Insulation materials Insulation Blocks

Summary of a circle lesson in elementary school. Paper applique Owl. DIY work on making an owl

"Flower Kaleidoscope" - manual labor class

Manual labor class(working with paper).
Medvedeva Irina Aleksandrovna is a teacher at an orphanage in the city of Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region.

This material will be useful for educators, teachers and parents to strengthen children’s skills in using different techniques when working with paper.
The lesson material is intended for children of primary and secondary school age.
The material can be used in the manufacture of postcards, paintings, and gifts.
Target: create conditions for manifestation creativity in a manual labor class.
- learn to create a composition of flowers from paper;
- develop creative abilities;
- consolidate the ability to use different techniques when working with paper;
- develop patience, perseverance, accuracy;
- to form a sense of color, aesthetic taste;
- develop communication skills that ensure verbal communication;
- cultivate interest in flowers, the desire to preserve and protect them.

Individual work:
Train Lena to use the template and confidently cut out the details for the flowers.

Preliminary work:

Examination of photographs and illustrations of indoor, garden, forest and wildflowers;
-making holiday cards using different techniques;
-drawing indoor flowers from life;
-quiz about flowers;
-evening of flowers and riddles;
-conversation in the eco-club: “Flowers and their meaning in human life.”

Methodological support:
- colored paper, cardboard;
- rolls for quilling;
- strips of colored paper for iris folding;
- squares of colored paper for cutting;
- pencils;
- tools for work: scissors, glue, tweezers, sticks.

Work progress:

Listen to the poem:

I'm walking through a green meadow
The dew dries on the leaves,
The wind shakes the grass elastically,
And I hear the voices of flowers.
They whisper: don’t tear us apart, don’t!
Don't crease our flexible stems!
We are a delight for the eyes and the heart,
Decoration of the native land.

Tell me, do you like flowers? (children's answers). For what? What do flowers mean in people's lives? Children answer (beautiful, cause joy, a feeling of beauty, delight the eye, decorate the house, garden, vegetable garden, forest and field, our life).
What flowers do you know? Where do they grow? (children's answers).
How can you call them in one word? (garden). What other flowers are there? (indoor, field, forest). Name them too. After listening to the children's answers, I summarize. There are a lot of flowers, and they are different: by name, color, type, place of cultivation.

Our lesson today will also be devoted to flowers, only the flowers will be unusual, they will be made of paper. You yourself will choose what kind of flowers you will have: indoor, garden or even fabulous. What technique to use is also up to you to decide. Today we will show you what we have learned over the year, what techniques we have mastered. Look at what technique this work was done in? (quilling). Let me remind you a little about this technique.

Quilling - translated from English this word means bird feather. This technique is very similar to another, no less popular - origami. But, if you look at the history of the emergence of these types of arts, you will notice that Europe is considered the birthplace of quilling, and Japan is considered the birthplace of origami. But paper rolling itself originated in Europe at the end of the 15th century. It was during this period of time that the monks created unusually beautiful medallions by curling the edges of bird feathers with gilded edges. Today we will not be able to see this beauty made at that time in any museum due to the fragility of paper, but if we saw it, we would certainly be delighted.
But, despite this, the technology itself and its history have still been preserved to this day. Moreover, it has become very popular as a hobby among needlewomen. Of course, in those days, not everyone could afford to use this technique - due to the expensive material - because the work required colored paper. But nowadays, we can afford to purchase this paper; moreover, we even purchase special paper for quilling.
Quilling paper - consists of strips of paper of different colors and widths. Thanks to this material we can create our masterpieces. It is not only entertaining, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system.

What technique was used in this work? (showing the painting “Flowers in a Vase”). (iris folding technique). What is needed to complete this painting? After listening to the children's answers, I add.
Listen again a little about this fascinating technique.
Iris - Folding (Iris - Folding)- a technique of folding strips of colored paper at an angle in the form of a twisting spiral. Works performed using this technique are often similar to the aperture of a camera or the iris of an eye. This is where the name of the technique comes from - Iris Folding. The iris folding technique originated in Holland (Netherlands), local craftsmen performed their work from colored paper. Currently, this technique uses not only various types colored paper and cardboard, but also tape. Today Iris Folding is used to decorate cards, notes, books, photo albums, collages, etc. Designs made using the iris folding technique look very unusual, at least for a person who is not involved in daily production of works using this technique. Iris - folding can be used in works in pure form, and maybe a “decorative” addition to works done using other techniques.

Which technique requires a stick, glue and pieces of colored paper napkin? That's right, for trimming.

