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What are the benefits of folic acid for women? Folic acid for women: instructions for use Folic acid, why it is taken, how to take it


For those who dream of giving birth and raising healthy child, have gorgeous hair and nails, shine with beauty, you can’t do without this amazing vitamin. Indispensable from birth to old age, it can enter the body with food, in the form of finished preparations. You need to understand how folic acid works and what its benefits are.

Benefits of folic acid

This water-soluble vitamin belongs to group B, comes with food, a small amount is produced by the body - often this is enough for normal functioning. Sometimes you have to take the substance before required level in synthetic form. How is folic acid useful, why is so much attention paid to its quantity and presence?

Vitamin B9, another name for this substance, helps solve many problems. Its use helps:

  • prepare for conception;
  • give birth to a healthy child;
  • improve memory;
  • slow down aging;
  • the child’s body grows;
  • smooth out the symptoms of menopause;
  • relieve irritability;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • get rid of anemia;
  • normalize the psyche.

It is equally bad for a person to have a deficiency of this substance or an excess. When there is a vitamin deficiency:

  • Fatigue comes quickly;
  • hair loss begins;
  • nails break;
  • anemia occurs;
  • thrombus formation increases;
  • In women, symptoms worsen during menopause;
  • in men, sperm motility is impaired;
  • a child is born with pathologies.

An overdose of this substance may cause unpleasant symptoms and serious consequences:

  • bitterness, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased excitability;
  • deficiency of zinc, vitamin B12;
  • height cancer cells;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • mental disorder in the elderly;
  • development of breast adenocarcinoma;
  • the appearance of prostate cancer.

This vitamin is indispensable in solving problems female beauty. The affordable price helps to use the drug in cosmetology, in addition to internal use, for the preparation of masks and medicinal solutions. The product is used for:

  • fight against pigment spots;
  • counteract hair loss;
  • maintaining skin freshness;
  • preventing the appearance of wrinkles;
  • strengthening nails.

Action of folic acid

Although this drug is available and has a low price, it is indispensable for the body and greatly affects its functioning. This vitamin has the following properties:

  • takes part in active cell division - helps skin renewal, growth and development of the fetus;
  • promotes hematopoietic processes;
  • protects the walls of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots.

The participation of vitamin B9 is no less important for the processes:

  • DNA formation - transmission of hereditary characteristics;
  • carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • increasing immunity;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • production of enzymes that counteract the formation of tumors;
  • muscle recovery in athletes;
  • production of hydrochloric acid;
  • iron absorption;
  • exchange of adrenaline and serotonin.

Folic acid - instructions

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules for injections, tablets, and is part of multivitamin and dietary supplement complexes. The vitamin is well absorbed and is compatible with many medications. How much of this substance should you take? Instructions for use of folic acid recommend a daily dosage for an adult of 400 mcg. It increases during pregnancy and complex diseases.

You should take vitamin B9 as prescribed by your doctor - available side effects, contraindications for use. A rash, itching, redness of the skin, and bronchospasms may occur. The use of the drug is not recommended if:

  • iron metabolism disorders;
  • substance intolerance;
  • poor absorption of vitamin B12;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Indications for use are:

  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • breast cancer;
  • schizophrenia;
  • migraine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weakening of intelligence;
  • menopause;
  • preparation for conception;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • depression.

During pregnancy

The period of waiting for a child is a huge change in the body. Why do pregnant women need folic acid, why is it necessary to take it? This is due to the formation of fetal systems and organs in the first months. Vitamin B9 for pregnant women helps:

  • tissue growth due to cell division;
  • transmission of hereditary characteristics;
  • development of nervous tissue;
  • formation of blood vessels of the placenta;
  • creation of the hematopoietic system.

How much vitamin does a pregnant woman need? A woman’s body functions for two people, and the dosage increases proportionally. It is very convenient that the drug has an affordable price - it is difficult to get the required portion of the substance from products. The daily dosage for a pregnant woman should be 800 mcg. At this time, the drug is prescribed in the form:

  • tablets;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • Dietary supplements.

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B9 in the body, problems for the woman and child are possible:

  • hematopoietic disorder;
  • neural tube defects;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • mental retardation;
  • miscarriage;
  • the birth of a stillborn child;
  • congenital deformities;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus.

When planning a pregnancy

In order to exclude developmental defects, a woman needs to plan a pregnancy - start taking the drug three months before conception. This will help accumulate the necessary amount for the period of increased stress on the female body. The dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is 400 mcg per day, which will help avoid complications.

For men

Taking vitamins is important for male body already in adolescence for proper puberty. With its deficiency, problems with the nervous system and memory are possible. Folic acid is also important for men because it is responsible for the properties - quantity and motility of sperm. With a deficiency of the substance, infertility and the development of atherosclerosis are likely.

