Heaters Insulation Blocks

cinder block business plan

The building materials market in Russia is actively developing, which contributes to an increase in the share of cinder blocks production. More and more are being built in our country, which requires a huge amount of inexpensive, but high-quality materials for the construction of new buildings.

And it is cinder blocks that are especially in demand today in this market.

The reason for the popularity of cinder blocks lies in their versatility. They are used for the construction of mainly low-rise buildings - private houses and cottages, workshops, garages, utility blocks. The advantages of this material are increased heat and sound insulation, while the cost of a cinder block is much lower than for bricks, foam blocks and other building materials.

It is not difficult to open a business for the production of cinder blocks, since the technology for their manufacture is quite simple, and the raw materials are available and do not require significant costs. With simple technical equipment, a suitable site and funds to purchase a batch of raw materials, any novice entrepreneur can become the owner of his own small but profitable enterprise.

How to fill cinder block

In order to open a business for the production of cinder block bricks, an entrepreneur, first of all, will need a good vibrating machine. For small workshops, small-sized electric machines of domestic production are often used. As initial components for the manufacture of cinder blocks, cement, water, a plasticizing additive, as well as a variety of fillers are used. It can be sawdust, sand, gypsum, crushed stone, expanded clay, ash or scrap bricks. The choice of filler depends on the requirements that apply to the manufactured cinder blocks, on the characteristics of the local climate, as well as the planned cost of production.

Another important point in the process of creating a business is the choice of a production site. The most expensive option is a closed room where you can work all year round. A prerequisite is the presence of a flat concrete floor. The room should have high-quality ventilation, and in the cold season it will be necessary to carry out heating. A more economical option is an open area, which requires preliminary preparation. In order for it to be even, it can be asphalted, concreted, or simply leveled the surface of the earth.

If you are thinking about the prospects for further development of your business, be sure to use a professional business plan for the production of cinder blocks. In some cases, it turns out that there is simply nowhere to expand production, and it is not always possible to realize this fact without the support of professionals. With the help of this document, you will not only be able to foresee possible risks, but will also deal with such complex issues as finding a market for products, fighting competitors and improving production technology.

Production of cinder blocks

Do-it-yourself cinder blocks machine for the production of cinder blocks

Cinder blocks are a very popular and sought-after building material.

Business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations

It is made by vibrocompression in the form of a concrete solution. With a small amount of construction, you may not even need a machine for the production of cinder blocks, although it will go much faster with it.

What are cinder blocks and what are they made of?

Such material as cinder blocks is made of concrete, to which ash, slag, coal combustion residues, or any other cheap and affordable material is added.

The production technology and composition of cinder blocks is widely known, and many private developers have used it to build their houses. The process of their manufacture consists of several stages:

1. Mixing a concrete mixture of cement, water and any slag suitable for the technology manually or using a mixer or a concrete mixer.

2. Pouring the resulting mixture into a special form for cinder blocks, which can be both with special void formers and without them.

3. Compaction of the poured mass in the mold under the influence of pressure and vibration.

4. Removing the mold from the cinder block to dry it.

As a rule, on simple vibropresses without clamping, the process takes from 60 to 90 seconds, but if you buy a machine for making cinder blocks with a force of several tons and clamping, then the vibrocompression time can be significantly reduced.

5. In order for blocks made of slag to gain strength and be able to be stored and transported, they need to be “aged” for two to four days at natural ambient temperature. For complete hardening of vibro-concrete stones, as cinder blocks are also called, a month is needed, while the ambient temperature should not be lower than +1 ° C and a high level of humidity should be constantly maintained. The higher the ambient temperature, the faster the cinder blocks gain strength.

Block making equipment

If you have a small construction on your own site, then there will be no questions about the equipment. Today, such a practice as equipment rental is quite common. For a moderate fee, you can rent both for a few hours and for a longer period, the necessary devices, thanks to which productivity will be higher, and you won’t have to spend your own physical strength, will remain: a concrete mixer, a vibrating machine and a vibrating sieve.

In the event that the construction volumes are large, it is easier to order a vibro-machine for the production of cinder blocks from the manufacturer or in a special store and purchase it. There are many designs of such devices, but for individual construction and small businesses, the best option would be models of small-sized slag-block vibrating machines, for example, the "Builder's Dream" M310 or such manual machines with lever lifting of forms as 1IKS or MARS.

More powerful and productive, but correspondingly more expensive, are machines with lever clamping and mold lifting, such as Comanche and Dragon. Unlike the M310, MARS and 1IKS, which have a capacity of 200-400 pieces, they can produce up to 600 blocks per day. All machines for the production of building blocks require electricity of 220 watts. The table shows the technical characteristics and prices of the most popular vibrating machines.

From the presented table it can be seen that for a private developer, the most suitable, both in terms of price and performance, will be the M310, 1IKS and MARS machines.

For those who want to organize the production of cinder blocks with their own hands, or are engaged in contract construction, Comanche and Dragon will be more profitable acquisitions. But, before starting such a business of your own, it is imperative to calculate the costs, analyze the needs of the region where it is planned to develop activities, and, only on the basis of all this information, form your own business plan for the production of cinder blocks.

Vibrating machine Dragon, despite the rather high price, has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all - reinforced, in comparison with Comanche, matrix, frame, clamp and wheels. Yes, and it is equipped with a vibrator more powerful - industrial IV-99.