Paper cutting- that's enough new technology paper crafts. But even despite its young age, this technique already has a lot of fans. But paper crafts made using this technique turn out very beautiful and unusual. The trimming technique is very simple: the prepared template is pasted over with special paper. You can take different templates. But the paper cutting technique also makes it possible to create large multi-colored paintings.
You can also make various decorative elements using paper cutting. So, you can frame small cross-stitch or satin stitch embroidered pictures in frames decorated with trimming. And to make the frame look very gentle and neat, you can further decorate it by gluing small beads, flowers or beads to it.
Used for cutting paper corrugated paper or napkins.
First, think and tell me what flowers you will make and in what technique. Listen, help choose a topic of work and technique.
Look, there is everything on the table to create a beautiful picture or card with a floral theme, we have prepared everything in advance. We consider materials, tools for work, specify for what equipment, what will be useful.

Game break with a flower:
I give the flower to the children, they guess the riddles.
Now, my friends, guys, guess the riddles,
All the poems here are about flowers,
I know them, but what about you?

He grows in snowdrifts, drinks snow water...( snowdrop) Where does it grow?

He is a stepmother and mother, what is this flower's name? (mother and stepmother)

There is a grandfather in a white hat, if you blow, there is no hat! (dandelion)

Which flower are they guessing on and tearing off the petals? (chamomile)

Along the road, at the boundary, in the golden, ripe rye,
like a blue peephole, looking into the sky...( knapweed)

Above the sharp thorns there is a variegated bunch of buds,
give a delicate aroma, decorating the summer garden,
I would like to hug them a little, but my palms will prick...( roses)

Bush - window and balcony, the leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
and the flowers in our window are like a hat on fire...( geranium)

Small, tender, right next to the water,
as if in the midday heat they are asking for a drink,
These lovely flowers are friends with the blue sky,
I know them, Raya knows them, but do you know them? (forget-me-nots)

Sit down at the table and start working. Children select materials and tools on the table and begin to work.
I approach Lena and help her figure out the template and stencils. I encourage confidence in using scissors.
During activities, I help children with advice and suggestions.

As soon as the work is ready, it is fixed at the exhibition stand: “Flower Kaleidoscope”.

If the children have time left, I suggest doing one more job or helping others.

Look, we have a real floral kaleidoscope. We are looking at the exhibition.

What did you like about yourself and others?
- What technology do you like to work with most?
-What was successful or not so successful today, what would you like to improve, what else would you like to learn?

Well done! I really like our exhibition! Over the course of the year, you have learned a lot, mastered various techniques for working with paper, and today you saw and will see it all at the exhibition stand. Even Lena tried especially hard today, she did the job carefully and cut it well and confidently with scissors.

I think that all the skills will be useful to you in later life. With your own hands you can make gifts for your loved ones and decorate the interior of your home.
Thank you for your work!
You made me happy today. At the end I want to read a poem, listen
We live in the same family, we live in the same circle,
Walk in the same direction, fly in the same flight.
Let's save the chamomile in the meadow, the water lily in the river and the cranberry in the swamp.

Summary of the final GCD in the preparatory group, topic: “Owls”


To identify the level of mathematical knowledge of children (quantitative and ordinal counting, magnitude, geometric shapes), the ability to write numbers and measure distances with a ruler.
To find out the level of development of children's knowledge about nature (natural relationships; the benefits of owls and the harm of human activity for nature; the etymology of names, the concepts of “predator”, “female”, “male”, “camouflage”, “Red Book”).
Determine the ability of children to divide a word into syllables and count their number; identify a stressed syllable in a word; compose a complete, detailed sentence with a given word, using various parts of speech; explain the meaning of the word.
Expand and clarify children's knowledge about owls.
Improve knowledge about professions.
Reveal children’s ability to draw conclusions from what they see and hear, and clearly express their thoughts.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
To cultivate curiosity and an ecological worldview in children.


Photos of the long-eared owl and short-eared owl.
Audio recording of an owl's voice.
Simple pencils. Glue sticks. Rulers.
Colored silhouette pictures of owls in the form of geometric shapes.
Book by V. Bianchi “Owl”.

Progress of the lesson:

We have long-eared owls and short-eared owls. Here are their photos. (Showing photos).

Please determine which photo shows a long-eared owl and which one shows a short-eared owl. Explain your choice. (Children's answers). The names of these birds tell a lot about them. An owl that has ear-shaped feathers on its head is, of course, called a long-eared owl. How did the short-eared owl get its name? Ponder. (Children's answers). The short-eared owl likes to live near swamps and other bodies of water, where it is quieter and there are fewer people.