For children

The pediatrician decides how much and at what age to give this vitamin to children. The price of the drug is affordable, and its importance for the development of the body is enormous. To obtain the required dosage, a folic acid tablet for children is diluted with water, and the required amount is taken with a syringe. The substance helps:

  • body growth;
  • creating immunity;
  • organ formation.

For hair

Cosmetologists use the drug to solve hair problems. Vitamins are available, inexpensive, and used in the form of masks for internal use. Using vitamin B9 for hair solves problems:

  • loss;
  • strength and shine;
  • early gray hair;
  • dryness;
  • fragility;
  • accelerating growth;
  • thickness;
  • hair follicles;
  • split ends;
  • improving the structure.

For anemia

If there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes - is disrupted. There are fewer of them, and their size increases, anemia appears. It is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin and a disruption in the flow of oxygen into the blood. Folic acid for anemia helps solve the problem, goes away:

  • fatigue;
  • headaches;
  • pallor.


It is possible to order vitamins from catalogs, then buy them in an online store. The price of folic acid in the pharmacy will be lower - there are no delivery costs. The cost of the vitamin depends on the form of release, manufacturer, quantity, and additional components in the composition. Price range in rubles:

  • tablets – 1 mg, No. 50 – 28-45;
  • Doppelhertz active with vitamins – No. 30 – 350-610;
  • Solgar (dietary supplement) – 100 pieces – 760-1200.

What foods contain folic acid?

The richest sources of this vitamin are spinach, liver, and black beans. Its high content is in the following products:

  • beef;
  • chicken giblets;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • salmon;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes – peas, beans;
  • citrus fruits – oranges, tangerines;
  • greens - salads, parsley, dill;
  • cabbage;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • avocado;
  • rose hip.


This is fully essential, i.e. an essential vitamin, since the human body is not able to independently synthesize it in the required quantities. We can only get vitamin B9 from food.

Folic acid is widely known and is actively used in clinical practice for the treatment of diseases of the blood system and as a vitamin support for women planning pregnancy and bearing a child. However, that's not all beneficial effects, which vitamin B9 possesses. Today we will look at how much folic acid you need to get every day to stay healthy. Let's talk about the difference between folic acid and metafolin and which one is better.

In 1931, leading English hematologist Lucy Wills ( Lucy Wills), who spent many years research work in India, found that using brewer's yeast can eliminate macrocytic anemia in pregnant women. The disease developed in many poor families, whose diet was meager and monotonous. Dr. Lucy isolated a substance from yeast that had a healing effect. The connection was named "Wills factor" in honor of its discoverer.

In the mid-20th century, Wills factor was chemically identified. In 1941, American biochemists Herschel Kenworthy Mitchell ( Herschel Kenworthy Mitchell), Esmond Emerson Snell ( Esmond Emerson Snell) and Roger John Williams ( Roger John Williams) isolated this substance from spinach leaves, giving it a new name - folic acid(lat. acidum folicum from lat. folium- leaf).

At first, after the discovery of vitamin B9, doctors believed that folic acid deficiency and anemia were the same condition. But, as we now know, anemia can be caused not only by a deficiency of vitamin B9. Deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, monotonous diet, childhood infections, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, helminthic infestations - all these pathological conditions can lead to a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

In 1943 Bob Stockstad ( Bob Stokstad) determined the exact chemical structure folic acid. And already in 1945, a team of specialists led by the Indo-American biochemist Yellapragada Subbaru ( Yellapragada Subbarao) performed the first synthesis of crystalline folic acid. All these studies subsequently formed the basis for the creation of the world's first antitumor drug aminopterin.

During the period 1950s to 1960s. Scientists have discovered the biochemical mechanisms of action of folic acid on the human body.

In 1960, chemists and doctors announced that folic acid deficiency leads to neural tube defects in children.

At the end of the 1990s. It became clear that food is not fully able to satisfy the needs of humans (and especially pregnant women) for folic acid. Therefore, in developed countries, mass fortification of basic food products began.

Names are synonyms for vitamin B9:

  1. Wills factor- historically the first name. It is not currently used.
  2. Folic acid– the most common name (chemical name is pteroylglutamic acid or pteroyl-L-glutamate).
  3. Folate(s)– a natural form of folic acid, combining various chemical compounds (mainly salts) of vitamin B9 and folic acid itself.
  4. Metafolin– the main and most biologically active form circulating in human blood (chemical name – methyltetrahydrofolate).
  5. Vitamin B chistorical name. The index “c” presumably indicates Subbara Yellapragada, the leader of the group of scientists who synthesized crystalline folic acid. This important biochemical breakthrough made it possible to begin the industrial production of drugs based on vitamin B9.
  6. Vitamin M a historical name, which, like “B c”, was not assigned to folic acid. The letter "M" is presumably taken from the English. mom– “mother”, that is, “vitamin for mothers” (due to the high value of folic acid for intrauterine development and the birth of a healthy child).

