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How to quickly sober up from alcohol using accessible methods at home. How to get sober in an hour at home? Woke up drunk how to sober up

First, the bad news. Intoxication comes when alcohol is already in the blood, and we can’t get it out of there. Ethanol is processed by enzymes at a strictly defined speed, which we do not influence, so it is technically impossible to sober up quickly. But you can come to your senses and concentrate enough to call a taxi, get to bed, or at least refrain from doing something stupid.

Stop drinking alcohol

If you are overloaded with alcohol, adding more to yourself is the worst idea. We stop the drinking and don’t look for something to wash it down with so that we can let go.

You will have to drink a lot, a lot. The more we drink, the more we excrete, and we need to excrete in order to remove alcohol breakdown products, get rid of nausea and dehydration. Therefore, you need to enter the “drink and pee” mode.

It is allowed to drink water (not carbonated!), juice, compote, tea. But when you’re drunk, it’s difficult to force yourself to swallow just water or even juice, but sweet tea, as a rule, comes easier. However, if you don’t like tea, but are able to drink water, do as you feel comfortable.

But your favorite strong coffee works worse. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, helps you become more active, but in the end it does not promote detoxification, that is, it does not eliminate intoxication. Even worse: temporary mobilization after coffee can create a false impression that everything is in order and you are normal, and this leads to the most surprising and not always pleasant discoveries.

Tea also contains caffeine, but it’s there, so you’ll be able to invigorate yourself a little, but you won’t be able to deceive your senses.

Take sorbents

When you just realize that you've had too much, take sorbents. They prevent the absorption of alcohol, and some of what you drink will not enter the bloodstream. Sorbents do not have a retroactive effect, that is, you will not sober up, but at least you will not become drunker.

Have a snack

This is also a way to slow down the absorption of alcohol if you drank a glass and realized that it was unnecessary.

When everything is blurry before your eyes and you feel nauseous, perhaps vomiting is a good solution. If there is any alcohol left in the stomach, it will not enter the blood. In addition, the body will not be distracted by digestion when it is already busy processing ethanol. This won’t make you any more sober, but the oppressive feeling of nausea will subside, and this is better than nothing.


It is best to walk in the fresh air with as fast a gait as your condition allows. This helps you concentrate and come to your senses a little.

Take a shower

Cold showers are a bad idea. It, of course, acts roughly like strong coffee, but its sobering effect is false. But you can get vasospasm or even while drunk under a cold shower. So the water should be warm. And, in fact, you need a shower to wait out the most unpleasant moments in it, because it’s easier this way.

Massage your hands, feet and ears

These are simple actions that help you concentrate on sensations, increase blood flow to your head (if we are talking about rubbing your ears), so that for some time it will be easier for you to focus.

All of the above half-measures help you come to your senses a little, but you can only sober up over time. It is clear that it is preferable to spend this time sleeping. It’s better to even take a 30-minute nap on a chair to gain strength than to overcome yourself.

But never go to bed if you can barely control your nausea. Either wait until it gets better, induce vomiting, or make sure you have someone nearby who can monitor you as you sleep. Otherwise, you risk choking on vomit.

What not to do

Many websites give more advice on how to get sober quickly. The effect is based on one thing: while you try everything, some time will pass and you will feel better. But some of these methods are dangerous to health. So, you don't need:

  1. Smoking. There's already a killer cocktail in the blood. Where else is there nicotine?
  2. Take medicine. Do not combine any medications with alcohol. First of all, once you have come up with such a brilliant idea, you are no longer able to read the instructions. Secondly, drugs are eliminated in the same way as alcohol: mainly by the liver and kidneys, which are already overloaded. Thirdly, you are unlikely to be able to correctly assess your condition if medications with alcohol cause side effects.
  3. Sniff ammonia. Only if you don't want to throw up.
  4. Go to the bathhouse. The bathhouse really brings you back to your senses, but you shouldn’t go into a hot steam room drunk: there is a high risk of getting burned, overheating or having a heart attack. So this is a method for very healthy and not very drunk people.
  5. Train. It's just not safe when you're drunk. You're more likely to get injured rather than get sober.

Feeling unwell after drinking alcohol is a fairly common occurrence. In some cases, a person requires urgent medical attention. But there are methods and means of sobering up at home. Their effectiveness depends on the amount drunk, age, gender, degree of intoxication and type of alcohol.