Owls suffer greatly from noise, people disturb them: they drain the swamps; then the cattle are grazed where the owls nest; then in general, the land will be plowed; Otherwise they will start a fire themselves so that the grass will burn.
The short-eared owl is even listed in the Red Book. What does it mean? Who is included in the Red Book? (Children's answers). Short-eared owls have become so rare that they require protection.

The owl's eyes are large but motionless. Moreover, owls see equally well both day and night. They just see well what’s far away from them. And they almost don’t see what’s under their nose, or rather, under their beak. But the owl can turn its neck very well - almost around itself.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Owl twirls its neck”

Children are asked to turn their necks and look with their eyes for objects located on the left, right, below, above.

The owl's claws are sharp and long, its beak is strong with a sharp curved hook at the end. Owls fly silently on their wide wings. The color of the plumage is gray or brown. Brown, what color is this? (Children's answers). Taupe.

And the owl's hearing is amazing! As soon as a mouse squeaks, or a hedgehog rustles a leaf, the owl quickly flies and grabs prey with its claws. Almost never misses!

Owls are birds of prey. Who are the "predators"? (Children's answers). Predators are those who eat animal food, meat. Owls feed on small rodents - mice, rats, hamsters, as well as insects and hedgehogs. If you come across a little hare, the owl will be happy with such a delicacy.

Exercise “Owl on the hunt”

Take a ruler and measure the distance from the owl to its prey. Who is closest to the owl? Who is furthest from the owl? At what distance? (Children's answers).

The long-eared owl does not build its own nest, but lays eggs in old nests of magpies and hooded crows. Short-eared owls even lay their eggs in a hole in the ground. There are most often from 3 to 6 eggs in a nest.
The female owl sits on the eggs for about a month, and if she suddenly dies, the male continues to incubate the eggs. Who is called a male in nature? And who is the female? (Children's answers). The female is the mother, the male is the father.

Exercise "Owl's Nest"

Draw the eggs in the owl's nest. Decide for yourself how many eggs to draw. Let me just remind you that in an owl’s nest there are most often at least three, but no more than six eggs.

Owl chicks, called owlets, hatch covered in down, but are deaf and blind. After about a week, the owls open their eyes and begin to hear. Both parents bring them food.

Exercises “Count syllables in words”, “Stress”, “Make a sentence”

Count the syllables in the words “owl”, “owlet”.
- Identify the stressed syllable in these words.
- Make up sentences with these words.

Outdoor game "Owl-owl"

An “owl” is selected using the counting table. The rest of the children are “birds”. The signal is “day”. Birds fly, peck grains, drink water. “Night” – the birds freeze. An owl flies out and looks for prey. If the children - the birds - move, the owl takes them to her nest.

Owls are nocturnal predators. They hunt at night. During the day they lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Sometimes they say about people: “He is an owl.” What kind of people do you think they say this about? What did they do to deserve comparison with owls?

(Children's answers).

This is what they say about people who do not sleep at night, but are awake and working. The kind of people who feel more alert in the evening than in the morning and who go to bed late at night.
But there are professions in which people have to work like owls at night. Maybe you know such professions? Or do you know people who work at night? (Children's answers).
Doctors, drivers, firefighters, police work at night. Watchmen and security guards. To ensure we had bread for breakfast, bakers worked the night shift at the bakery. There are shops and pharmacies that are open around the clock, that is, both day and night, where salespeople work.

The owl is a symbol of wisdom among many peoples.

Owls bring great benefits to humans by destroying mice, which are pests of crops. Over the summer, one owl eats a thousand mice. In our corner of the book there is a fairy tale by Vitaly Bianchi “The Owl”. We will read it after class.

Owls are excellent at camouflage. What does it mean to “disguise”? (Children's answers). To camouflage is to become invisible, to merge with the surrounding space.

Didactic game “Disguise Owls”

These owls disguised themselves as geometric shapes. Name these figures. (Children's answers). Circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square, pentagon, hexagon.

Consider trees with hollows. How many trees? 7. Count the hollows. How many are there? 6. What more?

Under each tree, write a number - a serial number.
What number is the tree with the largest hollow?
What number is the tree with the smallest hollow?
What numbers are there for trees with the same hollows?
Stick an owl disguised as a circle on the first tree.
Stick an owl disguised as a triangle on the third tree
Glue the owl disguised as a rectangle onto the seventh tree.
Glue the owl disguised as an oval onto a tree without a hollow.
Stick an owl disguised as a pentagon on the fifth tree.
Stick the owl disguised as a square on the fourth tree.
Stick an owl disguised as a hexagon on the sixth tree.