Physico-chemical properties of vitamin B9

The folic acid molecule is composed of three structural units: a pteridine derivative, P-aminobenzoic and L-glutamic acids. IN pure form It is a fine-crystalline, yellowish powder that is tasteless and odorless.

Solubility in water, 95% alcohol, acetone, benzene, ether and chloroform is low. In diluted salt water or acetic acids solubility is low. Folic acid is highly soluble in caustic alkali solutions and concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Exposure to direct sunlight does not have a destructive effect on the vitamin. Moreover, when heated, vitamin B9 crystals do not melt, but darken and begin to char at tº=250ºC.

What foods contain vitamin B9

Folates accumulate naturally in plant and animal foods. Legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, beets, and sweet pepper, green onions, lettuce, strawberry. Almost all nuts, grains, liver and kidneys, eggs and some seafood are also excellent sources of vitamin B9.

Foods rich in folic acid. Click on the image to enlarge it

It is important to emphasize that the content of folic acid in foods (as, indeed, any other nutrients) varies depending on the soil and weather for plants, and on the quality of food for animals.

Daily requirement for vitamin B9

Folic acid intake standards

Folic acid - why the body needs it

Vitamin B9 ensures the normal division of all cells in our body. It is thanks to it that the full intrauterine development of fetal tissue occurs, and almost any adult tissue is capable of regenerating. The fact is that folates are involved in the metabolism of amino acids, as well as the synthesis of DNA and RNA - the genetic basis of any cell and any human tissue. Without these compounds, cell division would be impossible. At the same time, a lack of folic acid can lead to disruptions in cell division processes, which increases the risk of developing tumors.

Folic acid is most important for children, since it is at this time that organs are committed to rapid development - new cells are formed in them, physiological processes and functions are honed. Folic acid is no less important for women, especially during pregnancy planning and while bearing a child. Folic acid for men plays an important role in maintaining normal reproductive function.

In general, vitamin B9 is important for those tissues that produce large numbers of new cells. These are, first of all, red blood cells, leukocytes, sperm, skin cells, eggs, and fetal tissue.

Among other things, folic acid is a coenzyme of certain metabolic reactions and ensures the normal course of a number of metabolic processes.

Vitamin B9 during pregnancy

Perhaps every pregnant woman knows that the main vitamin for her is folic acid. It is used at the planning stage and right up to last months intrauterine stay of the child. And this is really justified, since vitamin B9 deficiency (especially in early stages pregnancy) inevitably leads to defects in the neural tube of the fetus and inadequate development of the child’s nervous and cardiovascular systems. It has been established that with a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 in the mother’s body, the risk of intrauterine defects nervous system reduced by 30%, and defects cardiovascular system decreases by 28%.

Clinical studies have not linked folic acid to the risk of preterm birth. There is no clear connection between vitamin B9 and mortality, growth, body composition of a child, and his respiratory functions.

It is important to note that at the stage of pregnancy planning, taking vitamin B9 is important not only for the woman, but also for the man, since folic acid improves spermatogenesis. All vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women in mandatory contain vitamin B9.

The dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is 400 mcg/day. The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is 600 mcg/day.

Folic acid and metafolin - what is the difference

Many manufacturers of vitamin-mineral complexes indicate on the packaging: “ contains metafolin" The question involuntarily arises: what is metafolin? And how is it different from folic acid?

Metafolin, chemical formula

Metafolin (also known as levomefolic acid, methylfolate or 5-methyltetradrofolate) is the most biologically active of all folates, collectively known as vitamin B9. It is metafolin that circulates in human blood and realizes the beneficial effects of the vitamin.

The effectiveness and safety of metafolin are similar to those of folic acid. But unlike it, metafolin is better absorbed and does not mask vitamin B12 deficiency. In this case, the peak concentration of metafolin is achieved faster than when taking folic acid.

It is important to emphasize that 5-11% of women have disorders in the gene for the enzyme that converts folic acid into metafolin. Thus, the synthesis of the active form of vitamin B9 slows down significantly, although there is enough folic acid in the body. Fortunately, with this pathology, the body easily absorbs metafolin, so women should take this particular form of vitamin B9.

Use of vitamin B9 in medicine

Folic acid has been used for a long time to treat blood diseases, in particular anemia. However, today the spectrum of therapeutic action of vitamin B9 has been somewhat expanded.

