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Feng Shui for Capricorn woman. Description of the temperament of a woman born under the sign of Capricorn, the strengths and weaknesses of her character. Negative aspects of the Capricorn woman's character

Each of us has our own horoscope sign. Some may believe in the horoscope, others may not, but one way or another all this has an impact on our destiny, as well as on our character. It is known that Taurus is more stubborn by nature, but Gemini can constantly doubt. Sagittarius shoot indiscriminately at their target, but Libra prefers to carefully weigh everything and only then make a decision and draw conclusions. Also, each zodiac sign has its own stone, which determines a person’s destiny, his abilities, and helps him make the right choice in life.

For some this stone is a precious emerald, for others it is a bright and flaming ruby ​​or a more modest agate. Any stone is beautiful and unusual in its own way and should serve not only as decoration for a charming woman, but also a true talisman, which will protect you from troubles and misfortunes. Every girl wants to feel not only attractive, but also protected, so you need to approach the choice of your personal stone very responsibly and carefully.

By the way, when a woman wears the right stone, she does not go unnoticed by men. After all, such a representative of the fair sex always smiles, is confident in herself and is ready to conquer the heights of life.

Ruby stone as a symbol of Capricorn

Which stone would be most suitable for Capricorn? How to use it so that it brings maximum benefit and allows the owner to feel confident and full of positive energy? A talisman stone for a Capricorn woman should reflect the character of its owner as much as possible. Answering the question of which stones are suitable for Capricorn women according to the horoscope, we can say that not just one gem is suitable here, there may be several of them, but they act differently:

  • It is believed that one of the most energetically powerful stones is ruby, whose bright colors cannot leave anyone indifferent. According to the zodiac sign, Capricorn stones should be exactly like this.
  • For Capricorn, it is ideal, if only because it will make the dry representative of this sign more patient, especially when it comes to the shortcomings of others.
  • Fire ruby ​​will also help fight feelings such as excessive caution and suspicion.
  • Another talisman in the form of a precious stone will help direct the practicality and prudence of Capricorn’s nature in order to achieve more noble and lofty goals.
  • Ruby can also make Capricorn become more affectionate and gentle towards his loved ones. The stone will help him reveal his own feelings, express them correctly, and talk about what is on his soul.
  • It should be noted that this sign is capable of falling into a state of oppression at times, especially if it ambitious plans do not come true. But thanks to the talisman, energy will appear that will help fight the fear of failure, and this is very important for every person.
  • Ruby will give Capricorn peace of mind if he is sanguine by nature, and will also give wisdom, prudence and romance.

Happiness stones for Capricorn - garnet and onyx

Capricorn has difficulty finding friends who will be faithful, and also does not always find happiness in a family union. Therefore, another stone will help here - garnet. The pomegranate talisman will help Capricorn:

  • become more tolerant
  • sociable,
  • and also get joy from life.

Also e pomegranate can help show your own creative abilities, and also teach you not to be afraid and not to depend on outside opinions. When potential danger arises, pomegranate will give courage, give energy and clarify thoughts and consciousness.

Onyx is an amazing talisman for Capricorn, regardless of gender. He will make anyone decisive, independent and firm in his convictions. Astrologers believe that onyx helps to ensure a long life and almost no illnesses. The mineral will help protect against damage, from enemies, from envy or the evil eye. He will allow him to direct the stubbornness that may be inherent in his mistress to achieve the most important and highest goals in life. Also, having onyx as a talisman can significantly improve not only your overall well-being, but also your memory.

General description of talismans for the zodiac sign - Capricorn

Capricorn belongs to the element of Earth. And those women who were born under this sign can use a variety of talismans.

The horoscope says that Capricorns can be more inconsistent, which means they are not always able to bring the work they start to its logical conclusion. Therefore, it is advisable to wear those stones that can strengthen determination. It is best to choose red gems, because they are suitable for this purpose like no other and will help you make a carefully considered decision.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, so those gems that are colored in cool tones also have a beneficial effect. Women and men who were born under the sign of Capricorn need to receive protection from bad people, as well as from various negative influences from the outside world. Another amulet for them must help with such a problem as adjusting the digestive system and the musculoskeletal system, which will be very important for older women - it is advisable to select stones endowed with the appropriate properties.

Minerals that should not be chosen for Capricorns

In addition to talismans that you need to constantly carry with you, you must also consider which stones you should avoid if you were born under the sign of Capricorn:

Sapphire for Capricorn

In first place among controversial stones is sapphire. Although this is a very beautiful stone, it is not always suitable for Capricorns. Astrologers do not recommend wearing it, although sapphire is a stone patronized by Saturn.

What gems are suitable for Capricorn women?

Talisman with amethyst quite suitable for the typical Capricorn woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign sometimes need to soften the sharp edges of a harsh character, try to be more feminine and affectionate, gentle and flexible. Decoration containing amethyst has a positive effect on a woman’s health and on her ability to become a good mother. The gem helps relieve stress, calm, and reduce the risk of developing nervous diseases. We can say that amethyst is a kind of antidepressant that will also become a talisman.