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    Means for sobering up

    The maximum degree of intoxication is achieved approximately in the second hour after drinking alcohol, and its development is determined by numerous factors: the amount of alcohol drunk, the gender and age of the person, his state of health, the individual characteristics of the body, the quantity and quality of snacks, etc. The easiest way to eliminate alcohol - natural, but it takes a lot of time.

    In order for the body to completely cleanse itself of alcohol, drastic measures are needed to cleanse toxins and clear consciousness clouded by alcohol. It is important to prevent the onset of a hangover, which is possible during emergency sobering.

    Drugs that relieve intoxication

    Alcohol affects men, women and teenagers differently. Therefore, when choosing a sobering agent, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. One person's condition may improve while another's remains the same while taking the same drug.

    There are special products that have a quick and strong complex effect against alcohol intoxication. Medicines not only eliminate symptoms, helping to get rid of fumes and restore concentration, but also alleviate hangovers.

    They are used in accordance with the instructions. The sooner you take the medicine after drinking, the more effective it will be. It is necessary to separate the intake of absorbents and other medications. When taken simultaneously with an absorbent, the effect of drugs is reduced, since the substances contained in them are removed from the body along with toxins.

    Drugs that promote sobering:

    • Naloxone works by breaking down opioids and neutralizing them. It is used in cases of alcoholic coma. The drug allows you to relieve even the most severe intoxication. It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, and the dose is calculated depending on the amount of alcohol taken and general condition person. According to the instructions, in case of severe intoxication, 400–2000 mcg of the substance is administered over 2–3 minutes. If necessary, the injections are repeated no more than two times with an interval of 1-2 minutes, after which a sharp sobering occurs. The drug has many contraindications and side effects, but is the only one medication, quickly removing intoxication, not its symptoms.
    • Alka-Seltzer and Antipohmelin relieve symptoms of alcohol intoxication just a few hours after drinking alcohol. They contain soda, acetylsalicylic acid and citric acid, which reduces blood pressure and suppresses the gag reflex. The drugs are taken with plenty of water. They can be drunk no more than 4 times a day according to the dosage, consumed the next morning after severe intoxication to bring one to their senses. These drugs have an unusual effect: instead of blocking the breakdown of alcohol, they speed it up, turning all the alcohol in the body into acetaldehyde. As a result, the hangover occurs much faster, after which vitamins and useful acids, restoring the body.
    • Medichronal is a very strong drug that instantly enters the bloodstream and activates the breakdown of toxins. It can only be used in cases of severe intoxication. If there are not enough breakdown products of alcohol in the body, the components of the drug will have a negative effect.
    • Zorex accelerates the process of removing acetaldehyde from the body, a breakdown product of ethyl alcohol, due to which intoxication passes faster.
    • Preparations with succinic acid - Bison, Brine, Guten Morgen - are effective means to combat intoxication. Succinic acid helps speed up metabolism and remove toxins from the body. It speeds up metabolism, activates the recovery process after drinking, helps with severe intoxication and eases hangovers. It can also be taken in pure form both to prevent a hangover before drinking alcohol, 2-3 tablets, and after a feast. In this case, it is recommended to take 10 tablets, dividing the intake into 3-4 times at equal intervals (at least 3 hours).
    • Zenalk is an Indian drug that has conflicting reviews. The substances contained in it are an antidote to alcohol, block its breakdown and remove it from the body.

    Adjuvant therapy against the effects of alcohol

    Some medications help relieve intoxication and its symptoms, although they are intended for other purposes.

    • Aspirin is the most inexpensive and affordable remedy for relieving symptoms of alcohol intoxication. It thins blood that is viscous from alcohol and relieves headaches. If you dissolve it in water, it will work much faster. It is recommended to use it with glycine, which, acting on nervous system, activates the brain and helps to concentrate attention. There are many analogues of aspirin with similar names: Uspirin, Anopyrin, Aspicor, etc.
    • Veroshpiron belongs to the group of diuretics - substances that accelerate kidney function and increase the amount of urine excreted by the body. At the same time, the concentration of toxins in the body decreases. Veroshpiron speeds up the process of removing alcohol breakdown products and makes you feel better. Unlike most diuretics, the drug is compatible with alcohol. The medicine is taken immediately after drinking alcohol in a single dose of 200 mg, washed down with plenty of water. The next day after drinking, the medication should be continued by taking 4 tablets per day at equal intervals.

    Infusion therapy for alcohol intoxication

    Infusion therapy is carried out with the help of specialists. If you have the necessary skills, it can also be used at home. Drugs administered through a dropper quickly bring a person to his senses, cleansing the blood and saturating it with useful substances. This effective method quick and high-quality sobering, based not on short-term relief of symptoms, but on the accelerated removal of breakdown products and restoration of water-salt and vitamin-mineral balance in the body. A solution to lower blood alcohol levels includes nicotinic and ascorbic acids and glucose. Insulin, B vitamins, and sodium chloride are added to it to restore the functioning of all systems in the body. The drug Reamberin helps well with intoxication. It contains succinic acid and when administered intravenously, it quickly sobers up a person.

    To sober up quickly after drinking alcohol, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Drinking large amounts of water and food along with drinking will weaken its effect and speed up the sobering up process.

    Absorbents as sobering agents

    Absorbents act like a sponge, absorbing alcohol and its breakdown products. If you take them within 2 hours after drinking alcohol, the effect will be strong and long-lasting.

    With the help of absorbents, you can prevent the consequences of intoxication in advance. In this case, the drugs are consumed before drinking alcohol: this will relieve severe intoxication and a severe hangover.

    The most effective absorbents include:

    • Activated carbon. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, but no more than 12 pieces at a time. If a person is so drunk that he cannot swallow the pills, they can be dissolved in water. This will not affect the quality and properties of the drug in any way.
    • Polysorb. This drug belongs to the new generation of absorbents. The powder is diluted in a small amount of water. For severe intoxication, two tablespoons of dry drug per 100 g of liquid is enough. Polysorb enters the body in the form of a suspension, so it acts faster than tablets, blocks and stops the effect of alcohol.
    • Enterogel and its analogues. The drugs coat the walls of the stomach, slowing down the absorption of ethyl alcohol and quickly cleansing the body of toxins. Thanks a Due to the absorbent effect of the drugs, a person quickly recovers from the state of alcoholic intoxication. These drugs are used for gastric lavage if you urgently need to sober up. Five tablespoons of the product are diluted in 5 liters of water, the drunk is given as much to drink as he can, and induces vomiting. After this, you need to take two tablespoons of the medicine and the same amount over 4 to 6 hours. This method allows you to quickly neutralize the effects of toxins not only in the stomach, but also in the intestines.
    • Preparations Filtrum and Laktofiltrum. They absorb harmful substances from the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to take these drugs 2 hours before drinking alcohol in the amount of two tablets. To alleviate the condition when sobering up, take 5-6 tablets with plenty of water. This should only be done after how a person will have a bowel movement naturally or with an enema. Then you need to have a bowel movement again, no later than two hours after taking the drug. Otherwise, toxins will begin to enter the body again.

    Get sober in an hour

    Some auxiliary means will help quickly bring a person to his senses. Typically, they can be found in the refrigerator at home. The effect of their action is strong, especially when drinking weak alcoholic beverages - beer or wine.

    The disadvantage of using these funds is the short-term nature. Most often, a person gains clarity of consciousness for half an hour to an hour, and then needs long-term sleep and recovery.

    The most effective aids for sobering up include:

    • Ammonia or ammonia. This is an effective remedy, but it can only be used in emergency cases. For some people, sniffing cotton wool soaked in this liquid is enough. If you are very intoxicated, you need to drink a weak solution of ammonia, first holding your nose tightly. Pour 1 teaspoon of ammonia into a glass of ice water and give it to the drunk, forcing him to drink to the bottom. A large dosage is prohibited, as it will cause a burn to the mucous membranes. Ammonia accelerates blood circulation and increases blood pressure, this helps alcohol and its breakdown products leave the body naturally as quickly as possible. Immediately after sobering up, the person’s stomach is washed. They give him plenty of water with the addition of potassium permanganate or salt and irritate the pharynx by pressing on the root of the tongue with two fingers.
    • Green tea. Is very effective means to relieve any type of intoxication, including alcohol. In order to sober up quickly, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of drink in an hour. A generous dose of ginger (dry or fresh grated root) will help enhance the effect. To prepare such a drink, brew tea, add a little salt and add at least a teaspoon of ginger. The product causes increased sweating, has a strong diuretic effect and accelerates the moment of sobering up. An hour after the start of treatment, a person will look sober, and after 10 hours he will be able to drive without the smell of fumes.
    • Water procedures. One of the simplest and most accessible methods. There are several options for using it. The most effective and fastest is a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna. A ten-minute stay there is very sobering, but it is contraindicated for any diseases of the heart and blood vessels. A safer way is a cold shower. It invigorates and refreshes, but does not relieve strong intoxication. A hot bath with essential oils of juniper, mint or lavender will help faster by speeding up metabolism. In combination with green tea, it will help you sober up enough to think and coordinate your actions in just an hour. A contrast shower, which includes either cold or hot douches, is also quite effective, but is not recommended for hypertension and diseases of the nervous system.
    • Lemon. It is necessary to make fresh juice from two fruits. They are cut into two halves and the juice is squeezed into a glass. You need to drink it in one gulp, without washing it down with water. If a person can consume whole fruits instead of juice, they should be eaten with the peel in a short period of time. Lemon helps even after drinking vodka or moonshine, but it has a negative effect on the stomach when consumed in such quantities. The product has a pronounced effect on short time greatly sobers up the drinker. However, after half an hour, the person’s condition may worsen, and signs of intoxication will again appear.
    • Exercise. The amount of sweat produced directly affects the degree of sobering. You can use any physical exercise- squats, swings, running. After active exercise, you can drink citrus juice or strong coffee, brew a large amount of green tea, and massage your ears and nose. This method helps even with severe intoxication. With forceful and intense movements, the auricle is massaged along the contour, the wings and the tip of the nose are rubbed. With this method, in five minutes of massage it is possible to bring a person to his senses. In an hour he will be in adequate condition.

    Methods for quick sobering up are emergency and are not suitable for permanent use. The products used have a list of contraindications and side effects. They have a negative effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

    You need to be especially careful when using drugs intended to relieve a hangover. Many of them are incompatible with alcohol, and are used only the next day after drinking. If used incorrectly, they give a strong reaction that can not only worsen the condition, but also cause toxic shock.

Alcohol has deeply penetrated the culture of almost every nation. Alcohol helps relieve stress, relax, lift your spirits, and throw away sad thoughts. Unfortunately, often even the most responsible people do not control the amount they drink and literally pass out. In this state, they completely lose control over their body, their thoughts and words.
Everyone knows that communicating with a very drunk person is unproductive (unless, of course, it is about espionage), and inviting a drunk person to carry out any activity will do more harm than good.
However, sometimes critical situations arise in which the physical or intellectual participation of a person temporarily intoxicated is extremely necessary. Of course, a specialized medical institution would help remove alcohol from the body of a reveler as quickly as possible, but what to do when there is no time or opportunity to attract doctors? How to make a drunk sober up quickly at home?

What do we mean by the word “sober up”?

By medical standards, alcohol is removed from the body for quite a long time. If, for example, yesterday before going to bed you drank strong alcohol, then in the morning you can drive a car, but you will definitely not pass the alcohol test proposed by the traffic police inspector and will probably be deprived of your license.
The norms for the presence of alcohol in the blood (or rather, its absence) were not adopted by chance - even residual alcohol, which clearly does not prevent you from performing any actions, actually significantly reduces concentration and slows down the reaction speed.
Therefore, on official language For doctors and traffic inspectors, the word “sober up” means to completely remove alcohol from the body. However, in our case, we are not talking about maximum cleansing of the head and body from alcohol, but about bringing a drunk person into a state acceptable for performing the necessary actions.
We warn you right away: it is impossible to quickly remove alcohol from the body at home (without the necessary medications and special equipment). You can only contribute to a faster elimination of alcohol or temporarily bring the drinker into a more adequate state.
Therefore, the solution to the question of how to quickly sober up at home will depend on the initial state of the “client” and your goals.

A little about the phases of human intoxication

How quickly a person can be brought to a relatively sober state is largely determined by what is happening with alcohol in the body at the moment: its entry into the blood or its elimination and destruction.
In medicine, the absorption of alcohol into the blood is called the resorption phase, and the withdrawal stage is called the elimination phase. But how can we understand which phase is taking place based on external signs alone?

  • By the time of the last portion of alcohol. It is important to remember when, the type of alcohol, in what doses and how the person you are trying to sober up consumed. The highest concentration of alcohol in the blood is observed approximately 90 minutes after drinking it. The rate of absorption and subsequent elimination of alcohol increases if it is drunk in small sips or warmed up. Also, sweet and carbonated alcoholic drinks go through all stages of absorption much faster.
  • By smell. The smell of fumes indicates the onset of the elimination phase. The presence of this smell indicates that at least the first portions of alcohol consumed are already leaving the body.
  • Due to frequent urination. If you notice that a person has started running to the toilet frequently, his body is actively removing alcohol. Of course, this does not apply to beer: since beer itself has a powerful diuretic effect, when drinking it, it is difficult to determine the degree of alcohol processing only by the frequency of visiting the toilet.

How to quickly sober up for half an hour

When you need to sober up as quickly as possible at home for 20-30 minutes, and the “patient” is in the elimination stage, sometimes methods are sufficient to dramatically improve the tone of the nervous system:

  • cold: washing, dousing with ice water, taking a cold bath (shower), rubbing with ice (snow);
  • massaging the ears, palms and feet;
  • rinsing your mouth with mineral water, cleansing your teeth, gums and tongue with mint paste;
  • drinking concentrated coffee or tea;
  • traditional methods (chewing peppermint or bay leaves).

It is undesirable to “solder” a drunk person with sweet coffee or tea, because sugar provokes active absorption of the alcohol still remaining in the stomach. When you cannot do without the use of sugary drinks, it is recommended to induce vomiting in the drunk person before doing so, ideally, rinse the stomach with clean water.
The easiest way to sober up is a man aged 30-40 who regularly (but in moderation) drinks alcohol, if in this case he drank quickly absorbed drinks of medium or low strength (for example, sweet tincture or Cahors).

How to get sober for a long time

If your goal is to quickly sober up at home and remain in an adequate state for a long time (more than 30-40 minutes), the measures listed above will not be enough. Will need to be thoroughly cleaned digestive system from all traces of alcohol, take measures to slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood and use methods to help speed up its elimination. The same complex will help sober up a person in whose body the flow of alcohol into the blood has not yet ended.
Cleansing the stomach and intestines is a rather unpleasant procedure for both the “patient” himself and his “orderlies”, but in a critical situation it can be the only way out of the situation.
IN mandatory you need to induce vomiting in a drunk person so that the remaining alcohol leaves the stomach and does not have time to be absorbed through its walls. In this case, it is recommended to induce vomiting repeatedly, filling the stomach with clean water during breaks.
The intestines are cleansed with an enema. The minimum total volume of water used should be about 5 liters, and the smallest volume of one enema should be 700-800 milliliters.
Methods that speed up the elimination of alcohol include:

  • oxygen flow;
  • steam room;
  • diuretic decoctions, infusions and products that stimulate diuresis (watermelon, lingonberry leaf, a large volume of regular or mineral water, non-alcoholic beer);
  • physical activity that stimulates profuse sweating (a brisk walk, playing volleyball - whatever comes to mind).

Attention: in case of problems with cardiovascular system and high blood pressure, baths and saunas cannot be used for sobering up. Experts also warn that taking the popular medicine Furosemide is extremely undesirable when drinking alcohol.
Ideally, gastric and intestinal lavage should be followed by the following system:

  • Bring a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to the “patient’s” nose 1-2 times;
  • dissolve 2.3-2.6 grams of ascorbic acid in a glass of water and drink the mixture to a drunk;
  • after 10-15 minutes, give him 10-20 milliliters of a 5% thiamine solution. This substance is a source of vitamin B1; it is available without a prescription in pharmacies in the form of a solution. It is usually intended for injection, but oral administration of this substance is also acceptable.

How to get rid of fume smell

Sometimes after drinking alcohol, your breath begins to smell very strongly of fumes. Fumes are a kind of amber that appears due to under-oxidation of alcohol breakdown products. Trying to hide this smell with mouth rinses or strong flavors is useless.
All people's councils, telling how to get rid of the smell of fumes by chewing any herbs such as mint or dill, have no scientific basis. In practice, you can get rid of fumes only by completely eliminating the cause of its occurrence.
The tips given in the previous section will help you remove toxins formed during alcohol processing from your body as quickly as possible. This is a thorough cleansing of the stomach and intestines from alcohol residues, as well as subsequent drinking plenty of fluids and taking diuretics.

Men and women: is there a difference in their sobering up?

Surprisingly, male and female bodies react to alcohol slightly differently. When men drink alcohol, they first show psycho-emotional changes, and only with very strong intoxication do they show motor changes. Intoxication affects women in the opposite order - if we say in simple language, first their body fails, and only then their head.
This means that in an emergency situation that requires working with some complex mechanism or driving a car, it would be more correct to try to sober up the man. If it is necessary to negotiate, a woman will be much more useful.

Drunkenness and pain

It has been proven that a heavy dose of alcohol has an effect on the body similar to a drug - a person falls into oblivion and practically does not feel pain. A noticeable dulling of sensitivity to pain occurs when drinking even a small amount of alcohol, and as intoxication increases, sensitivity to pain decreases to almost zero.
By the way, it was this effect that Soviet orderlies used during the Great Patriotic War, when before complex operations they gave their wounded a glass of alcohol instead of anesthesia.
Why are we telling this? By this we want to say that you should not try to sober up a drunk person who does not respond to pain, even in the most critical situation. The probability of success in this case is almost zero.

Most people take alcohol not to get drunk and have trouble understanding the surrounding reality, but to relax and have fun. But it often happens that a person crosses the line, and fun is replaced by inappropriate behavior or inhibition. Or another situation - a person drinks, but the circumstances are such that he needs to quickly bring himself back to normal. How to quickly sober up from alcohol is a fairly popular question. This can be judged by the numerous recipes offered by the Internet, friends, and acquaintances.

The effect of alcohol on the body

Human, drinking alcohol, with each new portion increases the level of poisoning in your body. This ultimately leads to intoxication, which manifests itself as a hangover. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood from the intestines (20%) and from the small intestine (80%). Very quickly it gets into all organs. When drinks are drunk through a straw or held in the mouth for a long time, it bypasses the liver and immediately begins to be absorbed into the blood. Intoxication comes faster. A popular hobby - smoking a hookah with alcohol - is another example of how alcohol immediately gets from the lungs to the brain and a person quickly gets drunk. When alcohol reaches the brain, a state of complete relaxation occurs. But the situation is changing quickly, as the reaction of nerve cells slows down. Speech begins to become confused, and it is difficult for a person to maintain balance.

The liver, perceiving alcohol as a poison, begins to decompose it in order to neutralize it. As a result, a powerful toxic substance, acetaldehyde, is formed, which affects the central nervous system and blood vessels. In addition, drinking alcohol leads to severe dehydration and, as a result, headaches.

What to do to sober up

Still, most people, in order to quickly sober up, resort to folk methods and only in extreme cases do they seek medical help.

The main methods of how to quickly sober up at home are aimed at eliminating the consequences of the destructive effects of alcohol. The main ones are the following:

  • Water. The body needs to be filled with fluid, which it has lost in huge quantities. It's better if it's water. A lot of water. Hydration of the body will increase the volume of circulating blood and, as a result, will subside headache. The liquid will reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood. The kidneys will begin to work more actively and remove toxic products. This method, although not completely, will help restore sobriety.
  • Cold. Under the influence of acetaldehyde, blood vessels dilate greatly and therefore blood flow through them slows down greatly. As a result, the poisoning products cannot quickly leave the body and begin to poison it. Nausea, vomiting, headache, and poor health appear. Cold can constrict blood vessels. Just don’t go outside when it’s severely cold and stay there for a long time. Due to the fact that the vessels are dilated and heat transfer is sharply increased, heat quickly leaves the body. The risk of getting sick increases greatly. But a cold shower or a cold bath is very good remedy in order to sober up.
  • Tea and coffee. Alcohol inhibits the activity of brain cells. Caffeine contained in tea and coffee restores their activity. The man is sobering up. The effect of this is short-lived, but it is there. But you can’t drink these drinks a lot. The body is dehydrated, and tea and coffee have diuretic properties. And one more nuance - it is better to drink tea and coffee without sugar, as it promotes faster absorption of alcohol.

Traditional medicine recommends to tone a person with the help of mint tincture. You just need to prepare it in advance. Finely chop dry mint leaves and pour in vodka at the rate of 200 g. vodka for 1 tsp mint and let it brew for a week. To sober up, add 20 drops of tincture to a glass of cold water and drink.

If the concentration of alcohol in the blood is very high, you may have to resort to a not entirely gentle method - induce vomiting.

Stage 1. The person needs to rinse his stomach. To do this, he should be brought into an upright position and allowed to drink at least 3 liters of water. You can add a little baking soda to the water. While he drinks, massage the ears with rubbing movements.
Stage 2. It is believed that activated carbon can help you bounce back after drinking alcohol. But alcohol enters the body, and its concentration increases only in the blood. Activated carbon can only have any effect in the human intestines. Therefore, it will not help you sober up quickly. But it has the remarkable property of absorbing toxins and removing them from the body. The only medical dose at which it will work is 200 tablets. Anything less will simply not produce results. Activated carbon is taken after the stomach has been washed.
Stage 3. You may come across advice that paracetamol will help you recover. But only paracetamol in combination with alcohol is toxic to the liver. But an aspirin tablet can neutralize the effect of acetaldehyde and have an analgesic effect.

This sequence: water-charcoal-aspirin will help reduce the level of intoxication.

Many people have a proven super method on how to quickly sober up. But most of these effective methods, it’s good if they don’t have any effect, but they can also worsen the condition.

What you shouldn’t do, although some sources recommend it, is try to sober up in a bathhouse or sauna. Alcohol in a bathhouse affects the heart in the same way as if a person took doping. This is a heavy load on the heart and not every person is able to withstand this load.

  • drink diuretics: teas, mixtures, decoctions
  • lean on fruits that have a diuretic effect: watermelons, melons, etc.

They do not saturate the body with fluid, but dehydrate it even more.

It is recommended to sniff and drink ammonia, adding a few drops to a glass of water to sober up. But ammonia can only bring a person to his senses when he faints, but cannot sober up.

Do not strain your body with heavy physical activity. But a little exercise will help you cheer up. It has been noticed that when a person dances, he sobers up faster. Therefore, if possible, you can dance, do squats and other simple exercises.

Preventive measures

So that there is no reason to look for ways to sober up, it is better to take measures to avoid getting drunk quickly.

The smaller the dose, the lower the risk of intoxication. To give the liver time to process alcohol, you must maintain an interval of at least half an hour between doses of alcohol. This way, alcohol will not accumulate in the body.

Try to drink alcohol with plenty of water.

Apply the well-known rule of “increasing the degree”, and it is better not to mix drinks at all.

Before drinking alcohol, experts traditional medicine It is recommended to take half a glass of wormwood infusion, which will help avoid intoxication. It is prepared very simply: 1 tbsp. l. dry wormwood, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. The effect of one serving of infusion lasts up to 5 hours.

It’s worth warning right away: it’s simply unrealistic to sober up instantly. But if there is a need (for example, you were called to work urgently, and you are having a party, or you need to drive), it is possible to become a little more sober. But in order not to be puzzled by the question of how to sober up quickly, it is better to simply not drink intoxicating drinks to the point where you urgently need to sober up.

What is sobering up

Sobering up can be considered the time when all the ethanol has completely left your blood. The speed depends on the weight, the amount of alcohol, its strength, and the characteristics of your metabolism. The process of sobering up is called elimination. In order to get rid of alcohol that enters the bloodstream, the body uses natural system blood purification and certain enzymes. The kidneys and lungs may also be involved in sobering up (in this case, fumes may occur). That is why the most reliable way to sober up is to simply wait a few hours. But we don’t always have them...

How to sober up quickly

Since drunkenness has been around for thousands of years, many ways to quickly sober up have been invented.

Method 1: Just stop drinking immediately

This is not so much a method as it is a preparation for all our other actions. It’s better to do this earlier in the evening, so you have enough time to sober up. Stopping drinking does not mean that you need to drink beer instead of cognac. Don't drink anything else: nothing for the road! We immediately start drinking water, but not carbonated water, it will make everything worse!

Method 2: Induce vomiting

Don't be surprised, but you need to induce vomiting correctly. It is better to do this by sticking your index finger down your throat. Be sure to wash your hands after this. To prevent suffocation, keep your head low. After everything comes out, eat a cracker and drink water. But not during the vomiting itself, but after. Before you quickly sober up in this way, think about whether you really need such violence on your stomach: if you feel drunk, but normal, you shouldn’t do it.

Method 3. Eat a hearty meal

Dense - this is not squid with chips, but food rich in starch. Potatoes and meat are beyond competition. Fructose would also be good, namely oranges and other citrus fruits, apples, grapes or bananas. It will help remove ethanol and honey quickly. Well, about fatty foods don't forget. Milk will also be appropriate, as it will create a film on the mucous membrane in the stomach, and it will prevent ethanol from being absorbed.

Method 4. Flush the stomach

It’s good if during the feast there is someone who will help with this. First you need to do an enema. Do it three times, and add at least two liters of water. Now we rinse the stomach, and about 700 ml should be administered. water. During the entire procedure, about 5-7 liters of water are introduced. To consolidate the effect of washing, you need to give ammonia (sniff) and ascorbic acid (orally and a couple of grams per 5 kg of weight). You can also drink vitamin B1 and glucose.

Method 5. “Load” the mind or body

If you are physically developed, just do some physical exercise. This way you will get a lot of oxygen, and some ethanol will come out along with sweat and breathing. A dozen push-ups and squats are enough. But a marathon of several kilometers is no longer relevant. Mental stress will also be appropriate: solve intellectual problems, remember the entire multiplication table. You can also think about a plan of action for tomorrow.

Method 6. Sniff ammonia

Ammonia. The method is classic, but you need to smell it correctly. First, we grab the tip of our nose and pull it, then we smell it, because this way you will improve your sense of smell.

Method 7. Drink coffee or tea

Coffee won't help you sober up, but it does reduce the sedative effect of ethanol. Coffee dehydrates no worse than alcohol, by the way, so don’t forget about water too. By the way, coffee will not improve your motor skills and cognitive function when drunk. It’s better to drink strong tea with ginger. And where there is ginger, there is also honey with lemon: glucose and fructose with vitamin C. But ordinary water or coffee will also help remove the fumes.

Method 8. Water treatments

Only with cold water. Cold splashes will definitely invigorate you. This will not work if you are poisoned or feel sick. Usually in this state the temperature is low, and a shower will only make it worse. Among water procedures, a sauna or bathhouse is no less good for a drunken person: a lot of ethanol will come out with sweat. The sauna is only relevant for those who like to drink and do not have heart problems. If there is no sauna and is not expected, you need to rely only on fresh air: perhaps half an hour in it will do a good deed for the drinker.

Method 9. Medicines

Take succinic acid. By the way, activated carbon, eubicor, or polysorb are also appropriate. A diuretic will also play a positive role. Only if it is not dangerous furosemide, of course. Diuretic herbs or rosehip infusion (diuretic and with vitamin C) are a great option. But all sorts of anti-hangovers don’t really work, and they won’t help remove the fumes. Any of those who do not breathe very smoothly when drinking alcohol must find their own way to sober up quickly. At home, for some, fruit or ascorbic acid helps, for others, only a shower, and for others, only sleep.

How long does it take to get sober?

Special calculators will help you calculate how long it will take you to sober up, taking into account the snack (or lack thereof), weight, amount of ethanol, type of drink, etc. But you can calculate this yourself. If you do this while drunk, such calculations will help you sober up: one way or another, work with your head.

So, the first thing to take into account is the fact that alcohol breaks down at approximately the same rate: one milliliter per ten kilograms of your weight and in one hour.

Thus, if you weigh an insignificant 60 kg and take 100 grams of vodka (which is 40 g of pure alcohol, by the way), all the ethanol will come out of you at 6 milliliters per hour. Thus, you will be sober for about six hours and forty minutes.

If you have a centner of weight, the alcohol will disintegrate by ten milliliters in one hour, so after four hours there will be no alcohol left in you. And in order to calculate how long it takes to sober up, determine the exact time when alcohol entered your body and its exact amount. Alcohol begins to break down literally immediately, so it is enough to divide your body weight (your own or the weight of the “victim”) by ten, and divide the amount of pure alcohol consumed by the speed of sobering up. Now we add this number of hours to the time when the binge or party began.
The date and hour of sobering determined in this way will be as accurate as possible.

  1. Even if it just seems that one of your drinking buddies alcohol poisoning– look for a doctor immediately!
  2. You cannot sober up a person whose pain sensitivity decreases in this state. This way you can put him into an alcoholic coma;
  3. You don't have to sober yourself up to drive a car. It won’t work, so call a taxi, wait for public transport (if it’s not too late) or stay overnight where you were walking.
  4. Chew coffee, in this form it also sobers up! But not the one in granules, namely grains. If you have problems with blood pressure even without ethanol, do not use this product in any way, just like tea, by the way. Your friend is mineral water without a hint of gas.
  5. There are also many ways to restore adequacy after a feast for a very short time. But all this magic will only help for about five minutes and only if 90 minutes have already passed since your last drop of ethanol. This will help, for example, massage the ears or legs (especially the feet), coffee (or tea), as well as wiping with snow or dipping in cold water. All this simply stimulates the nervous system and you cannot continue drinking after this. It’s better to drink some water and ibuprofen and go to sleep right away. Water and ibuprofen are needed to prevent painful headaches from ruining your morning. If you don’t have the opportunity to sleep, you can even take a nap in the metro or minibus on which you are traveling to the meeting point.