freely around the zoo (outside the enclosures). The birds in the house are not afraid of people. There is a terrarium and cages with turtles.

Here, as at the crocodile farm, you can take a photo with a tiger, but they are lazier in the park

After passing the aloevera gardens and bonsai garden, you will move to the second part of the Nong Nooch Arboretum.
Here, against the backdrop of Thai pagodas, there is a French garden (in the style of Versailles), Stone Henge (a landscape copy of an English megalithic structure), pavilions and towers.

3 classic towers: Thai, Cambodian and Laotian

On the slope of the French garden are Thai stupas. These are miniature copies of all the famous stupas of Thailand. In the original stupas, holy particles are kept at the very top: these could be the relics of someone from the royal family, or some revered monk

To the Cactus Garden, where several hundred of these plants are collected different types and forms, it is better to enter with a guide, so you will learn more.

The Nong Nooch Tropical Park regularly expands its unique collection of ferns and palm trees. In 1998, 200 delegates to the International Conference from 33 countries certified that Nong Nooch had the world's largest collection of palm trees (1,100 species out of 2,800 growing in the world).

At the same time, the exposition of Nong Nooch is constantly increasing and in 2015 it is planned to increase it to 2,000 species of palm trees.

There are also many original sculptures of animals, birds, insects and plants in the Nong Nooch Landscape Park. Most of them are in the garden called “Flower Show”.

Another attraction of Nong Nooch Garden is the Car Park (Kampon Tansachi Garage), located in the center.

Thais jokingly say that Mrs. Nong Nooch's 68-year-old son has not yet married because he loves cars more than women. This fleet includes more than forty cars, located on two floors of parking, assembled to order.

The current owner of the garden has more than just sports cars in his collection. All cars are exclusive and running (with full tanks and maintenance). The owner himself often rides them around Pattaya.

A visit to the Campona Tansachi car park is part of the excursion program.

Next to the Atopark there is an original rope pedestrian bridge over the river, which leads to the Cactus Garden.

  • Plan a full day to visit Nong Nooch in Pattaya.
  • Booked mass excursions are limited in time. It’s better to take your time and inspect everything yourself.
  • Don't book a Pick-Up Service with a visit to the bee farm in front of Nong Nooch - you'll waste a lot of time listening to a lecture about bees.
  • Come in the morning, before opening, when it is not so hot: first, a tour, then lunch in the shade. Here it is 37-40 degrees hot and 100% humidity.
  • If you are going to Nong Nooch with children, take care of drinking water, panama hats, light and comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Bring a camera with a spare battery and an extra memory card.
  • Stay away from groups of Chinese or Koreans, they make noise and interfere with photography.
  • Before entering, take a map, otherwise you will get lost (they give it for free).
  • Bicycles, which the Nong Nooch administration provides for rent, will help speed up the inspection.
  • Don’t buy souvenirs in the gardens; in Pattaya the same ones are three times cheaper.
  • Don’t take a taxi from the park to the highway for 100 baht; take a stroller with your grandmother-motorbiker for 10 baht.

Visit heaven during your lifetime? This is quite possible. Tourists associate a trip to Nong Nooch with paradise. This is an amazingly beautiful, unusual place that is a must-see for all vacationers not only in Pattaya, but in Thailand in general.

The park delights its guests with the bright colors of exotic plants all year round. Admiration, surprise, delight, wonderful memories - this is what awaits every person who has been here. And, of course, hundreds of unique shots taken - as material evidence that you have been in a fairy tale. But first things first.

Below are maps of Nong Nooch Park, they are not in Russian, but quite visual.

History of Nong Nooch

The history of the park began in 1954. Pattaya at that time was not a world-famous tourist resort, but just one of the fishing villages on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand (read). Madam Nong Nooch Tansacha and Mr. Pisit bought land in Chonburi province to create fruit and vegetable plantations. But, after some time, Madam Nong Nooch's plans changed after her travels abroad and visits to world famous parks. She decided to create tropical gardens with ornamental plants and flowers instead of plantations.