Also, women who were born under this constellation can wear a talisman with hair (rock crystal with rutile inclusions). The mineral can help in your personal life, and also makes women sexy, relaxed and attractive. It is believed that the hairy mineral will help prolong youth, get rid of melancholy and loneliness. It is also a good talisman that helps improve financial well-being, grow in your career, strengthen intuition, as well as feminine instinct.

Representatives of the sign can be very worried about both themselves and their family, so they can imagine dangers everywhere. This is where a talisman with a coil comes to the rescue. He is able to give a feeling of security and confidence in the day that will happen tomorrow. In terms of energy, the mineral corresponds to a strong Capricorn woman, so if you were born under this sign, you can wear the coil quite often - especially if you are a doctor or nurse, scientist or researcher by profession. The coil will become a reliable companion in many endeavors.

Zodiac sign Capricorn will be happy with the gem, which has green, gray, black, fiery shades. Conveniently, a woman can wear such stones all year round, without keeping track of which Zodiac is currently in charge.

After you have carefully studied the horoscope, you will be able to select several colored stones at once, which will allow you to always be on guard in different life situations. A stone intended for Capricorn will help strengthen all the positive qualities of the owner, and will also help her reach new, greater heights. These problems can be perfectly solved by rubies or fire-colored opals. If we talk about semi-precious stones, hairy quartz, black tourmaline, Arabic onyx, and beautiful golden rutile deserve special attention.

If you need to increase protection by putting a barrier against negative influences, then you need to make a choice in favor of malachite, serpentine, hematite and agate.

Attention, TODAY only!

Positive. Cardinal. Earth

Capricorn has the natural sensuality of an earth sign, but you also have an inner wariness and sexual restrictions nurtured by your ruler Saturn.

This planet gives you great love of life and strength of character, but at the same time puts you in the face of duty. Saturn stands guard over your consciousness, maintaining the status quo, and is therefore the planet of marriage. The strict restrictions of this harsh planet can create a gap between your powerful libido and your body.

By being careful when expressing your physical passion, you learn from an early age to control and restrain yourself, to sacrifice sexual pleasure to satisfy your ambitions. Your sign is serious, and Capricorn is sober and responsible while young. As you grow older, your heart becomes lighter and you become wiser. Most Capricorns find that in adulthood they can finally satisfy those desires that they denied themselves in their youth.

The impetus for your life: to move carefully into love.

This passive, effeminate, receptive sign is ruled by the darkest, coldest, harshest and most masculine planet, so it is not surprising that Capricorn has difficulty dealing with emotional issues. There are significant differences between Capricorn men and women. Men tend to identify with the cold-hearted Saturn, and women with the softer, feminine side of this sign, but naturally there is cross-pollination. Valuing home and family, you adhere to strict rules and limit yourself to sexual taboos, and therefore are a little constrained in relation to intimacy. Earth signs have a strong carnal appetite, and Capricorn has the added incentive to be an assertive sign, which can make him a very energetic goat. All his sexuality usually manifests itself within close family relationships.

The Capricorn woman is more focused on her earthly, sensual nature and strives for a safe, stable relationship. You are more able to express your feelings, but you may also abandon them in favor of the apparent stability of a marriage with an older man, a “sugar daddy” who satisfies your material rather than emotional needs.

This is where the influence of repressive Saturn comes into play, creating emotional barriers for you. Fortunately for you, Capricorn is a sign that paradoxically becomes younger and more cheerful over the years, and in the second half of your life you acquire a baggage of relationships and emotional contacts. The positive side of Saturn's influence is that you cannot be led astray by false arguments or sob stories.

Capricorn loves the words “should” and “should.” You can make life difficult for yourself by trying to live up to the standards you set for yourself and the expectations society places on you. Relax and implement the slogan: “live and let live.”

I. Zvyagina

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In my large family there are enough adult and young Capricorns to be able to judge the system of their preferences. Despite their outward coldness, practicality and determination, in family life they are quite gentle and attentive people. They are restrained in showing emotions, but being around them is warm and reliable.

Capricorn is the sign of Purpose. And while representatives of other signs rush about in captivity of earthly passions, Capricorn persistently and persistently follows the intended path, simultaneously solving spontaneously arising problems and questions.

Of the five animals that have a special sacred status in the teachings of FEN SHUI, the Snake is symbolically combined with the element of Earth and the planet Saturn. She occupies the central position of the “axis” along which other animals walk. Curled up in a ring, the Snake waits for what the Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger and Turtle will tell it. And then he decides how to use the information for the benefit of harmony. Likewise, the sign of Capricorn symbolizes patience, power and deep wisdom.