Having chosen the most suitable one for your conditions and financial capabilities, you can order a vibro-machine for the production of cinder blocks both from the manufacturer and in stores. Of course, the manufacturer's price will be lower, but do not forget about the cost of delivery services.

Business plan "Production of cinder blocks"

According to the testimony of experts in the field of economics, one of the most promising areas of commercial activity is the production of building and finishing materials. The demand for these products is not decreasing, which is why starting your own business in the industry associated with the production of any type of building material is a promising and profitable business. So, the direction of activity is defined, it remains to decide only on the specific type of material produced, for example, you can choose the production of cinder blocks. This material is in constant demand both from construction companies and individuals.

The advantage of opening a mini-business for the manufacture of cinder blocks is explained by the fact that it is better to purchase this material in small businesses than in large factories.

Dignity same material are:

  • extensive scope (use in the construction of garages, workshops, utility blocks, cottages, houses, etc.);
  • good heat and noise insulation properties;
  • lower cost compared to other materials (brick or foam block);
  • no need to involve masons in the work.

In order to open your own enterprise for the production of cinder blocks, you should draw up a business plan with the calculation of all the required indicators for the economic justification of the feasibility of launching the project, and also take into account in this project all the nuances of doing business in this area of ​​management.


A special place in the preparation of a business plan should be attributed to the choice of a suitable premises for future production. In this choice, there are several options:

  1. Covered room with a concrete floor, while the floor surface must be flat. To ensure the normal functioning of production, you should make sure that the ventilation and heating systems are in good condition in the room.

    Production of cinder blocks as a profitable own business

    It is better to rent such a room for the first time.

  2. Outdoor area, but also equipped with a flat floor. Such a floor can be earthen, asphalted or concreted.

The total area of ​​​​the premises to accommodate the entire production workshop should be at least 100 square meters. meters.

It is recommended to look for a location for the production workshop near cement plants, sand pits, etc. in order to reduce the cost of transporting raw materials to the place of their processing and production of finished cinder blocks.

In addition, it is desirable that the location of the production is at a close distance from the points of sale of finished products. All of these measures are aimed at reducing the cost of production and increasing the level of business income.

Raw materials and equipment

In any business plan (including for the production of cinder blocks), special importance is attached to the description of the equipment and the raw materials used.

The key installation in the equipment is the vibrating machine

The key installation in the equipment used is the vibrating machine; it can be involved in production in the form of various modifications.

Main raw materials used in the production of cinder blocks is:

  • water;
  • filler;
  • plasticizing additive;
  • cement.

Various materials can be used as a filler, the choice of a specific one depends on the financial capabilities of the businessman, as well as the requirements for the final product of manufacture. Most commonly used fillers are:

  1. sand;
  2. shavings;
  3. crushed stone;
  4. expanded clay;
  5. gypsum;
  6. screenings;
  7. sawdust;
  8. granulated slag;
  9. scrap brick;
  10. slag.

In the business plan itself, a detailed recipe for the production of cinder blocks must be provided, with the exact dosages of each type of raw material and additives used. A plasticizing additive must be used without fail, as it increases the strength, frost resistance and water resistance of finished cinder blocks.


3-4 workers are needed to service the production

In the business plan for opening the production of cinder blocks, issues related to recruitment should be consecrated. To service a mini-production, it is enough to attract 3-4 workers, while their experience of a similar kind is not at all necessary.

It should also be decided in what mode the production workshop will work, if its continuous work is planned in 2 shifts (for the purpose of greater output and corresponding production profit), then workers should be hired in the amount of 4 people to work 2 people in each shift.

In order for the production to function normally, recruited employees can be trained and explained all the responsibilities for ensuring the production process right on the spot.

Marketing program

For the success of the whole business as a whole and to prevent the enterprise from being unprofitable at the initial stage of work, a marketing program must be clearly spelled out in the business plan. It may include various tools, for example, setting a lower retail price for manufactured cinder blocks compared to similar products from other manufacturers at the initial stage of the enterprise. This will increase the competitiveness of your production and attract the attention of more potential buyers.


At the end of each business plan, a calculation of financial indicators is carried out, reflecting the feasibility of launching a new project or lack of it.

For example, if finished products are sold at an average price of 1700 per 1 cubic meter. meter, then the profit from the sale of this quantity of products will be 5000 - 6000 rubles daily. The result of such activities will be the payback period of the entire project, which will come in approximately 2-3 months.

Expenditure part financial indicators at the initial stage of project implementation include:

  1. rent of premises to accommodate production (outside the city) - 40,000 rubles per month;
  2. purchase of equipment - 1,800,000 rubles;
  3. purchase of primary raw materials - 100,000 rubles;
  4. staff salary - 80,000 rubles per month.

After calculating the income and expenditure parts of the business, it can be noted that the net profit on the business project will be about 555,000 rubles per month.

Download business plan for the production of cinder blocks for 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. In the public domain, on the Internet, it is not.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

Below is a video containing useful tips for starting a business related to the production of cinder blocks


Despite the rather tough competitive environment in this industry, the business associated with the production of cinder blocks may well become promising and profitable, and bring a stable profit. To do this, a competent business plan must be drawn up, which in the future must be implemented in compliance with all the nuances of doing business for this industry.

Readers interested in this topic can download a free sample of a business plan for the production of cinder blocks.