The creation work took a long time. It was only in 1980 that the Nong Nooch Tropical Park was opened to its first guests. Since then, it has been constantly improved, attracting more and more tourists from all over the world every year. Today it is one of the largest botanical gardens in Southeast Asia. The current director of the park is Kampon Tansacha (son of the founder).

The splendor of tropical plants

Nong Nooch is a grandiose landscape project in which Asian and European styles are combined in the most incredible way; national sculptures, gazebos and fairy-tale houses are adjacent to the Versailles park, where shrubs and lawns have regular geometric shapes.

The territory is divided into several garden and park areas, connected by numerous pedestrian paths, paths and bridges. The park also has large artificial ponds, fountains, special pavilions and rooms, a small railway and a zoo, numerous bright figurines of animals, birds and insects: flamingos, parrots, giraffes, ants, turtles, deer.

You can admire the beauty of extraordinary tropical plants both from below and by climbing the suspended bridges that pass at the level of the treetops, from where a beautiful panorama opens up.

Below is a list of garden and park areas that are part of Nong Nooch Park. Each of them is reserved for certain types of plants.

Orchid garden. Orchids, which are considered one of the most beautiful and exotic flowers on the planet, are a special pride of Nong Nooch. It’s not for nothing that the second name of the place, common among tourists, is the Orchid Garden. Here you can see a huge variety of orchids of different colors, sizes, and the most bizarre shapes. Flowers are grown in hanging baskets, in greenhouses with a special microclimate - this is a difficult and time-consuming process.

cactus garden. Arranged in the open air, it leaves no one indifferent. The collection of cacti amazes even the richest imagination - huge and very small, flowering and not flowering, branched and spherical, of different shades and shapes. Very beautiful and unusual!

Blue Garden. This place is dedicated to ferns and palms. Nong Nooch has a unique collection of palm trees - 1,100 species (out of 2,800 species existing on the planet). This is the world's largest collection of palm tree species collected in one place. Among the palm trees growing in Nong Nooch there are many rare species.

French park. Organized among numerous palm trees and stones, the French regular park is worthy of the highest praise. According to many tourists, this is the most beautiful place in Nong Nooch. In a French park, classic European landscape design combines whimsically with national Thai temples. The care with which landscape compositions are created, the clarity of lines, symmetry, and severity of geometric shapes is amazing. Ideally smooth, trimmed lawns, borders, trees - everything is so perfect that you inevitably begin to doubt whether this is a model.

Also on the territory of Nong Nooch you can admire the gardens: dwarf trees (bonsai), aquatic plants, stones and fountains.

A few more interesting places

Butterfly Garden. Opened in 2000, it is spread out in open space and fenced with fine mesh. More than one and a half thousand colorful butterflies, like natural flowers, gracefully and carefree flutter over the heads of tourists.

Bird Garden. The small garden of exotic birds is interesting both because of its inhabitants and because anyone can go inside and walk among the birds. Treats for birds are sold at the entrance; if you buy them, you can even feed them yourself.

Stonehenge. As already mentioned, in the garden of Nong Nooch they mixed different styles and culture. And yet, it is surprising that here (not far from the French park) you can see a small copy of Stonehenge, a megalithic mysterious ancient monument located in England.

The inscription on one of the stones of the structure says that the founder of the garden, Mrs. Nong Nooch, bequeaths this land to the next generation.

It would seem, what relation can a collection of cars have to a tropical garden? But she is here. This is a garage where a variety of cars of the current director are collected.

Who would have thought that such beauty could be created from ordinary clay pots in which flowers are planted? But, getting closer to the sculptures, you can make sure: they are really made from pots.

Fancy arches, butterflies, a steam locomotive, a car, elephants, a jug, huge hearts, a boat - this is just part of what skillful craftsmen managed to create from flower pots - such simple and ordinary objects.