Questions for the lesson:

What types of owls live in our area?
Why did the long-eared owl get its name? Short-eared owl?
What kind of eyes and vision do owls have?
What kind of hearing does an owl have?
What can you say about an owl's talons and beak?
How does a long-eared owl make its nest? Short-eared owl?
How many eggs do owls have? Who hatches them?
How do owlets hatch from eggs?
What does an owl eat?
Why is the owl considered a “night predator”?
What benefits does an owl bring to people?
What kind of people are called "owls"?

Occupation of a service beyond the basic component

"Children's hand weaving"

Theme: “Wise Owl”

(applique with elements of non-woven tapestry, team work)

Purpose of the lesson:

    Teach students how to wind thread on a strip of cardboard (non-woven tapestry).

    Develop the ability to apply knowledge about composition and color combinations while performing a creative task.

    Improve the skills of independent work, economical use of yarn, and develop fine motor skills.

    Cultivate a desire to complete the work started, a respectful attitude towards applied art, and the ability to work in a team.

Demo material:

Panel “Sunflower” made using the “cardboard winder” technique, craft “Owl” made from tree branches.


Color blank (base) with an image of an owl measuring 20*20 cm;

Wool blend and acrylic yarn (gray, white, beige, brown);

Strips of cardboard 8mm wide, 20 cm long (20 pieces);

Scissors with blunt ends.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.

Teacher (P.). Let's guys guess the riddles and find out who we'll be doing in class today.

    Guess which bird
    Can't sleep in the dark at night?
    The grass will not cover the mouse,
    After all, he's flying after her... (owl).

    At night the forest could not sleep:

Someone made a terrible noise.

Rumor rushed through the branches -

This is wow... ( owl).

(The “Owl” craft made from tree branches is demonstrated) Appendix 1

P. Guys, do you know who this is? ( children's answers). Today we will perform the collective work “Wise Owl” ( show the preparation of the future painting)

Main part.

P. Let's remember what we already know how to do? ( children's answers)

1. Cutting and gluing threads using the “mound” technique.

2. Winding the thread into a ball.

P. The saying goes: “You can’t be born a master, you have to learn mastery.” You didn’t know how to do this before, but you learned and enjoy doing this work. And today I will teach you how to wind thread on a cardboard strip, so your skills will become even greater.

The teacher demonstrates the “Sunflower” panel, made using the “cardboard winder” technique, and introduces the children to the sequence of performing this technique.

Appendix 2

P. Now we will learn how to wind threads on cardboard sticks to create a collective work “The Wise Owl”.

For this we will use cardboard sticks and yarn (acrylic). Appendix 3

What colors of yarn will we need? ( children's answers)

Finger gymnastics.

I roll a pencil in my hands,

I'm turning it between my fingers.

Definitely every finger

I will teach you to be obedient. A. Belaya

Practical execution of work.

The teacher shows the principle of winding thread on a stick and securing it to a base (“cardboard winder”)

Appendix 3

Physical education minute

There is a forest on the mountain circular movements with hands
He is neither short nor tall. sit down, stand up, hands up
An amazing bird gives us a voice. eyes and hands up, stretch
Two tourists along the path walking in place
We walked home from afar
They say: “We have never heard such a whistle before.” raise your shoulders

    Take a cardboard stick left hand, thread - in the right hand. Pinch the end of the thread at the edge of the stick.

    With our right hand we wind the thread onto the stick from left to right, placing the turns tightly together, and use a clamp to secure the end of the thread.

    We bring the winding to the edge of the stick. (1-3 sticks, beige thread - the background of the picture) Appendix 4

    We change the color of the thread used taking into account the color image of the owl (4-19 sticks, beige, white, brown threads) Application 5.6

    Completing work (stick 20) ​​– see point 2.

Summing up.

During the analysis, the teacher notes the level of students’ skills in winding thread and the consistency of the color selection of yarn.

The teacher attaches the elements (wound sticks) to a colored base with PVA glue after the end of the lesson.

At the next lesson, students take part in completing the design of the painting “The Wise Owl” (eyes, ears, wings, beak)


1. Curriculum preschool education/ Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 2012.

2. I.V. Novikova “Crafts from threads and yarn in kindergarten».

Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2011.

3. Oksana Zhmaeva “Funny Winders” (M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2014. – 64 pp.: ill. – (Silver Library of Hobbies))

4. Electronic resource

Municipal preschool educational institution

care and health care category 2

kindergarten No. 27 “Mickey Mouse”

Lesson notes on

manual labor (origami)

Paper forest

(pre-school age)

teacher of the highest category

Nemtseva Elena Gennadievna

Surgut 2011.