Indications for use of vitamin B9:

  1. Unbalanced diet and laboratory-established folic acid deficiency.
  2. Macrocytic hyperchromic anemia; anemia with leukopenia caused by drugs or ionizing radiation.
  3. Megaloblastic anemia.
  4. Post-resection anemia.
  5. Sideroblastic anemia in old age.
  6. Anemia associated with diseases of the small intestine, sprue and malabsorption syndrome.
  7. Treatment and prevention of anemia in pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  8. Prenatal prevention of the development of neural tube defects in the fetus.
  9. Long-term antitumor treatment with folic acid antagonists (methotrexate, sulfamethaxazole + trimethoprim) or long-term use of anticonvulsants: phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbital - the latter is part of the well-known drug Corvalol.

Vitamin B9 preparations:

  1. Folacin (30 tablets of 5 mg).
  2. 9 months Folic acid (30 tablets of 400 mcg).
  3. Folic acid of various pharmaceutical grades. manufacturers (50 tablets of 1 mg).
  4. Folio (150 tablets – folic acid 400 mcg + iodine 200 mcg).
  5. Mamifol (28 tablets of 400 mcg).
  6. Complivit trimester 1 (400 mcg), 2 (350 mcg) and 3 (260 mcg).
  7. Femibion ​​I and II (200 mcg folic acid + 200 mcg metafolin).
  8. Elevit pronatal (folic acid 800 mcg).
  9. Elevit feeding (200 mcg folic acid).
  10. Solgar folate (metafolin 400 mcg, 50 tablets).

Folic acid preparations. Click on the image to enlarge it

Lack of vitamin B9 in the body

Irrational, monotonous diet, long-term use of certain medications, alcohol abuse, genetic diseases and digestive problems are the main reasons that lead to hypovitaminosis B9. Typically, endogenous reserves of the vitamin last a person for 1 month. If negative factors continue to influence, then clinical manifestation deficit.

In addition to fetal malformations and anemia, folic acid deficiency can lead to other negative consequences for the body.

  • increased fatigue and depression;
  • rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath;
  • changes in skin color or graying of hair;
  • the appearance of ulcerations on the mucous membranes;
  • slower tissue regeneration, long-term non-healing wounds;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including stroke;
  • cancer of the colon, breast, ovary, pancreas, lung, brain, cervix or prostate;
  • age-related visual impairment.

Excess vitamin B9 in the body

Hypervitaminosis of folic acid is possible only in case of excessive consumption medicines. It is impossible to obtain a harmful dosage from food, since vitamin B9 is water-soluble and is easily excreted in the urine. Excessive concentrations of folate can cause nausea and vomiting, allergic reactions such as bronchospasm, erythema, fever or skin rash. Flatulence and abdominal discomfort may occur. On the part of the nervous system, insomnia and psychomotor agitation may be observed.

A dangerous condition is hidden vitamin B9 intoxication. It develops in newborns whose mothers took excessive amounts of folic acid. These children experience visual impairment and slow mental development. They suffer more often than others bronchial asthma, eczema and obesity.

Interaction of vitamin B9 with other substances

  1. Excess folic acid in the body can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
  2. The anticonvulsant drugs carbamazemin and valproic acid, used to treat epilepsy, reduce the level of folic acid in the body.
  3. Long-term use (more than 3 months) of the antimalarial drug Fansidar (and drugs similar in composition) reduces the concentration of vitamin B9.
  4. Trimethoprim, Pyrimethamine and Methotrexate reduce the biosynthesis of folic acid.

Folic acid and methotrexate

Separately, I would like to say about the interaction of vitamin B9 and the antitumor drug Methotrexate. The fact is that the mechanism of action of this medicine is based on blocking the biological effect of folic acid. Because tumor cells continually divide uncontrollably, they consume large amounts of vitamin B9.

Methotrexate blocks the growth of tumor tissue, but at the same time inhibits the division of healthy cells. As a result, the patient may experience inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow depression with a subsequent slowdown in the production of blood cells, and kidney or liver failure.

To eliminate the toxic effects of methotrexate on the body, oncologists use folic acid preparations. In particular, Lederfolin 25 mg injections and Folacin 5 mg tablets are very successful.

8 signs that your body does not have enough folic acid

Folic acid is an essential vitamin for our body. Moreover, the main source of vitamin B9 is food and vitamin complexes. Folates mainly ensure normal cell division. This process is extremely important both during the formation of a new organism and the intrauterine development of a child, and during the functioning of an adult organism. Skin cells, blood cells and germ cells are the main rapidly dividing structures of our body. There's a lot on them essential functions, which are indirectly supported by folic acid.

Folic acid (vitamin B 9) is one of the essential vitamins, taking part in the functioning of the hematopoietic system and the formation of immunity. A large amount of vitamin B 9 is necessary for women preparing to become mothers or expecting a child. Natural sources of this element are green vegetables, honey, liver, oranges, rye or bran flour. If a person does not get enough of this vitamin from food, it must be taken in tablets. Instructions for using folic acid for women and men are slightly different, so you should consult your doctor before taking it, especially if the person’s age exceeds 45-50 years.