Pond with fish. Giant fish - arapaima - are freshwater tropical fish 2-3 meters long, which, to put it mildly, are impressive in their size. These “little ones” can be fed for a nominal fee. A fish is tied to a stick that looks like a fishing rod; seeing the delicacy, the giant fish grab it with their huge mouths. This is an attraction for the brave and lovers of bright, thrilling sensations.

Mini zoo. A place full of positivity, where you can interact quite closely with many animals - pet them and feed them. Tourists with children should definitely visit the mini zoo! Donkeys, monkeys, piglets, goats, fawns, camels live here - garden guests are allowed to enter the enclosures of the herbivorous pets. Thai teenagers immediately sell treats for animals, which you can buy to feed them. Tigers also live here: they are fed on a schedule, and once you know the schedule, you can watch this spectacle. On the territory of the zoo there is a terrarium with turtles and snakes, and huge aquariums with fish.

Among other entertainments, vacationers can ride elephants. This entertainment is very popular, so it is possible that you will have to wait for your turn for some time. There is a bench for two people on the back of the elephant (costs about 400 baht).

Perhaps you will meet the same elephant driver who learned the song “Oh, frost, frost...” especially for Russian tourists and performs it while riding them on an elephant. Under the scorching Thai sun, surrounded by tropical vegetation, from the lips of a tanned local resident, a song about harsh Russian frosts sounds especially comical.

Near the place where tourists go elephant riding, there is a large enclosure with elephants. You can feed them by buying a bunch of bananas (about 40 baht). At first it may seem a little scary when an elephant reaches for a banana with its huge trunk. But then you will understand and feel how careful and good-natured he is.

Show programs

The pride of Nong Nooch are two bright, spectacular shows that are considered one of the best in Thailand. The visit is included in the entrance ticket price (there is no need to pay extra separately).

Shows take place several times a day, at neighboring venues, and follow one another. Each performance lasts about half an hour. Show schedule: 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30.

The first program is the Thai national show, which takes place in a separate pavilion equipped with a stage and auditorium. The main idea is to introduce guests to the history, culture, traditions and customs of Thailand. Performances of different styles organically replace each other - here you can see national dances, historical performances, and even the famous Thai boxing (this is a beautiful theatrical production). Gorgeous decorations; elaborate costumes; abundance of national props; a large number of artists involved in productions; unusual national music - the show is truly impressive and fascinating.

Open more photos

When going to a national show, it is better to immediately take care of getting to the next elephant show on time and taking good places. To do this, it is better to sit in the stalls and, if possible, take seats on the left or right (relative to the stage).

Elephants ride bicycles and throw darts at balloons, paint cute pictures, play football and basketball, perform elements of rhythmic gymnastics, and even give massages to spectators. The host of the show comments on what is happening in English, but even for those who don’t know a word of English, everything will be absolutely clear. The talents and skills of elephants amaze and evoke deep respect for these smartest animals.

Open more photos

Before the start and after the end of the show, everyone can take a photo with their favorite elephant. You will have to pay separately for this, but the amount is clearly symbolic (50 baht). It is clear that the elephants are used to being photographed - they willingly pose with guests. Also, before the start of the performance, you can buy bananas from local children and feed the elephants directly from your hands.

Additional services on site

The park offers various additional entertainment, so you can:

  • ride on catamarans on the lake,
  • feed the giant fish - Arapaima,
  • rent a bike,
  • ride an elephant.

If suddenly you really like it here, then there is a cool hotel located on the territory of the park, why not live in this paradise.


Watch a video about visiting Nong Nooch Garden.

How to get to Nong Nooch from Pattaya

1. Excursion.

The cost of group excursions to Nong Nooch at Pattaya travel agencies is 500-700 baht (the cost for children is 100 baht less). The price is often lower than just park entrance fees. But keep in mind not all excursions to Nong Nooch include a show. The cheapest deals usually also include shopping in the “right” stores.

