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The name Victor - meaning and contraindications. Origin and character of the name Victor Profession and business

Latin name (Victor) meaning “winner, victorious, triumphant.” Epithet of Jupiter and Mars.

Famous people named Victor

Victor Hugo (prominent French romantic writer)

Viktor Vasnetsov (Russian artist, master of painting on historical and folklore subjects)

Victor of Damascus ((2nd century) - early Christian saint, martyr)

Viktor Gusev (sports commentator)

Victor Dragunsky (writer)

Viktor Nekrasov (Russian writer)

Vittorio Alfieri ((1749 - 1803) count, Italian poet and classicist playwright, “father of Italian tragedy”)

Vittorio Brambilla ((1937 - 2001) Italian racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 World Championship)

Victor Goldshmidt (chemist and geologist, one of the founders of geochemistry and crystal chemistry)

Viktor Maigurov (Belarusian and Russian biathlete, Olympic champion)

Viktor Tsoi (leader and vocalist of the legendary rock band "Kino")

Viktor Korchnoi (Soviet and today Swiss chess player, international grandmaster)

Victor Hess (Austro-American physicist, Nobel Prize winner in physics 1936)

Viktor Onopko (footballer, defender and midfielder)

Victor Fleming (American film director, author of the film Gone with the Wind)

Viktor Sukhorukov (theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)

Viktor Konetsky (Soviet Russian writer, screenwriter, sea captain)

Victorin Deryabin ((1875 - 1955) physiologist and psychiatrist, student and successor of I.P. Pavlov; published a number of works devoted to the psychophysiological problem)

Viktor Avilov (theater and film actor)

Viktor Skornyakov (the first organizer of watch production in Penza)

Viktor Chernomyrdin (Soviet and Russian statesman)

Victor Borisov-Musatov (Russian painter)

Victor Pelevin (Russian writer)

Victor Astafiev (Soviet and Russian writer)

Victorin Striegel ((1514 - 1569) outstanding Protestant theologian, student of Melanchthon)

Victor celebrates his name day

January 21, January 30, February 13, March 3, March 7, March 23, March 30, April 2, April 28, May 1, May 2, June 1, July 19, September 2, September 8, September 15, September 29 , October 10, October 21, November 11, November 19, November 22, November 24, November 29, December 8, December 31.

Harmonious patronymic for the name Victor

Sometimes he has a good influence - Viktor Vladimirovich, Viktor Leonidovich, Viktor Sergeevich.

But there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Victor and character depending on the season

The winter child is stern and wayward.
The spring child is creative and capricious.
A year old child is passionate and active.
The autumn child is smart and obstinate.

Victor and character depending on date of birth

This is true for any name, not necessarily Victor:

Aries, the April child is assertive and active.
Taurus, the May child is a hard worker.
Gemini, June baby is outgoing.
Cancer, the July baby is vulnerable and sexy.
Leo, the August child is confident and creative.
Virgo, September baby is orderly.
Aquarius, the February child is willful and dreamy.

Spring and May child with any name - contains creative, hardworking and stubborn potential. A name can strengthen or weaken an innate given.

Therefore, there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Psychoacoustics named after Victor

Many parents are interested in the sound, so that the name “looks” good with the middle name. And so that the soul likes it, there is a feeling of goodness, calmness, harmony.

Melody is the first thing a name emits, but this is the tip of the iceberg.

They greet you by their clothes, but what's inside?

Name is a sound, a sign (symbol), information.
Child- a unique fusion of parental DNA, God's spark, and surrounding culture. This is a unique psychic pattern of information and energy.
World— lives according to the laws of nature, and as a rule, a specialist knows and can give results in a narrow area of ​​his professionalism.

Here comes the name Victor, once, twice, three times. Gradually, the baby becomes attached to the name and becomes mentally attuned to the entire volume of information about the name in the culture. Absorbs. Changes.

Previously, before computers, in Tradition, as mothers now turn to doctors,
fathers turned to wise people for help in choosing a name.

Knowledge of the psychoacoustics of a name brought good results and gave protection to the child!

What can the name Victor stimulate?

Materiality, love, stability, health energy, creativity, intuition, intelligence, sexuality and family, spirituality, kindness and cordiality, joy and strength.

How to give maximum evolution, truth, love through the name Victor?

Go only from the child’s individuality.

Check only through the channel of direct knowledge (meaningful spiritual intuition).

Learn only through sober experience, honest feedback.

No ideology!

Where to start checking the name Victor

Talk to the child's soul, ask the child's opinion, listen.

Make a promise to your child - to choose only a good name, only a useful one.

Listen to the child's answer. Agree with your child not to give a name with harmful psychoacoustics.

Next, try to use real (working) knowledge. After all, it was not without reason that Stalin changed his name and date of birth with the help of the legendary mystic of the 20th century - Gurdjieff.