    Continue to teach children how to make crafts in origami style using operation cards; introduce a new conventional sign adopted in origami - “cut”.

    Learn to draw your own conclusions based on your experiences.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about different types and properties of paper, basic forms, and symbols.

    Develop explanatory speech, the ability to work in pairs, fine muscles of the fingers, attention, and logical thinking.

    To cultivate independence, the ability to come to the aid of a friend, perseverance, and accuracy.

Equipment: a sheet of Whatman paper with an image of a paper forest; paper King Cardboard; audio recordings; three chests with different types of paper; water, brushes, oilcloths, sets of paper for experiment; operational cards, square sheets of writing paper of different colors; cards with symbols; glue, scissors, paper scraps, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group, hear the sound of the wind and the splash of water, and see a “Paper Forest” on whatman paper.


Guys, what is this noise? (the wind rustles in the leaves, water splashes)

King Cardboard appears.

King Cardboard.

- Hello guys, my name is King Cardboard, and I live in a paper kingdom state. My state has high paper mountains, deep paper rivers, dense paper forests and huge paper treasures. But the trouble is, there are no inhabitants in my kingdom and therefore it is very quiet. And I really want to hear the singing of birds, the splashing of fish, the voices of animals. And only you guys can help my trouble. And populate my paper forest.

I brought you three chests with my treasures, but to open them you must guess my riddles. And choose from them the only thing that will be useful to you. If you correctly identify the material you need, you will find my hint in the chest with it!


- Guys, how can we help King Cardboard? (Make paper residents).

What can we make them from? (From paper).

What kind of treasures do you think might be in the chests? ( Paper).

Is all paper the same? (No).

— What types of paper do you know? (Writing, blotting, cardboard, colored, velvet, tracing paper, packaging, etc.)

“But before we get to work, we must solve the riddle of King Cardboard.”

King Cardboard:

- Guys, are you ready, then listen:

    This chest contains thin, soft paper that easily absorbs moisture and serves for hygienic purposes. (Blotting paper).

    This paper can be white or colored and is used for drawing or writing. (Writing paper).

    Here is strong paper that is used to make boxes. (Cardboard).

The teacher opens the chests and shows blotting paper, writing paper and cardboard.

— Guys, what kind of paper do you think can be used to make paper forest inhabitants? ? (Writer, blotter).

- To confirm this, I suggest you turn into scientists and go to a scientific laboratory, where we will conduct a series of experiments, they will show us which of these types of paper is most suitable for making crafts.

(The children, together with the teacher, take paper from the chests and approach the table to conduct experiments).



Children use a brush to apply water to paper and see what happens.

—Which paper gets wet faster? (Blotter).


Children tear the paper and draw a conclusion.

—Which paper is the most durable? (Cardboard, writing).


Children fold the paper in half and iron it.

—Which paper is easier to fold and iron? (Pissing).


Blotting paper It’s not suitable for us because it gets wet quickly, it’s inconvenient to paint, it tears easily - it’s not durable. Cardboard not suitable, because It bends poorly and the folds are difficult to iron. The most suitable paper is pissing It is durable, bends easily and does not get wet very quickly.


- Guys, have we determined what kind of paper we will use to make paper residents? (From scribes)

- Let's look in the chest with writing paper again.

There's something else in this chest. (The teacher takes out the operation cards from the chest and shows them to the children)

- What is this? (operational card)

What does it show? (it shows the sequence of making paper crafts in the origami style)

- Look at the cards and tell me, what kind of inhabitants of the paper kingdom can we make? ( Hedgehog, bear, hare, owl, fox, pigeon, fish).

— For which craft will you need one square, and for which two? (For the hedgehog, fish and pigeon you will need one square, and for the other animals two squares each.)

Before you begin, I suggest you draw these animals.

Physical education minute: (Zverobika)


Well done, you portrayed forest dwellers very similarly.

Now choose one transaction card for two, so that each paper resident has a friend. Take yourself a paper that suits your color, do not forget to take the required number of squares. Take your seats at the tables.

Review your cards and where will you start your work? ( WITH basic form)

— What other basic forms are you familiar with? (“House”, “book”, “cabinet”, “double triangle”, “ice cream”, “candy”)

What else should we know to do the job correctly? (Catch signs)

— To check how well you know the conventional signs adopted in origami, I suggest you play a game. You have a set of cards with symbols on your table. I will name the symbol, and you must show it.