Tablets contain 1 mg of active ingredient (vitamin B 9). This vitamin takes part in all metabolic processes, as well as the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids. Folate derivatives, which include folic acid, are involved in the maturation of normoblasts - cells of the erythroid blood germ that precede the formation of reticulocytes. Reticulocytes make up approximately 1% of the total volume of red blood cells circulating in the blood and are necessary for the growth of red blood cells in the process of hematopoiesis.

A lack of folic acid negatively affects a person’s overall well-being and can cause rapidly developing forms of anemia.

Anemia is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women, therefore the instructions for the use of folic acid during pregnancy recommend increasing the physiological dose of the drug by approximately 2 times.

    Other properties of vitamin B 9:
  • provides prevention of cancer cell growth;
  • has a positive effect on the transmission of electrical impulses and neuromuscular connections;
  • participates in the process of active cell division in the substances of the spinal cord;
  • prevents the maturation of megaloblasts (increased cell size) and the development of macrocytosis.

Many people do not know why men need folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin is necessary for regulating reproductive function: it affects the quality and chemical composition sperm, sperm activity and timeliness of ejaculation. Lack of folic acid in men aged 25-45 years can become a provoking factor in the development of infertility and erectile dysfunction.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of round, flat, yellow tablets. The presence of small inclusions on the surface of the tablets is considered acceptable and is not a contraindication for use.

The drug is available without a prescription and can be stored for 3 years at room temperature not exceeding 25°.

Indications for use

The use of folic acid is indicated for all conditions accompanied by an increased risk of vitamin B9 hypovitaminosis. This may be an inadequate, meager diet, a period of diets (including diets for medical reasons, for example, in preparation for surgery), recovery period after illnesses.

People with genetic pathologies that impair the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine need additional vitamin B 9. One of these diseases is celiac disease - damage to the villi of the small intestine, manifested by the inability to break down and absorb wheat gluten.

Vitamin B 9 in the human body can be synthesized independently by the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore additional administration of the drug is indicated for conditions accompanied by an imbalance of microorganisms (primarily lactic acid bacteria).

    These could be:
  1. inflammatory processes in the intestines (colitis, enteritis, duodenitis);
  2. chronic contamination of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract with Helicobacter pylori bacteria (gastritis, peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach);
  3. acute intestinal infections;
  4. systemic damage to the digestive tract (Crohn's disease).

Instructions for the use of folic acid for men recommend including the drug as part of complex treatment regimens for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, vesiculitis and other pathologies that negatively affect reproductive function.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women need increased amounts of folic acid (about 400 mcg per day), as this vitamin provides prevention birth defects and deformities at the stage of embryonic development of the fetus.

One of the main consequences of insufficient intake of vitamin B 9 is disruption of the formation of the spinal tube, which contains a large number of nerve endings and receptors. This can lead to neurological pathologies, delays in mental development, paralysis.

In children whose mothers did not receive enough folic acid, the risk of cerebral palsy is more than 28%, hydrocephalus (water on the brain) - more than 40%.

Folic acid is a metabolic corrector, so its lack during pregnancy can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues of the placenta, disruption of placental blood flow and acute intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

To increase the chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child, it is recommended to take vitamin B 9 at the pregnancy planning stage (3-6 months before conception) for both women and men. The dosage of folic acid tablets during pregnancy can range from 100 to 800 mcg.

The standard prophylactic dose is considered to be 400-500 mcg per day.

For children

Children need folic acid for healthy growth and development. It has been proven that children who do not get the required amount of vitamin B 9 from food are more likely to have problems with academic performance, memory and concentration. Such children are susceptible to colds, they get tired easily and are characterized by emotional lability (frequent mood swings).

Composing balanced diet For baby food, it is necessary to take into account that folic acid contained in products is absorbed 40% more slowly and has lower bioavailability compared to synthetic vitamin B 9 .

    Instructions for the use of folic acid for children recommend taking the drug daily in the following dosage:
  • during the neonatal period (first month of life) - 100 mcg;
  • from 1 month to 4 years - 300 mcg;
  • from 4 to 18 children - 400 mcg.

In case of severe hypovitaminosis, the daily dose for children can be increased to 1 mg. Duration of treatment is 20-30 days.

Despite the fact that the official instructions prohibit the use of folic acid in children under 3 years of age, if necessary, the drug can be prescribed even to newborns and infants (subject to laboratory monitoring of blood counts).


The drug is contraindicated in cases of deficiency of sucrase and isomaltase - “reducing” sugars found in large quantities in cereals, nectar and tomatoes.

You should not prescribe folic acid to people with intolerance to fruit sugar and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, which impairs the absorption of monosaccharides in gastrointestinal tract.