The main benefit of an organized trip is that you don't have to worry about getting there and back. In addition, it will cost less than traveling on your own. The downside is that some people may not have enough time and won’t have the opportunity to stay in the places they especially like.

Tourist groups are usually transported across the vast territory in open mini-buses.

For those who find it difficult to walk long distances, this is a plus. For those who would prefer to get around Nong Nooch on foot, looking into all corners, this is a minus.

2. Taxi.

The cost of a taxi is 200 - 600 baht, depending on where you need to go from and how you agree with the driver. Be sure to bargain. You can negotiate with a taxi driver so that he waits for you - although there are taxi drivers in tuk-tuks and motorbikes in the parking lot near the park, the prices for their services are quite high. The main advantage of an independent trip is a large amount of time and complete freedom of movement.

As an option to save money, you can go on a morning group excursion and return to the hotel by taxi yourself.

3. By your own transport.

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden is a place that amazes the imagination, surprises with its beauty and the variety of interesting forms, solutions and attractions that can be seen here. The main thing is not to get lost, because its area is almost 250 hectares. It is located in Thailand, near Pattaya. We have prepared an interesting guide for you that will help you decide on the route and allocate time.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until September 30:

  • AF500guruturizma - promotional code for 500 rubles for tours from 40,000 rubles
  • AFTA2000Guru - promotional code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Thailand from 100,000 rubles.

And you will find many more profitable offers from all tour operators on the website. Compare, choose and book tours at the best prices!

Where did it all start and how did this unique and magical garden come about? In 1954, a Thai family bought land plot. The couple purchased it in the valley of the wonderful province of Chonburi. At that time, on the site of the park they grew exotic fruits. The mistress of the land was a very extraordinary person. After traveling around Europe, she decided to create a quaint tropical park instead of an orchard. She wanted to turn her possessions into a paradise. Decades passed, and she brought her brilliant idea to life. The hard work of the gardeners has paid off.

The tropical garden was opened in 1980 and named after the owner. The park has rapidly gained popularity both among Thai residents and foreign tourists. In 2001, Madame Nongnuch's son took over the management of the garden. Currently, this place is visited by about 2,000 people a day. Nong Nooch is the largest botanical garden in all of Asia. Here is a collection of the rarest tropical plants. Some of them are not found on any other continent. The amazing thing is that anyone can purchase the seeds of these unique plants.

Nong Nooch takes up more and more space over the years. It is almost impossible to get around the territory in a whole daylight. The garden is clearly divided into sections, each of which has its own unique style and meaning. In addition to vegetation, the park has many places that cannot be ignored. Visitors will be delighted by the kingdom of flowers with its charm, extraordinary structures will surprise with their size and shape, and the French garden will transport you from Asia to Europe in a minute. The clicks of cameras are heard from all sides and flashes are visible. It seems as if the tourists were having a competition in terms of the number of frames taken here.


Both children and adults come to see its inhabitants with great pleasure. There are so many fascinating fauna here that you don’t know which way to go. Harmless creatures such as peacocks and goats walk around the territory. They do not languish in captivity in dirty cages, as in many other zoos. Tourists are allowed to walk around the poultry house. Birds are not shy. They are friendly to new guests. Animals can be fed for a small fee. Children especially enjoy feeding the legendary deer Bambi and other forest dwellers.

Butterfly Park

Butterflies flutter among branchy trees and lush plants. They are not at all afraid of visitors, and they, in turn, can come into contact with beauty. Visitors feel as if they are in heaven, seeing unprecedented beauty. Butterflies fly like feathers, the flapping of their wings is light and weightless. Tourists involuntarily plunge into dreams of eternal summer in this park. A feeling of carelessness and lightness appears in almost everyone who finds themselves here. Fairy-tale creatures delight with their appearance and give bright emotions to all guests, without exception.

Elephant show

It turns out that you can not only ride on the gray giants. They are capable of many things. Like humans, elephants can play bowling, football and basketball. In addition, they can throw darts and ride with the breeze on a bicycle. It is very interesting to watch how huge land animals compete. The intrigue does not leave the audience throughout the entire show program. Elephants worry when something doesn't work out for them. They know how to massage and even draw. Giants perform in front of large audiences, like in a circus. Only the circus program is usually shorter and more meager. After the show is over, visitors have the perfect opportunity to take photos with the seemingly awkward actors.

This place is a collection of many thorny desert plants of various shapes. It is not recommended to visit this place without a guide. The guide will tell you a lot of interesting things about cacti. For example, that cacti can be eaten. Yes, yes, these are not just useless thorns growing in the middle of deserts. They are used in the kitchen to prepare delicious dishes. They can also serve as an original and reliable fence. Observations have shown that dogs do not dare to come close to cacti. Farmers surround their property with dense rows of thorns to prevent coyotes from entering their homes. Cacti are very resilient and can withstand high temperatures well. The prickly exhibits are no less interesting than spreading palm trees or magnificent orchids. Agave grows in the cactus garden. The well-known tequila is made from it.

Palm trees

The park has the largest collection of palm trees in the world. Now there are more than 1000 palm trees, and soon they plan to increase their number to 2000. Visitors will see ordinary and very strange plants that are unlikely to be found anywhere else. Among the exhibits of the extensive collection is the Seychelles palm, a very rare species.

The pond in Nong Nooch is a large body of water where the arapaima, the largest of all fish, swims. Its weight can reach 200 kilograms. Every fisherman dreams of such a goliath of the fish kingdom. Near the pond you can watch the feeding process of this giant fish. What a spectacle! When you see a fish the size of a bull catching its prey, you immediately get goosebumps from head to toe.

French garden and orchid garden

Ms. Nongnuch was inspired to create this garden by a trip abroad. It is very similar to the famous Versailles gardens. All plants have the correct shape. They alternate with Buddhist stupas, which are collected from different parts of Thailand. The best way to see the indescribable picture is from the picturesque gazebos. They are located on a hill next to the bell. Guides bring tourists to it, assuring them that the bell is capable of fulfilling any desire. It is believed that once you hit it, your wish will come true. The bell ringers are trying their best to make their dreams come true, which is why bells are constantly ringing over the park.

Visitors enjoy the charm of blooming orchids. This is truly a real corner of harmony where time stops. Just slow down, breathe in the fragrant air, think about something beautiful, kind, eternal, because all the conditions have been created here for this.

Potted garden and car showroom

Here you can see unique clay exhibitions. The designs depict elephants, palm trees and other objects. At this point, one can only marvel at what the human mind is capable of.

Car showroom. This is another attraction of the tropical park. The owner has collected a huge collection of cars. It consists of sports cars, most of which were assembled to order.

Eden, or the Garden of Eden, can be seen in Thailand much as it is depicted in European religious mythology. To do this you need to visit Nong Nooch Park, located seventeen kilometers from Pattaya. This is truly an extraordinarily beautiful place, which includes a complex of gardens and theme parks spread over an area of ​​240 hectares. It is included in the so-called “must see” list, without visiting which a trip to Thailand cannot be considered complete.

The park is open all year round, and each season is beautiful and attractive in its own way. By visiting it, you will experience a whole range of positive emotions. It allows photography and video shooting (read more about that), so you can preserve the memories of your trip to a fairy tale.

Whimsical Asia in symbiosis with Europe

Nong Nooch Tropical Park in Pattaya is a man-made landscape project that mixes European and traditional Thai styles. Sculptural images of mythical demons from folk epics, stylized paisan houses and elaborate gazebos coexist with a strict French park, where regular flower beds are laid out, every bush is trimmed, and the alleys seem to be drawn with a ruler.

The Nong Nooch Garden in Pattaya is interesting because its territory is divided into several dissimilar garden and park areas, connected by whimsically curving paths and bridges spanning canals. During your walk, you will constantly encounter figures of not only demons, but also images of animals, birds, from all continents. For example, African giraffes, European deer, flamingos... It is a Thai tradition that the park must have ponds with goldfish, fountains, gazebos and pavilions hidden in the dense greenery where you can simply relax serenely.

Gardens and parks

Orchid garden in Nong Nooch. This is a source of special pride for the park’s organizers. Here you can see all the richness and variety of exotic plants of this species, considered the most beautiful on Earth. Tourists are amazed by the riot of colors, whimsical forms, and the unique palette of smells.

Cactus garden. For Thailand, with its constant humidity, this plant is very unusual. It is all the more interesting to visit a place where these prickly creatures grow not surrounded by sand, but by lush vegetation. In this garden you can see cacti of all possible sizes and shapes, and their flowers are as beautiful as orchids.

Blue Garden. It is dedicated to the oldest plant on Earth - the fern, as well as the palm tree - the most widespread in Southeast Asia. In it you can see 1,100 varieties of palm trees, almost half of all that are on our planet. There is no such rich collection anywhere else except in Nong Nooch.

The landscape designers of Versailles would also approve of it. Surrounded by exotic palm trees and whimsically shaped rocks, it is an unusual mix of European and Thai traditions. Strict alleys and trimmed curtains combine perfectly with small architectural forms in the Thai style and.

Butterfly garden. The Nong Nooch Tropical Garden in Pattaya would have lost a lot if it had not had this huge enclosure fenced with fine mesh. Bright butterflies, like living flowers, flutter over the heads of tourists.

Bird garden. The rainforest in our minds is full beautiful birds and their mesmerizing singing. In order not to destroy this stereotype, the garden organizers settled the most colorful and recognizable representatives of the feathered family in this section of the park. When you enter the pavilion, don’t forget to buy a treat for them and don’t be scared when they sit on your head.

Stonehenge. Yes, a smaller copy of this ancient megalithic structure is here too. Although in the countries of Southeast Asia such a tourist attraction has become quite common.

Garden of pots. Having visited this place in the park, you will receive an object lesson in how this utilitarian household item can be used to create small architectural forms. and, Viking ships and cars, gazebos and insects - all made from baked clay.

Pond with fish. Did you dream of catching a huge fish as a child? Here you can do it. Arapaima, freshwater giants up to three meters long, are bred in a small reservoir. For a few baht they will sell you bait - small fish. Serve it on a stick and try not to be scared to death when it disappears into its huge mouth.

Interactive zoo. Nong Nooch Garden is worth a visit for those who are on vacation. A place where they can interact with piglets, donkeys, monkeys and camels will be a fun activity for them. All of them can be fed. Enterprising Thai teenagers sell the treats. The zoo also has an enclosure with tigers, but you can only look at them from afar.

Garage. It contains the fleet director's cars. Forty exclusive examples of sports cars, SUVs and automotive rarities.

The gardens listed above are not all. Their collection in Nong Nooch is constantly growing, which can be viewed on the official website of the park -

Show programs

There are two bright and exciting shows prepared for park visitors, the visit of which you pay for by purchasing an entrance ticket. They take place throughout the day, so you will definitely be able to attend the performance during the excursion.

Thai traditions and customs

A vibrant theatrical performance with many actors, scenery and national props. It takes place in a pavilion with an auditorium and a stage. You will be introduced to Thai customs and traditions, history and culture of the country. Dance and musical performances give way to historical re-enactments and even rounds of Muay Thai.

Elephant show

- This is one of the most interesting entertainments of this kind in Thailand. Elephants not only perform various tricks - ride bicycles, paint pictures, throw darts at inflatable balls - but also communicate with the audience. For example, they give trunk massage to everyone. Unfortunately, the presenter comments on everything and gets in the way, because everything is clear without words.


Excursions to Nong Nooch Park organize street travel agencies, of which there are many in Pattaya. They are daytime - from 8:00 to 14:00 and from 13:30 to 18:00, as well as evening, which starts at 13:00 and ends at 20:00.

An excursion to the evening Nong Nooch Park is complemented by a romantic dinner and the launching of Chinese lanterns into the night sky. It is entertainment for adults, as the theatrical performance contains acts from a drag queen show.

Ticket price to Nong Nooch Park depends on many factors. Day excursions for adults cost 650 baht, and for children 90-120 cm tall - 450 baht, below 90 cm - free. The price includes transportation, guide services, theater performance and elephant show. An evening ticket is three times more expensive: 1800 per adult and 1100 per child (ticket prices may change over time, current ones can be found at official website).

During the day, unorganized tourists are charged at least 800 baht for entry. But if you have a Thai license, then visiting the park will cost 250 baht. However, farangs usually do not have them, and it is not customary to talk about racial discrimination in Thailand.

How to get there on your own

Most often the question is: “ How to get to Nong Nooch Park”, - arises among those who are not particularly upset by the one-and-a-half price of admission. Below are 3 ways to get to the garden from Pattaya.

  1. Taxi. You can get there from Pattaya by car, and you can bargain with the driver until you are hoarse, since the park administration will pay him a reward for each visitor brought.
  2. Songthaew. If you manage to get onto the Sukhumvit highway, then catch a white songthaew (minibus, passenger pickup truck), which will take you to the turn to the park for a symbolic amount. From the intersection you need to walk southeast for about two kilometers, the landmark will be the Suan Nong Rut railway station.
  3. By car. You need to go south to the village of Tongstit, then turn left.

It is quite difficult to get from Bangkok to Nong Nooch on your own. A taxi ride will cost from 1100 to 1500 baht, and the question of who should pay for travel through toll sections must be decided with the driver in advance. It is to this park that buses from the capital do not go. You need to get to Pattaya and get your bearings. Minivans depart there every hour from Victory Monument BTS Station. Regular buses leave from Ekkamai bus station once every three hours.

For those who want to stay here for a long time, we recommend booking the wonderful Nongnooch Garden Resort hotel on the websites and, located within walking distance of this park.

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden in Pattaya (Pattaya, Thailand): detailed description, address and photo. Opportunities for sports and recreation, infrastructure, cafes and restaurants in the park. Reviews from tourists.

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About 250 hectares of botanical gardens (and this is seriously almost 350 football fields!), a car park with almost fifty exclusive cars, huge sculptures from flower pots and corn, a model of the famous English Stonehenge, a garden with huge stones and many more interesting and unusual things - all this can be found in Nong Nooch Tropical Park. It is located near one of the most popular resort cities in Thailand - Pattaya.

Some tourists confuse Nong Nooch with a simple botanical garden, and only after visiting this famous place do they realize how mistaken they were. It takes more than one hour or even one day to walk around the entire garden.

In addition to the attractions, an entertaining show program has been prepared for guests - Thai dancers and boxers, as well as elephants and other animals perform.

Nong Nooch Garden is visited by 2 thousand people daily.

A little history

The tropical garden bears the name of its owner, Mrs. Suan Nong Nooch. In the mid-20th century, she and her husband purchased land for fruit plantations. After some time, when she went on a trip, Nong Nooch saw enough of the famous gardens abroad and was inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating the same beauty in her possessions. In 1980, the tropical garden opened its doors for the first time to all guests, without exception. In a short time it has become very popular among locals and tourists. Today, up to 2 thousand people walk through the Nong Nooch garden every day.

What to see?

A garden was created in Nong Nooch, the prototype of which was the famous French Versailles Gardens. Among the topiary trees and bushes, there is a huge collection of replicas of Buddha stupas from all over Thailand. And in the pond you can watch the feeding of arapaima - the largest freshwater fish on our planet. Its weight reaches 200 kg and its length is 4.5 m. About 40 exclusive sports and other cars are located on two floors of a special parking lot in the very center of the garden.