People with power, money, famous directors, athletes, top models, actors, scientists and inventors use spiritual names and pseudonyms as a tool for developing personality and soul qualities.

Download and study the book. Sergei Mikhailovich Bobyr, one of the pillars of modern Russian spirituality, helps you choose a name that suits the psyche and character of the child.

For example, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bündchen, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Sigmund Freud, Stalin received an additional average of plus 40% of strength due to the psychoacoustics of the name.

If you ignore the individual psychoacoustics of the name, then with a 79% probability you will weaken the child’s psyche and vitality by 32% of the original power.

Ask your heart. A wise mother's heart is the best adviser!

How to choose the absolutely correct, strong and appropriate name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give your child a good name, as support in life, protection from birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be a good person. Or you even want to make your child better, more successful, more sociable and have fewer problematic situations in life.

Victorino, Vittorio, Vitur, Vihtor, Guitir, Victoras. Short form of the name Victor. Vitya, Vityasya, Vitasik, Vik, Viko, Vityakha, Vityasha, Vityosha, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vita, Vityukha, Vityusha, Visha, Vishuta, Vika, Viktorka, Torya, Tora, Viktusya. Middle names: Viktorovich, Viktorovna.

Name Victor in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 維克多 (Wéi kè duō). Japanese: ビクター (Bikutā). Korean: 빅터 (bigteo). Hindi: विक्टर (Vikṭara). Ukrainian: Viktor. Marathi: व्हिक्टर (Vhikṭara). English: Victor (Victor).

Origin of the name Victor

The name Victor means “winner” in Latin. The name Victor has related names derived from the Roman cognomen “victor” (“Victorinus”, “Victorianus”) - Victoria, Victorin, Victorina. Many of them subsequently became part of the Orthodox and Catholic calendars.

Diminutives, Vika, Tora are also independent names.

The mystery of the name Victor

Victor likes to daydream or think for a long time about any issue. He is reliable and responsible. He has many good traits that can make his family life extremely happy. Victor is leisurely, not stingy, patient and can do almost any necessary work. If Victor's wife wants to start calling the shots in the house, he will be lenient about it. True, this does not apply to those Victors who were born in winter. They are very stubborn, and in some ways even cruel.

For Victor, a sense of duty is of great importance. He can even live for a long time under the same roof with an unloved woman, if circumstances require it. If he gets divorced, he will reproach himself almost all his life for his failed family life, blaming himself for everything. Victor is pedantic, he can even create daily routines for the inhabitants of his house. He also likes to drink alcoholic beverages, which can destroy a family.

Victor can become an excellent football player, coach, electrician, motorist or even an artist.

Victor's character

Victor is unforgiving and is very upset if he finds out about the deception. For a long time he will appeal to the conscience and prudence of the offender. But he will stand up for his family and friends, preferring their interests to his own.

Victor loves work that involves something concrete and tangible. Being a salesman is not his choice. But to produce furniture, clothes, cars, build roads, houses, grow vegetables and fruits - that’s about him. Victor does not strive to be a leader; he is unlikely to be the first to suggest something new, but he will always support someone who wants to introduce innovation into production.

Victor has a highly developed sense of duty; he is a good, but demanding, strict father. At home he is an indispensable assistant, he will always help his wife, and will not forget about his mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Type. These men feel good only in their shell. All of them, like children, are afraid of difficulties. They are very attached to the hearth, just like their totem - the cricket...

Psyche. These are extroverts, receptive to everything external. Like children, trying to hide from danger in their family.

Will. They have a natural will that must be allowed to develop freely. These young people should not be given advice like: “If I were you...”

Excitability. Quite strong, they show ardor in both words and actions.

Speed reactions. They are very irritable, therefore capable of rash and unpleasant reactions. You need to stop them with a smile, making it clear that you do not take their momentary aggressiveness seriously.

Field activities. Work is a drug for them. They are very enterprising, diligent, diligent, love classical sciences, and show an ability for languages. They can successfully teach at universities and be high-ranking officials.

Intuition. They have great intuition.

Intelligence. The Victors have a synthetic mindset; they do not like to delve into small details, leaving it to others to do. Intelligent, witty, sometimes ironic, but not malicious.

Susceptibility. Very impressionable, sometimes even too impressionable. Very elegant, they love to use their charm. They have a certain femininity.

Moral. They want to be liked at any cost and easily ignore strict moral standards. Their promises are not worth a penny, since from words to deeds...

Health. Tend to be overweight. These are gourmets who are irritated by the very word “”. Predisposed to osteochondrosis.

Sexuality. Of all pleasures, delicious food is most valued; They also like to drink. Sexual life depends on feelings, they are faithful to home and family.

Activity. This is one of the main traits of their character.

Sociability. They are hospitable hosts and excellent cooks.

Conclusion. Victor is a calm man and a good father of the family.