The ruling planet of Capricorn, Saturn, builds a frame around a person’s soul, so it is also important that the “frame” of the house where Capricorn lives is solid and properly planned. Saturn closely binds a person to the earth, stones, and buildings. If you are lucky and you are involved in the construction of your home, pay special attention to laying the foundation. How strong your house will stand depends on its strength (a weak foundation can subsequently cause losses and damages). Place talismans, Chinese coins, and crystals in each hole under the support pillars.

If you bought an apartment, then pay attention to the threshold and the entrance door itself. The stronger the door and the better the threshold, the stronger your home is protected both physically and energetically. For the threshold, you can use not only the wood that everyone is familiar with (wood is not particularly favorable for Earth signs in the cycle of rebirth), but also granite or marble.

Capricorns' attitude to order in the house can be different. But Capricorns’ performance and stability in moments of mental crises depend on how well everything in the house is “sorted out.” This is especially true for Capricorns, for whom the role of housewife and mother is the most successful. Therefore, often tidy up your utility rooms - pantries, garage, mezzanines. By the way, the location for the garage should also be chosen taking into account certain requirements. The garage should not be on the tiger side (right side of the house). If the garage is located under the house, then it is not advisable to place the owner’s bedroom above it.

If your house has at least a small garden, arrange a rock garden in it - something like an ancient Chinese rock garden. . Mountains are revered by the Chinese as a symbol of good luck and have a special meaning in the structure of Yang-Yin connections. There is a lot of literature on the design of modern rock gardens, but from the point of view of FENG SHUI it is important that the rock garden is located on the north or west sides of the garden behind the pond. In turn, the latter is placed in the south or east. The Chinese take the choice of stones to decorate their sites very seriously. Sometimes it takes years.

If you do not have a garden, you can place one smoothly polished stone in the corner of the house to discourage harmful ash. Two identical stones in the southwestern corner of the house, in turn, will become a symbol of a strong and harmonious family union.

N. Khakhanova

The best talisman for Capricorn is an ordinary horn. It doesn’t have to be real; you can just buy a souvenir made of crystal or metal.

The horn should be placed on the east side or in the east corner. In this case, peace, harmony and prosperity will certainly reign in Capricorn’s house. The horn is an energy funnel that attracts the beneficial energy of the cosmos into your home. And God forbid, if this funnel gets clogged - under no circumstances should you place any objects into the cornucopia.

On the contrary, every week, preferably on Saturday (Capricorn day), you need to thoroughly wipe the inner and outer surfaces of the horn with alcohol.

And once a year, in Capricorn's birthday, pour the “newborn” horn to the brim and drain it in one sitting. Such an intoxicating procedure can be recommended even for teetotalers and ulcer sufferers, because this ritual has been tested for thousands of years - it brings health.

However, the presence of even such a powerful talisman as a “horn of plenty” at home will not save Capricorn from search for center point, without which the energy frame of the house may simply fall apart.

Floor surface it is necessary to carefully examine: if in one of the rooms there is a “natural” depression, then this will be the desired point where it is necessary to place a small horseshoe, orienting its convex side to the east. If you don’t find such a place, then you can simply put the horseshoe under the bed.

Astrology claims that the area of ​​the knees and legs is entirely given over to the protection of Capricorn. Therefore, the health of the legs in this case is the key to the health of the whole body. Find space in your home for an exercise bike or small treadmill.

Capricorn neglecting his bathroom, risks literally throwing all his wealth down the drain. The bathtub must be kept in perfect order. Under no circumstances should water leakage be allowed.

A dripping faucet can send Capricorn around the world. The most suitable paints for a “home pool” are dark blue, almost black, the color of a stormy sea. The best decoration is a waterproof reproduction of Aivazovsky. The drawn storm will serve as an inoculation against family storms, and in this case you can be completely sure that your love boat will not break in everyday life.

Capricorn in the kitchen It’s not just food that’s being prepared—it’s where transmutation, the transformation of energy, takes place. Therefore, Capricorn must have a special approach to such a room. The less metal there is, the better. Dishes should be glass and clay.

Most suitable colors: ivory and beige. Place an image of a cornucopia in the kitchen, and the more dishes are drawn on this picture, the better.

Capricorn is patient and persistent. He slowly moves towards his goal, never retreating or looking back. His goal is high and unattainable, so Capricorn rarely enjoys small successes.

Capricorns can ruin any fun with their sad appearance. They are constantly overcome by depression, which must be carefully hidden from everyone.

Money for Capricorns means independence and power over people. Capricorn's goal is to find the meaning of life.

Familiarity with the laws that govern the world tells us that everything that exists is subject to the same eternal, unchanging laws of evolution, that is, the replacement of obsolete forms of life with new ones. The life of a plant, an animal and a person, just like the life of a state, a people and all humanity, has a period of its development, flourishing, withering and death.

Dong Zhu Shu

Such people either become great philosophers and promote great ideas, or they become stingy and conservative pessimists.

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