An absolute contraindication to the use of folic acid supplements is B 12-deficiency anemia, which was previously called “malignant anemia.” With this pathology, the number of megaloblasts - cells with an abnormal shape and size - increases in the patient’s blood, and taking vitamin B 9 can enhance their maturation.

Side effects

If the recommended dosage regimen is followed, side effects are extremely rare. Cases have been reported in some patients allergic reactions(mainly in the form of skin rash), erythema, redness of the skin, moderate increase in body temperature within the lower limits of subfebrile condition.

In isolated cases, patients experienced broncho- and laryngospasms: in this case, it is necessary to immediately take an antihistamine and decongestant and call " ambulance».

Instructions for use

The instructions for the use of folic acid in tablets recommend strictly following the prescribed dosage regimen, especially for women over 45-50 years of age. After the onset of menopause in women, the absorption of vitamin B9 decreases, and the volume of undegraded folic acid in the blood plasma can reach 78%.

Despite the benefits of folic acid for women and women's health, it should be taken strictly in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor.

The dose of folic acid for children over 4 years of age, adolescents and adults is 400 mcg per day. In case of severe folate deficiency anemia, the daily dose can be increased to 1 mg.

The use of doses exceeding 1000 mcg per day may cause resistance to the drug, as a result of which folic acid will circulate in the blood unchanged, which increases the risk of developing tumor processes and megaloblastic anemia.

In some conditions ( alcohol addiction, liver cirrhosis, depressive disorders, chronic infectious diseases) the daily dose is 5 mg. The drug must be taken for a month.


The price of folic acid in pharmacies can range from 24 to 793 rubles. The final cost depends on the manufacturer, the concentration of the active substance, and the number of tablets in the package. Below is the approximate cost of the drug from different manufacturers in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

    In Moscow:
  • “Berezovsky Pharmaceutical Plant” (20 tablets, 5 mg) - 72 rubles;
  • “9 months” (90 tablets, 400 mcg) - 355 rubles;
  • "Altair" (50 tablets, 1 mg) - 35 rubles.
    In St. Petersburg:
  • “Berezovsky Pharmaceutical Plant” (20 tablets, 5 mg) - 77 rubles;
  • “9 months” (9 tablets, 400 mcg) - 368 rubles;
  • "Altair" (50 tablets, 1 mg) - 39 rubles.

Residents of Ukraine who are interested in how much folic acid costs can buy the drug at a price of 6.07 hryvnia.

Folic acid is essential for women's health. Everyone needs folate age groups. Folacin boosts immunity, improves the structure of hair, epithelium and nail plates. The bioactive substance preserves beauty and stops aging.

The compound controls metabolism and accompanies hematopoietic processes. Products containing folates are not always able to saturate organs and tissues with B9 vitamins to the required level. For this reason, doctors recommend that women consume synthesized folic acid.

Multivitamin supplements are necessary to eliminate many pathologies. Medicines with folacin are prescribed to normalize psycho-emotional stress, relieve stress and depression, and eliminate insomnia.

Women should take folic acid to balance hormonal levels and improve performance. If there is a sufficient amount of fat in the cells, the functioning of the brain and nerve tissues improves. With a normal level of vitamin B9, women's mood improves and their well-being improves.

Let's look in detail at the problem of why women who decide to conceive and bear a child drink folic acid. Folates are not able to be stored in large quantities. These substances are removed from tissues along with metabolic products. The concentration of vitamins must be constantly monitored.

Women are advised to take vitamin complexes 90 days before pregnancy and the entire period of bearing the baby. The role of folic acid for the mother and fetus is difficult to overestimate. The substance in the initial stages of prenatal development controls the production of DNA.

Folates are required so that the embryo's neural tube is formed correctly, organs develop normally, and abnormalities do not appear. To prevent diseases in the mother and baby, women are included in the preventive course of vitamin and mineral supplements containing folacin (daily dose 400-800 mcg).

What are the benefits of folic acid for women?

Patients begin to understand what a woman needs folic acid for when they learn the work of which organs the bioactive substance restores. Folates have a beneficial effect on the heart, immunity, digestion and nervous system.

Folic acid will help:

  • reduce the likelihood of heart disease;
  • increase the stress resistance of nervous tissues;
  • prevent migraines;
  • control the production of red blood cells (stop anemia);
  • minimize the occurrence of cancerous tumors;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • prevent miscarriage;
  • relieve postpartum depression;
  • strengthen the immune system (multivitamins are taken to prevent viral, bacterial and fungal infections);
  • control the synthesis of amino acids;
  • eliminate gestosis.