Victor and pets

Victor can become a professional trainer, he perfectly understands the psychology of a dog, he loves to tinker not only with his pet, but also with strangers. Dogs like the cocker spaniel breed are suitable for winter and autumn Victor, and bloodhounds for summer and spring Victor.

It’s better for Victor to give his dogs nicknames: Zhanna, Jimmy, Bill, Rita, Albina, Julia, Hera, Alis, Gred.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Victor, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 96 (2nd place)
1950-1959: 53 (6th place)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Famous people named Victor

Victor Hugo (prominent French romantic writer)
Viktor Vasnetsov (Russian artist, master of painting on historical and folklore subjects)
Victor of Damascus ((2nd century) - early Christian saint, martyr)
Viktor Gusev (sports commentator)
Victor Dragunsky (writer)
Viktor Nekrasov (Russian writer)
Vittorio Alfieri ((1749 - 1803) count, Italian poet and classicist playwright, “father of Italian tragedy”)
Vittorio Brambilla ((1937 - 2001) Italian racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 World Championship)
Victor Goldshmidt (chemist and geologist, one of the founders of geochemistry and crystal chemistry)
Viktor Maigurov (Belarusian and Russian biathlete, Olympic champion)
Viktor Tsoi (leader and vocalist of the legendary rock band "Kino")
Viktor Korchnoi (Soviet and today Swiss chess player, international grandmaster)
Victor Hess (Austro-American physicist, Nobel Prize winner in physics 1936)
Viktor Onopko (footballer, defender and midfielder)
Viktor Erofeev (writer, author and host of the “Apocrypha” program on the “Culture” channel)
Victor Fleming (American film director, author of the film "Gone with the Wind")
Viktor Sukhorukov (theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
Viktor Konetsky (Soviet Russian writer, screenwriter, sea captain)
Victorin Deryabin ((1875 - 1955) physiologist and psychiatrist, student and successor of I.P. Pavlov; published a number of works devoted to the psychophysiological problem)
Viktor Avilov (theater and film actor)
Viktor Skornyakov (the first organizer of watch production in Penza)
Viktor Chernomyrdin (Soviet and Russian statesman)
Victor Borisov-Musatov (Russian painter)
Victor Pelevin (Russian writer)
Victor Astafiev (Soviet and Russian writer)
Victorin Striegel ((1514 - 1569) outstanding Protestant theologian, student of Melanchthon)

Famous names bearers

Victor of Damascus - martyr; Victor Gruzinsky - martyr; Victor Rimsky - martyr; Victor Aurelius - 4th century Roman historian; Victor Emmanuel - king of the Sardinian kingdom; Victor Emmanuel - the last Italian king; Victor Jacqulard - leader of the Paris Commune; Victor Cousin - French idealist philosopher, politician; Victor Franz Hess - Austrian physicist; Viktor Vinogradov - linguist, literary critic, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Viktor Rozov - playwright; Victor Astafiev - writer; Viktor Vasnetsov - Russian painter; Viktor Talalikhin - test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union; Viktor Sjoström is a Swedish film actor and director.

Victor celebrates Orthodox name day

January 21, January 30, February 13, March 3, March 7, March 23, March 30, April 2, April 28, May 1, May 2, June 1, September 2, September 8, September 15, September 24, September 29 , October 10, October 21, November 11, November 22, November 24, November 27, November 29, December 8, December 31, .

The mystery of the name

Victor- winner (Latin).
"Ave, Victor!" - "Long live the winner!" The ancient Romans greeted their generals with such exclamations on days of triumph.
Currently, the popularity of the name is gradually declining.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Uranus.
Name color: green.
Talisman stone: selenite.
Auspicious plant: birch, white carnation.
Patron name: horse.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: charm, high intelligence.


Victor Korinfsky, martyr, February 13 (January 31), March 23 (10). Victor the warrior, among others, suffered for the faith of Christ under the emperor Detius in 251 in Corinth. Victor of Mesukevia, Georgian, martyr, April 28 (15).
Victor Nikomedia, martyr, May 1 (April 18).
Victor (Fotin) Rimsky, martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Victor of Khalkedon, martyr, September 29 (16).
Victor Damassky, martyr, November 24 (11). Victor the warrior suffered for the faith of Christ - after much torture he was beheaded in the 2nd century. Seeing his suffering, the holy martyr Stefanida believed in Christ and suffered for him.


If on Victor's Day, February 13, the day is foggy, the flax will be long and fibrous: the yarn will be good.


As a child, Vitya was a trusting and kind boy, inventive with pranks. There are many ideas and fantasies in his head. It is necessary to help him build them in accordance with logical laws, otherwise with age he will become an eccentric person with many ideas, none of which will ever come true.

Adult Victor also focuses on his ideas, but is afraid of the difficulties of implementing them. He is capable of becoming serious and attentive, but he quickly relaxes and can do stupid things.

Shows ardor in words and actions. He worries greatly about his failures and becomes irritable. However, he is able to start the business again, even after the strongest blows of fate. A deeply hidden sense of superiority helps him in this.

For Victor, the main thing is to find his own business, preferably one that is unpopular and rare. He becomes a great specialist in it. Victor can be an official, a book editor, a mathematician, an electrician, or teach at a university.

Victor's intelligence is high, he is witty, ironic, but without malice. Victor is very elegant and loves to use his charm. A favorite of women, he rarely misses an opportunity for an affair. Victor easily disregards strict moral rules. In his imagination, he creates an ideal image of a woman, is disappointed, again inspired, looks for another and soon finds.

Victor may have more than one marriage, but he loves his children and does not forget about them, having another family.

Victor has a penchant for drinking. Living married to him is not at all easy, although he cares about the material well-being of the family, is not stingy, loves his wife and is tolerant of her dissatisfaction or commanding tone. Victor has the happiest marriage with Valentina, Galina, Zoya, Inna, Clara, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Nina, Olga.

Surname: Viktorovich, Viktorovna.


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926) - artist of Russian antiquity, creator of works based on Russian epics and fairy tales. Everyone knows his tender barefoot “Alyonushka”, saddened on the shore of a forest lake, “Ivan the Tsarevich”, racing astride a shaggy wolf through the forest thicket with the beautiful Elena clinging to his chest, “Flying Carpet”, “Kashchei the Immortal” and many others fairy tales His contact with them was not accidental. It was in them that the people invested their dreams of happiness, goodness and beauty, courage and valor. And in Vasnetsov’s paintings there is the same interweaving of fiction and reality, fantastic and truly historical elements, naivety and wisdom, which gives extraordinary charm to works of folk art.

Inspired by “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” Viktor Vasnetsov painted his first large historical painting, “After the Battle of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsians” (1880), embodying through painting the same truth and beauty of patriotic feat that is captured in the immortal lines of heroic legend. Severe and courageous sorrow and epic grandeur emanate from this canvas, glorifying the military deeds of the defenders of their native land. An episode of the centuries-old struggle of our distant ancestors against the predatory raids of steppe nomads formed the basis of the painting “The Battle of the Slavs with the Scythians” (1881). The folk epic suggested to the artist the image of “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1882), which combines epic fabulousness with historicity. This image foreshadows his famous “Bogatyrs” - the fruit of the artist’s many years of work: he worked on the painting during 1881-1898.

For the figurative embodiment of his favorite heroes, V. Vasnetsov was able to find such artistic solutions that undoubtedly made him exactly the same as the artist depicted “Ilya of Muromets” “from under the glorious city from near Murom”, and “the son of the rich guest of Ryazansky” Dobrynya Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich, “from Krasnaya Gorod, from Rostov.” In each of the heroes, the artist managed to embody the best features of Russian character, Russian strength and valor.

The majestic calm that comes from the heroes’ awareness of their rightness and strength saturates the picture. The horses under the mighty riders match the riders - powerful, fearless, boldly and vigilantly looking from the canvas.

Very good - in complete and harmonious combination with. figures of heroes - the landscape of the picture, immensely spacious, with heavy clouds swirling in the sky, all as if saturated with the wind, bending the grass and fluttering the wild manes of the horses.

The heroes stand as a mighty, unshakable outpost, eternally guarding their native land.

The smallest clothes of the heroes, their weapons, and the decoration of their horses, painted with utmost care and authenticity, are subordinated to the general idea of ​​the work and reinforce the impression of the complete life and historical truthfulness of this canvas.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wrote: “I have always been convinced that in genre and historical paintings, statues... in a fairy tale, song, epic, drama, the entire appearance of the people, internal and external, with the past, present and maybe the future is reflected. Only a sick and bad person does not remember and does not appreciate his childhood and youth. The people who do not remember, do not appreciate and do not love their history are bad.”

The male name Victor means “winner” in Latin. In Roman mythology, this was the name of the supreme god Jupiter and the god of war Mars.

Victor's name day

The name Victor is revered in Orthodoxy. History knows several martyrs and saints who suffered at different times for the true faith - Victor of Damascus, Victor of Thracia, Victor of Nicomedia, Victor of Corinth.

The name day of the young man or man Victor falls on the following dates: February 13, May 1, September 2 and November 24. The one that is closest to the real birthday will be the day of Victor’s guardian angel.

Various forms of name

A short version of the name Victor is Vitya. In addition, a man is called Viktya, Vika, Vitek, Vitasya or Vityunya.

The affectionate nicknames Vitenka, Vityunchik, Vityusha, Viteka, Viktunya, Vityanyushka, Viktunchik are suitable for a child. Foreign forms of the name Victor, used in European countries, can be used as diminutives.

English Victor, Vic
German Vic, Vico, Vicco
French Victor
Portuguese Vitor, Vitoriu
Italian Vittorio, Vittore
Romanian Vika
Greek Victoras
Ukrainian Victor, Vityus, Vitko
Belorussian Viktar, Viktus
Polish Viktusch, Vitusch, Victoriusz
Czech Viktorek
Bulgarian Victor, Vico, Vicky
Finnish Vihtori, Vihtoori

From the name Victor the patronymics Viktorovich and Viktorovna are formed. The female equivalent of the name is Victoria or Quiz.

Famous namesakes

Among the famous holders of the name Victor there are people of various professions. Our list includes the most talented and famous.

  1. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926) – Russian folklore artist.
  2. Victor (Velimir) Vladimirovich Khlebnikov (1885-1922) - Russian poet, representative of avant-garde art.
  3. Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi (1931-2016) – Soviet and Swiss grandmaster.
  4. Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001) is an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer.
  5. Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (1938-2010) - Soviet and Russian statesman.
  6. Viktor Vasilyevich Tikhonov (1930-2014) - an outstanding Soviet hockey player and hockey coach.
  7. Viktor Ivanovich Merezhko (born 1937) – Soviet and Russian playwright, director, screenwriter.
  8. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972) - Russian Soviet children's writer.
  9. Viktor Fedorovich Stepanov (1947-2005) - Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actor.
  10. Viktor Robertovich Tsoi (1962-1990) - Soviet rock musician, founder of the Kino group.

Many famous artists bear the name Victor - Korshunov, Pavlov, Baikov, Sukhorukov, Avilov, Andrienko, Rakov, Krivonos and others.

Character and destiny

The owner of this name is a strong-willed and courageous man.

He craves universal recognition, so he will always do things that will allow him to stand out from the crowd. The secret of the name Victor lies in good nature and the ability to empathize with the grief of others, as well as in unparalleled selflessness: Vitya is able to give his last to help those in need.


Vityusha is a mischievous, restless and cheerful child. He loves active games and enjoys kicking the ball around with other boys. He is very inquisitive and literally absorbs various information received from adults or read in books.

At school, Vityusha studies well, he is especially attracted to mathematics and other exact disciplines, and the boy solves problems involving intelligence and logic literally in a matter of minutes.

Vitya is talented, he draws well, writes poetry and even tries himself in amateur theater, and he can not only perform roles, but also be a screenwriter and director.

The boy has many friends who are attracted by Vityusha’s prudence: he always knows how to listen and give the necessary advice. In addition, the boy has an innate sense of justice and without hesitation takes the side of the “humiliated and insulted,” trying to help and protect.


The owner of the name Victor can connect his life with art, becoming an artist, musician or painter. A passion for writing and an indefatigable imagination will make him a good journalist, writer or screenwriter.

An analytical mind and logical thinking will help you master the professions of an economist, engineer, auditor or accountant. The eloquence that our hero fully possesses will come in handy if he chooses a teaching career.

Purposefulness, hard work, responsibility, discipline - these are the main qualities thanks to which a man will always be in demand as an employee. And his leadership abilities, ability to organize and rally people will allow him to take the chair of a leader in a short period of time.

For our hero, it is important not only the high material reward that he receives for his work, but also the moral side - recognition of him as the best specialist, the attention and respect of others. All Victor’s character traits contribute to opening his own business, which will undoubtedly be prosperous and bring success.

The owner of the name Victor is a bit of a poser; for the sake of praise and recognition, he is able to perform actions “in public” and look forward to “applause.” If they don’t follow, the man gets upset and withdraws into himself.

Love and family

In the fate of our hero, not only work, but also family plays an important role. Understanding this, Vitya very carefully approaches the choice of a life partner. He needs a caring, calm and good-natured woman who will not pretend to be the head of the family. In addition, she should not only be imbued with all the affairs of her husband, but also express her admiration for his intelligence, insight, hard work and other virtues.

If such a lady is found, then Vitya will become a wonderful family man, a loving husband and a caring father. He will never allow himself to go “to the left” and will spend all his free time with his household.

Our hero has skillful hands, so he does many things for his home himself. Vitya happily helps his wife with housework, goes shopping, repairs equipment, etc.

The man loves children very much, but does not spoil them and raises them strictly. He himself draws up a daily routine for them and monitors its implementation. Vitya tries to ensure that his kids receive the best education, so he always enrolls them in prestigious educational institutions.

Name compatibility

The owner of this name is a temperamental and sensual man and assigns a significant role to intimate relationships in family life. It is very important for him that his wife’s sexual preferences coincide with his own, otherwise the marriage may not last long. To prevent this, our hero will turn to name compatibility tables.

With the woman he loves, Victor will always be gentle, gallant and generous. He knows how to guess her wishes and always fulfills them.

Health and hobbies

Victor is used to devoting himself entirely to what he loves, so he often spends weekends and holidays at work.. This pace of life cannot but affect his health - problems with the heart, nervous system, and blood vessels appear.

In addition, in his youth, a man does not adhere to a healthy diet, for which he pays with liver and stomach diseases. The owner of this name definitely needs to reconsider his lifestyle and make adjustments to it.

Our hero prefers active recreation. Therefore, he goes on vacation with friends to the mountains or goes boating down the river. Having become a family man, Vitya involves his wife and children in his hobbies.

Basic character traits

By nature, Victor is an optimist and almost never loses his presence of mind. Even failures cannot incapacitate him for long; he quickly recovers his strength and rushes to conquer a new peak. The remaining qualities of our hero can be found in the table.

The above characteristics allow us to conclude that a man named Victor is an example of a successful person. Whatever business he undertakes, success will invariably await him. And how could it be otherwise? After all, he is Victor, which means he is a winner!


The name Victor is Latin in origin, although it is at odds with the fact that it is popular only in Russian-speaking countries. Is an epithet of the Roman Gods such as Mars and Jupiter. Translated it means “winner”. Although there are other equally interesting versions...

The male name Victor is in great demand today in Russian-speaking countries. It has good significance, has excellent symbolism and endows the person named with important characteristics, including masculinity, intelligence, and sincerity...

Conversational options: Vitya, Vityasya, Vitasik

Modern English analogues: Victorin, Victorino, Vittorio

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Victor promises its bearers a fairly extensive list of qualities. Usually Victor is a thoughtful, independent, freedom-loving, stubborn person, with high self-esteem, a sea of ​​prejudices, principles and his own moral values. But there is one “but” - it is very difficult to argue with Victor, because he never backs down and always defends his own points of view to the last. On the other hand, the bearers of this name have one big plus - they always listen to their opponents, even if the opponent’s point of view is unacceptable.

As for communication and life goals, it’s hard to say. We can only note that Victor will try to communicate on equal terms with all the people from his environment, without belittling anyone’s merits, but also not allowing his own to be belittled. In general, Victor is a good person, but not without his shortcomings. True, the list of these shortcomings primarily depends on upbringing.

Advantages and positive features: independent, always defends his points of view to the last, never backs down, tries to achieve all his goals and never sits idle. Victors, without exception, tend to achieve great success in terms of their careers.

Victor treats him badly people who are afraid of their own shortcomings and those who will never admit their own mistakes. Victor will also avoid communicating with secretive and overly reserved people.

The name Victor is popular not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, and in Belarus, and in general throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

Character of the name Victor

The character of the name Victor is such that it rewards the bearer of this name, a boy, with a bunch of useful and important characteristics. Victor, thanks to the energy of this name form, is by nature kind, generous, fair, good-natured, respectable, cheerful, non-conflict, devoted and honest, true to principles and never commits rash acts. True, naturally, the character of the bearer of this name is also rewarded with shortcomings, among which the main ones are gullibility and naivety - his character will not allow him not to trust people, Victor always hopes for the best and tries to see only goodness in everyone, but this only leads to disappointment . But you should not think that such a person cannot have real friends - on the contrary, his character is such that he attracts many good people, who later become friends and faithful comrades. True, not everyone can be called such by Victor - his character is endowed with such an important quality as demandingness, which means he has inflated demands on potential friends, which not every person on the planet can meet.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the character of a man named Victor may differ in many ways from what was described above, because it depends on a bunch of different factors. Thus, character can change depending on the influence of the zodiac sign, depending on parental upbringing and many, many other factors...

Early childhood

At an early age, he will develop such an important trait as discipline, thanks to which he will achieve success not only in any chosen activity (sports or other section), but also in school. But this is only one of his characteristics in early childhood. In addition, a boy whose parents decided to choose the male name Victor in childhood will be rewarded with a bunch of other qualities, moreover, many of which conflict with each other. Among the huge list of promised characteristics there are such as restlessness, disobedience, spoiling, noisiness, activity and energy, intelligence, ingenuity, ideologicalness, and imagination. And the meaning of a boy with the name Victor can reward him with incredible imagination, which in turn will ultimately affect all factors without exception - it will help him in his studies (in the future), and in his professional activities, and even in the process of making friends. Curiosity is another equally important trait of the boy who received the name Victor - he is always thirsty for something new, always looking for adventure, trying to learn as much as possible and always delve into new topics with pleasure, even the most complex ones. In general, parents are in for a long time of asking “What?” yes "Why?" ...


The character of the teenage Vitya is also very complex, but on the whole, it paints an interesting picture. The personality of this growing boy will change, but no matter how it changes, he will forever remain responsible and disciplined, eager to advance in any business, develop and improve his existing skills. He does not depend on praise or flattery, does not crave compliments, does not dream of castles in the air - he lives his own life, is firmly confident in his actions and always, despite obstacles, achieves his goals. But it is worth noting that discipline, responsibility, commitment, diligence, determination, self-confidence and self-sufficiency will not come to him right away. The meaning of the name Victor, of course, bestows them on every boy named in this way, but not immediately - all this can come to one only in high school, while another can become so immediately after entering school as such. But one thing cannot change even the meaning of the name - Victor, be that as it may, will always remain devoted to his own principles, fair, honest, reliable, faithful, kind and respectable, which is a rarity in our time. The meaning endows him with incredible devotion to his loved ones and relatives - Victor will never leave a friend in trouble, will not refuse help to the person who asked for it, and will not take advantage of a person’s weaknesses in order to obtain his own benefit. Such is Victor, and such a character promises him the meaning of this name...

Grown man

An adult representative of this name is absolutely ideal in all respects - friendly, open, ready to make acquaintances and easily accepts new people into his social circle. His only drawback is his gullibility and inability to understand people. He often finds himself betrayed by loved ones and deceived. But this does not drive him into depression and does not force him to “give up” - he is firm and persistent in his actions and decisions. However, it is worth noting that Victor does not learn from his own mistakes - he will never lose that gullibility that sometimes causes him pain, and will hope that the next friend he makes will be real, loyal and honest. The meaning endows an adult man with the name Victor with an incredible desire for the better; he will always dream of change, of a true friend, of success and peace in the world, and will never give up in this matter. By nature, Victor, who has reached maturity, is a man with an incredibly kind, sympathetic, friendly, cheerful, respectable character. The meaning of the name Victor as well. The very essence of the so-named boy will never, even in adulthood, allow him to act badly towards any of the people, and it does not matter who we are talking about, a friend, comrade, relative, or even a stranger. Moreover, a man named this way has one even more unique quality - despite all the insults and betrayals, he is ready to forgive everyone literally immediately after committing a bad deed, and this, whatever one may say, deserves respect.

Interaction of the character Victor with the seasons

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the spring months, and named Victor, is purposeful and hardworking, has incredible willpower, does not give in to difficulties and always achieves his goal. Emotional and active, active, cannot go a day without moving. He is sociable and ready to endlessly expand his already broad horizons.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season endows the boy named in this way with an independent, self-centered, lonely character. He is not confident in himself, often makes mistakes in people and does not like to flaunt his feelings and emotions. He is erudite and sociable, but tries to stay in the shadows so that no one pays attention to him. But he appreciates those who praise him and shower him with compliments.

Autumn - the origin of the name form and the characteristics of the autumn season together give the future Vita-man an extraordinary, simple, cheerful disposition and simply excellent features. He is ready to communicate, cannot stand loneliness, and values ​​friendship. He is popular with the fairer sex; he is crazy about his sense of humor and perseverance. Loves fun and entertainment, lives for the positive.

Winter - a winter child will eventually grow up to be an emotional, sophisticated, sociable person, an ideal interlocutor who knows how to listen and delve into any topic. It’s easy to carry on a conversation with someone like that, but you shouldn’t count on openness - he’s closed and timid, afraid of betrayal. A seeker of adventures and impressions, he cannot live a day without new emotions and outbursts of mood.

Fate named Victor

The fate of a name is one of the most difficult, but at the same time one of the most interesting parameters. Even today, many researchers devote a lot of their time to its study. Well, the fate of the name Victor is no exception - it is also unpredictable, mysterious, but also interesting and attracts the attention of specialists, thanks to which we actually managed to find out several interesting points...

The very first moment indicates that fate can lead young Victor through a bunch of breakups, and in most cases, not according to his wishes. The fact is that his fate involves him becoming a serious, responsible, obligatory, but very boring man, which in turn does not attract all women. Most often, the chosen ones of a man named Victor become bored with him, and they leave him. But this will not happen for long.

In the end, fate will lead Victor to that very soulmate who will appreciate all his seriousness. Fate assumes Vitya’s eventual becoming a full-fledged family man, an exemplary father and a faithful and devoted spouse. He can turn out to be an ideal family man in all respects, without exception, and moreover, the woman whom he eventually envelops with his attention will never be able to leave him - although she will have to fight for her love, because fate may ultimately turn Victor into a womanizer , and this is already a huge minus, whatever one may say...

Love and marriage

It is difficult to say how Victor’s personal life will turn out, and even more so, what kind of husband he will be. But one thing can be said with one hundred percent certainty - Victor will respect not only his official wife, but also all the women with whom he has relationships. These are, for the most part, charming seducers. They tend to give women pleasure, tenderness, care, love and affection. Victor will do everything to leave only good memories of himself in his woman’s memory.

He most likely marries only in deep maturity. Usually, people with this name are in no hurry to get married and try to remain single for as long as possible. And all because they value their independence and freedom too much. But later, in deep maturity, when the first true love comes to his heart, Victor will sacrifice both independence and freedom. Then he will turn from an ordinary seducer-womanizer into a good husband and an exemplary family man.

He will treat his wife with the utmost respect. It is impossible to say for sure whether he will be faithful to her, but he will definitely respect her. At the same time, he will do everything possible to make his wife a real queen - it is important for him that people around him envy him. But a beautiful wife is just a good reason to make people feel envious.

Victor as Father

All bearers of this name, which is of Latin origin, are characterized by such a trait as exorbitant love for their own offspring. This is why most Victors become good fathers. True, there is one big “but” - it will not be easy to persuade Victor to think about conceiving his first child. He loves his freedom too much to voluntarily lose it by having children. But if he becomes a father, he will immediately change. And in general, everything will change without exception: his perception of fatherhood as such, his views on life and even behavior.

Victor will surround his children with maximum love, care and tenderness. He will devote every day to his children, every minute of his time, all his strength. Is it true. There is also a limit - the mother will have to raise children exclusively. He will take on the children's leisure rather than upbringing. But with such a dad, the children will never be bored, and this is already a big plus.

Victor will treat all children equally, without exception, both the first child and the second, both the boy and the girl. But the greatest hopes will, in theory, be placed on the boy, because he is the heir, and most importantly, a living chance to correct the mistakes of the past.

Horoscope named after Victor


Aries - a guy named Victor, born under the auspices of Aries, is a real winner in life, purposeful, hardworking and persistent. He is surrounded by enemies and envious people, but he always achieves his goal and does not stop in the face of difficulties. An idealist, he sees only the good in everyone.


Taurus - this zodiac sign and the name Victor together endow the boy with activity, activity, effectiveness, a huge number of different goals, but also a weak spirit. He often gives up without achieving his goals and often sets unattainable goals. Changeable and fickle, depends on mood.


Gemini - and this teenager has been overly cheerful and active since childhood. His life is a continuous holiday, for him there are no serious or important things to do, he lives for the sake of entertainment and positivity. Girls love him, but you shouldn’t count on a serious relationship with someone like that. He is amorous and constantly changes his stumbling goals.


Cancer is the zodiac sign of a suspicious, fearful, cowardly, doubting representative of everything named Victor. He is afraid of betrayal and deception, which is why he has few friends. Has difficulty making acquaintances and avoids the general public. It is difficult to come to terms with him and his isolation.


Leo - the meaning of this zodiac gives the man named by this name prudence, intelligence, erudition, sociability and developed intuition. But the beauty is that he never shows off his dignity and tries to stay in the shadows. A leader, but secretive and quiet.


Virgo is already an independent and responsible person, gifted with hard work and a thirst for knowledge. He is compatible with strong and persistent girls, but not everyone can please him - he is too demanding, especially of his companion, he demands what he himself does not give.


Libra - the origin of the name Victor and the characteristics of this zodiac are bestowed with such properties as romance, gallantry, politeness, tact and delicacy. An amazingly pleasant companion, a remarkable friend, an amazing lover. He has many novels, but he is looking for pure love and understanding.


Scorpio is selfish by nature, fierce, strong, aggressive and self-sufficient. He is overly narcissistic and cannot stand criticism, does not allow himself to be made fun of, and often gets into conflicts. The owner of a complex character, but as a man, he is ideal - persistent, obligatory, keeps his word.


Sagittarius is a lively, cheerful, positive optimist, the soul of any company, the ringleader of what to look for, a merry fellow. Weak to the female sex, has many stormy and short-term romances, and is not created for seriousness in love. Until a late age, he is afraid to part with freedom and independence.


Capricorn often turns out to be a lonely and distrustful person who does not recognize his own shortcomings and suffers from a lack of attention. He is always in search of pure love, dreams of creating a family and children, but does not dare to take the first step. Closed and boring.


Aquarius - and this is already the bearer of the name Victor, who is impressionable, sociable, eloquent and diversified. An adventurer and traveler, looking for experiences and trying not to sit still. Frivolous and often makes rash decisions. Superficially evaluates people.


Pisces are emotional and sensitive, a pleasant conversationalist, a good friend, ready to support in any situation. He knows how to listen and understand, but does not like to open up to others. Secretive, slightly reserved, keeps in the shadow of leaders and hates traitors and liars.

Compatibility with female names

The question of the compatibility of the name Victor with names for girls has also been studied by world researchers for a long time, but today it has several interesting answers. In particular. It was found out that...

The best connection is formed in relationships with women named Galina, Larisa, Dina, Renata, Iya.

For marriage and creating a family, such variations as Alevtina, Lilia, Lolita, Sofia, Elina, Elvira, Clara, Lada, Capitolina, Camilla would be ideal.