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How to sell your product to a veterinary pharmacy. How to open a veterinary pharmacy. What qualifier must be indicated for a veterinary pharmacy?

How to open a veterinary pharmacy, and will it be profitable? The first such establishments in our country began to open in the 18th century. Then they had a slightly different appearance from modern pet stores, and the medicines sold in them were intended for completely different animals. Nowadays, veterinary pharmacies are aimed at pet lovers. Pets include cats, dogs, rodents, parrots, and decorative rabbits. By opening a veterinary pharmacy, its owner becomes not only the head of the organization, but also a specialist who evaluates the quality of the purchased goods. Therefore, it is recommended to open such a business to people with special education.

In addition to educational documents, the future owner of a veterinary pharmacy must have at least three years of work experience in this field. Otherwise, problems will arise with obtaining permits. In addition, a person working in such an establishment must have a specialist certificate issued by the Union of Pet Business Enterprises. To obtain this document, an entrepreneur must submit an application, after which he will be given a receipt for payment of the state duty and a list of test questions. After paying the state fee, the future owner of the veterinary pharmacy must undergo testing. If he answers all questions correctly, he will receive a certificate. People who do not have special education can open such an institution. In this case, you will have to hire qualified specialists.

Where to start opening a veterinary pharmacy?

In this case, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for regular retail outlets. It is desirable that there are no establishments of similar profile nearby and that there are a large number of potential clients. A good option is the opening of a veterinary pharmacy in a residential complex consisting of multi-storey buildings.

Among the people inhabiting them there are many lovers of cats, dogs and other indoor animals. Any four-legged pet may need help. Regular pet stores can also be considered competitors, so your establishment should be located as far as possible from them. They do not offer medicines, but they do offer food and accessories. This is the product on which the owner of the establishment earns a lot of money.

A large shopping center can be an excellent place to open a veterinary pharmacy. People do not like to visit stores located in different areas of the city, trying to make all the necessary purchases in a centralized trading establishment. If pet owners go shopping for food and household supplies, they will appreciate the opportunity to immediately purchase food and medicine for their animal.

The area of ​​the premises is determined by the format of the future establishment. If this is a small pharmacy, 30 sq.m. is enough. But a veterinary pharmacy, in which the production of drugs according to prescriptions will be practiced, must be opened in a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq.m. This is due to the need to allocate a separate room for the manufacture of medicines. The premises must meet the requirements of government services. To obtain certificates, you must make a request to Rosselkhoznadzor. After some time, a special commission will visit your establishment; upon successful completion of the inspection, a license to operate will be issued. The document is valid for 5 years, after which the verification is repeated. The license issued after this will be valid indefinitely. The last thing regarding the decoration of the room is the production of a bright sign and the installation of an advertising pillar.

The main condition for maintaining the quality of drugs throughout the entire shelf life is maintaining an optimal temperature. Regardless of the time of year, the same temperature should always be maintained in the room.

To do this, install a high-quality split system. Its acquisition currently does not present any problems. You will need to purchase glass display cases and shelving. They allow you to showcase your products in the best possible way. Don’t forget about the equipment of the seller’s workplace.

The purchase of a pharmacy refrigerator will require significant financial investments. This is a metal cabinet with drawers, the cost of which reaches 50 thousand rubles. It will be necessary to equip a utility room, a bathroom and an administrative department. The business plan for a veterinary pharmacy also includes the stage of purchasing goods.

Suppliers of goods can now be found on the Internet. Your pharmacy should offer a variety of products price categories. Pet owners are willing to part with money when it comes to the health of their four-legged friend.

How much money do you need to open a veterinary pharmacy?

In order to open a veterinary pharmacy, you will need significant start-up capital. Initial financial investments include the cost of purchasing or renting premises.

The price depends on the location, area and type of room. Rent costs 30-100 thousand rubles. per month. You will also have to invest in renovating the premises. It is impossible to calculate exact costs; it all depends on the condition of the walls, communications and electrical wiring.

The cost of purchasing equipment depends on the format of the future establishment. A high-quality split system costs at least 30 thousand rubles. Each rack will cost you 4 thousand rubles, a glass showcase - 10 thousand rubles.