Folic acid is good for the liver. Medicines with folates are prescribed to women for hepatitis C. Vitamins suppress the development inflammatory processes, inhibit the transition of the disease to chronic form. Folates improve the functioning of liver tissue, stabilize the uneven mental state of patients, and strengthen the immune system.
Women need folic acid to maintain their beauty.
The substance does not allow pigmentation to occur on the skin and premature wrinkles. strengthens nails and hair. Nail plates stop splitting and hair stops falling out.

Excess folic acid is harmful for women. Excess folacin masks and disrupts digestion. Elevated concentrations of the bioactive substance provoke the appearance of cardiovascular pathologies (angina, heart attack, stroke) in women.

Hematopoietic reactions are not able to proceed normally in the absence of folate. The compounds stimulate the production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Vitamins B9 and B12 eliminate homocysteine, a compound that causes heart disease.

Homocysteine ​​does not enter tissues with food. The compound is synthesized from methionine through numerous biochemical reactions. The harmful substance quickly disintegrates in the presence of vitamins B9 and B12. If there is not enough folate in the tissues, homocysteine ​​is retained in the cells. Destroys vascular walls.

The wall tissues become loose under the influence of homocysteine. Atherosclerotic plaques, which occur when there is an excess amount of “bad” cholesterol, are easily embedded in their structure. The growths protrude into the lumen of the vessels. The movement of blood through narrowed vessels is difficult.

The transport of oxygen and nutrients into cells is reduced. Organs and tissues begin to starve and necrote. Large plaques can completely block the lumen of the vessel. Blockage leads to the development of a heart attack or stroke. Folic acid prevents the development of symptoms of atherosclerosis and prevents the development of dangerous heart pathologies.

The problem of whether it is possible to drink folic acid during menstruation should be resolved at an appointment with a gynecologist (doctors often prescribe B vitamins when menstruation is late). The doctor will take into account the indications, possible harm and the likelihood of adverse reactions will determine the optimal dose of the drug.

In case of heavy bleeding, accompanied by malaise, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, the gynecologist, in addition to vitamin B9, prescribes a medicine with iron.

Valuable components of medicines eliminate hormonal imbalances and improve health. In gynecology, folic acid is used:

  • to restore the menstrual cycle;
  • with heavy, painful bleeding;
  • to eliminate delays in menstruation;
  • during menopause and menopause.

Doctors have proven the relationship between vitamin B9 deficiency and irregular menstrual cycle. Medicines with folates normalize menstruation, restore the functions of the reproductive organs, and even out hormonal background.

The relationship between folic acid and menstruation is clearly visible when, after consuming the vitamin:

  • eggs begin to mature normally;
  • volume bloody discharge decreases;
  • pain during menstruation subsides.

Multivitamin complexes with folic acid provide a positive therapeutic effect when menstruation is delayed, when cycle failure occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin B9 and minerals.

It will not be possible to eliminate disorders caused by infections, the appearance of tumors, pregnancy or any gynecological pathologies with the help of folates. To suppress serious diseases, appropriate medications are used.

The treatment regimen includes cytostatics, antibiotics and others medications. There are pathologies that can only be eliminated through surgery.

Severe disorders that occur in the genitals due to a lack of B9 sometimes cause infertility. Women planning to conceive use folic acid before pregnancy.

When menstruation is delayed, women take multivitamin complexes in combination with vitamin E and C. The duration of the course is determined by the gynecologist. Start taking pills on the 1st day of menstruation.

Folic acid for women after 40 years

In 40-year-old women, the hormonal balance in the body is reconstructed. The concentration of estrogen in cells drops, and the ability to bear children fades away. Folic acid smoothes out the unwanted symptoms that occur during menopause. Prevents the epithelium from aging prematurely and maintains hair thickness. During menopause, the bioactive substance supports the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nerve fibers in women.

Ten years later, after age 50, folic acid is even more important for women. Folates have a positive effect on the course of biochemical reactions in cells. They debug physiological and psychological processes.

Older women take folic acid to produce the required amount of red blood cells. Red blood cells supply cells with oxygen and prevent the development of hypoxia in tissues.

In women who use folic acid during menopause, the gastrointestinal tract functions correctly. The bolus of food is quickly digested in the stomach, the broken down elements enter the small intestine and are carried into the cells by the bloodstream.

In old age, proteins are difficult to digest. The concentration of folacin in the cells of elderly people is reduced due to upset digestion and poor absorption of proteins.

How to take folic acid for women

For women, the norm of folic acid is 0.4-0.8 mg per day. Women who have entered the menopause and menopause phase are advised to take 0.3 mg of vitamin B9 daily. This dose reduces the negative manifestations that appear when hormones are imbalanced. For disease prevention and health support, the recommended dosage is 0.2 mg per day.