The game is being played "Show it right"

- Today I want to introduce you to another conventional sign adopted in origami - the “Cut” sign.

- Look at your cards, who has such a sign, what does it mean? ( This is a sign for "cut")

Carefully look at the sequence of the craft on the map; if someone doesn’t understand something, raise your hand.

Now I suggest you make animals, birds and fish yourself. A

To make them beautiful, decorate them; you will find everything you need for this on your table.

Children work independently, and the teacher helps them as needed. At the end of the work, the children resettle the inhabitants in the paper forest.

King Cardboard.

Thank you guys very much for your help. I’m so glad that there are inhabitants in my kingdom and I don’t feel so lonely. To thank you, I will share with you some of my treasures. ( Gives children sets of colored paper). And it’s time for me to return to my state, goodbye children!


- Guys, who did we help today? (To King Cardboard)

- How? (We made forest dwellers for him)

What kind of paper did we make the inhabitants from? (From writing paper)

And why from her? (It is durable, bends easily and does not get wet very quickly)

— Which paper didn’t suit us for our work? (Blotting paper and cardboard)

Why ?(Blotting paper It’s not suitable for us because it gets wet quickly, it’s inconvenient to paint, it breaks easily - it’s not durable. Cardboard not suitable, because It bends poorly and the folds are difficult to iron.)

— What told us how to make crafts? ( Operational cards)

— What is the name of the art of folding paper crafts? ? (The art of folding paper crafts is called origami)


    Dolzhenko G.I. 100 origami / Artist A. Yu. Dolbisheva - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2004. - 224 pp.: ill. - (Skillful hands).

    Tarabarina T.I. Origami for beginners. Best models for kindergarten. / Artist G. V. Sokolov, V. N. Kurov. – Yarslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. – 112 p., ill. (Together we learn to make crafts)

    A.I. Shapiro Secrets of familiar objects. Paper. – St. Petersburg. Speech; Educational projects; M.: Sfera, 209. – 64 p.

Materials used


The purposeful formation of self-regulation as an ability in early ontogenesis is of utmost importance, because contributes to the full development of personality. That is why the regulatory side of activity during preschool age requires special formation. One of the most important aspects of this problem is the formation of self-regulation in educational activities older preschoolers.

The fundamental theoretical and practical principles for considering self-regulation as a general ability to learn in early ontogenesis are laid down in the works of U.V. Ulienkova. She writes that by older preschool age, in favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions, children usually reach a level of mental development that allows them to accept the teacher’s demands in class as their own. This, according to the author, is the main way of forming a child as a subject of educational activity.

Of course, the success of this process is determined by a whole complex of conditions, among which timely and qualified pedagogical influence is defined as leading. The works of U.V. Ulienkova emphasize that this provision acquires special significance in relation to children with mental retardation (MDD). Developed by the author general principles organization of correctional and pedagogical work with preschoolers with mental retardation, models of pedagogical correction are outlined, and those types of activities that can be means of correctional and developmental work are outlined. These are training sessions on speech development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, as well as classes in productive activities (drawing, appliqué, etc.).

In line with the concept of U.V. Ulyenkova, we developed and tested a correctional and developmental program for the formation of self-regulation as a general ability to learn through productive activities in older preschool children with mental retardation. The program includes seventy training sessions, divided into four successive stages.

In this publication, we would like to highlight not the features of the correction program itself, but the specifics of its use in it. different types productive activity. The choice of productive activity as a means of correction is primarily due to the fact that the inclusion of the child in the process of drawing, modeling, designing, etc. happens quite early. This is explained by the fact that creating a drawing, a molded image or some kind of craft is interesting and accessible to a child. It is also important that the image process presupposes the obligatory presence of a material product of activity, which makes it possible not only to analyze and evaluate the result of the work, but also to control its progress by comparing intermediate results with the task. By engaging in visual arts, children learn to formulate a plan or remember a task, plan upcoming work, determine its stages and their sequence, choose the methods of action necessary for this, calculate time and effort for each stage.

To form self-regulation in the educational activities of preschoolers, we used those types of productive activities that are present in the real educational process of preschool educational institution. This is drawing, applique, modeling, design, manual labor. Unfortunately, the number of psychological and pedagogical works devoted to studying the possibilities of the developmental influence of productive activity on a child’s personality is limited. Most of the available research considers drawing (T.N. Doronova, T.S. Komarova, T.G. Kazakova, V.S. Mukhina, B.A. Sazontiev, etc.), some information can be found on constructive activities ( A.N.Davidchuk, Z.V.Lishtvan, etc.). That is why, in our opinion, it is interesting to consider the features of using traditional types of productive activities for preschoolers.