The cost of organizing a seller’s workplace will be 20 thousand rubles, replacing plumbing will cost 10 thousand. Thus, about 200 thousand rubles will have to be invested in repairing and equipping the premises.

You can reduce costs by purchasing used equipment. As for the payback period, it is determined by the location of the pharmacy, the number of visitors and the size of the initial investment.

As a rule, owners of veterinary pharmacies begin to receive net profit 2-3 years after their opening.

How much can you earn

The payback period for a veterinary pharmacy is a little less than two years. To make this area of ​​activity as profitable as possible, i.e. in order for the net income to be more than half a million rubles per year, it is best to rent or buy premises near a veterinary clinic with which to enter into a cooperation agreement.

How to choose equipment

Not only the preparation of the premises, but also the purchase of equipment and medications will be required to open a veterinary pharmacy. As for the equipment itself, you will need:
shelves and racks;
display cases and cash register;
for ease of searching for goods - computer equipment, etc.

Which OKVED code must be specified for a veterinary pharmacy?

According to OKVED, code 75 is suitable for this line of business, which includes veterinary activities. You will also need to indicate code 52.31, which includes the retail sale of various pharmaceutical products.

What documents are needed to open

There is nothing complicated about registering an individual entrepreneur. This organizational and legal form requires a minimum of documents. However, for this business area in mandatory provision for obtaining a license. In addition, the individual entrepreneur must have a specialized education. In cases of lack of education, you can, as an option, enter into an agreement with a person who has it.

Which tax system to choose for a veterinary pharmacy

When choosing a system for paying taxes when opening a veterinary pharmacy, we settle on a simplified one, which will allow us to pay 15% of the income-expense difference, but in this case it is necessary to provide documents confirming the costs.

Do I need permission to open?

Veterinary pharmacies are required to obtain a number of permits:
for placement;
for compliance with sanitary standards and requirements, etc.

Business technology

Choosing a location for a veterinary pharmacy, an advertising campaign, and a wide range of medications are the main points that must be taken into account when running this business.
The best option when choosing a location for an object would be to be located near a veterinary clinic. After visiting the clinic, the pet owner will not have to look for a pharmacy to purchase the necessary medications for the animal.
An advertising company will allow you to declare your activities, and a rich assortment list will

  • Business registration and paperwork
  • Choosing premises for a veterinary pharmacy
  • Pharmacy equipment
  • Assortment
  • Hiring staff
  • Advertising
  • Counting expenses

Statistics show that in Russia, a third of the population keeps pets, and the number of domestic cats and dogs exceeds 20 million of each species. You can open a business related to pets in three formats - veterinary clinic, veterinary pharmacy and pet store, but there are much fewer pharmacies than pet stores. Often these formats are combined - a veterinary pharmacy is opened in the same building as the clinic and store, or not far from them.

To start such a business, you need to know some nuances: where to start and how to do everything in accordance with legal requirements. In this article we will tell you how to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch and how much it costs.

Business registration and paperwork

The activity of selling veterinary drugs is considered pharmaceutical. You need to obtain a license issued by Rosselkhoznadzor, and for this you will first need to obtain a conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

The amount of state duty is RUB 7,500

Opening a veterinary pharmacy requires the following documents:

  • Permission to place. The pharmacy must be located in a room that complies with regulatory requirements, removed from the residential area (this issue will be discussed in detail below).
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor, where sanitary and epidemiological conditions for doing business will be considered suitable.
  • A concluded agreement for maintenance - disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Agreement on sanitary treatment of the pharmacy premises. This implies the following measures: deratization (treatment against rodents), disinfection (counteracting the spread of pathogens), disinsection (treatment to prevent the appearance of insects).
  • Agreement for the disposal of medications.
  • Certificates of compliance of products sold with legal requirements.

Attention! A complete list of documents and requirements is available in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1081 “On licensing of pharmaceutical activities”. This business is also regulated by the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines”.

You also need to open an individual entrepreneur and choose a taxation system. This is a fairly simple procedure that will take no more than 10 business days. According to the new classifier, a veterinary pharmacy is registered under OKVED code 52.31 - Retail trade in pharmaceutical goods. This class also includes the manufacture of medicines by pharmacies
Additional OKVED Code 24.42.1 - Production of medicines

Attention! To open a pharmacy, its owner must have a specialized education and veterinary work experience of at least three years. But if the owner does not meet such qualification requirements, one can conclude employment contract with a suitably qualified person and appoint him as the manager of the business.

You can make starting a business easier by taking advantage of professional legal support for this process. The cost of this service is 1000 - 2000 dollars.

Choosing premises for a veterinary pharmacy

The room should be divided into the following zones:

  • trading floor;
  • storage room;
  • utility and household premises: bathroom, staff room, manager’s office.

This division implies renting a premises with an area of ​​at least 30 m2. If you plan to open a pharmacy that will also manufacture drugs to order, the minimum area will increase to 45 m2, and a production area will be added to the list of premises. But most often this business is focused on the sale of finished pharmaceutical products - it is simpler and cheaper.

Alternative option - opening a pet store. You can find out what documents are needed to organize this business idea and how much it will cost from our article!

It is advisable to locate a pharmacy in a city with a population of at least 250 thousand people. This could be a residential area, provided it is located on the first line, has good visibility of the pharmacy from the road and good transport accessibility. It is advisable to have a veterinary clinic and/or pet store nearby. The standard work schedule is from 10:00 to 21:00, one day off (or work until 14:00-16:00). The room needs to be renovated and the walls painted in light colors.

Pharmacy equipment

To start a pharmacy you will need:

  • showcases - at least 2,
  • racks - at least 5,
  • pharmaceutical refrigerator,
  • cash register and card payment terminal,
  • seller's workplace equipment,
  • air conditioner,
  • bathroom equipment.

It will take at least 200,000 rubles to purchase the necessary equipment.


The pharmacy's assortment includes medicines(anesthetics, eye drops, anthelmintics, homeopathic medicines, contraceptives, biological products, steroids, sedatives, antiemetics,), also animal food, hair care products, toys for animals, collars, carriers, vitamins. To form an assortment, it is important to study the demand and offers of competitors.

On average, every third person in the country has one pet, so there should be no shortage of clients in the densely populated area. The capacity of this market is about $700 million per year, and only a third of the drugs sold are Russian-made.

Hiring staff

You will need two sellers with veterinary education and medical books, preferably with work experience. Salespeople must be presentable appearance, understand medications and be able to communicate with clients. You will also need a cleaner and an accountant - they can be hired outsourced.

Counting expenses

Opening a veterinary pharmacy includes the following expenses:

  • Rent of premises - from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles;
  • Repair and re-equipment of the premises - about 70,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a set of equipment - about 200,000 rubles;
  • Obtaining a license and registering an individual entrepreneur - at least 10,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a batch of medicines to open a veterinary pharmacy - 200,000 rubles.

Thus, to get started, you will need at least 500,000 rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • payment for contracts for disposal, disinfection, disinfestation, deratization;
  • wages;
  • taxes.

A significant part of the amount is taken up by the wage fund. Veterinary business cannot skimp on personnel. A qualified seller with excellent knowledge of drugs will attract buyers.

Professional business plans

Useful information on how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is ideal for those who have a pharmaceutical education or a veterinary degree.

♦ Capital investments – 500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 10–12 months

Most people have or have had pets.

Where can you buy medicated food, anti-flea collars, drugs that destroy worms, and various medications without worrying about their quality?

At a veterinary pharmacy.

Since the number of people who want to keep a pet is constantly increasing, owning a veterinary pharmacy can become a profitable business.

If you are looking for a profitable startup to launch, then find out all about how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is simply ideal for those who have a secondary or higher pharmaceutical education, or a veterinary diploma.

Veterinary pharmacy as a business

Residents of our country saw the first veterinary pharmacy back in the 18th century.

Our ancestors, however, were more worried not about cats or dogs living in their homes, but about horses, which occupied an important place in human life: they served as a means of transportation, entertainment, and worked hard together with their peasant owners.

But the main clients of the country's first veterinary pharmacy were the owners of stud farms.

Centuries have passed and the situation has changed.

Now there are about a thousand veterinary pharmacies operating in Russia, whose main clients are owners of cats, dogs, ornamental birds and rodents.

To open a veterinary pharmacy, you do not have to be a resident of a large city (although the first pharmacy appeared in Moscow).

You can easily open your business in a small locality and even in the countryside, you will simply have to reconsider the requirements for the assortment.

Instead of expensive cat food, offer feed additives for piglets and poultry, instead of anti-flea collars, medicines for cattle, etc.

Why should you open a veterinary pharmacy?

Businessmen looking for a profitable startup need serious arguments why this particular business should be opened and not some other.

Owning a veterinary pharmacy has many benefits:

  1. According to 2014 statistics, over 20% of Russians have some kind of animal at home, which gradually becomes a member of the family, and therefore receives appropriate care.
    That is, the number of clients of veterinary pharmacies is about 30 million people.
    And this is data only about people who keep “decorative” animals at home.
    Domestic animals of rural residents do not appear in the statistics.
  2. This business can be opened by residents of any region: from a large metropolis to a small village.
  3. Even in times of crisis, people continue to take care of their pets, and if you reconsider your product range (offer cheaper analogues of food and medicines), you will not suffer losses.
  4. Even if you do not have a veterinary or pharmaceutical education and three years of experience in this field, you can enter into an employment contract with a person who has all this, and perform only the functions of a manager.
  5. At the initial stage, this business does not require huge capital investments.
  6. A veterinary pharmacy is a fairly profitable business that can bring tens of thousands of rubles per month to its owner.

Disadvantages of Owning a Veterinary Pharmacy

Fun fact:
At the beginning of October each year, when the laureates are announced Nobel Prize, in parallel, a parody Ig Nobel Prize is being awarded for achievements that cannot be reproduced or there is no point in doing so. In 2009, among the laureates were veterinarians who proved that a cow with any name gives more milk than a nameless one.

This type of business does not have many disadvantages, but you should know about the main ones in order to make an informed decision about launching a startup:

  1. High level of competition, especially in large cities.
  2. The need to sell products with a limited shelf life: medicines, special feeds.
  3. Requirements for specialized education.
  4. The success of a business largely depends on the location of the veterinary pharmacy, and the more advantageous the location, the higher the rental price.

2 types of veterinary pharmacy

You should know that there are two types of veterinary pharmacies:

  1. Those that can only sell finished goods.
  2. Those that can produce medicines and animal feed, and then sell them.

If you do not have a large start-up capital, are new to entrepreneurship and do not have research talents, then you should limit yourself to the first option.

To open such a pharmacy you need a small premises, you will go through a simplified registration procedure, and inspection authorities will not bother you so often.

Calendar plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy

Launching this startup will not take too much time if you can quickly register your company and obtain a license for the retail sale of medicines.

It won’t take you more than 2-3 months to find a room, renovate it, purchase equipment and hire staff.

Thus, you need a maximum of six months to open a business.

Registration procedure and license acquisition
The premises and repair work therein
Purchase of equipment
Purchase of the first batch of goods

Advertising company for veterinary pharmacy

If you locate your veterinary pharmacy in an area with high traffic and set a reasonable pricing policy, then you can do without an advertising campaign altogether.

Your establishment will already generate good income.

You can insure your business at first:

  • by ordering a bright sign and advertising window stickers;
  • handing out advertising flyers in a crowded place;
  • by purchasing advertising space in a popular local newspaper;
  • by ordering commercials on local radio and television;
  • placing your advertising banner on a veterinary forum;
  • creating a group in social networks.

Stages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

To work legally and not have problems with inspection authorities, you should start by registering your business and obtaining a license.

At the same time, look for premises for your veterinary pharmacy so that when submitting documents for a license, you can indicate the address of your establishment.

And then you can start purchasing equipment, searching for suppliers, hiring staff, etc.

Registration and license

You can register like an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes according to a simplified scheme.

This is the easiest part of the registration procedure, because ahead of you awaits receipt of a license allowing retail trade veterinary drugs.

You should start by obtaining a certificate from the Union of Pet Business Enterprises.

To obtain such a certificate, you need to write an application, pass a test and pay the specified amount.

If you do not have special education, then even if you want to, you will not be able to obtain such a certificate.

You will have to hire a manager and salespeople who have the appropriate qualifications.

In addition to the license, you will have to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological certificate from Rospotrebnadzor and conclude a number of agreements:

  • on disinfection and disinfestation;
  • on the destruction of medical waste;
  • about indoor ventilation.

In general, the registration procedure for a veterinary pharmacy is not very simple, so it is better to entrust it to a qualified lawyer.

Premises for a veterinary pharmacy

If you are planning to open a veterinary pharmacy that will only sell products, an office of 30 square meters is enough. m.

In addition to the sales area, your veterinary pharmacy should have: a service room for staff and a bathroom.

If the space allows, you can also equip a warehouse, a manager’s office and a closet for storing work equipment.

If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy that will not only sell finished medications, but also produce them yourself, then you will need a larger premises: at least 46 square meters. meters.

Most pharmacies operate on the first principle, so they are content with modest premises of 30–35 sq. m.

The design of the room should be as simple as possible (light walls and ceilings), but you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment for storing and placing goods.

Equipment for veterinary pharmacy

To present your product to customers and facilitate the work of staff, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Expense itemQtyCost (in rub.)Amount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
Glazed showcases
2 15 000 30 000
3 5 000 15 000
Furniture for the seller’s workplace (stand, chair) 20 000
Cash register
1 10 000 10 000
Refrigerator for medicines
1 25 000 25 000
1 20 000 20 000
Telephone set
1 1 000 1 000
Air conditioner
1 15 000 15 000
Office furniture
30 000
Other 34 000

Veterinary pharmacy products

To increase your profit, you should sell not only medicines, but also:
  • stern;
  • food additives;
  • anti-flea collars;
  • toys for animals;
  • clothing and accessories;
  • dishes;
  • houses, cages, carriers, etc.

Work with suppliers who sell certified products, especially when it comes to medicines.

You can find good suppliers, for example, via the Internet.

Veterinary pharmacy staff

It is more profitable for business if the veterinary pharmacy is open seven days a week, because pets can get sick any day.

Their owners will need medications and they will come to you.

Therefore, you will need 2 sellers who will work, for example, 2/2 days from 8.00–20.00

How much does it cost to open a veterinary pharmacy?

At the initial stage, to open a veterinary pharmacy, you need to spend at least 500,000 rubles on:

You can reduce the amount of capital investment by finding premises that are not too expensive to rent or by purchasing used veterinary pharmacy equipment.

Get ready for monthly expenses of about 150,000 rubles:

For inspiration to implement this type of business

How can you design and equip a veterinary pharmacy:

How much can a veterinary pharmacy owner earn?

The profitability of your veterinary pharmacy depends on how much product you sell daily and what markup you put on it. In order for a business to be profitable, the markup on goods must be at least 50–100%.

Let's say you bought a batch of goods worth 100,000 rubles.

The markup on each unit was 100%. You managed to sell this product in one month.

Thus, you earned 200,000 rubles. 130,000 rubles from this amount will be spent on rent, payment of salaries to staff, taxes and the next purchase, and 70,000 will be your net profit.

If we start from the amount of net profit that you will receive every month, we see that a capital investment of 500,000 rubles can be returned in 8 months.

Naturally, you will not be able to receive such a profit during the first months of operation of your veterinary pharmacy.

IN best case scenario– you will break even, in the worst case – you will work at a loss.

Therefore, we determine the average payback period for a veterinary pharmacy – 10–12 months.

Agree, these are quite good indicators, which are enough for you to decide open a veterinary pharmacy, if you have a special education and have the required amount for initial investment.

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In Russia, the veterinary business is almost undeveloped. This also applies to special pharmacies for animals. According to official information in Russian Federation a third of the population keeps pets. And there are 4 times fewer institutions for caring for them than pet supply stores. This is why opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch in Russia seems like a profitable investment. However, in order to open it and so that it does not burn out at the very beginning, you need to know all the nuances and subtleties. And also, what income such an enterprise will bring to you. You will learn about all this in this article.

This type of business is regulated by various Federal laws related to drugs. So, the registration of such a case must be approached with understanding and caution.

Following the legal requirements, to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch you will need a list of documents such as:

  • An agreement on regular sanitization of the pharmacy, which means disinfection, disinfestation, etc.
  • Agreement on the disposal of medicines.
  • Certificates confirming compliance with legal requirements.
  • Permission to open a pharmacy from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Location permission. The fact is that the pharmacy must be located in a premises that meets regulatory requirements.

All these certificates, permits and contracts are required to open your own pharmacy. If you do not have something from this list, then your business will operate illegally and will be closed after the first inspection.

The presentation of all documents must be approached with delicacy - they all must be in proper condition and correspond to the actual state of affairs. If you do not take this into account, then when opening a veterinary pharmacy you will not avoid a wide variety of problems. Organizing a pharmacy for animals requires a careful approach.

It is also worth remembering that you will need to register an individual entrepreneurship and choose. Unlike completing documentation, this will not take much time.

To open your own pharmacy store for animals, its owner must have proper education and work experience as a veterinarian for more than four years. However, if he does not meet the proper professional requirements, it is possible to conclude an employment contract with a specialist with the required qualifications.

By law, a veterinary pharmacy must be divided into several sections:

  • Trading hall. The place where the trade in medicines will take place.
  • Warehouse. A place equipped for storage.
  • Household rooms. Director's office, staff room, bathroom, etc.

Such a division into several premises determines the purchase of a premises with an area of ​​more than 40 square meters. meters. If you want to open not just a veterinary pharmacy, but a pharmacy for animals that will also produce a variety of drugs to order, then the minimum area will increase to 54 square meters. meters, a production room will also be added to the list of required premises. However, most often, when opening such a business, they are focused on selling already finished products, and not for production. It's much cheaper and easier. If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy and produce medicines, the paperwork process will become significantly more complicated and you will need to significantly increase your starting capital.

How much will it cost you to open your own veterinary pharmacy? Before you decide to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch, you must first work out and. First you need to decide on the initial capital.

Opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch will include the following expenses:

  • Accompanying a lawyer – $2,500.
  • Renting or purchasing premises – 20,000-30,000 rubles.
  • Refurbishment of premises – $2,500.
  • Purchase of necessary equipment – ​​up to $8,400.
  • Purchase of medicines for opening – $10,000.

Adding up all the expenses, we get a rather large amount from 26,000 to 75,000 dollars. Often, used equipment is purchased to reduce costs.

Before using such devices, you must carefully check that they are working properly. You also shouldn’t skimp on a lawyer, because without one you may have difficulties setting up a veterinary business.

You should also keep in mind the running costs:

  • Employees' salaries.
  • Taxes.
  • Payment for disinsection and disinfection.

Every month you will need to spend $2,000 to maintain the pharmacy.


Depends on many factors. First of all, this is location, staff, product range, etc. The veterinary pharmacy generates $400 in revenue every day. If you calculate everything, then opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch will pay for itself in one to two years. But all these calculations are approximate. To calculate everything more accurately, you need to draw up a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with economic calculations. The sample was prepared by specialists in business planning, the calculations were made in Excel format and can be adapted for any other calculation of the return on investment of a veterinary pharmacy, wherever you prepare the document - a bank, a private investor, within a company.

If you have any questions, you can ask them directly below in the comment field, in the VKontakte group, or by sending us an email.


Goal: opening a veterinary pharmacy in a small town

Objectives: providing veterinary drugs to pets of residents of a small regional town

Project initiator

The initiator of the project is the owner of a pharmacy chain, who decided to expand his business in the city by expanding the services provided.

Investment costs

To open a veterinary pharmacy you will need 3,500 thousand rubles. Such a high amount is due to the purchase of premises that will be used for a veterinary pharmacy in the property. The main areas of investment expenses are as follows:

  • Purchase of premises - 1,500 thousand rubles;
  • Repair, installation of communications and redevelopment of the premises - 1,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods - 800 thousand rubles.

Project financing

The project will be financed partly from the initiator's funds, and partly from a bank loan. The loan is issued for the purchase of premises in the amount of 90% of its cost. The loan rate is 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule, repayment period is 10 years.

As part of the business plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy, calculations were made that showed the following effectiveness of the project:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

To calculate the payback of the project, a calculation period of 10 years was taken, the inflation rate was 10% and the discount rate was 11%.

Suppliers and contractors

To implement repair work it is planned to attract a team of builders who have already carried out similar work to open several retail outlets earlier. The brigade has proven itself with positive side, and also carried out the work in good faith, met the deadlines and offered the lowest amount of work cost.

The supplier of the products was a wholesale company - a supplier of veterinary drugs, with which the project initiator had already crossed paths several times to sell products in their existing pharmacies.


The veterinary pharmacy will offer its customers the following range of products for animals:

Today, this is the optimal set of products that should be in a veterinary pharmacy for its normal functioning.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment volume

To calculate the business plan for a veterinary pharmacy to be opened, we take an investment amount of 3,500 thousand rubles, which will be used to purchase premises, repair them, and purchase equipment and goods. The table below provides a breakdown of investment costs:

Name of costs Qty price sum
Purchasing premises 1 1 500 000,00 1 500 000,00
Repair work
Room renovation 400 000,00
Electrical work and lighting adjustment 200 000,00
Sewage and water supply works 75 000,00
Heating works 75 000,00
Installation of security and fire alarm systems 75 000,00
CCTV installation 75 000,00
External design of the outlet 100 000,00
Purchase of equipment
refrigerators 2 40 000,00 80 000,00
Showcases 8 5 000,00 40 000,00
Cash box 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
Counter 1 10 000,00 10 000,00
Cabinets for storing drugs 6 2 500,00 15 000,00
Air conditioner 1 15 000,00 15 000,00
Office furniture 4 2 500,00 10 000,00
racks 10 1 000,00 10 000,00
Purchasing goods
Purchasing goods 800 000,00
TOTAL 3 500 000,00

Investment payment and work plan

Below is a work plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy:

Below is a payment schedule for investment expenses (thousand rubles):

Name of work 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month
Purchasing premises 500,00 1 000,00
Repair work 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00
Purchase of equipment 200,00
Purchasing goods 800,00
TOTAL 500,00 1 200,00 200,00 200,00 400,00 1 000,00

Production plan


The selected premises meet all the conditions for obtaining a license for veterinary activities. The premises have several rooms, including one for storing medications.

The room contains:

  • Sales area - 20 sq.m.
  • Warehouse for storing veterinary drugs - 5 sq.m.
  • Room for the store director - 5 sq.m.;
  • Room for service personnel- 5 sq.m.

Opening hours

In order to reach the greatest possible audience, the veterinary pharmacy's opening hours will be from 8-00 to 20-00, without lunch or weekends.

Production process

Below we describe the entire process of receiving goods from the supplier to the final consumer:

  1. Based on the balance in the warehouse, the store director makes a request to the supplier for the drugs;
  2. The supplier brings the drugs and transfers them to the warehouse, the store director accepts the goods by quantity and nomenclature, enters the information into the accounting system;
  3. When choosing a buyer, the seller pushes the goods through the cash register, receives money from the client and hands the goods to him.
  4. At the end of the day, the proceeds are collected by employees of the servicing bank.

Average markup

Due to the large number of items in the veterinary pharmacy, we did not calculate the average cost for each product group, but calculated the average markup for all types of goods, which amounted to 40%. Thus, with a product cost of 100 rubles, we will sell it at an average price of 140 rubles.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

Due to the small population of the town (150 thousand people), the city has several veterinary pharmacies, which are located in the central areas of the city. It is not entirely convenient for animal owners when they have to travel from remote areas to the center to purchase pet supplies.

The veterinary pharmacy being opened is located in a residential area of ​​the city, where there are no other competitors. This allows you to get as clients residents of the area who cannot afford to go shopping to the city center.

Range of services and prices

As discussed in the production plan, the range of goods sold in a veterinary pharmacy will consist of the following product groups:

The average markup on products will be 40%. At the same time, prices in the pharmacy will be slightly lower than prices in similar pharmacies located in the center. Such pricing is possible due to the lower cost of premises in residential areas, which will save on costs. Also, such pricing will allow us to attract some customers from the central pharmacies of the city to ours.

Sales volume

It is planned that over time the pharmacy will reach the planned sales volume of 12 million rubles. per year. Without taking into account seasonality, the average monthly revenue will be 1 million rubles, per day - 30 thousand rubles.

With a markup of 40%, the cost of goods sold will be 8.57 million rubles.

However, it will take time for the veterinary pharmacy to reach this sales volume. The schedule for reaching the optimal sales volume is presented in the table below:

In addition, sales will fluctuate throughout the year taking into account seasonality indices, which are presented in the table below:

Advertising strategy

In order to increase sales and achieve optimal sales, an advertising campaign will be launched at the pharmacy development stage in the near future, which will include the following steps:

  • Decorating a retail outlet with a sign and a noticeable banner - costs are taken into account in the investment budget;
  • Decorating a retail outlet with balloons in the first month of opening - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising in elevators of nearby buildings within 2 months after opening - 15,000 rubles/month;
  • Production and placement of an advertising sign - 5,000 rubles;
  • Creating groups on social networks - 3,000 rubles;
  • Creation of a business card website - 3,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

Form of doing business

To open a veterinary pharmacy, existing legal entity, which operates regular pharmacies owned by the project initiator.

A legal entity is registered as a limited liability company and operates on a simplified taxation system based on income minus expenses.

Personnel and staffing structure

The following staff will be recruited to work in the new pharmacy, which will have salaries and bonuses as indicated in the table below:

Job title Qty salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00 20% of profits
Sellers 2 15 000,00 3% of revenue
cleaning woman 1 10 000,00
handyman 1 12 000,00
TOTAL 5 57 000,00

Financial plan


To calculate the return on investment of a business plan, we built a model based on the following input parameters:

  • Macroeconomic factors:
    • Inflation - 10%;
    • Discount rate - 11%;
  • Tax environment:
    • Income tax - 15%;
    • Personal income tax - 13%;
    • Contributions to social funds - 34.2%;
    • VAT - 0%.

Project financing

To implement the project, the initiator plans to obtain a mortgage loan to purchase premises for a veterinary pharmacy. The loan is issued for 10 years at 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The loan will be provided in the amount of 90% of the cost of the premises.

Project payback indicators

Based on the above data on income, expenses (investment and current), a veterinary pharmacy business plan was calculated, which showed the following project performance indicators:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

The payback of the project is quite large, but it is due to the acquisition of premises, which, in principle, could be rented. However, to reduce risks, the owner of the premises decided to purchase it.

Break even

As part of calculating the business plan, we calculated the break-even point for our veterinary pharmacy; it amounted to 500 thousand rubles. per month. Thus, with sales above this amount, our company will operate in profit.

However, when calculating the break-even point, we did not take into account the repayment of principal and interest on the loan. If we take these amounts into account, the minimum sales volume will increase to 900 thousand rubles. per month.

Project sustainability analysis

In order to understand the influence of various factors on the payback period and profitability of the project, we studied the influence of prices, expenses and the investment amount on the NPV of the project. The table with the results is presented below:

Influencing factor -20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
Prices (surcharge) - 3 467 - 1 534 543 2 489 4 365
Fixed expenses 1 678 1 045 543 -12 - 547
Investment amount 1 013 789 543 343 129

As we see, greatest influence The profitability of the project is influenced by prices and the size of the markup. Thus, if prices decrease by 10%, the project becomes unprofitable within 10 years.

Risk analysis

For the purpose of risk analysis, social, economic, political and technological were considered. Below are the most critical ones for our activities:


The arrival of major players in the veterinary business on the city market. This is a fairly significant factor that can greatly affect the profitability of our veterinary pharmacy, however, firstly, today, none of the players express a desire to enter the market, and secondly, we have a fairly tangible advantage over such players - premises the pharmacy is owned and we can reduce prices quite low. Thirdly, these players usually enter the market in the central areas of the city, so our niche will be free for a long time.


Increasing taxes and non-tax payments by the state can also reduce business profitability, but as we saw earlier from sustainability calculations, its impact is not so strong.


The decline in the standard of living of the population will not allow them to purchase veterinary medications for their pets, which will have a very negative impact on both demand and product prices. But the current economic situation shows that the standard of living of the population is quite high, and constant advertising of animal feed and medications both on television and on the Internet constantly increases the demand for these products.


We do not see any risks for these species.


This example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations showed good payback indicators for the project, which indicates that this project will be of interest to both investors and the bank issuing the loan. And the existing risks indicate that this project is low-risk.