Plants and animal foods are enriched with folates. Bioactive substances found in:

  • greens (celery, sorrel);
  • raw vegetables (tomatoes, pumpkin, beans, peas, beans, cauliflower, broccoli);
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • nuts;
  • fresh fruits (oranges, bananas, apricots);
  • dairy products;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • beef and veal;
  • chicken meat;
  • turkeys;
  • lean pork;
  • seafood;
  • tuna fish.

But food products are not able to provide the daily requirement of vitamin B9. Elderly, pregnant and lactating women especially need to take medications containing folacin. They need to take vitamin complexes that contain folate.

The regimen of drug use is determined by the dose of the prescribed drug. Vitamins are taken on a full stomach. There is a 30-minute pause between eating food and using the medicine. Daily norm– 1-3 tablets.

Folates control the most important biochemical processes in the body of women. They improve metabolism, restore hormonal levels, and control the production of chromosomes. They stimulate brain function, activate neuropsychic processes, and prevent aging. B9 vitamins control conception and fetal development.

Folic acid levels should be monitored for women of any age. A deficiency of the substance leads to the development of pathologies that are dangerous to health and life. If a woman does not have enough folacin, she should take a multivitamin that contains this substance.

Folic acid (Lat. Acidumfolicum), which has the trade name “Folacin,” is a biologically inactive, water-soluble vitamin from group B (namely B9). It was discovered in 1930. The drug was originally named after the scientist who discovered it - “Wheels Factor”. Later, B9 was isolated from spinach leaves and named folic acid (Latin folium - leaf, leaf).

Pharmacological properties

Folacin for medical purposes is obtained artificially and sold in the form of tablets, dragees or capsules. Vitamin B9 is poorly absorbed in the human body; it is synthesized only in very small quantities in the large intestine. When consumed, folates are processed biologically by cells active form called tetrahydrofolate. It is thanks to him that the body produces the amino acids that a person needs.

Information about vitamin B9

Folates are found in fresh vegetables and fruits. People who prefer fresh greens in their diet never complain about a lack of vitamin B9.

This vitamin is contained in plants such as:

Fruits are also rich in vitamin B9:

  • citrus;
  • bananas;
  • apricots.

There is less folate in products of dairy or animal origin, but in order for the body to receive it in sufficient quantities, it is worth consuming:

  • liver;
  • eggs (yolk);
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese.

Vitamin B9 contains:

  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • yeast;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • millet;
  • wholemeal flour.

IN natural form folates poorly absorbed by the body. This is why people who need them must take it in the form of medications. The following vitamin medications are especially indicated:

  • women planning pregnancy;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • patients with intestinal diseases.

Indications for use of folic acid

According to the instructions, B9 is prescribed to men and women suffering from iron deficiency anemia, and also:

Children are prescribed vitamin B9 in the following cases:

  • its lack in the children's body;
  • in the treatment of anemia.

Taking folic acid by pregnant women

The benefits of vitamin B9 have been known for a long time, but only in the last ten years have doctors prescribed folate in for preventive purposes for pregnant women:

Sometimes, to enhance the effect, B9 is prescribed together with other vitamins: B12, ascorbic acid. It is more profitable to buy such multicomponent preparations than several vitamins separately.

Contraindications for folic acid

B9 drugs are not prescribed to patients:

  • with hypersensitivity to components;
  • for oncology;
  • in case of malabsorption of B vitamins;
  • with cobalamin deficiency (vitamin B12);
  • with hemosiderosis (disorder of the metabolism of iron-containing components).

In some cases, the following side effects of folic acid are possible:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • bloating;
  • allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching.

Use of vitamin B9

Folates are poorly absorbed from foods prepared in their pure form. For example, to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin B9, you need to consume about 20 stalks of fresh asparagus. IN artificial form This vitamin is absorbed better, and it is very inexpensive. You can take the drug for a long time - an overdose is unlikely, the component does not accumulate in cells and is well excreted from the body.

Dosage of the drug

Vitamins B9 provide g homeopathic effect on the human body and are available in the following dosage form:

  • in powder form - 1 mg dose;
  • in drops - a bottle with a dosage of 30 ml;
  • tablets - 25, 30, 60, 50 or 90 pcs. in a blaster, dosage 1-2 mg;
  • in the form of 1 mg tablets, used to prevent vitamin B9 deficiency in children;
  • for injections - 1 ampoule contains 400 mcg of active substance.

Indications for taking vitamin B9 and its daily doses prescribed for preventive purposes:

When treating certain conditions caused by a lack of vitamins B9, it is necessary to adhere to strict doctor's orders:

  • for atherosclerosis in elderly patients;
  • for celiac disease (digestive disorders);
  • for gum disease, gingivitis, bad breath;
  • for ulcerative lesions of the epidermis (folates are prescribed in combination with phenolic acid);
  • during depression.

Preparations with folates and analogues containing them are indicated for use by all age categories. Here are some other recommendations for their use: