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Where is Andrey Gubin at the moment? Andrey Gubin - interrupted career. — Black all the time? Why

Andrey Gubin is the most charming and sweet-voiced singer of the 90s. He began writing his own songs at the age of 16, while studying at Lyceum No. 5 in the city of Ufa.

While still in high school, Andrei decided to go to the Gnessin Music School. Before enrolling, he was already actively composing his own songs. But it so happened that the young talent studied at the school for only a couple of years.

At that time, he did not have a contract with a producer or connections in the music world. Andrey’s stepfather, Viktor Gubin, helped him make his way to the star Olympus; he raised his stepson as his own son; all the family’s money went towards the young man’s musical career.

The first public speaking took place in the program “Under 16 and older”. Soon after this, Gubin wrote several songs and was introduced to Leonid Agutin, who arranged Andrei’s song “Tramp Boy.”

After the song “Tramp Boy” was played on radio stations and television channels, Andrei Gubin woke up famous.

Some time later, a fateful meeting took place in the life of the young star with a girl whom he fell in love with and about whom he later wrote the song “Liza”. Their relationship, unfortunately, was short-lived.

Then Gubin took part in “Song of the Year,” where he met composer and producer Igor Krutoy. Thanks to this, a new stage began in the boy’s life, full of increasing popularity and numerous performances.

Some more time passed, and the singer’s new hit was born - “Winter, Cold”. It was after this song that Andrei Gubin found himself at the peak of popularity with full concert halls and all kinds of competitive awards.

Popularity gave Andrei Gubin exactly what he dreamed of - abundant female attention. From a modest, insecure boy, he turned into a real heartthrob - the guy had many short-term romances, although he always loved only Lisa.

Everything was fine, but unexpectedly for everyone the singer disappeared from the stage. Various rumors appeared about this - some believed that he was a drunkard, some attributed drug abuse to the star, and some said that Andrei simply could not write a single hit. Gubin himself did not react in any way to such publications.

In fact, all these years the singer has been actively fighting a terrible disease that fell on him instantly and took away the most important thing - his face. Due to a terrible illness, he does not go on stage, does not sing his songs himself, and, even more so, does not allow anyone to cover them.

Gubin has a very sore throat and face. It is difficult for him to speak and sing, and every smile causes unbearable pain.

The artist’s diagnosis is left-sided prosopalgia. This is a disease nervous system, in which every movement of the facial muscles seems to pierce him with an electric current.

The pain in his face began 10 years ago, but Andrei did not give it any importance and turned to doctors only when the process became irreversible. He has been to all neurological clinics in Russia, traveled to Germany and Israel, but the best doctors just shrug their shoulders. Doctors are confident that the disease appeared due to an unhealthy lifestyle - poor sleep, frequent flights and alcohol had a detrimental effect on the artist’s well-being.

Over time, Gubin came to terms with the disease. For several years now he has been living completely alone, without family, children and his girlfriend, he rarely receives friends and even spends holidays alone.

His best friend what remains is the music. Today Gubin continues to write songs and lives modestly on royalties, as well as on funds left over from old life, in his small apartment in Moscow.

Andrei Gubin bought the apartment in which he lives twelve years ago for his mother and father, and after their death he moved into this apartment himself. The artist admits that he used to spend millions of rubles on clubs, girls, expensive cars and luxury alcohol. Now everything he needs for happiness fits into his small apartment - a faithful friend, a guitar, and a breadwinner synthesizer.

His parents passed away one after another - his father, in 2009, from cancer, and his mother, in 2012, from heart attack. And now all his relatives are his younger sister Nastya and his paternal grandmother from Ufa, Valentina Gubina.

Gubin had a hard time with the loss of his beloved parents and spent six months in a psychiatric clinic with severe depression.

Andrey does not rule out the possibility of appearing on the big stage again. Today his songs, performed for the first time many years ago, are popular again. They are heard on music radio stations and are still liked by millions of listeners.