By using one or another type of productive activity in correctional work, we sought to implement the principle that every child can complete a task. Therefore, the types of images, methods of their implementation, or organizational forms of activities that did not require special technical skills and abilities from children were selected for work.

In most classes based on drawing, its subject or decorative types. For example, the decorative drawing lesson “Painted Towels” was devoted to developing in children the ability to accurately follow the rules of completing a task, remember and reproduce instructions. For children to draw, they were offered a pattern of an ornament consisting of three simple elements, which must be repeated in a certain order.

The purpose of the subject drawing “Surprise for a Mouse” was to develop positive motivation in children for the proposed activity according to the rules. An adult read the famous fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Mouse and the Pencil” to the children and, as they read, laid out the corresponding figures on the flannelgraph. The children simultaneously looked for the same figures in their handouts and traced them on paper with a pencil, following the arrangement on the sheet according to the pattern on the flannelgraph.

Classes conducted on the material of constructive activities were mainly based on construction from ready-made paper or cardboard forms or on working with a standard set of children's construction sets (cubes, cones, bars, triangular prisms, etc.). Often special preliminary work was carried out for such classes. On the eve of the lesson on designing “The Engine from Romashkovo” (goal: developing self-esteem during a collective discussion of finished works), preliminary work was carried out with the children to prepare material for the lesson (pasting matchboxes and cylinders with colored paper). During the lesson itself, the blanks are assembled according to the rules into the design of a train.

Based on the construction of a “Bridge over a River,” children were strengthened in their ability to independently plan upcoming activities according to the proposed conditions. To do this, each child was offered a strip of blue colored paper of a certain width, in accordance with the dimensions of which it was necessary to select the details specified in the drawing. Thus, before starting the construction itself, the child had to select the necessary parts from the existing set. To create a more complete picture of classes based on constructive activities, we will give an example of a lesson summary.

Design lesson: “City Street”

Purpose of the lesson: Improving children's self-control in the process of planning applicative work based on independent compilation graphic diagram activities.

Preliminary work: An adult talks with children about the process of building a house, especially emphasizing the importance of planning a future building (first a drawing is made, and then workers begin construction based on it).

Lesson content: Toys are placed on the floor of the group room. trucks, in the bodies of which there are parts of small building materials (bars, bricks, prisms, etc.). The adult draws the pupils' attention to the cars and asks them if they know where they came from. After listening to the answers, the adult approaches the cars and finds notes in them stating that all building material intended for the construction of houses. From one car the teacher takes out a drawing of a house. Under the guidance of the teacher, children analyze the diagram of the building, after which the adult invites them to try themselves as builders. To do this, each child independently draws up his own plan for the upcoming activity based on the randomly proposed cards and a diagram of the stages of work. The planning process is controlled by the teacher only indirectly (leading questions, activation, example of “stronger” peers); Direct help and instructions from an adult are used only if the child makes gross mistakes or fails to complete the task at all.

During the creation of the building according to the plan, the adult constantly reminds the children of the need to strictly follow the rules. If some children have difficulty, the teacher invites them to test themselves.

Analyzing the quality of the work performed at the end of the lesson, the adult once again returns to the exact plan for creating the structure and emphasizes the dependence of the quality of construction on proper planning.

Appliqué-based training most often involved working with ready-made forms, using stencils, or using a simple technique for filling in contours. For example, to develop children’s skill in working with a diagram in the process of creating an image, the technique of mosaic application was used. Preschoolers created an image by filling the finished outline of a pencil drawing of Cheburashka with pieces of colored paper. The adult offered the children a mosaic applique scheme, where each section of the outline was marked with a special sign corresponding to a particular color.

Classes using manual labor techniques were based on working with waste material(sponge, packaging materials, shavings, etc.), with natural material(acorns, cones, dried leaves, etc.), as well as with ready-made product patterns. Thus, in the lesson “Baskets for nesting dolls”, children developed the ability to carry out a design based on a drawing diagram. To do this, they were offered ready-made patterns for crafts with symbols fold lines, cuts, connecting parts with glue. The sequence of work operations on the pattern was indicated in different colors, which allowed the children to clearly visualize the progress of the craft. The lesson notes below are devoted to working with natural materials.

Manual labor: "Owl"

Purpose of the lesson: Formation of self-control actions in the process of planning productive activities based on drawing up a materialized scheme together with an adult.

Preliminary work: On the eve of the lesson, children, under the guidance of an adult, tint empty eggshells with brown gouache.

The adult begins the lesson by inviting the children to the theater corner in the group room, where on the screen of the puppet theater there are forest scenery and images of wild animals made by the students earlier. An adult asks a riddle:

And in the forest, notice the children,

There are night watchmen.

They are afraid of these watchmen,

Mice hide, trembling

Eagle owls and ... (owls) are very stern.

Preschoolers are asked to place these “guardians” in a magical forest and are shown a sample and a set of cards depicting the stages of work. The children are asked to put them all together in the order in which the work should be done. The technique of attaching plasticine and paper parts to the eggshell is especially discussed.

After this, one of the children repeats the rules of the activity, and then all students are given time to remember and internally reproduce the procedure for completing the craft. When the activity plan has been mastered by the majority of children, the diagram and sample are removed from the stand. At the end of the lesson, the children all together evaluate the quality of their work in accordance with the outlined rules and strengthen the crafts on the theater screen.

Classes using modeling as a means correctional work are represented in the program to a lesser extent than other types of productive activities. This is due to the fact that creating a molded image necessarily requires children to already have developed skills in working with plastic materials (plasticine, clay, dough). Children had to master the techniques of rolling, unrolling, smearing, etc. Therefore, we used types of modeling in which technical skills were kept to a minimum.

An example of this type of modeling is the so-called molding. Using this technique, the “Fish” lesson was conducted, during which the children developed the ability to draw up a preliminary activity plan with the help of a teacher. On the eve of the lesson, children and an adult prepared the background surface of the work (rubbing plasticine on a plastic base). During the lesson itself, the children, according to a previously drawn up plan, created a flat figurine of a fish. Then we decorated its silhouette with a stack or a felt-tip pen cap and attached it to the background base.

In addition to the specifics of image techniques in correctional classes, the form of organization of the classes themselves is also essential for the effectiveness of the program. A certain number of classes were organized in the form of collective work for preschoolers. This was especially justified when conducting classes aimed at developing in children the ability to evaluate the result of work according to a criterion scheme.

When creating a collective application “Space Collage,” preschoolers, relying on a sample sketch, collectively draw up a plan for the upcoming work, distribute its stages among themselves, and then each begins to complete their part of the collage. Children, under the guidance of an adult, combine the finished parts into a single image, and then evaluate it according to a criteria scheme.

Collective work was also quite effective, where without strict adherence to the rules by each participant it was impossible to obtain a high-quality final result. Such visual activity formed in children an idea of ​​the dependence of the result on the degree of accuracy of following instructions. During the “Boat” drawing lesson, children painted according to the rules fragments of the silhouette of a boat made according to the principle of a typesetting canvas. At the end of the work, the adult combined all the fragments on the basis and, together with the children, analyzed the correctness of each pupil’s fulfillment of the requirements.

It is impossible not to note this form of organizing correctional classes as complex classes that combine two types of productive activities. This form of organization made it possible to reduce the labor intensity of children’s work and facilitate some technical aspects of the image.

The lesson on the topic “Autumn Trees” included both drawing and appliqué techniques. It was aimed at developing in children the ability to identify basic rules in a task and follow them. Children trace over a stencil and then cut out oak and birch leaves from white paper. Children are then given instructions on what colors and shades each type of leaf should have. After coloring, the leaves are glued into the crown of the corresponding tree species.

For example, let's look at the outline of another complex lesson on applique and drawing.

Complex lesson on appliqué and drawing: “Under the mushroom”

Purpose of the lesson: exercise children in assessing the result of work by the way it is performed.

Preliminary work: reading V. Suteev’s story “Under the Mushroom”; examination of the author's illustrations to the text of the work; examination of graphic images of insects - ant, butterfly.

The adult asks the children to remember which insects from the story they knew were hiding from the rain under a mushroom. Then the children are shown a black and white graphic sample of the illustration and examined.

The adult draws the attention of preschoolers to the materials available on their table and gives them the following instructions: the wings of the butterfly, the ant and the mushroom cap should be made of colored paper using the appliqué technique, and all other details of the composition should be made with colored pencils. The adult also gives the students detailed instructions about the color scheme of the work.

After completing the composition, the preschoolers all together determine the criteria for evaluating the work and distribute them among the children-controllers (based on compliance with color rules, technique of performing the work, composition, etc.). After each child independently evaluates his or her results, all work is analyzed by child controllers. They clarify children’s ideas about the compliance of their work with the rules.

The option described above for using different types of productive activities turned out to be quite effective, because The ascertaining experiment recorded a higher dynamics of the studied ability in older preschool children with mental retardation who studied under a special program, compared to children who did not participate in such training.


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