41-year-old Andrei Gubin admitted that he spent 40 thousand dollars on visits to doctors, but they could not give him an accurate diagnosis. The artist spent a whole year at home reading books, and then realized that physical activity will help him get back to normal faster. Then he started riding his bike a lot. In the end, in order to change the situation, Gubin decided to move from Russia to Egypt, but did not take root there. This is how he describes this period of his life:

I left there three years ago because I was tired of noisy Moscow and decided to go to the mountains like a spook. I rented a house with three swimming pools and a large fenced area for $150 a month so that they wouldn’t bother me. Started making repairs. At first I wanted to bring builders from Russia. Egyptians, when they see a tourist, immediately start charging double the price. I decided: to hell with you, I’ll do everything myself. I thought it would take three days, but it turned out to be two months. I repainted all the walls in incredibly beautiful colors - a red bedroom with a green bed, a large white living room, a kitchen, a bathroom with a shower that I did myself, a blue gym with a green ceiling. But I didn’t fit in there... Nearby there is a mosque where prayers are sung five times a day. I wanted to write music and couldn’t listen when the notes were missed. I dreamed of building a camp site and playing the piano, but to hell with it! They didn't give it! Eventually my ears curled up and I moved out.

Now the once crazy popular artist lives in his Moscow apartment. Due to back problems, he spends all his time in the gym, developing his muscles. Since Andrei Gubin does not work in other areas and is not particularly involved in music, he lives on money earned during the times of his popularity and on royalties:

I worked for ten years. Then what you earn is enough. Thanks to our radio stations for the copyright. I can live just fine on $250 a month. There is enough to eat, enough for the gym. I don’t spend on entertainment. I’m lonely, I don’t communicate with anyone, because I’m shy, I’m afraid to bother someone. Reverse side I don’t like it when people bother me. I walk in Sokolniki Park and ride a bicycle to Gorky Park. They recognize me.

In a frank conversation, the artist shared why he doesn’t get along with women and at 41 years old, Gubin is still a bachelor:

I have no relationships with women, although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I make contact with girls all the time, both in life and on social networks, but they always dump me. Once, in order to reduce the time for the dating process, I left an advertisement: “Ready to become a sponsor. Andrey.” And you know, not a single answer. On the one hand, this made me happy. This means that women are not yet so corrupt.

Health problems also left their mark on Andrei Gubin’s ideal image of a woman. “Stardom” will not become an obstacle to family happiness if the other half meets certain requirements of the artist:

“Girls like these are like stars”... In the early 2000s, this song was played on every radio station, and not only teenage girls, but also older fans dreamed about its performer. In the near future, Andrei Gubin disappeared from the scene. The fact is that due to health problems, the artist was no longer able to conduct such active concert activities. Does Andrei Gubin (see photo) have a legal wife? What is he doing now? Has his personal life undergone any changes in 2017? Read our article.

Andrey Gubin is one of the most famous womanizers in Russian show business. He was credited with having affairs with both work colleagues and fans. Repeatedly, the singer himself admitted that he had intimate relationships with girls who liked his work.

His first true love is the girl Lisa, whom the man met in the Moscow metro. Andrei Gubin even thought about proposing to his beloved. When the young people began to live together, Andrei was 19 years old, and Lisa was 17 years old. By the way, Andrei Gubin dedicated the song “Liza” to this girl. The artist's first studio album was also written thanks to this girl.

Having started life together, the young people realized that they could not withstand Andrei’s busy schedule. The performer was constantly traveling on business trips. Lisa often had to be home alone. This situation did not suit the girl. After some time, the lovers separated. It is known that Lisa subsequently moved to another country, where she got married.

Subsequent novels

As it turned out, Andrei Gubin’s personal life (see photo) did not stop with Lisa. There were other girls behind her. Unfortunately, none of them became his wife. Who would have thought that in 2017 this handsome man would be left alone. But this is now. What happened before?

Another great love in Andrey’s life is the lead singer of the “Caramel” group, Lyusya Kobevko. The singer called the girl his muse. It was to her that he dedicated his second studio album. Andrey repeatedly mentioned that this relationship was very unusual. The lovers did not understand whether they really wanted to spend their whole lives with each other, or whether their feelings were just a game of hormones.

By the way, Andrei’s second love was a ballet dancer. For some time, the singer even performed with Lyusya.

It is known that the young people lived together for about 1.5 years. Their marriage was not officially registered. Andrei Gubin prefers not to talk about the reason for the breakup with his former lover.

It is worth recalling that Andrei Gubin was for some time the sound producer of the Caramel duet. The performer wrote several songs for “Caramel”. Among them: “Shuba-Duba”, “Pum-Pum”.

In 2006, information appeared that Andrei Gubin was having an affair with Yulia Beretta. At that time, the singer was actively producing Julia. Subsequently ex-lovers denied their romance, claiming that they were connected exclusively by a working relationship.

What is known about Andrei Gubin’s marital status today?

It is known that the once popular Russian performer Andrei Gubin (see photo) has no personal life as such. Now the man has neither a wife nor a girlfriend. At least the singer did not officially introduce any of his possible girlfriends to the public. In an interview with the press, the man repeatedly mentioned that he had never met “that one” girl whom he would like to take to the registry office. Fans of the performer hope that the love of his life is still waiting for Andrey somewhere.

On the set of the program “Let Them Talk”

In 2017, interesting details of Andrei Gubin’s tumultuous youth came to light. According to preliminary data, it is known that the singer has an illegitimate son.

Latest news about Andrei Gubin's illegitimate son

At the end of September this year, very interesting information surfaced on the Internet. It turns out that Andrei Gubin is not alone at all. He has an illegitimate son. True, the father was not very welcoming towards the guy. He refused to acknowledge the fact of paternity and suggested that the named relative go to court.

The singer met " illegitimate son" on the air of the show "The Stars Aligned". The guy's name is Maxim Kvasnyuk. He is 21 years old. The young man loves his “father’s” songs and does not deny himself the pleasure of performing them. Maxim is also interested in new products in the field of music and loves to ride a bicycle.

Initially, Andrei was ready to challenge paternity in court. He subsequently abandoned this idea. The singer recalled that in his youth his personal life was more eventful compared to 2017. Although he did not have time to acquire a wife, it is quite possible for him to have a child.

Andrey Gubin clarified that he has always cared about contraception. However, he does not exclude the possibility of having a son. And the guy who is now standing in front of him may turn out to be his close relative.

Despite the emergence of even a theoretical possibility of having an adult son, Andrei was clearly not happy with the “offspring”. It seemed to the singer that Maxim wanted to “promote himself” at the expense of his name. In fact, there is no kinship between men and there cannot be.

How did the “relationship” between the newly-made father and son develop further?

In the “Secret to a Million” program, Andrei was offered to take a paternity test in order to close the story with his named son once and for all. The singer asked that you not invite Maxim to the studio. Based on the results of a DNA test, it became known that Maxim Kvasnyuk is not the son of Andrei Gubin.

On the set of the program “Live”

It seemed to those present in the studio that the man breathed a sigh of relief. Despite the fact that the man is completely alone (not counting family members), apparently Andrei was not ready to have offspring so quickly.

What is Andrey Gubin doing now?

After leaving the big stage, Andrei very rarely began to appear on television. Until 2017 last time he was filming somewhere in 2012. In the “Let Them Talk” program, the performer told the success story of his ascension to the musical Olympus and answered questions from those present about why he no longer sings on stage.

In 2017, Andrei Gubin was invited to take part in the filming of three programs at once: “Live”, “The Stars Aligned” and “Secret for a Million”. The shows are aired on the country's leading channels.

It is unknown in what other programs in the future fans of Andrei Gubin will be able to see their idol on television. It is possible that the singer was repeatedly invited to filming, but simply because of poor health he refused such offers.

From unverified sources it became known that Andrei Gubin now lives alone. The man travels a lot and rides a bicycle. The singer also really likes to walk in parks. Andrey says that he can afford not to work.

He spends his earnings from previous fees. To feel comfortable, Andrei needs little, so he can live comfortably for another 10 years for sure.

Follow the personal life of Andrey Gubin (see photo from 2017) with us. We will be the first to know that he has a wife. Now the performer is looking for a lifelong friend.

The star of the 90s, the author of hits that millions danced to, Andrei Gubin became a recluse. The singer is not interested social life, his appearance in a television studio becomes an event. But fans remember and hope, if not for the return of their favorite to the stage, then at least for new hits, just as catchy, naive and pure in their own way.

Childhood and youth

Andrey Klementyev, better known as Andrey Gubin, was born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. The boy grew up in an intelligent Soviet family: his stepfather Viktor Viktorovich, whom Andrei always called father, worked as a researcher, free time drew cartoons for Soviet magazines. Mother Svetlana Viktorovna was a housewife.

The boy spent the first 8 years of his life in his hometown, after which the family moved to a small rented apartment in Moscow. Due to the lack of Moscow registration, Andrei’s mother had to constantly change housing, hiding from the police. The boy began to help his father earn money early: he also drew cartoons, which he took to the Krokodil magazine.

Andrey Gubin in childhood and adulthood

At school, Andrei studied so well that his father decided to transfer the child from 2nd grade directly to 4th. This step had a negative impact on the boy’s academic performance; mathematics became especially difficult for him. Constant moving and changing schools also took its toll; Gubin did not have time to get used to the team and make real friends.

During his school years, the boy became interested in sports. At first, chess became a hobby, and a little later - football. Andrey practiced it professionally and even got into the Moscow national team, but due to a broken leg, the guy had to forget about sports forever.

However, pretty soon Gubin switched to music. He dreamed of a career as a singer since childhood, but was very embarrassed by his speech impediment - burr, which is unacceptable for an artist. The mother supported her son in his aspirations and sent the boy to speech therapists, thanks to which by the age of 15 Andrei could confidently pronounce the letter “r”. Gubin composed his first poem at the same young age and dedicated it to his father.


Andrei Gubin began his musical career thanks to his father. He bought the future musician his first guitar. Playing chords, the boy began to compose his first works. In 1986, Andrei wrote the song “Tramp Boy,” which he performed on the youth television program “Up to Sixteen and Over.” The teenager came to the show quite by accident, I heard him play the guitar editor-in-chief Tamara Pavlichenko invited the musician to the program.

Andrey Gubin at the beginning of his musical career

In his youth, Andrei was seriously inspired by the spirit of freethinking and mainly tried to write political songs. Because of his worldview and views, he often had discussions with teachers, which subsequently negatively affected grades in some subjects. At one time, Andrei even got excited about the idea of ​​becoming a journalist. However, an unsuccessful interview with a Russian stage star forced the guy to give up this dream.

Somehow graduating from school with several bad marks in his certificate, including for behavior, Andrei entered the Gnessin School. Studying turned out to be tedious and boring for the young artist, and he soon abandoned education.

By that time, the father of the future singer, Viktor Viktorovich, had established a business in Moscow, became vice-president of the commodity exchange and the owner of several recording studios. Such an improvement in the living conditions of the Gubin family allowed Andrei to start his career in music and focus on creativity.

The artist released his first album, “I’m a Homeless Man,” in 1989 in a limited edition of 200 copies. The main theme of the album was the housing problems that Andrei experienced in his youth due to his mother’s lack of Moscow registration. Following this, two more unofficial albums were released - “Ave Maria” and “Prince and Princess”. These records are considered a rarity among fans of Gubin's work.

Andrey’s performance at the “Slavutich-94” song competition brought real fame and popularity to Andrey. There, the talented artist was noticed by a singer and composer who offered to help record the album. This collaboration became key in Andrey’s musical biography. Gubin and Agutin changed the arrangement and went to record in a Tver studio.

In 1996, Gubin’s first professional album was released under the same name “Tramp Boy”. The popularity of the young singer skyrocketed, he became an idol of youth and acquired a huge crowd of fans who literally followed on the heels of the artist during the filming of videos and concerts.

After 2 years, Gubin pleased fans with a new record called “Only You.” In 1998, he went on tour in support of his new concert program, including on the tour not only the cities of Russia, but also Ukraine and Belarus. The success of the second album largely surpassed the popularity of the artist's debut album. Almost all the songs became hits and occupied leading positions in Russian charts for a long time. The name of Andrei Gubin was on everyone’s lips, and the concerts attracted full houses.

Despite his growing popularity, Andrei Gubin continued to feel complex about his appearance, according to numerous articles. The young man was embarrassed by his short stature (166 cm), but the love of the public gradually helped him cope with his complexes. But his colleagues on the stage did not support Andrei much. he even sang the song “Only Gubin is shorter,” which caused the singer’s indignation.

Andrey Gubin - “Night”

Andrei was going to sue Channel One and the performer, but then he decided that he would challenge Nikolaev to hand-to-hand combat, and even rented a hall for this purpose. The author of the song rejected the challenge, which greatly disappointed Gubin, who was confident that he would beat Igor. Zatsepin later admitted that he felt ashamed for mocking the singer, who already had a lot of problems, but he attributed this attack to a lack of understanding of the behind-the-scenes intrigues of show business.

In 1999, Andrei went to Canada to record an English-language album, the goal of which was to conquer Western audiences. However, the recording of the record did not work out; distant Canada seemed too calm and boring for the artist to write new material.

Without recording a single English-language song, Gubin returned to Russia, where he immediately released the song “I Dream of You.” The composition, like all the singer’s works, instantly soared to the top positions of the playlists, reminding listeners of the talented singer.

In 2000, Andrei’s third album, “It Was, But It’s Gone,” was released. Fans received it very warmly new job Gubina, which could not be said about music critics. They called several songs from the disc frankly weak and passable, which seriously hurt the singer. The performer worked on the next album for 2 years, sometimes releasing new songs. Obsessed with perfection, the musician canceled the release of one of the songs and its video, considering that they were not quite ready yet.

Andrey Gubin - “Winter”

In 2002, the fourth studio album “Always with You” was released, which became very successful and popular, like the singer’s previous works. Andrey continued to release videos and new songs, but after 2 years he did not release new album, and a collection of his best compositions called “Time of the Romantics.”

Andrey recorded several songs in collaboration with other musicians. In 2003, the track “I’m Always with You” and a video for it were released, recorded together with. In 2004, the composition “Those Who Love” appeared, which Gubin performed together with.

Also, since 2004, he began writing songs for other Russian performers and began producing. Andrey is the author of the popular song “La-la-la”, which opened the way solo work. Gubin also became the producer of the aspiring singer and the group “Pay Attention”.

Problems in his personal life plunged Gubin into a creative crisis. In 2008, he published a collection of songs, which contained only one new composition, “Lena,” which was not particularly popular. The collection also includes tracks that have long been known and loved by fans: “Liza”, “Night”, “Winter-Cold”, “My Darling is Far Away”, “Tramp Boy”, “Dancing”, “Girls Like Stars” and other hits performer.

Andrey Gubin - “Liza”

In 2008, the DVD album “The best” was released, which also did not contain new compositions. In 2009, Andrei’s unfinished song “Tenderness” hit the Internet.

Personal life

The press attributes numerous affairs to Andrei Gubin, both with his wards and simply with colleagues in show business. However, the singer himself has repeatedly stated that it was not possible to build a long-term relationship.

“For me, the main thing is that I should see a woman as the mother of my children, and then as a sexual partner. I saw the mother of my children in three girls. One of them left me. The second one had such a strong-willed character that I understood that she would break me. In the third girl, in whom I saw the mother of my children, I did not see a sexual partner.”

The singer’s first true love, whom he wanted to lead down the aisle, was Lisa Sautina. Andrey met her by chance on the subway. A romance began between the young people, the lovers began to live together, but due to Gubin’s constant tours and busy work schedule, the couple was forced to separate.

Lasted for a year and a half civil marriage Andrey and Lucy Kobevko. The girl performed in the duet “Caramel”, which the musician produced and for which he wrote songs, and as a backup dancer.

In the series of programs “The Nineties”, aired on the TVC channel, Gubin spoke about another love that remained forever in his heart - about Anastasia Starygina, daughter and half-sister, who starred in the video “Liza”. Nastya, according to Andrei, seemed so smart that the artist was embarrassed to claim her attention.

Subsequently, Gubin admitted that he was disappointed in women. They either lie or “leave” as soon as they find out that the musician was forced to leave the stage due to health problems. Back in 2004, the artist was diagnosed with a nervous system disease, the cause of which was constant overwork and stress. Andrey began to experience frequent attacks of headaches. Sports help - the singer rides a bicycle, goes to gym, playing chess is a way to monitor your intelligence.

Andrey Gubin and Lyusya Kobevko

In the studio of the “Live Broadcast” show, Gubin said that he started having problems with his hearing. The audience was skeptical about the unexpected news about the assassination attempt on him. Andrei has repeatedly stated that he feels “mean things directed at him”, and he feels the same way about the accident in Sochi. The artist asked “not to push KAMAZ trucks on the street,” but did not specify to whom these words were addressed.

In 2007, a tragedy occurred in Gubin’s life - his father died. The singer was grieving the loss, which had a detrimental effect on both his creative career and life in general. In 2010, the musician officially became unemployed, because, whose show Andrei produced, decided to close the program and pursue a musical career.

These events pushed Gubin to alcohol abuse, after which for some time he was rumored to be treated in clinics for addiction. To improve his peace of mind, the singer went to Thailand, where he visited sacred places.

In 2012, the singer became a guest on the talk shows “Tonight” and “Let Them Talk” with, where he spoke about his life after the stage.

Andrey Gubin in the program “Let Them Talk”

The singer's website has not been updated since 2015. The artist disappeared from the media space. In 2016, Andrey gave a rare interview to StarHit magazine. He talked about his loneliness and failures with women. Now the singer not only does not have a wife and children, but also a constant companion. The musician shared that he has difficulty meeting girls, although he willingly makes contact both on social networks and in real life.

At the end of 2016, fans photographed Gubin at the airport. He changed almost beyond recognition and, according to fans, began to look much better than before. In December, Andrey opened an account in "Instagram", where he published photos and videos of old performances.

In 2017, a certain young man Maxim Kvasnyuk showed up, calling himself Andrei’s illegitimate son. The guy is trying to build a musical career under the pseudonym Maxi, which was the reason for accusations of PR in the name of the famous “father”. Kvasnyuk responded by saying that he didn’t need anything from Gubin.

The representative of the aspiring artist considered the editing of the “The Stars Aligned” program, where both singers met, to be incorrect and distorting Maxim’s interview. Andrei himself doubted paternity and suggested resolving the problems in court. That time, the 90s star refused to take a DNA test and agreed only 4 months later, on the show “Secret to a Million”.

Andrey Gubin in the program “Secret to a Million”

The results of the examination confirmed Gubin’s doubts - there are no family ties between the men.

Andrey Gubin now

In the summer of 2018, a number of sites circulated the words of sound producer Taras Vashishin that Andrei Gubin plans to return to the music scene. The singer, whose compositions are still popular at retro concerts, is recording a new album in a studio in Ufa. He doesn’t want to perform on stage, “why disgrace yourself, let them remember your image as untarnished.”

The only thing that prevents full-fledged work is the state of depression in which Andrey is immersed. Taras is concerned about Gubin’s reluctance to seek help from doctors and even suggested that it would be better to take the artist to the clinic by force.


  • 1995 - “Tramp Boy”
  • 1998 - “Only You”
  • 2000 - “It was, but it’s gone”
  • 2002 - “Always with you”
  • 2002 - “V.I.P”
  • 2003 - “Platinum Collection”
  • 2004 - “The Best - Time for Romantics”
  • 2005 - “Open the door”
  • 2008 - “The Best + DVD”
Andrey Gubin is a Soviet and Russian pop singer, poet and composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004). The peak of his popularity came in the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, when he released such hits as “Winter Cold”, “Liza” and “Girls Like Stars”. Later he worked as a music producer and wrote the song “La-la-la” for Zhanna Friske.

Childhood and adolescence

Andrey was born in the capital of Bashkiria, Ufa, but spent most of his childhood in Moscow. He practically does not remember his own father, Valery Klementyev: his mother divorced him when Andrei and his younger sister Nastya were very young. In 1983, Svetlana Vasilievna became the wife of Viktor Gubin, a researcher at one of the Ufa oil and gas research institutes. Soon the new family moved to Moscow.

The stepfather adopted the children of his beloved woman and tried his best to ensure that they did not lack anything. He bought Andrey his first guitar, encouraged him to play chess and football, and welcomed his passion for poetry.

Due to the lack of Moscow registration, the family was forced to change apartments frequently, so the boy had certain difficulties with his studies. He couldn't keep up school curriculum, and the constant change of the team did not contribute to good academic performance. In addition, Andrei had a lot of complexes due to his short stature and burr, so he preferred football training to communicating with his peers. During one of them, he received a serious leg injury, which put an end to his future sports career.

Having come to terms with this fact, he focused on creativity and began writing songs, which were later included in his debut non-professional album entitled “I’m a Homeless Man.” At the same time, the famous hit “Tramp Boy” was born, which later made Andrey famous throughout the country.

Music career

By his school graduation, the young man clearly decided that he would become a musician, and entered the Gnessin School. By this time, Viktor Gubin had already settled into the capital and served as vice-president of the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange. With his help, Andrei recorded two more albums and in 1989 appeared with his song on television in the program “Up to 16 and older.”

In 1994, the aspiring artist met Leonid Agutin at one of the song competitions. With his support, Gubin recorded his first studio album, “Tramp Boy,” which sold half a million copies. From that moment on, a stellar period began in the performer’s career. Andrei’s songs topped the charts and were heard at every discotheque, concert performances filled the halls, and there was no end to enthusiastic fans.

Andrey Gubin - “Boy - Tramp”

The next albums “Only You” and “It Was, But It’s Gone” turned out to be no less successful and were also doomed to success. Andrey began collaborating with other performers, wrote several songs for Olga Orlova, Zhanna Friske, the group “Kraski”, and began producing Yulia Beretta. He was awarded many prestigious music awards, and in 2004 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, Viktor Gubin unexpectedly died of a heart attack. His death became a great psychological trauma for Andrei, who at that time was already experiencing a creative crisis.

He began to drink a lot, stopped appearing in public and reacted extremely negatively to publications about himself in the press. The situation was aggravated by the death of his mother in 2012. Gubin completely disappeared from view, became a recluse, and prolonged depression developed into a complex nervous disease, due to which the artist experiences constant excruciating pain.

Andrey Gubin and Kraski - “Those who love”

Personal life of Andrey Gubin

At the peak of his popularity, Gubin literally bathed in female love, which millions of fans were ready to give him. But despite his stormy romances with Yulia Beretta, Tatyana Tereshina and Lyusya from the Caramel group, the singer never managed to create a strong family. All the girls left Andrei, unable to withstand his quarrelsome character and “star” ambitions.

Gubin, in all his interviews, talked about a certain Liza Sautina - his first love, who forever broke his heart. It was to her that he dedicated the famous song of the same name. Now the singer lives alone, and recently moved to Ufa, away from annoying journalists and illegitimate children who have been trying to pester him lately.

Andrey Gubin now

Andrey Gubin has not been involved in songwriting for a long time; several years ago many were shocked by his appearance and stories about broken health on the show “Let Them Talk.” In 2017, he visited several more television shows, including “Live” with Andrei Malakhov and “Secret to a Million” on the NTV channel.

Andrey Gubin in " Live»

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